30 Best Glenn Close Quotes

Glemn: [William Hurt has given Glenn Close a less than flattering introduction] Thanks, Bill. Bill, can I introduce you when you host the show?
William: Oh Glennie, I would never host this show.

Defense: We found the escape pod. It's empty.
Vice: So where's the president?
Defense: I think we have to acknowledge the possibility that the president may be dead.
White: Why wouldn't they tell us?
Defense: Diversion. Try to buy some time. It could've happened in a crossfire, and they're afraid we'll retaliate.
General: Damn right we'll retaliate. We'll release General Radek into the god damn atmosphere.
Vice: It doesn't add up. That terrorist knew that we'd recover the pod in short order. He expected that we'd be talking to Marshall.
White: Let's not bury him yet. He could still be alive on that plane. Let's not forget this president is a Medal of Honor winner. In Vietnam, he flew more helicopter rescue missions than any man in my command. He knows how to fight.
Vice: Then he's taking a terrible chance with his life.
White: The element of surprise is a formidable advantage in combat. If he's up there, he's the best chance that we have.
Vice: That pod was designed for a reason, General. He has no right to take chances with his life.

Alex: [from her tape, which Dan is listening to] Hello, Dan. Are you surprised? This is what you've reduced me to. I guess you thought you'd get away with it. Well... you can't. 'Cause part of you is growing inside of me, and that's a fact, Dan, and... you'd better start... learning how to deal with it. 'Cause you know, I... I feel you. I taste you. I think you. I touch you. Can you understand? Can you? I'm just... asking you... to acknowledge your responsibilities. Is that so bad? I don't think so. I-I don't think it's unreasonable. And, you know, another thing is that you thought that you could just walk into my life, and turn it upside down, without a thought for anyone but yourself. You know what you are, Dan? You're a cock-sucking son of a bitch. I hate you. I bet you don't even like girls, do you? Ha! You disappoint me, you fucking faggot!

First: [as a chandelier is falling on top of her] The Nancy Reagan chandelier!

Vice: This is the Vice President of the United States. To whom am I speaking?
Ivan: This is the person who controls Air Force One. The world's most... secure aircraft.
Vice: What is it that you want?
Ivan: We'll get to that.

Roy: I'll take some coffee, then.
[Hobbs finds ball and glove on couch after viewing framed photos placed on furniture]
Iris: It's my son's. he means the world to me. he's a great kid.
Roy: I'll bet he is. I'd like to meet him.
Iris: He's coming pretty soon.
Roy: Is he with his father?
Iris: No. His father lives in New York. But, I'm thinking he needs his father; he's at that age. He needs him.
Roy: Sure. A father makes all the difference.
Iris: [music starts as she turns her gaze away from the conversation and whispers] Yeah.
[looks at son's photo, turns to Hobbs and embraces him]
Iris: You gotta catch a train.
Roy: I can stay.
Iris: I think you'd better go.
Roy: Yeah. Okay.
Iris: Where to next?
Roy: Boston. Sorry I missed your boy.

Alex: [to Beth] And don't you think I understand what you're doing? You're trying to move him into the country... and you're keeping him away from me. And you're playing happy family. Aren't you?
[begins to slice her own leg with a butcher knife]
Alex: You wouldn't understand that because you're so... so selfish. He told me about you. He told me about you. He was very honest. If you weren't so stupid, you'd know that. But you're so stupid. You're so stupid... you're a stupid, selfish bitch!

General: Moscow police found six members of a Russian TV news crew murdered. The same crew that was cleared to fly on Air Force One.
White: Jesus.
Vice: Oh, please tell me it's not that easy.
White: No. You would have to generate fake ID, photo, fingerprints.
General: Could be with a little help from Moscow.
Vice: How would they get the weapons on board the plane?
Defense: There's no way to get weapons aboard Air Force One. It's impossible.
Vice: Well, there are enough weapons already on board to take Panama, but who has access to them?
Defense: You think someone on the plane helped them?
Vice: What if somebody did and they're still on the plane? Who do they trust up there? Who do we trust?

Ivan: I understand that Air Force One can refuel in mid-air. Well we need fuel, and we need it now.
Vice: I'm sure we can come to some kind of arrangement. If you land the plane we'll trade fuel for hostages.
Ivan: This is bullshit! It's simple physics. Without fuel the plane crashes,
Ivan: everybody dies!
Vice: We're trying to do everything we can.
Ivan: Tell me what I want to hear or I will execute a member of the senior staff and continue killing one hostage every minute until the plane crashes, or refueling plane arrive. Well what do you say?
Vice: Fuel's on its way.
Ivan: Thank you.

[last lines; message in the paper for Homer]
Mother: Homer. Your mother loves you. I escaped from the bus the moment before it plunged off the cliff. I then hitched a ride from a nice young couple. We had lunch at a lovely diner. They had clam chowder, Rhode Island style. I never knew there was such a thing! And the crackers kept on coming...

Alex: [on the phone to Dan] Bring the dog, I love animals... I'm a great cook.

Roy: That day in Chicago; why did you stand up?
Iris: I didn't want to see you fail.

Vice: What does the psych profile say? How far do they say he'll go?
Defense: He's a Radek loyalist. That tells us all we need to know, doesn't it?
White: He'll see this thing through to the last hostage or his own death.
Defense: You release this bastard, and all of Central Asia will go up in flames!
Vice: I'm well aware of that.
Defense: Bring back the old Soviet empire under a flag of genocide? Radek with a nuclear arsenal? I hate to say this, but 50 people is a small price to pay to stop that from happening.
White: Even if one of them is the president?
Defense: The presidency is bigger than any one man. Didn't they teach you that at Yale?

Alex: You're here with a strange girl being a naughty boy.
Dan: I don't think having dinner with anybody's a crime.
Alex: Not yet.

Dan: Why are you trying to hurt me?
Alex: I'm not trying to hurt you, Dan, I love you!
Dan: You what?
Alex: I love you!
Dan: You don't even know me.
Alex: How can you say that?

Roy: I coulda been better. I coulda broke every record in the book.
Iris: And then?
Roy: And then? And then when I walked down the street people would've looked and they would've said there goes Roy Hobbs, the best there ever was in this game.

Alex: [to Dan] You play fair with me, I'll play fair with you.

President: What do you think, Marcia?
First: Kick the crap out of 'em!

Mona: To Lisa, I give something not even the government can take from you: my rebellious spirit.
Lisa: Oh, grandma. I accept your gift.
Bart: Lisa got nothing! Lisa got nothing!

Kala: Close your eyes. Now forget what you see.
Kala: [puts Tarzan's hand to his chest] What do you feel?
Young: My heart.
Kala: [puts Tarzan's head by her chest] Come here.
Young: Your heart.
Kala: See? We're exactly the same.

Vice: Can't we release him today and pick up the pieces tomorrow? We caught him before, we catch him again.
Defense: If Petrov releases Radek, his government will fall. I promise you that. Then who's gonna stand up to Radek? You go to catch him again, you're gonna find him in Moscow.
White: With all respect, Mr. Secretary, we don't need more dramatics. We need options.
Defense: It's not an option.
White: We need a decision.
Defense: It's not her decision.
Vice: No?
Defense: This is a military situation. I'm the Secretary of Defense. Check your regs. In the absence of the president, the buck stops here.
Vice: Get the Attorney General with a copy of the Constitution. We have...
[checking their watches]
Vice: Oh, my god! 19 minutes. I'm gonna consult with President Petrov.

Mona: Homer, if you're watching this, either I'm dead, or you've gone through my stuff. If I'm dead, this is my video will; if not, please keep away from my stuff.

Alex: [TV Version] Well, go to hell!

[watching a Martian on TV]
First: [after seeing the Martians for the first time] I'm not allowing that thing in my house.
President: Sweetie, we may have to. The people expect me to meet with them.
First: Well, they're not going to eat off the Van Buren china.

Nova: The fate of 12 billion people is in your hands.
Peter: Hold on a second, you're being serious right now?

Vice: How the hell did they get Air Force One?

Alex: [to Dan] This is not gonna stop. It keeps going on and on.

Iris: You know, I believe we have two lives.
Roy: How... what do you mean?
Iris: The life we learn with and the life we live with after that.

White: [after hearing the president] My God! Is he saying what I think he's saying?
Vice: If we're going to act, we have to act now.
Defense: It's too risky.
Vice: The president is up there with a gun to his head.
General: He asking us to do that to Air Force One?
Vice: He's not asking. Your Commander-in-Chief has issued a direct order. Do it!

Kerchak: Everyone, we will avoid the strangers. Do not let them see you and do not seek them out.
Tarzan: They mean us no harm, Kerchak.
Kerchak: Tarzan, I don't know them.
Tarzan: But I do. I have spent time with them.
Kerchak: You may be willing to risk our safety, but I'm not.
Tarzan: Why are you threatened by anyone different from you?
Kerchak: Protect this family and stay away from them.
[Tarzan sulks away]
Kala: Tarzan, for once listen to Kerchak.
Tarzan: Why didn't you tell me there were creatures who look like me?