50 Best Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City Quotes

[Wesker] Hey!
- You snooze, you lose.
[Wesker] What...?
- It's Jill's sandwich now.
- Mmm. Mm-mm-mm.
[Wesker] Hey. Oh, god.
- Come on.
- Pay up.
- Come on, pay up.

- Come on.
Young: Why are we going in here?
- I want my brother.
[Man] She bit my hand.
- Get her.

- You need to get to that train.
- You need to go now.
- I'm sorry, man. I'm sorry.
- I wouldn't have pulled the trigger, kid.
Jill: No, no, no.
- Wesker!

William: This is my life's work. I'm not giving it to anybody.

Claire: [Finding a kid hiding under the table] Hey... you need help?
Sickly: YOU need help.

- You know, I should have taken you and your sister down to the lab.
- You would have made excellent specimens.
- [Gunshofl the fuck...
- From my brother.
- Do it.

- Come on, come on.
- Goddamn bullets. Come on.
- Fuck! [Yells]

- No, thanks. No way.
- Maybe you wanna stay on till gatlin.
- Tell him you had a change of heart.
- People put too much emphasis on family anyway.
- Sometimes, you just gotta let it go.
- Watch out!
- Shit!

- Thank you.
- Claire.
- You got some weird friends.
- [Gunshofl

- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait, wait, wait. Okay.
- Wait, just slow down.
- Wait, wait, wait.
- Wait!
- [Gunshofl
- Hey.

Annette: William, what have you been doing down here?
- God's work.

- We need more ammo and guns.
[Irons] The armory's downstairs.
- Where are you going?
- I'm gonna try and get a hold of your brother.
- There's no way out of raccoon by road, but we mightjust be able to take a helicopter.

- We have to get to the helicopter.
- Where's wesker?
- The helicopter crashed. Vickers is dead.
- Wesker betrayed us, Chris.
- What?
- He was gonna leave us here to die.
- We have to follow him,
- I think it's our only way outta here.

- [Gunshofl really?
- What?
- Someone should confiscate that.
- Just...
Richard: Uh, hey, guys.
- They went this way.

- I should have listened to you a long time ago.
- I'm sorry.
- It's okay.
- I may have scratched the paint on your bike.
[Groans] Don't make me laugh.
- Sorry.
- Oh, fu...

- I just really wanna get out of this town.
- Vickers, can you read me? Over.
- Vickers, this is chief irons, pick up your damn radio!
[Irons over radio] Vickers, can you read me? Over.
- Vickers, this is irons.
- Pick up your damn radio.
Jill: Hey.

- "Below"?
- Hey.

[Woman on TV] No, thanks. If I want to look at pictures, I go to fotomat.
- Besides, Rose brought me.
- She's waiting outside with the dog.
- Hey, you ever stick your head out of a car window doing 50?
- What a rush.

Claire: Lisa Trevor.
- We need to get to the Spencer mansion.
- You know how, don't you?
- Fnend?

[Wesker] Holy shit.
- You saved my life.
- Oh, shit.
[Sighs] Come on. Come on, come on.

- Radio irons.
- Tell him we found bravo team's Jeep.
- Will do.

- We should split up.
- What?
- The faster we find them, the faster we can get the fuck outta here.
- All right, we go in pairs.
- I'll go with you, wesker.
- Keep your shit wired at all times.

Jill: What would the worst way to die be? To be swallowed whole by a snake? Or eaten alive by a great white shark?
Chris: You're a freak, Valentine. I plan on dying peacefully, in bed, snuggled in Wesker's big burly arms.

- Drop your gun! Show me your hands!
- Haven't got a gun.
- Who the fuck are you?
- Come on.
- Leon, put that gun down.
- Sir, are you in charge again?

Claire: Every story has a beginning. Discover the origin of evil.

Leon S. Kennedy: Hi. Uh, sir, um... Uh, what's going on? 'Cause, um... Should we... should we call someone?
Chief: Who you gonna call? You're the police.
Leon S. Kennedy: An ambulance?
Chief: Look, I'm no medical expert, but I think that guy might just be beyond saving, hmm?

- Fuck.
Chris: Dooley?
- Fuck.

[Aiken] Dooley.
- Richard!
- Redfield!
- Aiken!
- Let's get the fuck out of here!

- You were.
- My eyes.
- What happened to my eyes? I can't see.
- It's a side effect.
- One of the things we had to do to bring you back.
- There will be others.

- Welcome home.
- What's going on with you?
- Don't go getting ill on me, you son of a bitch.
- I don't have insurance for you.
- Fuck!
- You fucking bit me, you motherfucker!

Claire: Sit down.
Jill: We'll get it started.
Claire: Okay.
- We only have five minutes left until the place self-destructs.
- How does it all work?
Leon: All right.
- We're gonna get out of here.

- Run!
- Comeon!
- Shit.

- Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! Fuck!
- Where the fuck did she go?
- Hello?
- You've been in an accident and you need help!
- We need to go after her.
- You can do whatever the fuck you want.
- I'm getting the fuck outta here.

Chief: [Catches Wesker looking at his pager during a briefing] I'm sorry, Wesker. Is that important?
Albert: No, it's- it's... I'm all good.
Chief: A new girlfriend, huh?
Chief: . Maybe you can take her out to eat at Planet Hollywood. They got a new one at Gatlin. They've got a great salad. Little wine. Or maybe just take her back to your apartment, rent a movie at Blockbuster, get cozy on the couch. Or... put on some Journey.
Chief: Steve Perry's voice, what it does to a woman's heart.
[to Jill]
Chief: Am I right?
[chuckles; back to Wesker]
Chief: How's that sound?
Albert: [Beat, nervous] Sounds like I might be getting laid.
[both share a laugh]
Chief: [serious] But it ain't gonna happen tonight, because I want you dressed in five! All of you! And ready to fly, because I want to know where the hell Bravo Team is! And what the fuck all those alarms are about! You got me? Come on, get moving! Go!

- What's your name?
[Girl] Shh.
- "Lisa Trevor"?
- Do you live here?
- Where do you live?

- Raccoon city, locked down and secured.
[Man] Please let me in.
- Let me in.
- Let me in.
- Help, please.

- Hey. Why are we here?
[Irons] This place has a secret passageway that leads to the Spencer mansion.
Claire: How'd you know about this place?
- They bought you off, didn't they?
- They paid you to keep quiet about all the shit they were doing in here.
- And now, they've left you to rot here just like us.

- Aw, fuck.
- Fuck.

[Stammering] Key.
- The second key.
- Key. Key. Key.

- I'm not really offering you a choice here, pal.
- Okay, wait. Just put the gun down.
- Just put it down.
- Who do you work for?
- Doesn't matter.
- No, I don't suppose it does.

Chris: What the fuck's a chatroom?

- Come on.
- We have to find Chris and Richard, and tell them that vickers is dead.
- Come on.
- Come on, these are your friends!
- I can't.
- What are you...?

- Fuck!
- Uh... guys?
- Shh.
- Guys!
- What the fuck?
- No, there was someone there.

- Okay.
- Rookie?
- Yeah.
- Trust me,
- I'm as surprised as you are, buddy.
- Shall we go?
- Let's go.
- Come on!

- Can I help you?
- Hello?
- Hey, do you need help?
- You need help.
- Itchy tasty!

Jill: Come on, just through here.
- Okay.
- Oh, shit.
Chris: Jesus.
- Hide.
- Come on. Go. Go.

[Birkin] Chris, come out and play.
- Did you really believe you could be part of my family?
- Such a sweet, little soldier.
- Such a loyal, little drone.
- Where are you, Chris?
- How could you be so dumb when your sister's so smart?

Jill: Holy S***. What the f*** you guys do to this train

Ben: Yeah, who doesn't cough up a little blood on the floor when they're feeling sick?

- Don't worry about your brother.
- He'll be coming along as well, in due course.
- We would never separate the two of you.
- We just need you to come with us and someone will collect all of your belongings.
Annette: William!