150 Best Dylan Minnette Quotes

Justin: [to Clay about Tony] He's my babysitter? What happened to Sheri?
Clay: Sheri couldn't skip twice in a row. She's taking the evening shift.
Justin: I thought he wanted nothing to do with me.
Tony: No, I don't, so keep your mouth shut and don't piss me off.
Justin: Don't piss me off.
Tony: And if you puke on this leather, I'm gonna have to kick your ass.

Keller: Don't talk to them.
Ralph: [Looks up at Keller, confused and distraught] Eliza told me they're dead... Is it true?
Keller: No.
Ralph: Well, she said... they found... their bloody clothes...
Keller: Don't you tell your mother that. Don't you *dare* tell your mother that. Do you understand me? Now, I need you to listen to me...
[whispering harshly]
Keller: I need you to stay and run the house for a couple of days; and you make sure she does not watch the news and when the paper comes, you just throw it the fuck away! Listen to me... We do *not* give up on your sister. We do *not*!
[pauses, while trembling]
Keller: I'm gonna find her... I'm gonna bring her home. We do not give up.
Ralph: You're gonna bring her *home*? She's *dead*, *you* can't do anything, you've been leaving me and mom here while you've been going out and getting *fucking drunk*! You think I can't smell it on you?
Keller: [Keller grabs Ralph's shoulders, whips him around, and pins him against the wall in a fury] *SHUT UP*!

Clay: [to Ani] Why were you asking around about me today?
Ani: Why didn't you tell me about that night? With Bryce and the gun?
Clay: It was a stupid mistake and nothing happened.
Ani: What about Hannah? You never told me about her.
Clay: Why would I? There's plenty of shit you didn't tell me!

Tyler: Jesus, Clay, what are you doing in here?
Clay: Just seeing what our prize-winning photographer is working on.
[looks at Tyler's photos]
Clay: Interesting stuff.
Tyler: Well, no, don't. This is all for yearbook only. You're not supposed to be here.
Clay: Really? You're gonna call me out on trespassing? I heard your tape.
Tyler: And throwing a rock through my window isn't enough?
Clay: I didn't throw one.
Tyler: So, what do you want, then?
Clay: I want you to delete the photos you took. Destroy the negatives, whatever or I'm turning you in.
Tyler: Turning me in? What, are you gonna turn everybody in? Like Justin and Alex?
Clay: You stalked her.
Tyler: I'm the student life photographer, okay? I stalk everybody. It's my job.
Clay: That means you stand outside everyone's windows?

Clay: [to Alex and Justin] Look, I'm sorry about the tapes, but it's gonna get worse before it gets better and I need you guys.

Zach: [the moon glows bright on Hannah as she turns ghostly blue] What is it?
Hannah: Nothing.
Zach: Are you sure?
Hannah: Yeah
Zach: Yeah, totally. I'm fi...
[interrupted by a Graveyard Ghoul]

[from trailer]
Zach: Alright, everyone, find anything you can to barricade the doors.
Hannah: We cannot let the monsters inside.

Sheri: [When Clay discovers that Sheri is helping out the Cantrells] The first time I came here, I tried to tell them. I stood on the front porch and I just I couldn't get a word out. I remember Miss Cantrell saying, "Well, don't just stand there, come in." The next time I stopped by, they invited me for dinner. The next time after that, I helped hang pictures and now I just spend time with them, help around the house.
Clay: They seem to like you.
Sheri: Yeah, they're cute. They remind me of my grandparents.
Clay: But they don't know the truth. You didn't tell them about the accident.
Sheri: What good would that do? Mrs. Cantrell says he still has nightmares about it.
Clay: What about the other family?
Sheri: Look, I can't. I... I just I can't face them.
Clay: And what they might do?
Sheri: Look, I will tell them. I will. Someday.
Clay: You have to tell them now. Like, today.
Sheri: Why now? Why today?
Clay: Because every day hurts.
Sheri: How do you know?
Clay: Every day, they live not knowing the truth. They need this, Sheri.
Sheri: They do, or you do?
Clay: They're hurting.
Sheri: How do you know that? Did you go see them?
Clay: That's not the point. You can't keep this secret anymore.
Sheri: It's my secret, not yours.

Clay: [to Justin] Whatever happened, whatever Hannah thinks happened, how does that help Jess now?
Justin: What she needs, what we all need is for this to be done with.
Clay: How can she be done with this if she doesn't know what it is?

Clay: [to Alex] Is "Gloomy Sunday" really a song?
Alex: Yeah. Google "Hungarian Suicide Song."
Clay: I'll take your word for it.

Clay: And how the hell am I supposed to listen to this?
Tony: I think the asshole answer is, you put the headphones on, the cassette tape in, and press play.
Clay: That is the asshole answer, isn't it?
Tony: Yeah, but it's true.

Lainie: Clay, about the Baker trial...
Matt: Can we just have one morning without discussing that?
Lainie: The subpoenas go out today.
Clay: Who's getting one besides me?
Lainie: Sorry, Clay, I'm not at liberty to discuss it. The other day, you asked me if a person could be prosecuted if they hurt someone, but the victim couldn't come forward. You said it was hypothetical, but you were talking about Hannah, weren't you?
Clay: I wasn't, actually.
Lainie: Because if something happened to her and you were involved in any way...
Clay: You think I hurt her?
Matt: Lainie...
Lainie: I don't.
Clay: If I did hurt her, and I admitted it, I could go to jail.
Lainie: W-Well, this is a civil proceeding, not criminal.
Clay: But it is sworn testimony, so if I lied, it's perjury.
Lainie: Why would you need to lie?
Clay: If I knocked down a stop sign and a kid got killed, is that manslaughter?
Lainie: Clay, what the hell are we talking about?
Clay: I'm sorry, Mom. I'm not at liberty to discuss it.

Ani: Would you want your entire life to be judged by the worst thing you'd ever done?
Clay: He was a rapist!
Ani: Okay, Tyler nearly murdered all of you and you did everything you could to help him.
Clay: That is not the same. Bryce didn't deserve...
Ani: So only Clay Jensen gets to decide who's worth saving?
Clay: Oh, so that's why you fucked him? To save him?

Clay: Fuck. I never totally realized. That's a really great word.

Clay: [to Bryce about Hannah] You raped her.
Bryce: What?
Clay: You fucking raped her.
Bryce: Dude, don't talk about what you don't know about.
Clay: Why did you do it?
Bryce: Thank you for coming. Get the fuck out of my house.
Clay: Not until you admit it.
Bryce: Seriously, Jensen.
Clay: Say what you did. Say it.
Bryce: What business is it of yours?
Clay: She was my friend.
Bryce: She's dead. What does it matter?
Clay: Say it.
Bryce: Calm the fuck down.
Clay: I need what I need, for you to admit what you did. Here. Right out there. A week before she slit her wrists and died at home, you raped her.
Bryce: She came to my party. Mine. She got in the hot tub with me, without a suit on. Right? And she made eyes.
Bryce: I know that's hard for you to hear, that your crush wasn't pure and clean, but she fucking wanted it.

Clay: [about Skye] I mean, what a... what a bitch!
Tony: Wow.
Clay: Well, she is!
Tony: I just, I never heard you use that word before.
Clay: She doesn't know what was going on in Hannah's life!
Tony: You don't know what's going on in hers.
Clay: Would you... you know, shut up, Tony? I get so sick of your little sayings, and things that you point out, acting all wise... You're like this-this unhelpful Yoda!
Tony: Is that a crack on my height?
[Clay moans silently and puts on his headphones]
Tony: Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on a minute.
Clay: Why?
Tony: Headspace. Headspace.
Clay: Unhelpful Yoda. Unhelpful Yoda.

Alex: So not only did everyone think Hannah gave it up for me I took away her best friend. And who knows? If she had a friend, maybe...
Clay: It's okay, man.
Alex: No, it's not. It's not okay. You want it to be okay because then you get off the hook, but you're losing your shit. You want to think whatever you did couldn't be why Hannah killed herself, but the truth is that I did. I killed Hannah Baker! And Justin killed Hannah Baker. And Jessica. And you. We all killed Hannah Baker.
Clay: Maybe you need some chamomile tea.
Alex: 'Cause people are listening? Well, it's too bad no one paid attention before.

R.L. Stine: What are you doing here? Go home!
Zach: No! No, no. Not until you explain what's going on.
R.L. Stine: No, no, no. I can't explain it!
Zach: We were almost eaten by Frosty the Snowman, which should be impossible, by the way. So try.
R.L. Stine: Okay, look! Where do I begin? When I was younger, I suffered from terrible allergies that kept me indoors. And all the kids threw rocks at my window and called me names. So I created my own friends. Monsters, demons, ghouls to terrorize my neighbourhood and all the kids that made fun of me. And they became real to me. And then one day... they actually... became... real. My monsters literally leapt off the page. As long as the books remain locked, we're safe, but when they open, well, you've just seen what happens.
Champ: I'm allergic to dust mites.
R.L. Stine: What's your point?
Champ: I'm just saying, I have allergies too, so I understand.

Bryce: [to Clay] Hey, buddy. Listen, it's been a while since we talked. I know I beat the shit out of you, and I'm sorry about that, but I got no beef with you, really. We're not enemies. So just mind your business and I'll take care of mine, okay?
Clay: Get your hands off me.
Bryce: Watch your fucking tone. And, you know, watch yourself.

Clay: [to Hannah] I don't know if you know this, but there's a penumbral lunar eclipse at 11:49.
Hannah: A what?
Clay: The Earth's shadow is the penumbra. Tonight, the moon is gonna pass through it. Last show is at 9:00 and if we clean fast and we probably can because no kids are coming to that English movie because it's boring, we could get out in time and I could maybe point it out to you. If you want.
Hannah: You want to show me the moon?
Clay: There would be a shadow. Not like a full eclipse. You wouldn't exactly see the... but, yeah.
Hannah: [chuckles] You should, like, patent yourself. And, yes, I will look at the moon with you. I might even howl.

Clay: You can believe the best of Bryce, but the worst of me?
Ani: I'm afraid I believe we're all capable of the very worst.

Tony: [to Clay after Clay tells him he keyed Zach's car] His Audi? You... you don't fuck with another dude's car.
Clay: I know. I know. I just... I listened to his tape. And he just got away with everything. And he scored, like, 30 points tonight.
Tony: You keyed his car 'cause he scored 30 points?

Zach: Yes, Zach, follow the stranger into the woods.

Clay: [to Bryce] She got in the hot tub with you and that means she wanted it.
Bryce: Yeah. She did.
Clay: But she didn't tell you so.
Bryce: She didn't have to. Girls play games.
Clay: She didn't say she wanted you to fuck her.
Bryce: She never said no.
Clay: And that's not rape?
Bryce: Why do you care so much?
Clay: I just need to hear you say it.
Bryce: Jesus, Clay. I mean are you a virgin?
Clay: What does that matter?
Bryce: I'll take that as my answer. Go get yourself laid a few times or try. And then come back to me, we'll talk like grownups.
Clay: Did you rape Hannah Baker?
Bryce: You wanna call it rape, call it rape. Same difference.

Hannah: [her recorded voice] The rules here are pretty simple. There are only two. Rule number one: you listen. Number two: you pass it on. Hopefully, neither one will be easy. It's not supposed to be easy, or I would have emailed you an MP3. When you're done listening to all 13 sides, because there are 13 sides to every story, rewind the tapes, put them back in the box, and pass them on to the next person.
Clay: [talking to himself] Why the hell am I on this?
Hannah: Oh, and the box of tapes should have included a map. I'll be mentioning several spots around our beloved city. I can't force you to visit them, but if you'd like a little more insight, head for the stars. Or, you know, just throw the map away and I'll never know. Or will I? You see, in case you're tempted to break the rules, understand I did make a copy of these tapes, and I left them with a trusted individual who, if this package doesn't make it through all of you, will release those copies in a very public manner. This was not a spur of the moment decision. Do not take me for granted. Not again.
Clay: I never did!

Clay: [to Jessica] Are you... I promised myself that I wasn't going to say something stupid like "are you okay?" or "how are you doing?," because, like, "how the fuck do you think," right? But how are you?
Jessica: How the fuck do you think?

Clay: Hey, what the hell, Tony? You didn't ask me about Sheri.
Tony: Yeah, 'cause I knew you would say no, but she came through, didn't she?
Clay: We can't just go telling everyone about this. It's fucking dangerous.
Tony: Oh, I'm aware it's dangerous. That's why I can't be a part of it anymore, Clay.
Clay: That's why you can't be part of it? Or is it more than that? Why are you so worried about your probation? You said it was no big deal.
Tony: Yeah, that was when I thought this case would settle, before I had to testify or help clean a... help clean a fucking junkie up so that he could.
Clay: Jessica doesn't even want him to. She just wants the whole thing to go away.
Tony: If that's what Jessica wants, it's out of our hands.

Clay: [to Mr. Porter about Hannah about the day of her suicide] She walked out of school went home and put some things in order. She returned her uniform to the Crestmont where I worked with her. She didn't say anything. She dropped it on the counter and walked away. She dropped a package off with a friend, then took another to the post office. Then she went back home, put on some old clothes, she went into the bathroom, filled the tub, opened the box of razor blades she took from her parents' store that morning. She got into the tub still with her clothes on, slit her wrists and bled to death. And she died alone. And you could have stopped it and I could have. Justin Foley could have and a dozen other people, at least, but we didn't.

Clay: [to Skye] I can't do this anymore. This goddamn school, it's a terrible place.
Skye: You're just now coming to this realization?

Lainie: Clay, I need to talk to you about the trial.
Clay: What? What trial?
Lainie: Hannah's trial. It's moving forward.
Clay: What? You told me it was settled.
Lainie: We thought it was, but the Bakers rejected the district's final offer today. It starts tomorrow.
Clay: Tomorrow? How is that possible?
Lainie: They were up against the trial date. At the last minute, the Bakers rejected the settlement.
Clay: So, I'll get to testify about Bryce?
Lainie: Sonya did tell me that you're not on either witness list.
Clay: Why not?
Lainie: Clay, each side chooses witnesses based on a variety of factors.
Clay: Bryce raped Hannah. Why is nobody talking about that? You heard his confession. You heard everything before you dropped out.
Lainie: I didn't drop out of the case. I withdrew because your involvement created a conflict of interest.
Clay: Well, I'm not involved anymore, so can someone do something?
Lainie: If we knew the girl on tape 9.
Clay: Mom, it's not my place to tell you that.
Lainie: If she would come forward...
Clay: This is a fucking joke. He confessed!
Lainie: Clay, I'm worried about your anger.
Clay: You're worried about my anger? That's what you're worried about? I'm not angry, Mom. I'm fine.
Lainie: That's why you're never home?
Clay: We had a deal. I've had perfect attendance, kept up my grades, I get to have a life of my own.
Lainie: The deal was that you would be safe. You put a lock on your door.
Clay: Which you found out by trying to open it?
Lainie: Clay, I know this is going to be very hard for you.
Clay: It's not. I haven't thought about Hannah in months, so I'll just keep on like that.

Clay: [to Tony about Hannah] When I listen to the tapes, I want to see her in school tomorrow. I want to eat Mike and Ikes out of the box with her at the Crestmont. I want to dance with her again and kiss her when I should have kissed her, but I can't. Don't you feel like someone should pay for that?
Tony: Aren't you? Aren't you paying?

Tyler: Hey, Clay.
Clay: Go away, Tyler.
Tyler: You know, I get that a lot.

Hannah: Mrs. Bradley doesn't have a clue what it was like to be our age. "I find it best to confront the issue head-on by saying, "'Pardon me, but you really hurt my feelings."
Clay: I thought she had some good ideas.
Hannah: Have you ever in your life been able to confront an issue head-on? Have you ever even had an issue?
Clay: Yeah. Kind of.
Hannah: Or I guess being socially awkward has its advantages.
Clay: I don't think you're socially awkward at all. I think you're just scared. I think you're waiting. Well, sometimes it's better to wait.
Hannah: Wow.
Hannah: Okay, meaning what?
Clay: Just that... um... nothing. I mean...
Hannah: Pardon me, but you really hurt my feelings.
[leaves the lunch table]

Hannah: So, why'd you move to Madison?
Zach: Well, my mom said to me: "Zach, if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?" And I said: "Can we please move to Madison, Delaware? That'd be my dream."
Hannah: [laughs] Are you always this sarcastic?
Zach: Always. That's a strong word. Not always. Usually.

Alex: I wish I never touched that fucking list.
Clay: Why did you?
Alex: I don't know. Bryce started it. All the guys were working on it at lunch.
Clay: Why are you even friends with those guys? Justin, Zach, Bryce.
Alex: No, see, I'm not friends with Bryce, but the other guys. Zach and I got to be friends last year, and he's always hanging around Justin. They thought it was funny and stuff. My dad was relieved that I had male friends. Also, didn't totally suck at school that Justin Foley liked me back then.
Clay: Okay, back then. Why are you friends now?
Alex: Because if I stop hanging out, they're gonna know something's up. I shouldn't even be talking to you.

Bryce: [to Clay] Gotta say, man, I did not take you for a stoner.
Clay: Yeah, well I guess you never know what's going on in someone else's life, right?

Clay: Hannah Baker came into my life at the end of one summer, like a star that fell to Earth. Like nothing I had seen and no one I had ever met. She was funny, and smart, and moody, and... and maddening, and beautiful. And... I loved her. I loved her so much. And I ask her every day why she did what she did. But I get no answers. She took those with her when she went. Leaving me, all of us, angry, empty, confused. And I know that hurt won't ever go away. But there will come a day when I don't feel it every minute. And the anger won't be so hot, and the other feelings will fade, and I'll be left with only love. A good friend once said to me, "I can love you and still let you go." So, Hannah... I love you, and I let you go. I miss you. And I hope that wherever you go next, you feel peace, you feel safe, in a way you never did here. Wherever you go next, I hope you know that I love you.

Clay: What did we say about dirty dishes, Justin? You have lasagna over there from, like, four nights ago. You're not Dr. Fleming discovering penicillin.
Justin: Dude, no one ever understands your jokes.

Justin: Where you going, Clay?
Clay: Where's my bike?
Justin: I'm gonna hold onto it for a while and you're gonna keep quiet, right?
Clay: What are you gonna do, Justin? Beat the shit out of me, too? Go ahead.
Justin: I'll do it if I have to.
Clay: Okay. You know where to find me.

Clay: Excuse me, Mrs. Bradley?
Pam: Yes, Clay?
Clay: Um, about what I said yesterday, about Hannah writing that note. Well, I... I wasn't trying to say it was your fault, and I wanted to apologize for being rude.
Pam: Well, that's very...
Clay: 'Cause people need to take responsibility for their actions and face the consequences, one way or another.

Matt: [to Clay] You disappeared again. There are consequences when you disappear.
Clay: I didn't disappear, for fuck's sake. I was at a friend's house.
Matt: A friend who beat you senseless?
Clay: I told you. I wiped out on my bike.
Matt: What, did you land on Mike Tyson?

Hannah: [to Clay] I'm sorry about Skye.
Clay: No, you're not.
Hannah: I am.
Clay: Every day, it's something new with you. Something I didn't know. First, it was the Tyler thing and now you've kissed, like, half the school.
Hannah: Seriously, you believe that?
Clay: Justin, Courtney, Alex...
Hannah: And you.
Clay: Yeah, I remember, thank you.

Clay: [to Alex] So, did you do it? I mean, did you put Hannah and Jessica on that list?
Alex: You didn't know that? But you saw it.
Clay: Yeah, but I didn't, like, trace the handwriting.
Alex: I didn't think it was that big a deal.
Clay: Do you think she's right? Does everything that happened to her go back to you and that list?
Alex: Well, I think it all started the night of Jessica's party.
Clay: What did she say about Jessica's party? Does she mention me there?
Alex: Where are you in the tapes?
Clay: I'm almost through yours.
Alex: Holy shit, Clay. I mean, I listened to 'em all in one night the first time.

Clay: [to Sheri about the fight] Did you see that?
Sheri: I couldn't watch. I don't know why people act like that. People can be fucking assholes.
Clay: It's a school full of assholes.
Sheri: I mean, right? But I don't think you're an asshole.
Clay: That's very kind. And I don't think you're a... I mean, can girls be assholes?
Sheri: Oh, yeah. Trust me.
Clay: So, yeah. You're not.

Clay: [When Clay arrives at Justin's house] He can't be prosecuted, okay?
Justin: What are you doing here?
Clay: I know it was Bryce.
Justin: All right? Jesus.
Clay: She said he was your friend.
Justin: All right, get in here.
[lets Clay inside his house]
Clay: You have to tell her.
Justin: When the fuck will you give up?
Clay: I get it. Trying to protect your friend, you lied to Jessica and told her Hannah made it up.
Justin: I did? I guess it's my word against Hannah's.
Clay: Exactly. The one witness is dead, Bryce will get away with it and you can stop protecting him. It's legal fact.
Justin: Did you talk to somebody? Tell me what the fuck you did.
Clay: Are you listening? I just told you, I can't go to the cops.
Justin: What do you want from me?
Clay: Tell Jessica the truth about what happened to her that night.
Justin: She knows what happened. Go ask her.
Clay: I did. She repeated whatever bullshit lies you fed her, but she knows something's up. She's messed up. She was drunk at school today.
Justin: She's fine.
Clay: She's fucked up and so are you. Jessica deserves the truth and she's never gonna believe it unless it comes from you.

Clay: [to Ani] Why didn't you tell me?
Ani: You don't know the whole story.
Clay: You were lying to me the whole time, as long as I've known you.
Ani: No!
Clay: You're a liar! You even told me that yourself. I was so stupid. People always tell you who they are. You just have to listen and you're a fucking liar.
Ani: That's not fair.
Clay: You know, all this shit about Bryce that keeps coming out, I keep giving you the benefit of the doubt and all that time, I thought I did something wrong. You didn't want to kiss me because you were kissing him.
Ani: No, that's not the whole story!
Clay: Then what is the fucking story, Ani? Because I had to sit there as the cops showed me your underwear with Bryce's fucking cum on them!

Hannah: [to Clay in tears] Clay? Can we... can we talk?
Clay: About what?
Hannah: About what happened. I need to tell you...
Clay: What are you crying about? You barely knew him.
Hannah: No. Clay, you don't understand.
Clay: I do understand. Every drama has to be your drama or it doesn't count. Somehow, this is all about you. It's incredible.
[walks away from her]
Hannah: No, Clay!
Clay: Please, just don't, okay?

Clay: What the hell, Tony?
Tony: Hey, Clay.
Clay: What's the deal? How do you fit into all of this?
Tony: I'm not on the tapes if that's what you're asking.
Clay: Did you help her do it?
Tony: No, I did not.
Clay: Did you know she was going to?
Tony: No.
Clay: Then how the hell...
Tony: Listen to the tapes, Clay.
Clay: Is that all I'm gonna get?
Tony: Hannah wanted it done like this.
Clay: How do you know?
Clay: I can't tell you that. You have to listen.
Clay: What if I don't? What if I can't?
Tony: Then it will only get worse. Trust me.
Clay: Worse than Hannah being dead?

Hannah: Things like this are gonna keep happening, Clay. You heard my story the way I wanted it to be told, but there's always another side to every story.
Clay: How do I know what's true?
Hannah: You know me, right?
Clay: I thought I did.

Tony: [to Clay] Mind telling me why the switch?
Clay: [sighs] I'm sorry. I'm not at liberty to discuss it.
Tony: We had a deal that we would do this together.
Clay: You said when I got to the end, we'll do what we have to do.
Tony: Are you at the end?
Clay: Almost.
Tony: Are you going to pass them on?
Clay: You and I both know Hannah wanted them to get to number 13, but if I give them to number 12, that's the end of it. Just give me a day. I have a plan.
Tony: Clay...
Clay: Do you trust me?
Tony: Yeah.

Marcus: [to Clay] This isn't the time for any of us to be stirring shit up. Understand what I'm saying?
Clay: No, what are you saying?
Marcus: People start asking questions. Those tapes get out, it...
Clay: I thought you said you didn't listen to the tapes.
Marcus: This isn't just us. This isn't just a school thing. There's a lawsuit. Lives could get ruined.
Clay: Seems like lives have already been ruined, don't you think?

Clay: [to Tony] I found Jeff. I was the first person at that accident and I found him. In his car. Dead.
Tony: Jesus, Clay.
Clay: Why didn't Hannah tell anyone about the stop sign?
Tony: Maybe she was afraid.
Clay: I was so pissed off at Jeff and at Hannah for making it all her drama. I didn't know.
Tony: Well, now you do.
Clay: And this just gets worse, right?
Tony: You afraid?
Clay: Yeah.

Clay: [when Tyler plans to shoot up the school dance] Tyler, listen. You don't get out of this alive. And I don't want you to die. I... I don't want you to die. If you think this is the way, if you really think this'll change a goddamn thing and not just be another fucking tragedy that adults cry about for a week and then forget, if you really think this is gonna be different, then do what you gotta do. Come on, Tyler. Please?
Tyler: There's nothing else I can do.
Clay: There is. We'll figure it out. Okay? I swear.

Clay: I can't do it.
Tony: You can't? After all this, you can't?
Clay: No. Jesus, Tony. Death and rape, and what the fuck is next? What did I do that Hannah thought was worse than that?
Tony: Don't you know what happened?
Clay: No, clearly, I don't. So tell me.
Tony: You know I'm not going to do that.
Clay: Tell me this, then. Tell me the truth and I'll listen to the tape. Did I kill Hannah?
Tony: We all let her down.
Clay: That's not what I asked. Did I kill Hannah Baker?
Tony: No, she took her own life, Clay. That was her choice, but you, me, everyone on these tapes, we all let her down. We didn't let her know that she had another choice. Maybe we could have saved her, maybe not. It's impossible to know.
Clay: Answer the fucking question. Knowing what you know, believing what you believe, knowing me, knowing her and what's on these tapes, did I kill Hannah Baker?
Tony: Yeah.

Clay: For someone who hates parties, I go to a lot of parties.

Clay: [When Clay goes over to Tony' house to return the tapes] They're all yours. I'm done. Take 'em, share 'em, release 'em to the world. I don't give a shit.
Tony: Really? You you don't give a shit?
Clay: I can't... I can't anymore. I can't listen. I can't hear it in her voice. People are just mean, Tony. They're messed up. Zach didn't throw away the letter, you know that?
Tony: No, I didn't know that.
Clay: He showed it to me. Asked if I wanted to read it and I couldn't read it because it's starting to make sense to me why she did what she did.
Tony: I can help you through this.
Clay: Can you tell me why I'm on the tapes?
Tony: You have to listen. It's what Hannah wanted.
Clay: Yeah, yeah, I know. What Hannah wanted. What you're so sure of, but you won't say how. Huh? Fine. Forget you, then.
Tony: Let me help you.
Clay: What, like you've been helping me so far? No, thanks. But look on the bright side. You don't have to follow me anymore.

Clay: [sobbing] I couldn't... I couldn't tell her. I couldn't hold her. I killed Hannah Baker. Like you said.
Tony: I said we all killed Hannah.
Clay: How am I supposed to live with that?
Tony: Any way you can.
[they hug]

Clay: [to the priest] Can I ask you, do you believe in the immortal soul?
Priest: I do.
Clay: And do you think Hannah is going to hell because she killed herself?
Priest: I don't. I think the God I believe in, a just God, would have mercy on a soul like hers. And if God forgives her, we should. I believe we should follow His example, sure, but it's not always easy.
Clay: And do you think Does God forgive us? The people who let her down?
Priest: I think He does. Clay, you don't have to believe in the immortal soul to believe that people live on with us.
Clay: Wait, what do you mean?
Priest: Just that we've lost Hannah, but not the things she gave us. Compassion, understanding, love. Those don't go away.

Hannah: [Zach's box just fell apart, spilling his belongings on the walkway] Smooth.
[Zach looks over and sees a teenage girl next door, peering at him from an open window]
Hannah: So you're the new neighbor?
Zach: [Walks over to the fence] Yeah. Nice to meet you.
Hannah: How long was the drive from New York?
[Zach gives her a confused look]
Hannah: No. I can just tell by the pretty hat that you have.
Zach: Oh, no. This... no.
[takes hat off]
Zach: This is... this is actually a gift from my aunt.
Hannah: It's also a gift for me and everyone who gets to see you wearing it.
Zach: I'm Zach, by the way.
Hannah: I'm Hannah.
R.L. Stine: [from behind her] Hannah!
Hannah: I gotta go.
[quickly leaves the window]
Zach: Good talk.
[a man wearing glasses appears in the window and flings the curtains open, Zach waves at him]
Zach: Hi! Hey, we're just moving in.
[the man says nothing and just glares at him]
Zach: Just... just me and my mom.
[the man continues glaring]
Zach: This hat was a gift.
R.L. Stine: [referring to the fence between the two houses] You see that fence?
[Zach is confused and doesn't answer, the man sternly repeats the question]
R.L. Stine: Do you see the fence?
Zach: Uh, yes.
R.L. Stine: Stay on your side of it!
[Zach looks at him, thunderstruck]
R.L. Stine: You stay away from my daughter, you stay away from me... and we won't have a problem.
[Stine leaves the window, shutting the curtains on Zach]
Zach: [Later, back inside the Cooper's house, Zach goes in the living room where his mom and aunt are at] Well, just met our neighbor. He's a big teddy bear.

Tyler: What the hell, Clay? That picture's all over school.
Clay: Yeah, that can happen, can't it?
Tyler: What are you trying to do?
Clay: Anything. I'm trying to do something, anything which is more than any of you did.

Eliza: Did you feel bad for that deer when you shot it?
Ralph: Do you feel bad for cows when you go into McDonald's?

Hannah: [to Clay] Morning, Astronomy Boy.
Clay: Better than "Helmet", I guess.
Hannah: I feel they work together.

Clay: It has to get better. The way we treat each other and look out for each other. It has to get better somehow.

Clay: [picking up the phone] Hey, Mom.
Lainie: Hi, Clay, it's Mom.
Clay: Yeah, I just said that.

Clay: [to Ani as he continues to give her a tour of the school] They call this the back quad, even though there's no front quad and back quad sounds like "backwad," which sounds either like a wedgie or a roll of fat that shows when your shirt rides up. Football and soccer field down there, baseball field out there. Clearly the nicest parts of the school, because athletes are our heroes and deserving of everything they want, including the ability to sexually assault girls and never suffer any sort of consequences, because why should they? Um, sorry. Cafeteria over there. I bring my lunch. That's not a commentary on the cafeteria food. That's just a nugget from my life.
Ani: Wow. I've been to, like, five high schools in three years, and that is by far the worst tour I've ever been given. The absolute worst.

Clay: Okay, I'll go. But tell me what's going on, okay? Tell me what's wrong.
Hannah: You don't wanna be with me, Clay.
Clay: But I do! I really do.
Hannah: You know what people will say?
Clay: No! And I don't care.
Hannah: Because it's easy for you, right? Because you're not the class slut.
Clay: Don't say that.
Hannah: Everybody says it!
Clay: I don't say it.
Hannah: Yes, you did. When you saw that picture!
Clay: I didn't believe it! I was angry for a minute because... because I was jealous of Justin. And I was mad at you for wanting him and not me. And I was an asshole, and I'm sorry. And I can never make it right. I can never say all this to you, but... I love you. And I will never hurt you.
Hannah: Clay...
Clay: And I'm not going. Not now, not ever. I love you, Hannah.
Hannah: Why didn't you say this to me when I was alive?

Lainie: Well, don't you look nice! Off to the party?
Clay: Uh, is that still okay?
Lainie: No, of course. It just started drizzling out. Are you sure you don't want me to give you a ride?
Clay: Yeah, of the few things in life that I *am* sure of, that is one of them.
Lainie: Can I get you your rain poncho?
Clay: I'm gonna let you guess the answer to that.

Tony: [to Clay] Look, I liked Hannah. She was a friend, but the girl was a lot. She was drama. And I was apparently the only guy at Liberty who didn't grab her ass or stare at her tits. And so I always got to hear about it and on that particular day, I didn't want to deal, so I let her walk away.
Clay: Jesus, Tony.
Tony: Half hour, forty-five minutes later, I get the box, open 'em and there's these tapes and a letter. "Please take care of these. Listen, and you'll know how." I started listening to the first tape and then I try calling the Bakers. They don't answer. I fucking speed to her house. The ambulance is already there and the cops. And the front door's open. I run inside. Her parents are there. And she's... they've got her in a body bag. I remember thinking, "There's no handles on that bag. How are they gonna pick her up? How are they gonna carry her?" And they just grabbed the bag and threw her in the ambulance.

Kevin: [to Clay] So what's on your mind today?
Clay: I wanted to talk about Hannah Baker. She pushed me away. I was thinking about how hurt I was and I didn't even for a minute stop to think that she was hurting too.
Kevin: Look, Clay. Whatever happened to Hannah, between you and her, with other kids, she made that choice to take her own life.
Clay: But why? Why did she make that choice?
Kevin: We can't know that for sure.
Clay: What if we could? What if we knew what we did wrong?

Patrick: I have a daughter about your age, if I hadn't caused her death. Her and her mother.
Frankie: How?
Patrick: Out of arrogance. Stupidity. I made an evil man very angry and he killed them to make me sorry for what I'd done. And I am sorry. Being sorry is a far worse punishment than being dead, everybody dies. Very few people ever feel truly sorry for the bad things they've done.

Hannah: [to Clay about the Polaroid he found] That girl's unconscious. You should show these to someone. Turn him in.
Clay: And say what? "I found this Polaroid in my locker. Arrest him?"

Hannah: [to Clay] Do you like it?
Clay: Here? At the Crestmont? I find the various smells fascinating.
Hannah: No, this town.
Clay: Oh, right. Uh, I don't have anything to compare it to. I've lived here all my life. It's like asking Han Solo, "How is space?"
Hannah: Wow! You're an actual nerd, aren't you? I admire that. There's courage in being a nerd.

Kevin: It's powerful and painful just to imagine what Hannah's last days were, to try to understand what led her there, but if she wanted to end her life, we weren't going to stop her.
Clay: I cost a girl her life because I was afraid to love her.
Kevin: You can't love someone back to life.
Clay: You can try.

Clay: [to Hannah as he is scraping gum off seats at the movie theater] I saved you a particularly gnarly piece with some hair in it.
Hannah: Here I thought I was a flowers and chocolates kind of girl.

Skye: I like this new angry, Audi-keying Clay. He's got spunk.
Clay: I think I'm losing my shit.
Skye: Shit's overrated.

Clay: Maybe there aren't any good kids.

Ani: [to Clay] Why does nobody know where you were on Homecoming night?
Clay: Jesus, how many people did you ask?
Ani: Justin said that you got in at 1:30, Tyler said that you dropped him off at 11:00. That's two and a half hours!
Clay: You did a fucking timeline?
Ani: Where were you?
Clay: I was driving around, okay? Trying to clear my head!
Ani: Until 1:30 in the morning?
Clay: Yeah, my fucking heart was broken!
Ani: Just don't... don't shout at me.
Clay: You think I killed him?
Ani: I don't want to.
Clay: You think I could do something like that? That I could I could kill a person? A human being?
Ani: I don't know.
Clay: Get the fuck out of here. Go. GO!

Matt: [to Clay] Good morning, pal.
Clay: Dad, we talked about "pal."
Matt: [to Clay] Good morning, honey.
Clay: Well played.

Clay: [to Hannah] I'd give anything to kiss you again.
Hannah: But you can't. Ever.
Clay: Then why are you here?

Clay: I love how Walplex locks up their spray paint but not their ammunition.

Clay: [to Zach about Hannah] What the fuck did you do? Why would you say all of that? You just made everything worse for her.
Zach: I didn't mean to. Clay, I swear to God, it's not a lie. I'm sorry.
Clay: So how come no one knew about it?
Zach: You were out of town last summer.
Clay: It wasn't on your tape.
Zach: She put everything on your tape?
Clay: You didn't deserve her.
Zach: I know. I'm sorry.
Clay: Fuck you. You just go to hell.
Zach: Clay, come on, man.
Clay: Get the fuck out of here!

Clay: [to a group of foreign exchange students] Welcome to Liberty High.

Alex: Clay, I've listened to the tapes, like, four times. I don't even know if the doctor's gonna ask me any of this today.
Clay: I went online. Some doctors tested Marines that had TBI with dates and memory questions to see if they could continue serving.
Alex: I'm not a fucking Marine, Clay. I shot myself in the head.

Clay: Hey! Monty!
Montgomery: Didn't they arrest you yet?
Clay: No, but I hope they'll be coming for you.
Montgomery: The fuck does that mean?
Clay: Where were you after Homecoming? Did Bryce talk to you after the game? Did something happen?
Montgomery: What are you talking about? I was with the boys all night. We got shit-faced at Charlie's. Cops already checked into it. I'm all good. You're the one who's in trouble.
Clay: But I didn't do anything, and I know you did.
Montgomery: Yeah? Well, what the fuck did I do?
[scoffs at Clay]
Montgomery: If you're trying to clear your name, you need to look a little closer to home. You know Bryce and Justin went at it that night?
Clay: You don't know what you're talking about.
Montgomery: You think you know him, but he's playing you, like he played Bryce. It's what he does and he's going to play you right to jail.
Clay: You are so full of shit!
Montgomery: Your boy Justin, he shaves with electric, right?
Clay: I think so. Why?
Montgomery: Then why has he got a can of shaving cream in his bag? Ha! You should check that shit out.

Clay: [to Ani] You're always whoever you need to be, right? Who were you with Bryce who you couldn't be with me?
Ani: You just thought I was some lonely girl with her walls up, waiting for the right guy to break them down and save me from myself.
Clay: Bryce! To save you from Bryce!
Ani: The guy who Who you refused to see as anything but a monster rather than a human being who was actually trying to change.
Clay: Bullshit!

Skye: Rough night?
Tony: Yeah, he's just working through some shit.
Skye: I can see that. He's got existensial crisis written all over his forehead.
Clay: I do not.
Skye: [considers him] There's some truth you don't wanna face.
Clay: What? Why would you say that?
Skye: I see the future. You know that. I told you your fortune in seventh grade.
Clay: You predicted I wouldn't be five foot two forever.
Skye: How tall are you now?
[Clay looks dumbfounded]
Skye: See?
Tony: Oooh... La bruja!
[Spanish for 'witch']
Skye: That's right.

Nora: Clay, my name is Nora Walker.
Clay: Yes, I know who you are.
Nora: Clay, I know Bryce hurt you and some friends of yours. He's done some monstrous things, but he's my son. I don't excuse anything that he's done, but he's my child. And he might be lost, he might be hurt. Do you know anything that might help us find him?
Clay: I don't, Mrs. Walker. I'm sorry.

Clay: [to Jessica] Why did you and Hannah fight? I don't get it.
Jessica: Of course you don't. You're a guy.
Clay: You guys were friends.
Jessica: We weren't friends. Friends tell the truth, friends don't turn on each other. Hannah's a user and a liar. You can't believe anything that she says. Not a thing. I mean, what she said, on the tapes, about us and Monet's, she's the one who stopped coming, not me. She's the one who ended our friendship and she knew it. She's a liar. Was a liar.

Hannah: [to Clay] Now, if they ask you if it's real butter, what do you say?
Clay: It's a butter-based product.
Hannah: And smile when you say it. I know, terrifying, but it sells the big lie. Oh, and, uh, little trade secret: If they're cute, only put butter on the top so they have to come back for more during the movie.
Clay: Okay, uh, why?
Hannah: So you can chat 'em up.
Clay: Oh, chat's not really my thing.
Hannah: I like it. I think we're gonna get along. As long as you remember I started here three weeks before you, so I have seniority, which is why I'm training you which is insane if you think about it because I just moved here two months ago and I have no idea what I'm doing.

Clay: I lied. Um, I did know Hannah Baker. We worked together all the time at the Crestmont, we had classes together. Uh, she was my friend and I miss her really fucking bad.
Lainie: Oh, honey.
Clay: I didn't know how empty it would feel. There's this big part of the world that's just just gone, and everyone else just keeps moving forward.
Lainie: Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry.
Clay: The worst part is, there's there's nothing I can do. I can't save her, I can't... I can't bring her back. I'm... I'm completely fucking useless.
Lainie: No, you're not useless.
Clay: You don't know, you don't know.
Lainie: I know that you're a good person with a big heart. I know Hannah was very lucky to have you as a friend.
Clay: She wasn't, though. She wasn't.

Hannah: [to Clay] Is your dad also thin and nervous?
Clay: Yeah, pretty much.

Tyler: [to Clay] I was in the bathroom when I got back from my diversion program. Monty came in and he was mad about the field and he smashed my head on the mirror and on the sink. And then, he and Taylor and Kenneth, they held my head in the toilet. And Monty... he got a mop, and he pulled my pants down, and he put it in me. And he pushed it in my hole, and in and out until I was bleeding, and they left me on the floor.
[starts crying]
Clay: Oh, Jesus. Tyler. Tyler, I am so sorry that happened to you. I feel like... I feel like I want to hug you right now. Would that be all right if I hug you?
Tyler: Mmm-hmm.
[Clay hugs Tyler as he cries]

Hannah: [When Clay plans to release the tapes on the Internet] Don't do this.
Clay: I'm doing it for you. I'm trying to make things right.
Hannah: You know it won't.
Clay: What else can I do?
Hannah: You can help Jessica and Justin. You can figure out those pictures.
Clay: I don't care about the fucking pictures. I care about the truth. I care about you.
Hannah: Then don't do it. You know I don't want you to.
Clay: Well, maybe you don't get a say anymore. People did terrible things to you and they're getting away with it. You left those tapes for a reason.
Hannah: What reason?
Clay: To make people face what they did and admit it and understand how fucked up it was.
Hannah: Do you think I wanted revenge?
Clay: I don't know what you wanted because you left a huge fucking mess. I'm the only one interested in cleaning it up.
Hannah: It wasn't revenge. I had to tell my own story. I wanted people to know what happened so maybe it wouldn't happen again.
Clay: Exactly. So everyone should hear it.
Hannah: No, not like this.
Clay: You don't get to decide. You left.

[from trailer]
Hannah: [quietly] Did you unlock a book?
R.L. Stine: [worried] Oh, no...
Zach: I'm sorry. I'll put it back where it belongs. Look, here it is.
Hannah: No, don't open it!
[Zach accidentally opens a manuscript which releases the Abominable Snowman of Pasadena, the Abominable Snowman touches a light of a ceiling lamp, which stings his finger]
Hannah: [whispering] Nobody make a sound.
[Champ screams in terror which the Abominable Snowman of Pasadena hears him, then he starts to charge at him, but Zach pushes him aside, then the Abominable Snowman breaks out of the house]

Clay: [to Skye about her tattoo] Is that a lizard on your neck?
Skye: It's an alligator.
Clay: How many do you have now? Tattoos.
Skye: Why? Do you want to give your opinion? Everyone else feels entitled to.
Clay: No, I just I just wondered. I like the alligator.
Skye: Remember that story I used to tell about my parents every time we drove over a bridge?
Clay: I remember. No, wait, I forgot.
Skye: When I was little, I used to cry every time we drove over a bridge. I don't know why. My mom used to try to distract me...
Clay: And she would tell you to look for a purple alligator in the water and you'd be so busy looking you'd forget you were scared.
Skye: Yeah, that's the story.

Tyler: [to Tyler] I'm not a criminal.
Clay: You are. And you're a creep.
Tyler: I just took pictures.
Clay: You humiliated her.
Tyler: I didn't mean to.
Clay: You ruined her.
Tyler: I loved her! And I know I barely knew her, but I... I saw her. Most people, you put a camera on them and they smile. They pose. They basically fake it. You don't see them, you see their mask. Whenever my camera was on Hannah, she was different. Like, real, and I fell in love with that. Real. So, yeah, I took pictures of her, but that's because girls like that don't hang out with the yearbook guy. With me.

Clay: [while Clay gives Ani a tour of the school] This is the trophy case, and we actually have many more academic decathlon and robotics trophies, but they're kept in the math and science wing, which is in a different building to keep the main student body from being infected by something like actual knowledge. To your left is the classroom of the ironically named Mr. Champion, who stares at girls' breasts while he's talking to them. These are posters for the drama club. We actually have the most low-key drama club anywhere. They're totally not annoying people at all. The drawback being their plays are super boring, but really nice people. Library's out that way. It's a pretty typical library as high school libraries go, which means underfunded and thoroughly devoid of any book that could be remotely controversial. This is my locker, which I sometimes use to stick my head into and scream.

Courtney: Clay, look, I know she was special to you and I know you're upset, and I get it, but... but this was Hannah's choice. Okay, this isn't on anyone but her.
Clay: No. No, it's on every person who talked shit about her and every guy who fucked her over, and it's on you because she thought you were a friend, and you sent one more asshole in her direction just to cover the fact you're gay.
Courtney: That's not true.
Clay: I don't get it, Courtney. It's the 21st century. How is this so hard for you?
Courtney: Was it hard for you? Freshman year when everyone thought you were gay?
Clay: Well, it probably hurt my chances with girls, but they weren't so great before, so whatever. I didn't lie to anybody about who I was. I didn't hurt anyone because of it.
Courtney: Neither did I.
Clay: We both know you did. Christ, Courtney, you've got two gay dads!
Courtney: Yeah, and I have since I was in preschool when no one had gay dads. Do you have any idea what that's like? Even now. I mean... what if I were? What do you think everyone would say? "She's got two gay dads, that's why she's gay" and my dads. They've taken so much crap, my whole life for being gay and then for being dads and I just can't... I couldn't do that to them.
Clay: What people think of you isn't more important than Hannah's life. She needed you as a friend. That's what should've mattered to you.
Courtney: I got scared, okay? And I'm sorry. I didn't know what to do. I'm so sorry.
Clay: I'm not the one who needed to hear that.

Hannah: [to Clay] Are you sure Alex should hear the tapes?
Clay: Odd question coming from the person who made them.

Clay: [to Matt] Where's Mom?
Matt: Your mother and I had a disagreement last night.
Clay: Yeah, I was there.
Matt: And she's staying with her sister for a few days.
Clay: Why?
Matt: Oh, just to give us both time to figure things out. The past few weeks have been stressful around here for all of us.
Clay: Let's move. Start over somewhere, just you and me.
Matt: Clay, it's It's not permanent. Your mom and I are just cooling off.
Clay: I don't care. I don't ever wanna go to that school again. Look, everybody hates me there. Someone online called me a murderer because I was on Hannah's tapes.
Matt: Why do you read what people say online?
Clay: Let's move. Anywhere.
Matt: Clay. This is our home, all right? This is our family. We've made a bit of a mess, but nothing's broken we can't fix.
Clay: Everything's broken and I don't think any of it can be fixed.

Jeff: [while reading Clay's survey for the Oh My Dollar Valentines] How do I spend my Saturday nights? You answered: "video games." Favorite kind of music: "obscure indie bands." Favorite reading materials: "fantasy and sci-fi"? Dude, why not just say you watch "Lord of the Rings" on repeat.
Clay: I don't do that. Anymore.
Tony: You used to do that?

[first lines]
Keller: Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen.
Ralph: [shoots a deer]

[from trailer]
Zach: [referring to Hannah's dad] He's a big teddy bear.
Hannah: Don't take it personally. He doesn't really like anyone.

Sheri: [to Clay] Are you gonna tell anyone?
Clay: We have to tell somebody. We have to do something.
Sheri: But it's over now.
Clay: It's not over for his family. They still think he was driving drunk.
Sheri: He was driving drunk. For all we know, it wasn't the sign that caused the problem.
Clay: You know that? Or you just want to believe it?
Sheri: This is why I didn't want you to listen to my tape. I didn't...
Clay: You wanted to keep your secret.
Sheri: No. Because I didn't want you judging me for the worst thing I've ever done. Other people, they know my secret, but you're different.
Clay: I'm going to the police station...
Sheri: Clay...
Clay: To register for a drug diversion program that I have to take because your fucking friends got me suspended.
Sheri: I didn't know anything about that. I think it was terrible.
Clay: Do you? Why don't you stop it?
Sheri: What can I do?
Clay: His family, the man he hurt. They deserve to know how it really happened.
Sheri: We don't know how it really happened! I mean, yes, the sign was down, but he was driving drunk.
Clay: He wasn't drunk.
Sheri: You know that? Or you want to believe it? I made the biggest mistake of my life and I'm trying to keep it from ruining my life. Do you get that?

Clay: I need to throw up.
Tony: okay
Clay: I don't have anything to throw up.
Tony: You need some food
Clay: So I can throw it up?
Tony: So you can settle the fuck down. My mother used to say, "Primero comemos, entonces lo demás." That means, "first we eat, then we do everything else." "
Clay: I bet she's big on breakfast.

[from trailer]
Hannah: So you're the new neighbor?
Zach: Yeah. I'm Zach, by the way.
Hannah: I'm Hannah.
R.L. Stine: [from behind her] Hannah, get away from the window. Now!
Hannah: I gotta go.
[R.L. Stine appears at the window]
Zach: Hi! Hey, we're just moving in.
R.L. Stine: [referring to the fence between their two houses] You see that fence?
Zach: Uh, yes...
R.L. Stine: [sternly] Stay on your side of it.
[Stine leaves the window]

Principal: [to Clay] I left a message with your mother about your unexcused absence on Friday.
Clay: My mother doesn't live with us anymore.
Principal: Oh? Hence the absence?
Clay: Uh, no. I took a mental health day.
Principal: Oh, I see. The same day Hannah Baker's tapes were posted online. Hmm? Come on. You're telling me those two things are unrelated?
Clay: My girlfriend is in a psychiatric hospital. I went to visit her.
Principal: Was the visit prearranged?
Clay: It was with her.
Principal: All right, Clay, you know what? I don't have a lot of patience these days. So let's talk about the real issue here. You're acting out, and I need to know why. I need to know what you need because I don't wanna see somebody getting hurt with this.
Clay: Somebody already has gotten hurt. Two people, but we're not allowed to talk about them.
Principal: Suicide contagion is a real thing and we've got to take measures to protect you kids.
Clay: I don't understand. How does silence protect us?
Principal: Kids get talking about Hannah, maybe even admiring what she did, they might think somehow that this is an answer. It might be a way for other kids to feel their pain, that they could live on after they die.
Clay: Where on her tapes does Hannah say that?
Principal: Well, whoever posted her tapes online seems to believe exactly that, that her story should go on forever.
Clay: Maybe they just wanted to start a conversation. We weren't talking about these things before Hannah.
Principal: Of course we were. In counseling sessions, in health classes.
Clay: That's not talking. That's telling.

Hannah: [to Clay] I can't believe you don't like them.
Clay: Look, I'm just saying, I don't... Okay, vampires, aliens, even werewolves, I get it. I get the motivation, I get the metaphors, right? But, like, zombies? They're just... they're just stupid.
Hannah: So you hate zombies? You're a zombie racist.
Clay: Just, like, I don't understand 'em. What's their story? They don't want to take over the world, kill their masters, anything interesting. They're not good or evil. They're just hungry for brains. I mean, like, brains.
Hannah: Well, thank you for walking me home and for destroying all future zombie media for me forever.
Clay: Anytime.

Clay: Everyone is just so nice until they drive you to kill yourself. And sooner or later, the truth will come out. It's gonna come out.

Zach: She's locked in this house and her dad's a psychopath.
Champ: Does she have a friend?

Zach: You're him, aren't you? You're R.L.Stine.
R.L. Stine: R. L. who? I don't know who that is.
Zach: Oh really? Just as well cause his books suck.
Hannah: What are you doing?
Zach: I can't decide which I hate more: "Monster Blood" or "Go Eat Worms".
Champ: I'm so confused!
Zach: You see the endings coming from a mile away. It's like, stop trying to be Stephen King, man.
R.L. Stine: [slams on the brakes] Let me tell you something about Steve King. Steve King wishes he could write like me. I've sold way more books than him, but no one ever talks about that!

Tony: [to Clay] What happens if the tapes get out? Let's say we try and get some justice for Jessica. What then? It's his word against a dead girl's. Open season on Hannah Baker all over again.
Clay: What if we got one person to tell the truth? I mean, just one of them.
Tony: All right, okay, I'll make you a deal. Listen to the tapes, all of them and then we'll talk. We'll do whatever we have to do.
Clay: And you'll help me?
Tony: Always.

Jeff: Slow down, man, where are you going?
Clay: I just, uh, I gotta get up early...
Jeff: Dude, Hannah's here.
Clay: Oh, she is? That's cool. Hope she has a nice time.
Jeff: You need to go in there and talk to her.
Clay: She's talking to someone else. She's busy.
Jeff: Then that's your cue, man! That's your cue to cut in. Take a swing.
Clay: A swing?
Jeff: You got a fat slider in your sweet spot. You gotta swing your bat through the strike zone, man, and knock it out.
Clay: Oh, see, I'm aware that those are baseball terms. And if I'm interpreting correctly, I think that given my batting average, what I would actually end up with is a strikeout and not a homerun. With that said, very good use of an extended metaphor.

[first lines]
Zach: "Madison, Delaware. " Wow. Mom, are you positive there weren't any other places looking for vice principals?
Gale: Like where?
Zach: Guantanamo Bay?
Gale: Ooh, too hot.
Zach: North Korea?
Gale: They didn't call me back.
Zach: Detroit?

Ani: [to Clay] Did my mum see you?
Clay: She answered the door. I told her I was there to talk to Mrs. Walker.
Ani: Do you have any idea the trouble you've made for me?
Clay: I'm sorry, I'm about to go to jail for murder. Can we save the cultural ramifications of us knowing each other until after I'm out from under this...
Ani: Okay, it's not a cultural thing, Clay! My mum sat there with the police and I said I didn't know you, wasn't caught up with you.
Clay: So, that's your story now? That you don't know me? What's your story about Bryce? You never went into the main house? Your mother kept you apart? You're this sheltered little girl...
Ani: You're being crazy!
Clay: You've been lying to everybody. You fucked him!
Ani: What did or did not go on between me and Bryce, it does neither of us any good if the whole bloody world knows.

Clay: I'm gonna take a long walk home and consider the wreckage that is my life.
Jeff: You're a funny dude, Clay.
Clay: So I've been told.

Clay: [to Tony] I just talked to Justin about Jessica.
Tony: Okay.
Clay: How did everyone how did you just listen to that, and, like, ignore it?
Tony: I don't think anyone ignored it, Clay.
Clay: Why is everyone protecting Bryce? Why are you?
Tony: I'm doing it for Hannah.
Clay: Fuck that, Tony! Fuck that! Jessica got raped! And Justin's got her brainwashed. Everyone at school is covering it up .That is beyond fucked up!
Tony: You don't know the whole story yet.
Clay: What else do I need to know? You're brainwashed like the rest, but I'm not, okay? And I'm not gonna sit back and do nothing like you and everyone else, including Hannah.
Tony: You need to calm down.
Clay: She let everyone intimidate her over and over and over, until she just disappeared. Well, not me. No. I am not giving up.

Zach: How far are we from the high school?
Hannah: Not too far. We can cut through the cemetery.
Zach: I'm sorry, a cemetery?
Hannah: God, relax. The high school's just past the woods on the other side.
R.L. Stine: Wait, how do you know that?
Hannah: Uh, sometimes I get a little stir-crazy and go exploring.
R.L. Stine: When?
Hannah: At night after you go to bed.
R.L. Stine: You're grounded.
Hannah: That is so unfair.
R.L. Stine: No, it's fair.
Zach: Guys guys, you're both bringing up good points, but let's keep moving while you argue.
[walks away with Hannah]
R.L. Stine: Sneaking off in the middle of the night with strange boys.
Champ: Unbelievable.
R.L. Stine: Shut it.
[walks away]

Clay: [after Marcus catches Clay outside of Tyler's window] What are you doing out here?
Marcus: Oh, I heard you, man. The car alarm. I live right over there. Besides, you're not the first one to come look at the famous window. We all did it and we all took our shot.
Clay: Wait, "we"? Are you on the...? Why? What did you do?
Marcus: Who knows? Okay? I didn't listen. I just started each tape till I heard who it was, figured out who came after me, and passed 'em on.
Clay: But what about the second set? Hannah said that if we don't listen...
Marcus: Hannah said. Dude, Hannah's dead. I'm sorry, but it's true. Nothing anyone did to her was any different than what happens to every girl at every high school. She just wanted attention and leaving those tapes... that's a fucked-up thing to do. No one deserves that. Except maybe that psycho.
Clay: Tyler Down?
Marcus: Dude, listen, take your shot and pass those things on, man. You'll feel better.

Marcus: Yo, Clay. What's up? How you doing today?
Clay: What do you want, Marcus?
Marcus: Did you and Tony talk yesterday?
Clay: We sure did.
Marcus: Okay, and you're just doing your own thing.
Clay: Oh, more than ever.
Marcus: Okay. Okay, look, I understand that you're going through your own process or whatever, but I'm worried about you, man. I don't want to see you get hurt.
Clay: Yeah, I'm sure you don't.
Marcus: Hey, I'm trying to protect you, okay? But I can't if you keep running your mouth. I mean, what's your play here, anyway?
Clay: My play? Like it's a game? Okay, you threw rocks through Tyler's window. What did you do for Jessica? This is the second tape where somebody committed a crime. There's a criminal walking around our school...
Marcus: Wait a minute.
Clay: Don't touch me. Look, maybe Jessica's managed to convince herself nothing happened, but if she's not gonna do anything, I will.
Marcus: Listen, no one knows if those tapes are telling the truth and Jessica said nothing happened. No court of law's gonna listen to a case where...
Clay: I'll start with the school.
Marcus: You don't know what the f... you don't know what you're doing. Okay? You haven't even listened to your own tape. I'm telling you, the worst is yet to come.

Skye: Didn't realize you were such a stoner, Clay.
Clay: I didn't realize you cared.
Skye: Excuse me. Of course I don't.
Clay: Did you tell Zach I keyed his car?
Skye: Seriously? You think I'm the type that would rat anyone out about anything?
Clay: I don't know what kind of person anyone is anymore.
Skye: Yeah? What kind of person are you?

Clay: Infinity. It's funny we have a word for that concept, but there's no way we can understand it.

Kevin: [to Clay] So, what happened out there in the hallway?
Clay: [sighs] I don't know. Tired, I guess.
Kevin: Tired? Tired of what?
Clay: Just tired.
Kevin: Seems like you were angry. At this school. About Hannah.
Clay: Aren't you?
Kevin: Sure. Angry about another needless death. I'm sad for Hannah and for all of us who who cared about her.
Clay: So, are you gonna punish me or what?
Kevin: Is that what you want me to do?
Clay: Do you get a lot of kids coming in here asking for punishment?

Clay: We can get better. We can do better, but we still live in a world that is out to break us any way it can.

Hannah: Love the helmet. It's adorable.
Clay: You mean "adorable" in a helpless baby animal sort of way, I'm guessing.
Hannah: Aren't you afraid of helmet hair?
Clay: My hair does the same thing no matter what - just sits there.
Hannah: You just need some product.
[touching his hair]
Hannah: A little effort to style it, blow-dry it in the morning.
Clay: And sacrifice my masculinity?
Hannah: That ship has sailed, don't you think?

Hannah: Come on, open the book.
Zach: Hannah, there's something that you need to know and you're not gonna...
Hannah: Open the book, Zach.
Zach: No, no. You don't understand. If we open the book, that means...
Hannah: It means I'll be stuck on a shelf someplace forever.
Zach: You knew?
Hannah: How many sweet sixteens can one girl have? Zach, it's time to move on. Now open the book, scaredy-cat.

Jessica: [When Clay confronts Jessica about the night of her party] Seriously, Clay? Get over it.
Clay: It was you she was talking about, right? Because if it was, I want to help, okay? We need to do something about it. Tell someone.
Jessica: That night did not happen the way Hannah said.
Clay: Then how did it happen?
Jessica: I hooked up with my boyfriend.
Clay: With Justin.
Jessica: Yeah. With Justin.
Clay: Hannah said you were completely out of it. She said things happened.
Jessica: If something happened, I'd remember it.

Clay: Everybody wants to talk. No one wants to do anything.

Courtney: [When Clay takes Courtney to the cemetary to see Hannah's grave] It's beautiful here.
Clay: [scoffs] It's beautiful here?
Courtney: I don't know, Clay. What do you want me to say? I'm not sure why you brought me here.
Clay: Because you've been acting like Hannah killing herself was some, like, school activity. Like just a reason to put posters up.
Courtney: I'm trying to help the school heal.
Clay: The school?
Courtney: Yeah.
Clay: What about you?
Courtney: Yes, all of us.
Clay: So you help the school and cover the fact it's your fault too.

Tony: [When Clay's mother calls his cell phone as Clay and Tony are climbing rocks] You brought your phone on a climb?
Clay: No, I brought my phone on a walk. That's my mom's ring.
Tony: Be a good son or plunge to the rocks below.
Clay: Yeah. Thanks for the perspective.

Clay: [to Sheri] Why are you crying?
Sheri: Look, Clay, I... I thought that that maybe if if you didn't listen to my tape, then you would still like me. You would see that I'm not that person.
Clay: You're on the tapes?
Sheri: You didn't know?
Clay: No, I haven't listened to them all.
Sheri: I... I did something... Hannah and I, but I did it. And it's horrible and I can't... Look ,I can't tell you what it is, and I don't want you to know 'cause I don't want you to look at me that way and it would kill me if you heard what were on those tapes.
Clay: What did you do?
Sheri: Clay, please. It's over. The damage is done and I just wish that...
Clay: You wish I'd give up the tapes. You want me to pass them on, just like Marcus? Just like everyone?
Sheri: Clay...
Clay: This is why you're here? Why you've been so nice to me? Why you kissed me?
Sheri: Oh, my God, Clay, no.
Clay: I think you should leave.
Sheri: Clay, it...
Clay: Just go!

Hannah: [to Clay] You're not the guy to sit on his hands and wait for someone else to save the day.
Clay: What else can I do? I got his fucking confession, Hannah. And I had to go to the hospital. Did we discuss that yet? The fact that I was shitting blood the next night? My mom wanted to go after him for beating the shit out of me, except I went to his house to buy drugs, and I'd just gotten suspended for drugs, so can't do that, but that was okay because I had his confession.
Hannah: Right? What's a little internal bleeding when you can take down a rapist?
Clay: And then the school heard it, and all the lawyers heard it, and no one did a goddamn thing because there's no evidence, there's no DNA. They just have your accusation and you're I'm dead. He's gonna get away with everything.
Hannah: But he doesn't have to. Don't do nothing because you're pissed off, okay? Or afraid. Or sad. Don't let Bryce get away with it. You'll regret it for the rest of your life.

Hannah: [about Clay's food] That shit'll kill you, you know.
Clay: You got a salad from McDonald's, the people who make the Big Mac.
Hannah: Are you fat-shaming my salad?
Clay: You called my lunch a murderer.
Hannah: Thank you.
Clay: Anytime.

Clay: [about Bryce] He was never gonna get better, Ani. No matter what you did. He was always going to be who he was. This whole fucking world is better without him in it.

Justin: [to Clay] That's a pretty picture you took of Tyler.
Clay: Not as pretty as the one he took of Hannah.
Justin: You made your point. Now shut it down.
Clay: Shut it down? Who talks like that?
Justin: This is beyond just us now. This is the whole school. If we fall, you go down with us.
Clay: Maybe I don't care.
Justin: Maybe you should.

Clay: [to Jessica about the tapes] I'll burn these. I'll light them on fire and let them burn until they're... I don't know, melted plastic and ash. It's your call. But if you want to fight if you want him to pay you for what he did, these tapes can help. They're proof.
Jessica: You want me to tell the whole goddamn world what happened to me?
Clay: I want you to do what you want to do. Whatever's going to make this better for you, if anything can.

Hannah: High school is bullshit.
Clay: Yeah. Don't disagree, but any specifics?
Hannah: I wish there was a button to fast-forward you through all the shitty parts in life straight to the good parts.
Clay: And where are the good parts?
Hannah: College. In New York City.
Clay: Why New York?
Hannah: The minute I get there, I can be someone else. Whoever I want to be.
Clay: But who you are now is okay.

Zach: So, how did you...
Hannah: The cellar doors. I disconnected the alarm months ago.
Zach: Jeez... and I thought my house was a prison.
Hannah: You should try being homeschooled.

Matt: [to Clay] Look, I hated high school. I couldn't wait to get out. It was hell for me. I was a target more than once.
Clay: Shit. I'm sorry, Dad.
Matt: But I survived and look at me now. I'm a paragon of manhood with a fucking beautiful family.
Clay: Yeah. You did all right.
Matt: What I'm saying, I had things to hang on to. I had chess club, I had Knowledge Bowl...
Clay: See, now you're embarrassing yourself, Dad.

Alex: It's a party, so I'm pretending to have fun. No, I'm actually just here as a part of my ongoing plan. I'm gonna hang around Jessica enough that she gets annoyed and she falls back in love with me.
Clay: I feel like there's a logic flaw in that plan.

Tony: What about going through the cycle like Hannah wanted?
Clay: It's time we stop thinking about what Hannah wanted and start thinking about what she needs. And Jessica. And every other girl who "practically begged" Bryce to fuck her.

Clay: [about Jessica's rocks] I guess an advantage of having pet rocks is that they don't die.
Hannah: Mm. Yeah. They don't eat too much. And they don't crap on the floor.
Clay: [laughs while toying with the rocks] Oh, I'm killing her pets...
[Hannah laughs while holding a rock herself]
Clay: What's that one's name?
Hannah: I think we should name him Stone.
Clay: Is that his first name or his last name?
Hannah: Both. His name is Stone Stone.
Clay: Stone Stone.
Hannah: Yeah!
[they laugh]
Hannah: Oh my God, your name is Clay!
Clay: Yes, it is. And I've heard all the jokes.
Hannah: Really? Like, all the jokes in the universe, ever?
Clay: All of them.
Hannah: Well, that's impressive.

[from trailer]
Zach: [an army of lawn gnomes start popping out] Gnomes? Maybe, they're friendly.
[One lawn gnome throws a knife next to him, then its eyebrows turns angry]
Zach: Not friendly! Definitely not friendly!
[One lawn gnome jumps and starts to attack R.L. Stine, but Champ smashes it with a frying pan]

Hannah: [to Clay] Have you noticed anything weird about Alex lately?
Clay: Um... well, his hair's weird, but that's not new.
Hannah: His hair is awesome.
Clay: I didn't say it wasn't awesome, it's just, like, distinctive.
Hannah: And he's an amazing dresser. I mean, you could take a few lessons.
Clay: I totally could and I'm glad we got around to my failings because I was wondering when we would get to that.

Tony: You can't save the world.
Clay: But you can try to save your friends.

Lainie: Clay, honey. If this case could hurt you in any way, then I won't take it, but you have to tell me why. You have to tell me what's going on. I can't help you if you don't talk to me.
Clay: You can't help anyway, Mom.

Clay: [to Justin] You can get me suspended, you can ruin my fucking life if you want to. It won't change what you did and sooner or later, people are going to find out.
Justin: People are not gonna find out.
Clay: Why are you protecting Bryce? What does he have on you?
Justin: I'm not protecting Bryce, you little fuck! God, I'm protecting Jessica! I care more about Jessica than I do about Hannah, than I do about you, than I do about anybody else. All right? So just get the fuck out!
Clay: I want my bike.
Justin: Your bike? Seriously?
Clay: Yes, you fucking asshole, I want my bike.
Justin: It's out back behind the building. Go knock yourself out.

Clay: [after Clay faints while getting a tattoo]
[about his tattoo]
Clay: It's a fucking comma.
Skye: So it signifies a pause. As in, you paused getting a tattoo in order to faint.
Clay: Even just getting the tattoo, I fucking fail.

Kevin: [after Clay reveals that Bryce raped Hannah] It can be very dangerous to accuse someone of a crime like that.
Clay: I have his confession.
Kevin: How do you have his confession?
Clay: I asked him for it. I took Hannah at her word which is what you should have done. I believed Hannah, and I accused Bryce of rape and then he beat the shit out of me and admitted it.

Clay: [When Clay sees Alex tearing down some of the suicide awareness posters off the walls] Alex...
Alex: Go back to class, Clay.
Clay: What are you doing?
Alex: I'm cleaning up. What, they think these are gonna save someone's life? "Suicide's not an option"? Yeah, you know what? Clearly it is an option, you know? Why don't they put up a poster that says "Don't be a fucking dick to people"? Why don't we put up that poster?
Clay: Yeah, that would be cool with me. I try not to be a dick.
Alex: Yeah, we all try.