The Best Charlie Rose Quotes

[first lines of the series]
BoJack: "Horsin' Around" is filmed before a live studio audience.
Sabrina: [sighs] Mondays.
[canned laughter]
BoJack: Well, good morning to you, too.
Sabrina: Oh, hey.
BoJack: Where? I love hay!
[canned laughter]
Charlie: In 1987, the situation comedy "Horsin' Around" premiered on ABC. The show, in which a young, bachelor horse is forced to reevaluate his priorities when he agrees to raise three human children, was initially dismissed by critics as broad and saccharine and not good, but the family comedy struck a chord with America and went on to air for nine seasons. The star of "Horsin' Around", BoJack Horseman, is our guest tonight. Welcome, BoJack.
BoJack: It is good to be here, Charlie. Sorry I was late. The traffic...
Charlie: It's really no problem.
BoJack: I parked in a handicapped spot, I hope that's okay.
Charlie: You parked in a...
BoJack: I'm sorry. Disabled spot. Is that the proper nomenclature?
Charlie: Maybe you should move the car.
BoJack: No, I don't think I should drive right now. I'm incredibly drunk. Is it just me, or am I nailing this interview? I kind of feel like I'm nailing it. Yes.
Charlie: Anyway, we were talking about "Horsin' Around". To what do you attribute the show's wide appeal?
BoJack: Charlie, listen, you know, I know that it's very hip these days to shit all over "Horsin' Around", but at the time, I can tell you... Is it okay to say "shit"?
Charlie: Please don't.
BoJack: 'Cause I I think the show's actually pretty solid for what it is. It's not Ibsen, sure, but look, for a lot of people, life is just one long, hard kick in the urethra, and sometimes when you get home from a long day of getting kicked in the urethra, you just want to watch a show about good, likable people who love each other, where, you know, no matter what happens, at the end of 30 minutes, everything's gonna turn out okay. You know, because in real life... Did I already say the thing about the urethra?
Charlie: Well, let's talk about real life. What have you been doing since the show's cancellation?
BoJack: That's a great question, Charlie. I, uh... Uh, I... Um...