50 Best Aunt Lydia Clements Quotes

Aunt: How do we greet a miracle? Do we... do we whine like sick dogs? Praised be His mercy!

Aunt: And the Ceremony? Our records show that Ofjoseph's fertile time was last week.
Joseph: Yep. Aces. Praise be.

June: Aunt Lydia.
Aunt: Yes? What is it?
June: Does she seem all right? Considering?
Aunt: She's tougher than you think. Let her be an example to you. To all of you!

- A fine and healthy girl.
- God be praised.
Aunt: Clumsy!
Aunt: This is a time for rejoicing, my love.
- This is our happy, happy moment.
- Think of what's to come for you, my girl.

- do it.
Aunt: And why did god allow such a terrible thing to happen?
- All: Teach her a lesson!
- Teach her a lesson!
- Teach her a lesson!
- Teach her a lesson!
- Teach her a lesson!
- Teach her a lesson!

Aunt: You understand that everything that happens now must be for the good of the child?
Serena: Are you sure that she understands that?
Aunt: I will make sure of it.

Aunt: Mrs. Waterford.
Aunt: False labor foois the best of us.
- You might consider timing the contractions next time.
- I'm sorry, Mrs. Waterford.

Aunt: Quite right.
- Quite right.
- Blessed day.
- Take care, dear.
- Under his eye.
- Just_

June: You know that this can... be a difficult house. Children need to be in a safe place.
Aunt: I know what children need.
June: Did anyone ever ask you to be a godmother? In the time before?
Aunt: I will make allowances for girls in your condition, but... insolence is not permitted.
June: This baby is gonna come into this house... very soon. And in my experience, any man who would hurt a woman would hurt a child.
Aunt: What are you saying?
June: I'm saying... I'm saying this baby needs protection.
Aunt: I would never ever... allow anything to happen to this baby.
June: Praised be. Aunt Lydia, thank you.
Aunt: [picks up bag, starts out, then:] I was godmother to my sister's child. He died when he was four days old.
June: Sorry.
Aunt: It wasn't my fault.

- May I be worthy?
Aunt: Consider what's best for your daughter.

Aunt: This isn't easy for her.
- Don't think it's easy for me either.
- I'm doing my best.
- You were a fallen woman.
- I am trying to give you the best chance you can have.

- who chooses another wicked, selfish fool as her example.
- Especially when there are the godly, obedient, and joyful among you.
- Yes, ofjoseph.
- I have something else to testify.
Aunt: What is that?

- I didn't do anything wrong.
- I know.
- I just wanna go to the party.
Aunt: Ofwarren. I know.
- I didn't do anything wrong.
- I didn't do anything.
- Janine.

Aunt: [to Janine] Goodness. You look like the wreck of the Hesperus.

Aunt: We certainly won't have any more theatrics, will we?
Aunt: Such nonsense! Such a waste of energy, and for what? For nothing.
June: Janine isn't nothing.
Aunt: No, she most certainly is not. Do you think you've done her a kindness? She could have gone to God quickly, surrounded by her friends.
June: Friends don't stone their friends to death.

- Ma'am?
- Our supply is running low.
- It's just sometimes the milk dries up.
- If the baby's not...
- Yes, I understand.
- We can't have that now, can we?
- Where am I going?
Aunt: Just follow me.

[Softly] Please.
- Let me try to be good.
Aunt: Wonderful.
- God will certainly bless this house with peace.
- I have confidence in you all.
- You'll find your way.

- Nine months can feel like quite a long time.
- Blessed be the fruit.
- May the lord open.
Aunt: Well, shall we get you something to eat, then?
- Yes, aunt Lydia.
- Wonderful.

Aunt: Her attitude seems... much improved.
Serena: It's everything a wife could ask for. She's quite unlike herself.
Aunt: Mrs. Waterford, no small effort has been made to bring Offred to heel.

- How do you take your tea?
- I'm afraid I won't have time after all.
- Busy day. More visits to make.
- I'll see myself out.
- See you soon, I hope.
- Blessed day.
Aunt: Blessed day.

- Han dmaids: We remember them.
Aunt: Ofcolin.
- Han dmaids: We remember them.
Aunt: Ofraymond.
- Han dmaids: We remember them.
- We remember them.

Aunt: ...we are bound by Mrs. Waterford's wishes.
June: Why? You promised me you would take care of this baby.
Aunt: Yes. Well. One can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. We must look to the future. And you are a popular girl. Several households have already made overtures. Commander and Mrs. Weber sent me these baked goods. Bit of bribery. Take one, dear. You've earned it.
June: I think I've earned all the cake.
Aunt: Prideful girls don't get anything.
June: [takes one] Thank you.
Aunt: We'll be back for more in three hours.
June: [voiceover] Bran. Great. Praised fucking be.

- I can't tell you.
Aunt: Keep going!
- Why do you think god's looking out for you?
- He saved my life.
- Twice now.
- There's got to be a reason.

Aunt: Verily I say unto thee, today thou shalt be with me in paradise.
- What's going on?
- No! No!
- Okay.
- Oh, my darling. No!

Aunt: Be courageous and do not fear, for god is with you.
- He will strengthen you, and help you.
- He will uphold you with his righteous hand.
- O blessed and glorious day!

Aunt: Where did they take her?
Doctor: She woke up a few hours ago.
- She's made some improvements.
- Fresh air will do her good.

Aunt: All right, dear, see you tomorrow.
- Go to your spot. My spot.
- They don't stand for disorder, not in the capital.
- Go on, now. You be a good girl.

Aunt: The doctors aren't, uh... too optimistic.
- I'm sorry, Lydia.
- She was a blessing.
- Is a blessing! She'll recover.
- Of course.
- Do you want to say hi?
- You wanna say hi?

Aunt: Quitting is very hard. I used to smoke, too. Once upon a time. I'm pleased that everything's going so well with the baby.
Serena: As our doctor would happily tell you.
Aunt: Have I let myself become a bother? There's so much more to a successful pregnancy than can be measured in a doctor's office. The ventilation in the handmaid's room. The firmness of the bed. The mood in the household.

Aunt: Mrs. Waterford, I've worked with many wives and handmaids. This part is always hard.
Serena: Mothers. Mothers and handmaids.
Aunt: [nods] Ah. It's only natural to resent her. God will forgive you for that.
Serena: Well, she makes it difficult.
Aunt: Mm. She's strong. But that means your child will be strong.

Aunt: Girls... I wish I could give you a world without violence, without pain. That's all I ever wanted. And in their names, dear Lord, we remember them: Ofryan, Ofleo, Ofhal, Ofzeb...

Aunt: Ofjoseph. Ofjoseph.
- Okay, ofjoseph.
- Almost there now.
- One step at a time, dear.
- Almost there.

Aunt: Ah, I'm pumped. Didn't they used to say? Are you pumped, dear?
June: [sarcastically] Oh yeah, I'm pumped, Aunt Lydia.
Aunt: No-one likes a sourpuss, Ofjoseph.

- Honey, you've got to get up now.
- All right. Come on, dear.
- She's safe.
- She's safe. You're okay.
- Come on now.
- You've got to rest.
- Baby...
Aunt: Come along now.

- Don't fucking touch me!
- No, no.
- Get out!
- Get out!
- No, Esther!
- Get out!
Aunt: Help me! Help me!
- No, no. Help me! Help me!

- We won't know until god brings the little angel into the world, of course.
- But I have a feeling he'll be a fine boy just like his father.
- Yes. What man doesn't want a son?
- Did you know your baby is the size of a papaya now?
- A papaya. Is that right?
Aunt: Thank you.
- Of course.

Aunt: The dynamics between a wife and a pregnant handmaid are always challenging, but if you'll forgive me, you have been blessed with a particularly willful pair.
Fred: Precisely why I stay out of it.

- that it was actually happening.
- But it did happen.
- Didn't it?
- Yeah.
Aunt: And who led them on?
- Whose fault was it?

Aunt: Oh!
- Come along, dear. It's time.
- Offred: I would like to be without shame.
- I would like to be shameless.
- I would like to be ignorant.
- Then I would not know how ignorant I was.

Aunt: May the Lord keep you in His mercy.
[shakes her head]
Aunt: Stupid girl.

- But not too warm. Understand?
- Offred: Yes, aunt Lydia.
Aunt: When was your last bowel movement?
- Yesterday around lunchtime, wasn't it?
- Yes, Mrs. Waterford.
- I'll go see about that tea.

- Aunt 5: You two, not so close.
Aunt: Up those stairs! Up those stairs!
- Aunt 4: Quiet, now.
Aunt: Heads down. Hands in front.
- Excellent. We want you looking your best for our very special visitors.

- Breathe! Push, push.
- Push, push, push!
- Wife: Oh, here she is! [Gasps]
Aunt: You did it, love.
- Good girl!
- She's beautiful!
Aunt: There we are.

Aunt: [indicates body hanging at the wall] I believe you know him. He drove a bread delivery truck.
June: [realizes who Aunt Lydia is referring to, looks up at the body, then collapses to her knees]
Aunt: The wife will redeem herself by serving as a handmaid. The boy will never see his mother again. He has been placed with new parents. Parents who are fit. Gilead has shown them mercy. They will have a chance at a better life. Of course, if you had asked them, this would not have been the path they would have chosen. But you didn't ask them, did you? You chose for them. Such... a selfish... girl.

Serena: Please remove the damaged ones.
Aunt: Mrs. Waterford, ma'am, whatever punishment these girls had to endure was for the greater good. They deserve to be honored just like everyone else.
Serena: And we do honor them. But you don't put the bruised apples at the top of the crate. Do you?

Aunt: Praise be.
- -[knock on door]
- -[door buzzes]

Aunt: Commander Lawrence is a very brilliant, very important man. He's considered the architect of Gilead's economy. Have you nothing to say for yourself?
Emily: I'm wondering why such an important, brilliant man would take in such a shitty handmaid.

Aunt: I know how difficult this is, girls. I do. But... God gives us blessings, and He gives us challenges. The price of His love is sometimes high. But it must be paid.

Aunt: Girls? I know this must feel so strange, but ordinary is just what you're used to. This may not be ordinary to you now, but after a time it will. This will become ordinary.

Aunt: There is a reason handmaids are not told when a child is sick. It's far too upsetting.
June: She heard the rumors.
Aunt: And you took it upon yourself to confirm them.
June: I think after everything she has been through, she deserves that. Some honesty, at least.
Aunt: If this breaks her, I will hold you personally responsible. Do you understand?
June: Yes. Aunt Lydia. I will, too.