The Best Ellen Lane Quotes

Ellen: Tell me the truth. What do you know about him? Don't make the same mistake I did.
Lois: Mother don't do this. Your projecting your troubles with daddy on Clark and me, we're different.
Ellen: Oh sure. You think you know Clark. I thought I knew your father. He was a brilliant surgeon, I was his loyal nurse. We had it all. But that wasn't enough for Sam.
Lois: I know. It was a really bad thing that happened. But you know at some point I had to decide that whatever hell you and daddy were going through was your business. And I can't let it wreck my life.
Ellen: Alright.

Ellen: [held at gunpoint by Misha] Sam, I don't mean to nag, but do you do any checking on these crackpots before you sign them up as partners?!
Misha: I'm not a crackpot!
Martha: No dear, trust me, you are.

Lois: I have never seen her have so much fun, it's scary.
[Pours glasses of wine for herself and Clark]
Clark: [Raises his glass for a toast] To... life
Lois: To life.
Ellen: For heaven's sake Lois this isn't my wedding, are you going to participate or not?
Lois: You're doing fine mom. You just keep doing what you do best and so will we.
[Kisses Clark]

Ellen: Did Lois mention what kind of wedding she'd like?
Martha: To be honest I have heard the word elope.
Ellen: Oh dear that was my influence.

Lois: Threatening gifts... weird frogs... my fiance's typhoon fighting in India... It's not even 8 o'clock, what's next?
Ellen: Lois, I'm not coming to your wedding.

Lois: Mom, Clark is the best thing in my life and I almost missed him because I was too busy controlling my work, my feelings, everything. I got lucky. He made me notice him.
Ellen: I just wanted your wedding to be perfect.
Lois: Well I'm marrying the man I love. It is perfect.