30 Best How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days Quotes

Andie: Why do they always forget my bacon?
Jeannie: I can't believe you got that guy knocked out.
Andie: Only for a few seconds.
Lana: Andie, I am loving your notes on this piece.
Andie: [with her mouth full] Thank you, Lana.
Lana: When are you seeing him again?
Andie: Tonight. He's inviting me over to his house for dinner.
Lana: Excellent! I've got a feeling about this one.
Michelle: I hate it when she pops her head in like that.
Andie: I never noticed it.
Lana: A-hem. I heard that. And Andie, tonight take smaller bites.
Andie: Thank you, Lana.
Michelle: Oh, my God!
Jeannie: Disgusting! I can barely eat over here.
[Andie takes an even bigger bite]

DeLauer: Look, just give me back the necklace, then you guys can go on and kill each other.

Andie: Like, do blondes, like, do they really have more fun?

Andie: You can't lose something you never had.

Andie: Hey, listen, Sparky. I have a masters in journalism from Columbia, my boss loves me, and if I do it her way for a while, I can write about whatever I want.
Ben: Like, shoes?

[last lines]
Ben: Look who made the trip with me.
Andie: It's our love fern! Oh, Bennie-boo-boo, boo-boo.

Ben: [introducing Andie to his family] And this is Joey Jr.
Glenda: [to Jack, playing BS] Bullshit!
Ben: Now the whole family suffers from tourette's, I hope that's not a problem.

Andie: I don't think I can be with someone who doesn't like animals and thinks I'm a mental person
[waves her fingers and goes cross eyed]

Tony: [Andie gives Ben a plaid Burberry button-down shirt] It looks like the inside of a raincoat.

Thayer: That it?
Tony: That's it?
Ben: [points to purse on desk] That's it.
Tony: Have you looked inside?
Ben: No.
Thayer: Do you have an ethical problem with rifling through a woman's purse?
Ben: Uhh, yeah, I guess I do.
Tony: Well, it's hardly a purse, dude, it's more like a... clutch or something.
Ben: Guys, a woman's purse, alright, it's her secret source of power. Alright? There are many dark and dangerous things in there, that we, the male species, should know nothing about.

[Andie is holding a tissue in front of Ben's face]
Andie: C'mon, blow. Nobody likes a Mr. Sniffles.
Tony: Yeah, uh, I hate Mr. Sniffles.

Andie: Benny boo boo... boo boo boo!

Tony: Couples therapy, it'll buy you at least four days.

Ben: Let's take a break because the woman is driving me crazy.
Tony: Which woman? Andie or Princess Sophia?

Andie: Does Krull the Warrior King want to come out and play?
Ben: No.
Andie: Krull...
Ben: You know what, due to intense humiliation, the king has momentarily abdicated his throne, okay?
Andie: Oh. Uh-oh!
Ben: Yeah.
Andie: Well, in that case, I better get going. Take care of our love fern, honey.

Ben: Look, look, look, wait a minute. The one night we even thought about having sex, all right, she up and decides she's going to nickname my...
Michelle: Penis?
Ben: Yeah. "Princess Sophia." You want to talk about shooting a man's horse? Whop! Come on!

Michelle: So, tell me, how long have you guys been seeing each other?
Andie: Seven days.
Michelle: Seven days. Interesting.
Ben: Is that too soon to be seeing a therapist?
Andie: Well, Ben, seven days isn't like a lifetime, or anything...
Ben: It's like a week.

Thayer: We, you know, we got a whole bunch of work we have to do, but we're still on for poker at your house this weekend?
Ben: Oh, you count on it.
Andie: Whoo! Boys' night.
Tony: Whoo!

[Andie is making Ben's place girly, putting "chick" CDs in his CD player]
Andie: Sheryl, Tori, Sinead, Jewel, Fiona, Carly... Gang's all here!

Andie: [thrusts herself onto Ben] Does Princess Sophia want to come out and play?
Ben: Who's Princess Sophia?
[Andie points at his crotch]
Ben: Nah-nah-nah, nah! Whoa, whoa, you're kidding me, right? Princess Sophia?
Andie: Little, big, little, big? I don't know. We will find out!
Ben: Alright listen, you can't name my... my member Princess Sophia.
Andie: Yes, I can!
Ben: Listen, if you are gonna name m... my member, alright, you gotta name it something hyper masculine, okay? Something like a Spike, a Butch, a Krull the Warrior King!

Tony: Tone-deaf and drunk is not a good combination.

Ben: Excuse me, ma'am.
Jeannie: Holy crap!
Ben: Where's Andie Anderson?
Jeannie: Uh, she's not here.
Ben: Where is she?
Michelle: She quit.
Jeannie: She's got an interview in Washington.
Ben: When is she leaving?
Jeannie: Today.
Ben: When?
Jeannie: Well, like, now.
Ben: You're not a therapist, are you?
Michelle: Oh, haha... no.
Ben: Good job, though. You owe me three hundred bucks.

Ben: That's what I'm talking about. Where's the sexy, cool, fun, smart, beautiful Andie that I knew? The one that wanted to be a serious journalist? You're up, you're down, you're here, you're there, you're like a frickin' one woman circus.

Jack: [Jack is introducing Andie to the family] You gotta watch him, he farts like a howitzer. But he's family, what are you gonna do?
Uncle: Intestinal complication!

Andie: [crying at restaurant after waitress asks if everything is okay] My boyfriend thinks I'm fat!
[flicks food at Ben]
Andie: And I can't eat in front of him! I can't eat in front of you! I have to go to the bathroom.
Ben: [receives dirty looks from other customers] Honey, I don't think you're fat! I don't think she's fat!

[repeated line]
Several: Bullshit!

Lana: Who's that chic Buddhist Richard Gere is always cavorting with?
Jeannie: The Dali Lama?
Lana: He's fabulous!

[Ben is trying to find words to be used as metaphors for diamonds]
Ben: How about 'Glitter'?
Tony: Thayer's favorite movie.
Thayer: It was underrated!

Andie: Our love fern! You let it die!
Ben: No, honey, it's just sleeping.

Ben: [to himself, on his balcony, waving goodbye to Andy before she gets in her cab] You're already falling in love with me.
Andie: I'm gonna make you wish you were dead.
[blows away a kiss to Ben up on his balcony]
Andie: Poor guy.