The Best Declan Desmond Quotes

Declan: I can't believe it! Homer Simpson a bloody millionaire?
Homer: Why are you so shocked? This is our fifth take.

Declan: The beta-male attempts to reclaim leadership of his herd. Ah, that's good narration.

Lenny: I'm ready for my segment!
Declan: Lenny, always exciting to hear from you! Did you ever try that new shampoo?
Lenny: Nope never did. Do you want to see me pay my cable bill? I have checks with butterflies on them. I am interesting.
Declan: No you're not.

Declan: Are you and Marge planning on having children?
Homer: No way! You won't find a couple of rugrats tying me down.
[Cut to Homer and Marge with young Bart and Lisa]
Homer: I hope you don't use this shot after the one where I say I won't have kids, because that would be a devastating edit.

Marge: I'm so proud of my Homer I feel my chest will burst. Can you edit that? I don't want to say "chest" in a movie.
Declan: You said it, and it stays.

Lenny: My daddy said I could have any birthday party I want. My cake will be a picture of a dinosaur, and all the guests will say, "Why, Lenny, that's a fine cake!" Then, "Yes", I'll say.
Declan: [narrates] I decided not to waste any more film on him after that...