The Best Dave Williams Quotes

Edie: Mrs. McCluskey, you're still alive!
Karen: It's nice to see you too, Edie. How long has it been? Five years?
Edie: This is my husband, Dave Williams.
Karen: [to Dave] So, how did you two meet? You run a free clinic or something?
Dave: I'm sorry, who are you?
Karen: Karen McCluskey, Edie's best friend on the street.

Karen: You planned this whole thing. The party... breaking into my house... my reaction. You're trying to get rid of me.
Dave: Yes... and I'm sorry it had to be you.
Karen: 'Cause I know you're up to something. Something awful.
Dave: You don't know what "awful" is. Well... you take care of yourself Karen. I mean that.

Dave: [to Lynette] You know what a midlife crisis is?
Lynette: I'm married to a 45 year old man who has a red convertible. Yeah, I think I know.