The Best Edward Darby Quotes

Edward: What do you want?
Harvey: I want out. I win this, you tear up my noncompete and you fire me.
Edward: You hate this merger that much?
Harvey: I had an agreement with Jessica, and I honored it. Then she accused me of trying to get fired. Then she lied to me by claiming that she fought for me to be on this case.
Edward: She really does wanna make up with you, you know.
Harvey: Funny way of showing it.
Edward: Ironic. Her belief that you wanted to be fired led you to wanting to be fired.
Harvey: Do we have a deal or not?
Edward: It appears we do.

Edward: One more thing. Instead of spending firm money to fly to another country to question my judgment, feel free to call first. I'll be happy to give you the same answer over the phone.

Edward: They've decide to take on Ava Hessington personally.
Jessica: Who is they?
Edward: The U. S. government. I've decided to let Harvey handle it.
Jessica: Why?
Edward: Why not?
Jessica: It's not a good time. He's still digesting the merger.
Edward: Meaning?
Jessica: He's acting out.
Edward: Well, he may be acting out, but I understand he just got his client triple the money.
Jessica: By taking a huge risk he didn't have to.
Edward: This case, he may have to.

Jessica: I am in charge on this side of the ocean.
Edward: Because I allow it to be that way.
Jessica: And, there it is again - 51-49.
Edward: Until now I believed that Harvey was the wild horse that couldn't be tamed, but perhaps it is you.
Jessica: I think maybe Harvey was right. It is personal, but I didn't make it that way. You did when you allowed your feelings for Ava to cloud your judgment; and, as you pointed out, I had a partner once who made decisions based on his personal shit, and I will not allow that to happen again; and, 51-49 or not, I just took fourteen million and put it on my side of the ledger, so do me a favor, Edward, and turn off the lights on your way out.

Edward: Harvey, I'm just in the middle of a little afternoon crossword. Are you a puzzler?
Harvey: Don't you have work to do?
Edward: My dear fellow, if I have to do work, then I'm not doing my job.

Harvey: Why should we trust a man who sent Stephen over here to cover his ass?
Edward: I sent Stephen over here because I care about Ava, which is why I sent him to the E. I. R. in the first place. I had no idea he would do what he did, and I have been trying to fix it ever since.

Jessica: How would you propose to a woman?
Edward: A woman? I think we both know a wom...
Jessica: Yes, we do!