The Best Coldstone Quotes

Goliath: It will come to you in time, brother. The important thing is, you're alive. Come. You will rejoin your clan in our new home.
Coldstone: I would like that very much.

Goliath: I don't want to hurt you!
Coldstone: You already have!

Coldstone: My memories are clouded. Why should I trust you?
Desdemona: If you can't trust me, then trust your heart.

Goliath: What's wrong brother?
Coldstone: Why nothing, "brother."
Hudson: [grabs Goliath's arm to slow him] Stay back lad. Something's not right here.
Goliath: It's all right. I trust you brother.
Coldstone: Do you? Pity.
[pulls out laser and fires at Goliath]

Coldstone: What am I?
Demona: You are cold stone brought to life.
Coldstone: Coldstone?

Coldstone: You said that destroying my brother is the only way to survive. Is that all there is for us, mere survival?
Demona: Isn't that enough?
Goliath: No. Gargoyles protect. It is our nature. Our purpose. To lose that is to be corrupt. Empty. Lifeless.

Goliath: You would betray *my* trust, brother?
Coldstone: You were a fool to extend it.
Goliath: Then you leave us no choice!

Coldstone: [tortured voice] Please, I beg you, be quiet.
Brooklyn: Who's he talking to?
Goliath: Somehow he's being tortured... from within.
Lexington: And if we want to save him, someone's going to have to go inside to do it.