The Best Eddie Quotes

Eddie: I got us a new fish. He's a lot feistier than the last one.
Chandler: Maybe because the last one was made by Pepridge Farm.

Chandler: Have we met?
Eddie: It's Eddie, you freak, your roommate.
Chandler: I'm sorry, I already have a roommate.
Joey: Hello.
Chandler: He's lived here for years. I don't know what you're talking about, man.
Eddie: No, he moved out and I moved in.
Chandler: But, I think I'd remember something like that.
Joey: I know I would.
Eddie: Oh, that's a good point. Um, Ok, well I guess I got the wrong apartment then.

Chandler: Eddie, do you remember yesterday?
Eddie: [laughs] Vaguely.
Chandler: Do you remember talking to me yesterday?
Eddie: [laughs] Yes.
Chandler: So what happened?
Eddie: We took a roadtrip to Las Vegas, man!
Monica: So on this "roadtrip" did you win any money?
Eddie: Nah, crapped out, but Mr. 21 here cleans up 300 bucks, buys me this new pair of shoes. Sweet, huh?
Monica: Yeah.
Eddie: Well see ya pals!
Phoebe: Is anyone else starting to really like him?

Chandler: [rolling over in bed] Hi Eddie... Eddie? What are you doing here?
Eddie: Watching you sleep. It makes me feel peaceful. Please.
Chandler: I can't sleep now!
Eddie: Oh, would you like me to sing you a lullaby?

- I want you out.
- I want to hear it from your lips.
- Where'd you hear it before?
- Oh, right, all right. You know what?
- Consider me gone.
- I'll be out by the time you get home from work tomorrow.
[Mouths] Thank you.
Eddie: I heard that.

Eddie: [Repeated line] see ya pals!

Chandler: Out, out, out! Get out! Take your stupid small fruit and get out!
Eddie: You want me to move out.
Chandler: Uh-huh!
Eddie: Wow! I gotta tell you man, that's kinda out of the blue.
Chandler: It's not out of the blue. This is smack dab in the middle of the blue!