The Best Criminal Minds, Season 13, Episode 20 Quotes

Emily: [opening quote] "Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die" - Anonymous

Matt: [Opening the fridge] I think something died in here! When was the last time this thing was cleaned?
David: Well, let's just say: I wouldn't be surprised if you find a lunchbag in there with Hoover's initials on it

Penelope: Hey, thanks for picking me up at the airport
Carlos: Anything for my favorite sister
Penelope: Oh... that is very sweet. I am also your only sister
Carlos: [laughing] Yup

Penelope: So, this is the part where you say that prison has made you a better man and all you need is a chance to prove it?
Jesse: No, the only thing I want is a chance to go back to that night, to make a better a choice
Penelope: We have that in common

Jennifer: Well, it may take the three of us to equal one Garcia, but let's do our own digital dig

Penelope: [closing quote] "Forgiveness is the fragrance the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it" - Mark Twain

Penelope: [picks up the phone] Garcia, ready, willing and able

Emily: [Garcia is about to travel, but will give remote support] We could take a temp
Penelope: Pish-posh, I am nothing if not the queen of multitasking in the kingdom of taking care of business