50 Best Buzz Lightyear Quotes

Buzz: I've set my laser from stun to kill.
Woody: Oh, great. If anyone attacks we can blink em' to death.

[At the beginning of the movie, Rex just lost a Buzz Lightyear vs. Emperor Zurg game, right when nearly winning]
Rex: No, no, no, no.
Buzz: Oh, you almost had him.
Rex: I'm never gonna defeat Zurg!
Buzz: Sure, you will, Rex. In fact, you're a better Buzz than I am.
Rex: But look at my little arms! I can't press the fire button and jump at the same time!
[gestures those buttons]

Lotso: Ken? New toys!
Ken: Far out! Down in a jiff, Lotso.
[goes down the elevator]
Ken: So, who's ready for Ken's dream tour?
Lotso: Let's show our new friends where they'll be staying!
Ken: Uh, folks, if you'll just want to step right this way...
[he sees Barbie]
Ken: Hi, I'm Ken.
Barbie: Barbie. Have we ever met?
Ken: I would have remembered.
[she laughs]
Ken: Love your leg wamers!
Barbie: Nice ascot!
Lotso: Come on, Ken, recess don't last forever.
Ken: Right on, Lotso. This way everybody.
Lotso: Got a lot to look forward to, folks. The little ones love new toys.
Buzz: What a nice bear!
Rex the Green Dinosaur: And he smells like strawberries.
Woody: Ugh.

[last spoken lines]
Buzz: You still worried?
Woody: About Andy? Nah, it will be fun while it lasts.
Buzz: I'm proud of you, cowboy.
Woody: Besides, when it all ends I'll have old Buzz Lightyear to keep me company - for infinity and beyond.

[the toys are meeting Buzz for the first time]
Hamm: So where you from? Singapore? Hong Kong?
Buzz: Well, no. Actually, I-I'm-- I'm stationed up in the Gamma Quadrant of Sector Four.
[as Buzz speaks, Woody looks down at the cardboard box and finds that everything that Buzz is saying is from the back of the box]
Buzz: As a member of the elite Universe Protection Unit of the Space Ranger Corps, I protect the galaxy from the threat of invasion... from the evil Emperor Zurg, sworn enemy of the Galactic Alliance!
Mr. Potato Head: [nonplussed] Oh, really? I'm from Playskool.
Rex: And I'm from Mattel. Well, I'm not really from Mattel. I'm actually from a smaller company that was purchased in a leveraged buyout.

[Woody finds Buzz dressed up as "Mrs. Nesbitt" and in the company of two headless dolls]
Woody: What happened to you?
Buzz: One minute you're defending the whole galaxy, and, suddenly, you find yourself sucking down darjeeling with Marie Antoinette... and her little sister.
[chuckles nervously]

Jessie: Buzz! Mind if I squeeze in next to you?
Buzz: Yes. No! I mean, w-w-why-why would I mind squee-squeezing next to you? - Is it hot in here?

Buzz: 'The Slingshot Manoeuvre Is All We Got, Full Speed Ahead!'

[the road leading to Al's Toy Barn on the other side has a tonne of Traffic in the way of the Toys]
Rex: Oh well, we tried.
Buzz: [Holds onto Rex's tail] We'll have to cross.
Rex,40147: WHAT?
Mr. Potato Head: You're not turning me into a Mashed Potato.
Slinky: I may not be a smart dog, but I know what roadkill is.
Buzz: There must be a safe way.

Woody: [from inside the milk-crate] Listen Buzz, forget about me. You should get outta here while you can.
[Woody looks over to see that Buzz has disappeared. Suddenly the milk-crate he's in begins to shake. He notices Buzz trying to push the toolbox off]
Woody: Buzz! What are you doing? I thought you were...
Buzz: Come on, Sheriff. There's a kid in that house who needs us. Now let's get you out of this thing.
[both Woody and Buzz push against the milk-crate, which budges very slowly. As the sun rises, Woody and Buzz notice the moving van pull into Andy's driveway]
Buzz: Woody! It's the moving van!
Woody: We've gotta get out of here, now!
[Buzz manages to push the milk-crate for enough to the edge of the desk for Woody to hop out of, and onto the floor, but Buzz doesn't notice]
Woody: Buzz! Hey, I'm out!
Buzz: [continuing to push the crate] Almost there!
[the toolbox and the milk-crate fall off the desk, and land right ontop of Woody]
Buzz: [noticing Sid still asleep, then runs to the edge of the desk] Woody! Are you alright?
Woody: [lifting up the toolbox that fell on top of him] I'm fine... I'm OK.
[Sid's alarm clock rings, as Woody hides back under the milk-crate]
Sid: [waking up] Oh yeah! Time for lift off!
[Sid grabs Buzz and runs out the door. Woody tries to run after Sid, only to find his dog, Scud, right outside, who runs out at Woody, only to be shut out just in time]

Buzz: Your backpack's in the antique store! Let's go!

Buzz: [about Sid] I don't believe that man's ever been to medical school!

Alien: A stranger.
Alien: From the outside.
Aliens: Oooooooooooooooh.
Buzz: Greetings, I am Buzz Lightyear. I come in peace.
[all the Alien Toys gather around him]

Woody: Hey, Buzz! You're flying!
Buzz: This isn't flying, this is falling with style!
Woody: [excitedly] To infinity and beyond!

Buzz: [in Sid's backpack, approaching his home] Sheriff, I can see your indwelling from here. You're almost home.
Alien: Nirvana is coming, the mystic portal awaits.
Woody: Will you be quiet? You guys don't get it, do you? Once we go into Sid's house, we won't be coming out!

[last lines]
Woody: Buzz? Buzz Lightyear? You're not worried, are you?
Buzz: Me? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Are you?
[camera pans out]
Woody: Now Buzz, what could Andy possibly get that is worse than you?
Andy: [from downstairs] Oh, oh, what is it? What is it? Wow, a puppy!
[camera zooms back in]
Woody,40145: Heh, heh!

Sergeant: [Three of Andy's army men are preparing to jump out the window with parachutes] We've done our duty. Andy's grown up.
Army: Let's face it. When the trash bags come out, we army guys are the first to go.
Buzz: Trash bags?
Woody: Who said anything about trash bags?
Sergeant: It has been an honor serving with you. Good luck, folks.
Army: You're gonna need it!
[they jump out]

Bo: So, How About You, How's Your New Kid?
Woody: Bonnie? Oh, She's Great, Jessie Is Loving It!
Bo: Jessie's Still With You?
Woody: Oh Yeah, The Whole Gang's Still Together, Well I Mean, Most Of Us.
Bo: What About Rex?
Woody: Yeah, Yeah, Rex, Bullseye, Slinky, The Potato Head's
Bo: Buzz?
Woody: Yeah, Yeah, Buzz Too, I Cannot... Wait To See His Face When He Hears That I Found...
Buzz: Bo Peep?
Bo: Buzz!
[Buzz Laughs]
Bo: My Old Moving Buddy, It's So Good To See You!
Buzz: Woody, It's Bo Peep!
[Same Time As Woody]
Buzz: What Are You Doing Here?
Woody: Buzz?
[Same Time As Buzz]
Woody: What Are You Doing Here?
[Ducky & Bunny Push Buzz Down The Roof, Buzz's Buttons Keep Pushing]
Woody: 'Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz Lightyear To The Rescue'!
Bunny: Three Years!
Bunny: That's How Long We've Been Hanging Up There Waiting For A Kid!
Buzz: Look, I'm Sorry About That...
Ducky: You Ruined Our Lives, Shame On You
[Starts Crying]
Woody: Who Are These Guys?
Ducky: Lightyear Promised Us A Kid!
Woody: You Did What!
Buzz: I Did Not!

Buzz: What's going on?
Woody: Nothing that concerns you space man, just us toys.
Buzz: I'd better have a look anyway.
[he looks through Lenny the binoculars]
Buzz: Why is that soldier strapped to an explosive device?
Woody: [moves Lenny] That's why. Sid.
Buzz: [seeing a dog] Sure is a hairy fella...
Woody: [re-moving the binoculars] No, no, that's Scud, you idiot. *That* is Sid.
Buzz: [Sid is laughing maniacally] You mean that happy child?
Mr. Potato Head: That ain't no happy child!
Rex: He tortures toys - just for fun!

Buzz: 'No Time To Explain, Attack!'

Rex: Mr. Lightyear, now I'm curious... what does a space ranger actually do?
Woody: He's not a space ran-*ger*! He doesn't fight evil or, or... shoot lasers or fly.
Buzz: Excuse me.
Buzz: [Buzz deploys his wings; all exclaim in excitement]
Hamm: Wow. Impressive wingspan. Very good.
Woody: Oh, what? What? These are plastic; he can't fly.
Buzz: They are a terillium-carbonic alloy, and I *can* fly.
Woody: No, you can't.
Buzz: [sighs] Yes, I can.
Woody: Can't.
Buzz: Can.
Woody: Can't, can't, ca-an't!
Buzz: I tell you, I could fly around this room with my eyes closed!
Woody: Okay, Mr. Light Beer, prove it.
Buzz: All right then, I will. Stand back, everyone.

Buzz: She'll be okay. Bonnie will be okay.

Woody: Listen, Lightsnack. You stay away from Andy. He's mine, and no one is taking him away from me.
Buzz: What are you talking about? Where's that bonding strip?
[slides under his ship with a skateboard]
Woody: [pulls him back out] And another thing, *stop* with this *spaceman* thing! It's getting on my nerves.
Buzz: Are you saying you want to lodge a complaint with Star Command?
Woody: Oh-ho! O-okay, ooh, well, so you wanna do it the hard way, huh?
Buzz: [gets out from under his ship] Don't even think about it, cowboy.
Woody: Oh yeah, tough guy?
[pushes Buzz' round red button and opens his visor. Buzz chokes the "Toxic Air" around him. Woody looks around, unsure how to react]
Buzz: [sniffs] The air isn't toxic?
[gets up and points accusingly at Woody]
Buzz: How dare you open a spaceman's helmet on an uncharted planet! My eyeballs could've been sucked from their sockets!
[closes his visor]

Emperor: Surrender, Buzz Lightyear. *I* have won.
Buzz: I'll never give in. You killed my father!
Emperor: No, Buzz. I *am* your father!

Woody: [whispering to Buzz from inside the Milk-crate, which he can't get out of since Sid placed a Toolbox on top of it] Psst! Hey Buzz!
[No response. Woody throws a washer against Buzz' visor. Buzz slowly looks over]
Woody: Hey! Get over here and see if you can get this toolbox off me!
[Buzz looks away]
Woody: Oh, come on Buzz. I can't do this without you. I need your help.
Buzz: I can't help. I can't help anyone.
Woody: Why sure you can, Buzz. You can get me out of here and then I'll get that rocket off you, and we'll make a break for Andy's house.
Buzz: Andy's house. Sid's house. What's the difference?
Woody: Buzz, you've had a big fall. You must not be thinking clearly!
Buzz: No, Woody. For the first time, I *am* thinking clearly. You were right all along. I'm not a Space Ranger. I'm just a toy. A stupid, little, insignificant toy.
Woody: Wait a minute. Being a toy is a lot better than being a Space Ranger.
Buzz: Yeah, right.
Woody: Not, it is!
[points through the window to Andy's room]
Woody: Look, over there in that house is a kid who thinks you are the greatest, and it's not because you're a Space Ranger, pal, it's because you're a toy. You are his toy!
Buzz: [Buzz looks at his plastic parts and fake control panel] But why would Andy want me?
Woody: [sighs] Why would Andy want you? Look at you! You're a Buzz Lightyear! Any other toy would give up his moving parts just to be you. You've got wings, you glow in the dark, you talk, your helmet does that... that whoosh thing. You're a cool toy. As a matter of fact, you're too cool. I mean - what chance does a toy like me have against a Buzz Lightyear action figure. All I can do is this.
[pulls his Pull String]
Woody: [voice box] There's a snake in my boot!
Woody: Why would Andy ever wanna play me me, when he's got you? I'm the one that should be strapped to that rocket.
[Woody leans against the milk-crate, and Buzz looks at the sole of his foot with Andy's name printed on. He glances back at Woody with a look of determination across his face from the words Woody gave to him]

[from trailer]
Buzz: Hold on, this is no time to be hysterical!
Hamm the Piggy Bank: This is the perfect time to be hysterical.
Rex the Green Dinosaur: Should we be HYSTERICAL?
Slinky: No!
Mr. Potato Head: Yes!
Buzz: Maybe! But not right now!
Hamm the Piggy Bank: C'mon. Let's go see how much we're going for on eBay.

[Buzz holds up his boot to the other toys, with Andy's Name underneath it, proving to them that he's their Buzz]
Buzz: [Closing his helmet] Will somebody *please* explain what's going on?
Buzz: It's all right, Space Ranger. It's a code 546.
Buzz: [gasps] You mean it's a...?
Buzz: Yes.
Buzz: And he's a...?
Buzz: Oh, yeah.
[Buzz #2 runs over to Woody and gets down on his knees]
Buzz: Your Majesty.

[Woody jumps on to a train of orphaned Troll dolls. He pulls the brake to try and stop the train before reaching the broken bridge, but they still fall into the canyon]
Jessie: No!
[Suddenly, Buzz Lightyear appears, lifting the train and its passengers out of the canyon]
Buzz: Glad I could catch the train!
Woody: Now let's catch some criminals!
Buzz: To infinity and beyond!
[Cut to the Potato Heads and the aliens in their car, counting money and laughing evily]
Aliens: [pointing at the sky] Ooh!
[Buzz flies above the bandits and slices their car with his laser. After the criminals tumble to the ground, Woody, Buzz, and Jessie enter]
Woody: Reach for the sky!
Mr. Potato Head: You can't touch me, Sheriff. I brought my attack dog with a built-in force field!
[Mr. Potato Head calls Slinky Dog over with a whistle. Slinky bounces down from the mountains and forms the force field around the Potato Heads and aliens]
Woody: Well, I brought my dinosaur who eats force field dogs!
Jessie: Yodel-ay-hee-hoo!
[the ground cracks apart, and Rex emerges. He roars at the evildoers, but then notices something]
Rex the Green Dinosaur: Huh?
Buzz: [a pig-shaped spaceship suddenly appears. Its driver is Hamm, portraying Dr. Porkchop] Evil Dr. Porkchop!
Hamm the Piggy Bank: That's *Mr.* Evil Dr. Porkchop to you.
[Hamm teleports the Potato Heads, the aliens, and Slinky onto his ship. He also pushes a button reading, "Death by Monkeys," trapping our heroes with a flood of plastic red monkeys. As Mr. Potato Head reaches toward a button activating a destructive ray, the scene suddenly cuts to Andy's bedroom. The whole scene actually took place in Andy's imagination, as he plays with the toys and a cardboard spaceship]
Young: [as Woody] Buzz, shoot your laser at my badge!
Young: [as Buzz] Woody, no! It'll kill you!
Young: [as Woody] Just do it!
[Andy shields Buzz's eyes and pushes the laser button. He uses his finger to trace the laser bouncing off Woody's badge, then knocks the spaceship and its evil passengers towards the ground]

Woody: [thinks Buzz has gone crazy] I think you've had enough tea for today. Let's get you out of here, Buzz...
Buzz: Don't ya get it?
[points to a doll's hat on his head]
Buzz: You see the hat? I am Mrs. Nes-bitt!
[laughs hysterically]
Woody: Snap out of it, Buzz!
[opens Buzz's visor, slaps Buzz across the face with his detached arm, then closes the helmet]
Buzz: [calmly] I-I-I'm, I'm sorry, I am just a little depressed, that's all. I can get through this.
[breaks down again]
Buzz: Oh, I'm a sham!

Buzz: Woody was right, we all should have been safe guarding the utensil.
Trixie: Why isn't Woody back yet?
Rex: Do you think he's lost?
Buttercup: Buzz, what do we do?
Trixie: What Do We Do Buzz? Buzz What Do We Do? What Do We Do Buzz? What Do We Do Buzz? Buzz? Buzz?
Buzz: Uh, Well, Uh... I Uh, Well, I, Uh...
Rex: What Would Woody Do?
Hamm: Jump Out Of A Moving Vehicle.
Buzz: What Would Woody Do?
[Pushes Button]
Buzz: 'There's A Secret Mission, In Uncharted Space'. I Think I Uh, Have To Go.
Rex: Where?
Slinky: Where ya going? Why?
Buzz: [Pushes Button] 'No Time To Explain, Attack!' No Time To Explain!
[Jumps Out The Window]

Buzz: Terrain seems a bit unstable. No readout yet if the air is breathable. And there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere...
Woody: [sneaks up on Buzz] Hello-o-o!
Buzz: HO-YAH!
[Woody screams. Buzz fires his "laser" at Woody]
Woody: Hey hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Did I frighten you? Didn't mean to. Sorry. Howdy. My name... is Woody... and this... is Andy's room. That's all I wanted to say. And also, there has been a bit of a mix-up. This is my spot, see... the bed here.
Buzz: [sees Woody's "Sheriff" star badge] Local law enforcement! It's about time you got here. I'm Buzz Lightyear, Space Ranger, Universe Protection Unit. My ship has crash-landed here by mistake.
Woody: Yes, it is a mistake, because, you see, the bed here is my spot.
Buzz: I need to repair my turbo boosters. Are you still using fossil fuels, or have you discovered crystallic fusion?
Woody: Well, let's see, we got double-A's.

Woody: Buzz, I... I...
Buzz: She'll be okay.
[Woody sighs]
Buzz: Bonnie, will be okay.

[to Jessie]
Buzz: Uh, ma - ma'am? I, uh, um, well, I just wanted to say you're a bright young woman with a beautiful yarn full of hair. A hair full of yarn. It's ah... um... I must go.
Jessie: [brings him back] Well aren't you just the sweetest space toy I ever did meet!

Buzz: Buzz, are you coming?
Buzz: No, I... I have a lot of catching up to do with my dad.
[Buzz throws the ball back to Zurg; it hits him on the head]
Emperor: Good throw, son. That's my boy! Go long, Buzzy!
[throws Buzz #2 another ball]
Buzz: Oh, you're a great dad. Yippee!
Buzz: Farewell!

Rex: Buzz, you could have defeated Zurg all along! You just need to *believe* in yourself!
Emperor: [Points his blaster at Buzz #2 set at the highest level] Prepare to die!
Rex: Aah! I can't look!
[as Rex turns he accidentally knocks Zurg down the elevator shaft with his tail]
Emperor: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Rex: I did it; I finally defeated Zurg!
Buzz: [forlornly reaching down toward the abyss] Father.

Woody: [running towards Buzz in a mocking sort of manner] Buzz! Oh, Buzz! Buzz Lightyear! Buzz Lightyear, thank goodness! We've got trouble!
Buzz: Trouble? Where?
Woody: Down there. Just down there. A helpless toy! It's - It's trapped, Buzz!
Buzz: Then we've no time to lose.
[Buzz jumps over to the side of the desk, while Woody sneaks over to RC's remote, waking him up, and aiming him directly at Buzz]
Buzz: I don't see anything!
Woody: Uh, he's there. Just - Just keep looking.
[Woody sends RC driving towards Buzz. Buzz jumps out of the way, and RC crashes into the pin-up board in the corner, knocking all the pins down around Buzz. The board crashes down into Andy's globe, knocking it loose, rolling towards Buzz]
Woody: [Buzz jumps out of the globe's way, onto the windowsill, but the globe strikes Andy's folding-arm desk lamp. It spins over Woody, who ducks out of the way, and hits Buzz, sending him flying out the window]
Hamm,40146: [stop their card game, and run over to the window in panic] BUZZ!
Woody: Buzz!
[Buzz flies into the bushes nearby and disappears]
Slinky: [the rest of Andy's toys gather round] I don't see him in the driveway. I think he bounced into Sid's Yard.
[Woody gulps and backs away from the window after what happened]

Woody: You'll be okay in the attic?
Jessie: Of course I will... Besides, I know about Buzz's Spanish Mode.
Buzz: My what?

Buzz: Don't worry, Woody. In just a few hours you'll be sitting around a campfire with Andy making delicious hot Schmoes.
Woody: [lamely] They're called "S'mores", Buzz.
Buzz: Yes, yes. Of course.

Andy: [opens box, and takes out Jessie] This is Jessie, the roughest, toughest cowgirl in the whole west. She loves critters, but none more than her best pal, Bullseye!
[pulls out Bullseye, and makes a whinnying sound]
Andy: Yee-haw!
[holds the two toys out to Bonnie]
Andy: Here.
Bonnie: [shyly walks over and takes Jessie and Bullseye, a smile on her face]
Andy: [pulls out Rex] This is Rex! The meanest, most terrifying dinosaur who ever lived! RAWR! RAWR!
Bonnie: [recoils a little, but then giggles, and takes Rex too]
Andy: [pulls out Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head] The Potato Heads: Mr. and Mrs. You gotta keep them together because they're madly in love.
[Andy sets them down in front of Bonnie, before pulling out Slinky Dog]
Andy: Now Slinky here, is as loyal as any dog you could want.
[Andy then pulls out Hamm]
Andy: And Hamm, he'll keep your money safe, but he's also one of the most dastardly villains of all time: Evil Dr. Porkchop!
[Andy then places the two with their friends, before pulling out the three aliens]
Andy: These little dudes are from a strange alien world: Pizza Planet!
[Andy sets them down before reaching into the box again]
Andy: And this, is Buzz Lightyear, the coolest toy ever! Look! He can fly, oh, and shoot lasers!
[Andy pops open Buzz's wings, and fires his laser]
Andy: He's sworn to protect the galaxy from the Evil Emperor Zurg!
Bonnie: [Bonnie takes Buzz from Andy, and presses one of the buttons on his spacesuit]
Buzz: To Infinity, and Beyond!
Andy: Now, you gotta promise to take good care of these guys. They, mean, alot to me.

Buzz: Woody, stop this nonsense and let's go.
Woody: Nah, Buzz.
Woody: I can't go. I can't abandon these guys. They *need* me to get into this museum. Without me, they'll go back into storage. Maybe forever.
Buzz: Woody, you're not a collector's item, you're a child's plaything. You - are - a *toy*!
Woody: For how much longer? One more rip, and Andy's done with me. And what do I do then, Buzz? Huh? You tell me.
Buzz: Somewhere in that pad of stuffing is a toy who taught me that life's only worth living if you're being loved by a kid. And I traveled all this way to rescue that toy because I believed him.
Woody: Well, you wasted your time.

Buzz: [Woody, scared, walks backwards and he gets startled by Buzz. Buzz keeps talking to his "mission log"] And according to my navi-computer, the...
Woody: [whispers] SHUT UP! Just shut up, you idiot!
Buzz: Sheriff, this is no time to panic.
Woody: This is a perfect time to panic! I'm lost, Andy is gone, they're gonna move from their house in two days, and it's all your fault!
Buzz: My-my fault? If you hadn't pushed me out of the window in the first place...
Woody: Oh, yeah? Well, if *you* hadn't shown up with your stupid little cardboard spaceship and taken away everything that was important to me...!
Buzz: Don't talk to me about importance! Because of *you*, the future of this entire universe is in jeopardy!
Woody: WHAT? What are you talkin' about?
Buzz: Right now, poised at the edge of the galaxy, Emperor Zurg has been secretly building a weapon with the destructive capacity to annihilate an entire planet! I alone have information that reveals this weapon's only weakness. And *you*, my friend, are responsible for delaying my rendezvous with Star Command!
Woody: [pause, then screams] YOU - ARE - A... *TOY*! You aren't the real Buzz Lightyear, you're... you're, you're an action figure!
[holds hand up to eyes indicating something small]
Woody: *You* are a child's *plaything*!
Buzz: You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.
Buzz: [waves in military fashion] Farewell.
[starts to walk away]
Woody: Oh, yeah? Well, good riddance, ya loony!
Woody: [walks off grumbling sarcastically] "Rendezvous with Star Command".

Buzz: [looking at another toy of himself] Am I really that fat?

Rex: [gasps] What're we gonna do, Buzz?
Buzz: Use your head!
[the toys use Rex as a battering ram in the next shot]
Rex: But I don't wanna use my head!

[Whilst the toys search the Woody on Al's Office, unaware that he's not really there and in Al's Apartment, Al enters talking on the phone and walking over to the Fax Machine]
Slinky: [Whispering] It's him.
Hamm: The Chicken Man.
Buzz: Funny, he doesn't look like poultry.
Slinky: That's the Kidnapper alright.
Buzz: Kidnapper, an Agent of Zurg if I ever saw one.
Al: [Putting a photo of Woody through the Fax Machine] And the Piece de Resistance. I promise the Collection will be the Crown Jewel of your Museum.
[the photo pops out the Fax Machine through the other side, landing on the floor where the toys hid]
Slinky: It's Woody
Al: Now that I have your attention, imagine we added another Zero to the price, huh? What?
Al: [Overjoyed] Yes? Yes! You've got yourself a deal! I'll be on the next flight to Japan!
Mr. Potato Head: [Shocked] He's selling Woody to a Toy Museum.
Rex: In *Japan*.
[the toys all jump into Al's Bag]
Buzz: Into the Poultry Man's Cargo Unit. He'll lead us to Zurg. Move, move, move!
[Rex's tail hangs out of the bag, Al picks it up and laughs]
Al: [Cheering to himself] I'm gonna be rich! Rich! Rich!

Buzz: That Barbie has nice handwriting!
Jessie: Uhh, Buzz? Barbie didn't write this.

Buzz: Years of Academy training wasted.

[after Buzz Lightyear and his friends leave Woody and Bo Peep]
Rex: Does this mean... Woody's a lost toy?
Buzz: He's not lost. Not anymore. To infinity...
Woody: ...and beyond.

Buzz: [Watching the elevator Al went into go up] Blast, he's at Level 23.
Slinky: How are we gonna get up there?
Rex: Maybe if we found some balloons, we could float to the top.

Woody: All right, that's enough! Look, we're all very impressed with Andy's new toy.
Buzz: Toy?
Woody: T-O-Y, Toy!
Buzz: Excuse me, I think the word you're searching for is "Space Ranger".
Woody: The word I'm searching for - I can't say, because there's preschool toys present.

Buzz: 'To Infinity & Beyond!'