600 Best Lois Lane Quotes

Barry: Lois Lane? Hi Miss Lane my name is Berry Dunning.
Lois: I know who you are.
Barry: Oh then you're familiar with my show, 'In Your Face With Berry Dunning.'?... .you know Miss Lane I'm going to give you a chance to tell your side of the story.
Lois: No comment.
Barry: What about the photograph Miss Lane?
Lois: No comment!
Barry: And are you or are you not having an affair with Superman?
Lois: No comment!
Barry: What do you say to those who are calling you Superman's Super Strumpet?
Lois: [Stops in her tracks looking surprised and hurt] They're calling me Super Strumpet?
Barry: Care to respond?
Lois: No.
Barry: Oh come on Miss Lane, I'm only after the truth.
Lois: The truth means nothing to you. All you're interested in is sleaze. You are a disgrace to legitimate reporters like Clark and myself and you're not gonna get what you're digging for vulture boy. I'm not going to give you some soundbite that you can twist and turn. Whatever my relationship is with Superman is nobody's damn business but my own, so get out of my face.

Lois: Where's Clark?
Ralph: Well I don't want to be a tattletale especially since he's your hubby and all...
Lois: [Grabs Ralph by the coat and yells] Where is Clark?
Ralph: Whoa, he just disappeared again, he does that, said something about a rocket center or something, I don't know.

Lois: Couldn't you afford the whole dress?
Cat: Less is more, darling. Sometimes.

Lois: I just want one man. One whole man. Is that too much to ask for? And what do I have to chose from? I have one guy whose really wonderful, only he disappears every time I try and talk to him. And one guy whose really exciting to be with, only he won't talk to me about his work. What are people supposed to talk about if they won't talk about what they did all day? And one guy who is out of this world- - - literally.
Dr. Friskin: I thought you'd given up the Superman fantasy?
Lois: My head has but you know, my heart is just... conflicted.

Lois: [about Superman] I was going to say that you don't want to do this because it will make him mad.

Lois: So, explain something to me. You - you eat like an eight year old and you look like Mr. Hardbody. What's your secret? And can I have it?

Lois: [shouting out the front door] Superman!
Clark: Hi Honey. I was in mid-emergency, what is it?
Lois: I don't know.
Clark: You don't know?
Lois: If I knew I wouldn't need your help.
Clark: Lois...
Lois: Something... intense is happening in the kitchen.
Clark: [Clark walks into the kitchen while Lois hangs back] Demonic symbols, black mask candles, incantation book.
Lois: What about the pots and pans?
Clark: Hanging neatly from the rack.
Lois: [Tentatively comes into the kitchen] Who do you suppose did this?
Clark: Vandals?
Lois: Vandals? Clark, pots and pans were wizzing around the room.
Clark: By themselves?
Lois: I know how it sounds.
Clark: There must be some rational explanation.
Lois: I'm all for that, go ahead.
[Clark hesitates]
Lois: I'll accept almost anything. Barometric pressures, wind currents, sun spots?
Clark: I'm afraid not.
Lois: You're turn.
Clark: Fatigue and emotional trauma.
Lois: What emotional trauma?
Clark: Although it was no real big deal to me you seemed pretty upset about last night's London broil.
Lois: What? Clark, after everything we've been through, invading aliens, alternate universes, machines that suck the youth out of you, you think the one thing that's going to make me see flying pots is... meat?

Lucy: I just hate to see you sitting at home.
Lois: I get out plenty. I have dates.
Lucy: You have interviews. It's not the same thing. Lois, I just want you to meet a super guy.

Squire: Sir Charles? You're the Fox? I love it!
Baron: Well, of course! It all makes perfect sense. Never in the same place at the same time, always ducking away and returning with some lame excuse... I can't believe I was actually fooled by a little mask over the eyes.
Loisette: Duh, join the club.

Lois: You know I dreamed of this, spending the night in your arms. First it was Superman I dreamed of. Then it was Clark.
Clark: What happened?
Lois: Well, first you held me in your arms. And then we kissed.
[She leans in and kisses him]
Lois: And then I asked you how you felt about me.
Clark: I don't know *how* I feel about you. There is no one way. I feel... so many things and all at once. Happy. Kinda scared too. Excited. Calm. Lost. Found. I feel safe in a way that I've never known... but in danger too. This thing between us, whatever it is, it's stronger than me. Being with you is stronger than me alone. That's new to me.
[Lois leans in and they kiss]

Superman Clone: You look really, really hot.
Lois: [snorts the champagne she was just drinking in surprise] Oh! Well, thanks.

Clark: [going over a list of people who would set up Lois] Five people threatened to sue you.
Lois: That's not so awful.
Clark: Two hundred threatened to kill you.
Lois: Oh...

Lois: Isn't this place called The Cozy Motel?
Clark: Yeah.
Lois: Well, they lied.
Clark: Sorry about the room Honey but it's probably the best we are going to do tonight.
Lois: Well you know, we never did have an out of town honeymoon.
Clark: And this is definitely out of town.
Lois: Well you know how to show a girl a good time!
[They kiss passionately until water starts dripping on them]

Lois: Clark, listen.
Clark: Yeah.
Lois: We never really talked about this but just how dead set are you on me changing my last name to Kent?
Clark: Well...
Lois: [interrupts] Because you know it is my professional name and marrying you is a huge part of my life, don't get me wrong, but you know so is this.
[Motions around the office]
Lois: And you know I don't think I'll feel one bit less married to you by holding onto a name that has taken me really years to establish. Of course you have tradition on your side but you know I've never understood why women have to do all the changing. They, you know, change their name when they get married, they change their body when they have a baby.
Clark: [Interrupting her babbling] Lois.
Lois: Yes?
Clark: [Holds up the coffee] Next time decaf for you!
Lois: I just feel... attached... both professionally and personally to Lois Lane.
Clark: Me too.
Lois: You too what?
Clark: I'm attached to Lois Lane. I fell in love with her, I admire her, I depend on her. I'm not asking for any changes am I?
Lois: [Smiles] No.
Clark: If something is important to you then it's important to me. We're in this together.
[kisses Lois]

Lois: [unfolding the note that sent her on a wild goose chase after she stole stories from a couple of people] You wouldn't happen to know who sent me this?
[Clark shrugs]
Lois: [sees the latest edition of the Planet on his desk] You? *You* got the story?
Clark: Consider it a life lesson, Lois. No charge.

Agent: Well, look who's here, if it isn't the man with the smoldering eyes.
Clark: What are you talking about?
Agent: Mayson's diary. Pretty steamy stuff. Reads like an Emily Bronte novel.
Lois: You read Emily Bronte?
Agent: What can I say, I'm a hopeless romantic.

Lois: [Walks into Clark's apartment] Okay I admit I'm high maintenance in the relationship area, I can be demanding and headstrong and occasionally stubborn.
Clark: [Tries to interrupt her rant] Lois...
Lois: But it's only because I care. I'm not ready to let you walk away just because you think I... Clark there's a woman in your apartment.
Clark: I know, this is Ms. Kipling, from the museum. She brought me these photos.
Lois: Well this probably isn't a good time to bare my soul. I'll be leaving.
Clark: Believe me, Lois, this is not what it looks like.
Lois: It looks like it's ten o'clock at night and you're entertaining a woman.
Clark: Ah! See right there, entertaining, that's the wrong word. We're investigating. She is helping me investigate.
Lois: I thought I did that. Or did you dump me in that department, too?
Clark: Would you cut it out please?
Lois: Okay let's say tonight is perfectly platonic. The night will come when it won't be for one of us. How do you think we should handle that?
Clark: I hadn't actually thought about it.
Lois: Maybe you should.

Clark: When all this is over I'm going to call Dr. Klein and make that appointment, you know, for Superman to check and see...
Lois: Good. Kinda scary huh? It never occurred to me that we might not be able to have babies together.
Clark: Well, maybe we will have Super-babies. Who knows?
Lois: Yeah. What if we can't? I mean I don't even know if I want to have kids I just assumed we would have that option.
Clark: Lois, I married you because I love you. Not because we may or may not be able to have children together. Besides there is always the adoption option and it worked out pretty good for me.
Lois: That's true.

Clark: Well go ahead, I'm waiting.
Lois: For what?
Clark: The morality play, the "you should have trusted me and my infallible reporter's instinct' lecture.
Lois: Clark, you don't need me to remind you of your shortcomings. I would've thought by now they'd be obvious. C'mon, I'm starving and you're buying. And just in case you did miss the moral to the story, thank you, you should trust what's in people's hearts, not just the facts.

Superman: You'll always be special to me, Lois.
Lois: I will?
Superman: You're the first woman who ever...interviewed me.

Lois: Everything about that guy was phony.
Clark: Including his death.

Alternate: What if I asked you to stay?
Lois: I can't.
Alternate: But I'm not sure how to be *this*. You made it happen.
Lois: All I did was help you make the right choice, you'll keep doing that. You just have to believe in yourself as much as I do.
Alternate: Lois I don't just need your help. I need you.
Lois: So does he.
Alternate: What I'm trying to say... I know this sounds crazy, but I think that I...
Lois: So does he.
Alternate: Does he know what he has?
Lois: We both do.

Lois: You still think I'm crazy?
Clark: I think you're brilliant, but there's a fine line between brilliance and lunacy.

Superman: [Talking to Lois inside her jail cell] Honey I can't believe you've been sitting on all your fears, holding all this stuff inside you. You told me you would tell me if things got too bad.
Lois: And if I did you would go off and do something crazy.
Superman: Yeah you bet I would! You're my wife and I love you. Anything that helps you isn't crazy.
Lois: [Looks around and makes sure no one is listening] Breaking me out of here is and I know that's what you are thinking.
Superman: I was not thinking that.
[Lois gives him a look]
Superman: I was just... sort of... feeling that.
Lois: Oh Clark. Not only do you give me hope, you give the world hope and you do that by obeying the rules. You lend your strength to help everybody get a fair deal.
Superman: If anybody deserves a fair deal it's you, even if you weren't my wife.
Lois: But if you help me by breaking the rules you're going to damage something you are. A symbol of decency, of fairness.
Superman: [Lets out a big sigh] I'm gonna get you out of here.
Lois: I know you will. The right way. Through the door, not the window.
[They kiss]
Superman: [Hears someone coming] I better go. I love you.
[Kisses Lois again and flys out]
Lois: [Looks at where he left longingly] I love you.

Lois: I live by three rules. I never get involved with my stories, I never let anybody else get there first and I never sleep with anyone I work with.

Perry: Here's what I propose. Lois, you and I both run the newspaper together. Partners. Editors-in-Chief. What do you say?
Lois: [Looks at Clark] I'd say, I already have a partner.
Perry: Awe, yeah, well I guess it was worth a shot.
Lois: No you don't understand, I don't want to be editor anymore.
Perry: No I understand it's just uh... what?
Lois: You can have your old job back. As long as I can have mine because I miss being a reporter as much as you miss being an editor.
Lois: Lois, are you sure?
Lois: Positive.
Perry: You've got a deal!

Clark: Excuse me for caring!
Lois: I love it that you care.

Katie: [after possessing Lois's body] I'm sorry Lois.
Lois: I know. I understand. But things will be better for you now.
Katie: You're probably right. It seems I've made my best friend, my only friend, after I left this life. Bummer.

Lois: [picking a lock] I could get into any door in this city.
Clark: I know that's what worries me.

Clark: I was actually just thinking about invitations.
Lois: Catering.
Clark: The band.
Lois: Ugh! We're so far behind.
Clark: We haven't even set a date yet!
Lois: I know! We're behind on that too.

Clark: [pulling a piece of elevator cable out of his desk] You should be happy to see this then.
Lois: ok, I see it. When do I get happy?
Clark: This is elevator cable. I found it in the shaft the day of the accident. Look at the end.
Lois: Well I'm not happy, but I am closing in on bored.

Lois: [perching herself seductively on his desk] Clark?
Clark: Just a sec, Lois, I-
[notices what she's doing]
Lois: What ya workin' on?
Clark: The dock strike. You know the two sides really aren't that far apart.
Lois: How far apart are they? Really?
Clark: Lois, are you feeling ok?
Lois: Never better. I just couldn't help noticing how very handsome you look today.
Clark: Handsome?
Lois: Very.
Clark: Oh I get it. What do you want? Research? Your VCR Fixed? A ride to the airport? A blind date for your-
Lois: No, I don't want anything except you.

Lois: Old news isn't news--it's history.

Clark: Lois flying for me is a piece of cake. I've been doing it since high school. What happens if I screw up? Lose a little altitude. But being in a relationship, it's completely new. If I blow this, I lose everything.
Lois: Oh Clark. I'm not actually as good at romance as I look.
Clark: Really?
Lois: I mean my life's basically been about work. I'm just trying to figure this out like you are.
Clark: So we'll help each other.
Lois: I know I don't always respond appropriately.
Clark: Neither do I.
Lois: And I don't always know how to express how I feel.
Clark: And I get tongue tied sometimes.
Lois: But I do know you broke my heart. And you just have to let me work that out. You can't expect me to just snap out of it.
Clark: I will... and I don't.

Lois: Seems like years ago we stood at this window and said goodbye to each other.
Clark: That was the worst night of my life.
Lois: Did any part of meeting up with your roots feel good? I mean, was it satisfying in any way, or was it disappointment to you?
Clark: Maybe all of those. I kept waiting for this incredible feeling of connection, like I was exactly where I belonged... But that's only happened to me once in my life.
Lois: When?
Clark: The day I met you.
Lois: [tears forming in her eyes] For a space man, you are the most romantic person I've ever known. Earth guys don't stand a chance against you.
[they kiss]
Clark: [pulls away, lifting the necklace up to show her] I told you I'd keep it safe.
Lois: As safe as your love for me?
Clark: Mm-hmm.
[stands and gently turns her around to sit on the stairs, kneeling]
Clark: Marry me, Lois. Let's not plan, let's not wait, let's not let clone-makers or psycho-psychiatrists, or women who shrink people into little people keep us apart. Just marry me.
Lois: You know, that's precisely what I was thinking.

[Clark dashes off after hearing a cry for help and Lois follows him]
Lois: Clark. What'd you hear?
Clark: A cry for help, I think it's coming from the museum.
Lois: One ancient artifact's already been stolen today. I'm going.
Clark: No you're not, you're staying.
Lois: Forget it, we're a team remember, Lane and Kent?
Clark: Yes Lane and Kent are a team but this is a job for Superman.
[Dashes off without Lois]

Clark: So now that we're back in real reality, want to finish our conversation?
Lois: Clark I want...
Clark: Yes?
Lois: Pastrami.
Clark: What?
Lois: On rye, Russian dressing, sliced pickles, side of slaw, cream soda and then...
Clark: And then?
Lois: And then we can deal with that thing.
[a moment later]
Lois: I think I'll have some fries too.
Clark: You're nervous!

Clark: Lois, we waited and waited for our honeymoon night for a long time. Because we wanted it to be one of the most special and memorable nights of our lives.
Lois: Are you saying it wasn't?
Clark: You fell asleep.
Lois: I was tired.
Clark: I understand that. I just, I just hope that it wasn't something else, that's all.
Lois: Of course not... Honey. It was just a big day for me, lots of pressure.

Lois: You're giving me that look.
Clark: What look?
Lois: That 'Lois has gone off the deep end in pursuit of an angle' look.
Clark: I just don't think we should rush into anything.
Lois: Sometimes you have to rush.
Clark: And sometimes you have to be careful.
Lois: I am careful.
Clark: You are *never* careful.
Lois: And you always walk on eggshells.
Clark: I'm just trying to be thorough.
Lois: What, I'm not?
Clark: Wait, why did you say that?
Lois: Say what?
Clark: That I always walk on eggshells. You said that I always walk on eggshells. Well how would you know I always do anything unless you remember that I do?
Lois: I don't know. I don't know how I know, I know. I just know that this conversation is driving me nuts. Goodnight.

Superman: Deathstroke.
Deathstroke: Superman.
Lois: Carol.
Carol: Lois.
Lois: Bob.
Deathstroke: [whispers to Carol] She recognizes me!
Carol: [whispers back] I've always said that glasses weren't a good enough disguise.

Superman: [Knocks on the balcony door and Lois answers with a big smile] Sorry I'm late. Long day at the office.
Lois: [Being carried across Superman's shoulders] Isn't it nice?
Superman: Very nice!
Lois: I missed you.
[Superman sets her down on the bed and joins her]
Superman: I missed you too.
[They start kissing, unaware they are being watched and photographed from the window]
Superman: [Superman hears a noise, unaware the photographer fell from the ledge, and stops to x-ray where the noise came from]
Lois: Did you hear something?
Superman: No... it was nothing.
[They resume passionate kissing]

Lois: I think it's done.
Clark: This is terrific.
Lois: Say that after you taste it.
Clark: No, I mean us, here in the kitchen, cooking dinner together.
Lois: Not too normal for you, routine, dull?
Clark: I live for normal, thrive on routine and as for dull, that word just does not exist when I'm with you.
Lois: Well in that case after dinner you're in for a very special dessert.
Clark: Ooh!

Lois: Katie left a little behind. She sure knew how to cook a wonderful breakfast.
Clark: [Clark takes a bite] Wow!
Lois: I call that eggs a la Katie Banks.
Clark: Oh Honey you can cook!
Lois: Yes. Who would have though a couple of eggs could give me such a feeling of conquest? Although it's sort of like climbing Mount Everest. Once you do it you think 'why would I ever do that again'?
Clark: I'll eat slowly...
Lois: I suggest you do.

Clark: The cards, the postcards, the letters, the charity functions, they do serve a purpose. I see so much of the bad in people, crime and violence, but to see the good things it sort of recharges my spirit. Just like the sun recharges Superman's powers. All these small things, they sort of recharge me.
Lois: Oh. I thought I did that.
Clark: Honey you sustain me.

Clark: Maybe it's just animal magnetism.
Lois: That's fine in a zoo.

Tempus: Well, this is a special pleasure, Ms. Lane. I'm Tempus. I'm from the future that you and Superman created.
Lois: Me and Superman?
Tempus: A world of peace. A world with no greed or crime. A world so boring you'd blow your brains out, but there are no guns.

Lois: I win, you lose, we're both happy.

Lois: ...the police are looking for the Prankster, and Superman, I'm sure is on the job, so the President would probably be safer here in Metropolis than he would be in the White House.
Agent: And what would you know about the White House, ma'am?
Lois: N-nothing. Nothing. I-I was just... sample, you know? Could've said 'safer than a bug in a rug', or... 'two peas in a pod'...
Agent: Are you on any type of medication, ma'am?

Clark: [Hears a cry for help, looks at Lois as he reaches to loosen his tie] Uh, I...
Lois: Sure, yeah, go.
Jimmy: How do you guys do that? How did you even know he had somewhere to go?
Lois: Oh well I, I just... can't tell you.

Clark: Speaking of money, I was thinking that maybe we should put an offer on this house.
Lois: Haha, very funny.
Clark: I'm serious.
Lois: What?
Clark: That's your happy look right? Surprised but happy, right?
Lois: Clark are you out of your mind?
Clark: Well you're the one always telling me to take a chance, be spontaneous. Carpe diem, seize the day.
Lois: Well I'm talking about little things like wearing brown shoes with a grey suit, putting the coleslaw actually on the pastrami sandwich, not this, this is huge, this is colossal. I mean this is a life altering decision that could have repercussions for decades.
Clark: Whoa whoa whoa, okay we haven't done anything yet.
Lois: How do you know I even want a house?
Clark: Well this morning you said you really liked the place.
Lois: I really like the Grand Canyon but I don't want to buy it. Clark, this is just a really big step.
Clark: I just thought that, you know, after we got married, we'd want to get a place, you know, put down some roots.
[Lois looks uncomfortable]
Clark: Lois?
Lois: Well I just don't know if I'm going to be any good at that.

Lou: I know who you are.
[Motorcycle cop pulls up outside]
Lou: Excuse me.
Lois: Well obviously the jig is up.
Clark: [Clark and Lois talk simultaneously] Honey, Honey please I'm trying to Super-hear right now and when I'm Super-hearing and you're standing this close and you're talking at me it feels like you're sticking a knife in my head so Honey if you could stop for just a second...
Lois: [At the same time Clark is talking] This is ridiculous I'm turning myself in cause I know what you're thinking you're thinking of doing something crazy like flying me out of here and I'm not letting you punish yourself any more than you already have so that is just the end of it...
Clark: Please!
Lois: I'm sorry. I'll stop talking.
Clark: Unfortunately so have they.
Lou: [Comes back in] I told him I hadn't seen anyone. I'm Lou. Like I said I know who you are. See everyday people like me we worry about keeping our families safe and our businesses open. We have small lives. You fight for us when we can't do it ourselves. I just want you to know we appreciate it. And I'm real sure you didn't kill anyone Miss Lane.

Lois: [Lois has witnessed a murder and has been receiving threats] I do not need a bodyguard and even if I did, and I mean this in the nicest possible way, you would not be my first choice.
[walks away]
Clark: [smiles to himself realizing who her first choice would be] Thank you. I take that as a compliment.

Clark: We weren't partners then.
Lois: Then? Clark, try never again.

Superman: [Superman flies Lois above the clouds into the starry night sky] Are you cold?
Lois: [Shivering] A little.
Superman: Here
[Wraps his cape around Lois]
Lois: It's so beautiful.
Superman: I used to come up here a lot by myself and just drift. Not part of the stars, not part of the earth, not really knowing where I fit in... until I met you.
Lois: Oh Clark.
Superman: Lois I'll wait for you. I'll wait for you as long as you need.
Lois: I want you to know I love you. And you're not alone anymore.
[They kiss as they drift through the night sky]

Lois: [Clark once again carries Lois to the bed] Hello husband.
Clark: Hello wife.
Lois: Now that's what I call getting carried over the threshold.
Clark: You ain't seen nothing yet
[Kisses Lois]
Lois: Oh, wow, I'm beat.
Clark: You're kidding. Honey please tell me you're kidding?
Lois: Don't move.
[Gets up, grabs a bag and runs out of the room]
Clark: [Gets the bed ready, lights candles and pours champagne] You know, I know this is our first time and everything and I really want everything to be perfect. But if you had your heart set on Hawaii I'd really understand.
Lois: [Comes out wearing lingerie] You were saying...?
Clark: [Spins into his boxers and an open shirt while holding the glasses of champagne] Didn't spill a drop.
Lois: [Takes the champagne glasses and sets them aside] I don't want anything to cloud this moment.
[Takes Clark's shirt off]
Clark: [Laying down on the bed with Lois] The moment you were destined for.
Lois: That's what makes it so special.
[They passionately kiss]
Lois: I love you Clark Kent.
Clark: I love you, Lois Lane.
[They continue passionately kissing]

Superman: Well, I better be going.
Lois: Wait.
[gives him a rose]
Superman: What's this.
Lois: It's a rose.
Superman: What's this for?
Lois: Do I have to have a reason?
[kisses him on the cheek]
Superman: I guess not. Good night, Lois.
Lois: Good night.

Aurora: By the way, I love your haircut.
Lois: Oh. Oh, thanks. Well after seeing myself on wanted posters all over town I figured it was time for a new look.
Aurora: Makes me want to get my hair cut.
Lois: Like this?
Aurora: No. Bald.

H.G. Wells: Lois I know how bringing Clark here must look.
Lois: That any thought of retrieving my Clark is hopeless? That the only thing standing between Tempus and world conquest is Superman? Is that what you think I think it looks like?
H.G. Wells: I'd say the world could use a Superman just now.
Clark: Lois, I'm not your Clark, but I can be Superman. In my world I've become the Superman that you encouraged me to be.
Lois: I know this sounds awful but I really don't want you here. It's like having Clark but not. And accepting you means accepting that he's gone and I'm not ready to do that.
Clark: Clark would want me to stay.
Lois: How do you know what Clark would want?
Clark: He'd want me to protect this world. He'd want me to protect you.

Clark: People shouldn't have to live up to other people's expectations.
Lois: Oh, come on, we do it all the time.
Clark: For example?
Lois: For example, you're not going to wear that to dinner tonight, are you? You're gonna go home and change because we both have expectations about how each other's going to look. You'll be wearing something elegant, not too dark, charcoal suit. And I will be dressed in deep violet.
Clark: Burgundy.
Lois: Burgundy?
Clark: Or violet.
Lois: That's what you've always dreamed of seeing me in, burgundy? I don't have much in burgundy. Um, maybe if I hurry, I can make it to Neiman's before they close.
Clark: Lois, you don't have to do that.
Lois: No, no, wait, what time are you picking me up? 8? Uh, make it 8:15. Oh, no, forget it, that's a bad way to start a date, being late. 7:45. No, 8, I don't want you to think I'm flaky changing my mind all the time.

Lois: [Superman just brought her more gifts] You gotta stop doing that.
Superman: Why? Making you happy makes me happy.
Lois: Did I ever tell you why I gave up my crush on Superman? Because he is a fantasy. And did I tell you why I fell in love with Clark?
[Shakes his head no]
Lois: Because he's real. And that's what I want.
Superman: You do?
Lois: Yeah. He's got problems and insecurities and... hat hair.
Superman: I do *not* have hat hair!
Lois: If I told Clark that I like the scent of tulips from Holland that's not your cue to go taxiing down the runway. It just means that Clark and I would save up and some day take a vacation like a normal couple.
Superman: But I *am* Clark.
Lois: But you're also that guy that saves the world from killer bees and props up the Golden Gate bridge.
Superman: Couldn't you just think of me as a very busy, very fast, very strong... doctor?
[Hears a cry for help]
Lois: I need some stability.
Superman: Uh, Lois...
Lois: I need a sense that I'm not always sharing you with the 5 billion other people on the planet.
Superman: If you could just hold that thought...
Lois: I need to know that you will be there for me when I need you.
Superman: I gotta go...
[He leaves and Lois looks upset]

Superman: [as Lois is clinging to a flagpole] I know you probably got this covered, but...
Lois: Well, as long as you're not doing anything...

Clark: You were trying to say something and I... I...
Lois: Had a sudden urge to return a tape. It's perfectly understandable. I needed to express a deep personal feeling. You had to save three dollars.
Clark: Lois. You know, I really hope that someday you learn that sometimes what it seems like people are doing isn't really what they're doing.
Lois: What are you, a fortune cookie?

Clark: Maybe Superman outta go check out that camera.
Lois: Great idea, go, let's see some tights!
Clark: I'm going, I'm going, jeez.

Loisette: Did you ever wonder if our relationship was jinxed, Clark? Not just here, but everywhere.
Sir: What do you mean?
Loisette: I mean jinxed--like it's not meant to be. I mean, just look at everything we've had to overcome.
Sir: Lois...
Loisette: Clark, I'm serious. Maybe we're missing the obvious here. Maybe it's time we stopped pretending and started looking at the writing on the wall. It just seems like every time we turn around, every time we try and take the next stop, something is in our way trying to keep us from getting there.
Sir: When you add it up like that, it's a lot. Maybe that's the point... Maybe what this really is is a test--to see how badly we want to be together. Maybe it's up to us to decide if it's meant to be.
Loisette: What do you think?
Sir: I think there's a very good reason why we're soul mates.
[holds her arms gently kissing her]

Lt. Ching: I have possibly underestimated you, Lois. If I've seemed unkind, understand that carving out a homeland in a hostile universe leaves us very little time in our lives for kindness, or love.
Lois: Lieutenant, without kindness, what is your homeland worth? And without love, what are your lives worth?

Lois: So all along your hallucination was based on a traumatic experience you had as a baby.
Superman: Once I faced it I realized that what I saw wasn't a coffin, it was the capsule that my parents sent me to Earth in.
Lois: Sunday couldn't kill you. Your vision wasn't based on death, it was based on life.
Superman: As I was remembering, I could *feel* the love and the sadness of my parents sending their baby off into the cold universe.
Lois: And into my life.

Lois: It's just that Clark is such a worrywart. He thinks I'm always putting myself in danger.
Star: Well? Are you?
Lois: No. Not all the time. Well you can't be a great reporter without taking some risks.
Star: And that's the only thing that keeps you two apart?
Lois: Yeah. Yeah that and uh one or two other things. Some of which might be my problems. The biggest of which is that it scares me the idea of committing to a relationship for life.
Star: Don't you think he's scared too?
Lois: Yeah.
Star: But you two love each other.
Lois: Yeah. My parents loved each other and they got divorced.
Star: Well you're not your parents any more than they're you. Lois what you want is guaranteed, risk free, happy every after relationship, there is just no such thing.
Lois: It's scary.
Star: Lois if you're willing to risk your life for work why not risk your life for love?

Star: Is there anything else you can remember, anything else important?
Clark: [under hypnosis] Yes. His secretary had the most beautiful body in the world.
Lois: What?!
Clark: Next to Lois.

Lois: Is this a picture of your feet?
Jimmy: [sheepishly] Yeah, but you can see the killer robot between them.

Lois: You don't have any really *big* surprises do you?
Clark: Did I mention the flying?
Lois: I only marry men who fly.

Perry: Maybe it's a good thing the device was destroyed. Technology and human nature are sometimes a volatile mix, aren't they?
Jimmy: Like Frankenstein.
Lois: In bodies of uniform density, the center of gravity depends on the shape of the body.

Lois: I didn't even know you could dance.
Superman: This isn't dancing.
Lois: It's not?
Superman: This is.
[starts to rise and dance in midair]

Lois: Here's what's been bugging me. The other night I was thinking about all of my past relationships. And so what I did was I made a list of the positive ones and all the negative ones.
Clark: And...
Lois: And they all ended up in the negative column, especially my last one with Lex.
Clark: Ouch.
Lois: Yeah.
Clark: But now you have me so none of that matters.
Lois: Oh Clark... My point is that I've worked through a lot of my fears, a lot, except maybe one. And it's not really a fear it's actually more of a concern... about that *thing*.
Clark: Well actually you bring up a good point because we've never really talked about our past.
Lois: Right. Right, exactly and uh well I just wanted you to know why I'm a little skittish about crossing the intimacy threshold. You've been so understanding that I thought maybe you were a little skittish too?
Clark: Well my experience has been a little different... I'm a little different.
Lois: Sure.
Clark: I mean, I've had girlfriends. I've dated. But that thing, the intimacy threshold, the *big* threshold... I've never really... crossed it.
[Lois drops her fork]
Clark: I've stepped right up, taken a good look...
Lois: [Trying not to freak out, can't look at Clark] Oh my God.
Clark: Lois, I'm not from here. So I'm always asking myself 'do I really belong?' Am I really supposed to have a life here...
Lois: Oh my God.
Clark: Lois are you listening?
[She looks at Clark]
Clark: Cause I'm kinda pouring my heart out here.
Lois: Oh I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm just a little... could we walk?
Clark: Sure.
[They start walking]
Lois: So what you are saying is is you are a vvvv... .a very patient man.
Clark: Lois I needed to be sure. I needed to meet the one person that I could share everything...
Lois: No I admire the way that you dealt with this, I just also feel a little...
[shrugs shoulders]
Clark: Yeah?
Lois: I just wish you'd told me, this is big.
Clark: I didn't exactly know how to bring it up.
Lois: I mean it already adds a lot of pressure to a situation that has plenty of pressure.
Clark: [Turns Lois to look at him] Lois there is no pressure because I'm sure that I've made the right choice. You are the person that I've waited for.
Lois: I just wish I had waited too.
Clark: No, no, no...
Lois: Well I do. Especially since they were practically federal disasters.
Clark: Well then think of it that way. I'll be your first non-federal disaster. You'll be my first...
[conversation is interrupted]

Superman: This will work.
Lois: That's a relief. Why are you so sure?
Superman: Because it has to.

Lois: [to Ms. Venom] Listen, if you can remember that name, I'll try and talk Clark here into letting you tattoo the Battle of Midway on his chest.

Clark: Haven't you ever played hooky, Lois?
Lois: Never. Anyway, what is so good about playing hooky.
Clark: Being someplace you're not supposed to be, doing something you're not supposed to do - it's fun.
Lois: I had fun in high school, Chess Club, Math Club. What are you saying Clark? That I'm not a fun person? That I don't know how to have any fun?

Clark: Not exactly what you had in mind, huh?
Lois: Well, let's see, so far I've been given a glimpse of ritual crop worship, treated as your girlfriend, and I insulted your parents. No, I couldn't have planned this.

Lois: [after Clark and Perry have advised her to omit parts of her story for safety reasons] How about the part where the man was *dead*? Can I keep that in?

Superman: Lois?
Lois: Over here.
Superman: Do you have any oolong tea?
Lois: Oolong?
Superman: Oolong.
Lois: No. Do you want some?
Superman: If it wouldn't be too much trouble.
Martha: Oolong sounds wonderful.
Jonathan: Come on, Lois. Let's go get these tea drinkers some oolong.

Lois: Do you think I always have to be right?
Clark: Well...not *always*.

Lois: You aren't going to look for clues, or dust for prints.
Inspector: Waste of time.

Lois: Here's some oatmeal if you want.
Clark: Did you make it?
Lois: Yeah. You probably don't believe that.
[he looks at the drippy oatmeal]
Clark: No, I believe it.

Jimmy: They didn't make it.
Lois: [Cradling Superman] He's not dead, he's not dead, you're not dead...
[Superman let's out a long breath]
Lois: You're alive!

The: Oh, boy, what a great story this is gonna be. Too bad your paper won't be run to publish it.
Lois: What's the Planet got to do with this?
The: Well, my bio wanted a demonstration and so I was like, "Um I'd better decimate a building for them", and I thought, "What better building to destroy than the paper that sent me to prison?" It'll be really nifty.

Linda: That partner of yours, buns of steel.
Lois: How would you know?
Linda: Oh come on, Lois. You don't need Superman's x-ray vision to figure that one out.

Lois: So, how did I rate as a date?
Clark: Oh, A+.
Lois: I hung on your arm decoratively.
Clark: You did.
Lois: Fawned appropriately.
Clark: Absolutely.
Lois: And just faded into the background during your big moment.
Clark: You were beautiful, yet invisible.
Lois: Mmm, make me go through another night like that, and I'll rip out your spleen.

Lois: [to Clark] You can read lips from here? I thought I was good. What else can you do that I don't know about?

Clark: Lois just relax, everything is under control, it's going to be a great Christmas.
Lois: How do you know?
Clark: Because Honey it's Christmas and it's our first together in our new home.
Lois: Oh speaking of which we are never going to get the house in shape on time before everyone arrives, without super-cheating that is.
Clark: Lois...
Lois: And then there's the question of parking?
[Sees Clark's face]
Lois: Sorry, I don't know what it is about the holidays that does this to me.
Clark: It's just the way you look at them, that's all. You view Christmas like it's a chore, like it's something to get through.
Lois: Well that's the way it feels to me.
Clark: Look around you, what do you see?
Lois: Crass commercialism, conspicuous consumption, gluttony, greed... I'm confusing the 12 days of Christmas with the 7 deadly sins again aren't I?
Clark: Want to know what I see? I see magic.
Lois: Magic?
Clark: Yeah Honey, magic. And I love it. I just wish that you could too.
Lois: You know what I wish? I wish we could have a nice Christmas alone together, no lists, no guests, nobody needing...
[Sees Clark's face as he hears a call for help]
Lois: ... Superman. What are you hearing?
Clark: Fire trucks, Bedford Street Children's home.
Lois: Hurry.

Clark: Sorry about having to do this on our day off Honey. But I promise you I'll make it up to you tonight. How does dinner at Le Bartone's sound? Candlelight, violins...
Lois: Why don't we light some candles here and I'll go out later and pick up some stakes and a bottle of wine, clothing optional?
Clark: Ooh, you are making me weak.
Lois: Wait 'til tonight, kryptonite's got nothing on me.

Clark: [Wakes up in the middle of the night and finds Lois downstairs] Honey? Honey do you know what time it is?
Lois: I couldn't sleep.
Clark: What are you doing?
Lois: Paperwork, insurance forms, bank signature cards. I thought filling out all these triplicate forms would put me right back to sleep but you know what? I kinda like it. I get a kick out of checking the 'married' box. Plus I never had a beneficiary before, you know in the event of death.
Clark: Honey you can do this later.
[Starts kissing her ear]
Lois: Well I'm just thinking about the future.
Clark: [Moves on to kissing her neck] The future can wait. Come on, I'll help you get back to sleep. Or not...
Lois: [Enjoying his kisses] You're probably right. The future's overrated anyway. It couldn't possibly get any better than this.
Clark: Uh-uh!

Clark: [seeing Lois attempting to clean up a spill] What happened?
Lois: Oh, I had a muscle - a mishap. I had a mishap.

Lois: I don't know what to do here... I could go pack some cookies or darn some socks... I can't even write you.
Clark: I don't know if I can do this.
Lois: Ahh... You can.
Clark: What I want to do is just take you in my arms and fly away.
Lois: From what? Yourself? Your destiny? I will be here waiting for you, Clark, and if you can return... you will.
Clark: You have so much faith in me.
Lois: Uh, well it's all I have. I think that's what's keeping me standing here, 'cause when I let myself imagine tomorrow without you, I start to shake.
Clark: Lois, if there was any way I could take you with me, I would.
Lois: I know, I know. Oh, I... I never got a chance to, umm... wear my wedding ring. I was hoping that you could keep it for me.
[Lois gently places the necklace around Clark's neck]
Clark: I will keep this as safe as I keep my love for you. Lois, I have loved you from the beginning.
Lois: And I'll love you till the end.
Clark: In my heart, I am your husband.
Lois: And I am your wife.
Clark: Always.
Lois: [Turning to the window] So, um... Which star is yours?
Clark: I don't know if you can see it. There.
Lois: I see it. I'll watch it every night.
[They kiss]

Lois: I don't think that's a question I wanna hear when I'm standing out here with a light shining in my face talking to someone I don't know that I can't see.

[Woody Samms, in Superman's body, talking about Clark]
Woody: He's been here. You've talked to him. Tell me what you know.
[laser beams a picture frame]
Woody: Come on. Make this easy on yourself, and him.
[laser beams coat rack]
Woody: I'm not fooling around here lady! Now tell me where he is!
[laser beams plant]
Lois: It doesn't matter what you do to me. He'll find you. And he'll stop you.
Woody: [chuckles] He's gonna stop Superman?
Lois: He is Superman.
Woody: Not anymore Lady. I'm Superman now!
Lois: You'll never be Superman. It's not the suit. It's not even the powers. It's something you'll never have. Character. To be Superman you have to care about something. Something other than yourself

Jimmy: Hey did you guys hear? That super woman did it again, stopped a car jacking over on main then nabbed a purse snatcher a minute later. She's taking out bad guys left and right.
Clark: Did anybody get a chance to talk to her and find out who she was?
Jimmy: No, she just took off. Leslie thinks she might be related to Ultrawoman, remembered her?
Lois: Rings a bell or two.
Clark: Ultrawoman, yeah, she, she was beautiful. No offense honey, I'm sorry, but she was absolutely stunning.
Lois: [Smiles at Clark] Anyway...

Lois: Clark do you realize what just happened? We were sent to investigate and we spent the whole time wallowing. We wallowed. I hate wallowers and that's what we've turned into, a couple of sighing, slack-jawed, self-pitying wallowers.
Clark: Well for whatever it's worth I x-rayed underneath the store and found evidence of machinery being dismantled so Church could be telling the truth.
Lois: Are you kidding? Next you're gonna be telling me you bought that lovey-dovey newlyweds spew.
Clark: Well you know I do hope that being married to someone does change your life, make you look at things in a new way.
Lois: And don't you think a big part of that love change is communication, getting things out in the open?
Clark: I did get things out in the open, starting with "will you marry me."
Lois: No, I got things out in the open starting with "you are Superman."
Clark: A little louder. I don't think they heard you in Gotham City.
Lois: Speaking of which, when were you planning on telling me? The honeymoon? Our first anniversary? When the kids started flying around the house?
Clark: First I needed to know that you would marry *me*. Not Superman. Not his powers. Just me, Clark. I needed to know that, okay? Then I was going to tell you everything.
Lois: Well I guess we'll never know will we?
Clark: I guess we won't.

Mayson: I don't know who to trust anymore.
Lois: Seems to be going around these days.

Clark: [Seeing an infomercial on TV] Lois isn't that your father?
Lois: Oh no.
[Watches the commercial]
Lois: Well I can't take anymore. I mean this man was a brilliant surgeon. You know he had a family and a good life and he abandoned us to create cyborgs and do this. I know you thought I was exaggerating about my family but well... well...
Clark: Well, when we're married they'll be my family too.
Lois: I supposed that means you're going to back out?
Clark: Ha ha, no way!

Clark: You know, you seem to get a lot of credit for these Superman exclusives. What do I get?
Lois: How about two days and two nights up in the mountains, at Château Roberge?
Clark: Château Roberge, wow. The hideaway for the ultra exclusive and rich and famous. How'd you get us in?
Lois: Oh I have my ways.
[Hides a letter behind her back]
Clark: What's that?
Lois: What's what?
Clark: That. Is that the hotel's confirmation letter?
Lois: Well a girl has to have some secrets.
Clark: Let me see it.
Lois: No.
Clark: Let me see.
Lois: I'm not going to give it to you.
Clark: Let me see.
Lois: No, I'm not going to give it to you.
[Backs away quickly]
Clark: Lois, Lois, let me see it.
Lois: No, I'm not going to give it to you!
[Puts it in the paper shredder]
Lois: Haha.
Clark: Haha, cute. Okay.
[Looks around to see if anyone is watching. Pulls the shredded paper out, puts it back together at superspeed]
Lois: That is not fair.
Clark: [Reads the letter] 'Dear Miss Lane, we are extremely excited about your proposed article on our château... ' But you're not writing any article.
Lois: I might, some day.
Clark: So you lied.
Lois: Clark please it was a fib.
[Gives her a look]
Lois: It was an exaggeration. It was a minor distortion.
[Still giving her a look]
Lois: Okay I lied but it was a little tiny white lie, nobody got hurt it's not like they're letting us in for free or anything.
Clark: Lois...
Lois: Fine. We'll take the moral high ground I'll cancel the reservation. You can spend the weekend with those old war horses and get a jump on your peace talks.
Clark: Wait, wait, wait. On second thought, since their proposals aren't going to be finished 'til Monday, it is the perfect weekend for us to get away.
[They kiss]
Brock: [Heard on the TV] Even though the leaders of Lavislan and Podansk are set to meet with Superman, the UN has confirmed that military buildup continues on both sides of the border...
Lois: Looks like you're not going to be able to go anyway. I'll cancel the reservations.
Clark: No, no, no, wait, wait, wait. You go ahead on up, I'll meet you there. Superman's gonna have a little *chat* with these two old war horses, get them to honor their truce.
Lois: [Loosens his tie] Don't be long.
[They kiss]

Lois: Come on.
Clark: Where are we going?
Lois: I thought you might like to walk me home.
Clark: I thought you didn't need a bodyguard.
Lois: Who said anything about a bodyguard?

Clark: You know, you really must have gotten burned.
Lois: What do you mean?
Clark: When your family started breaking up it must have been really painful for you. I guess... I guess I am kind of a softie. But it's probably what I learned as a kid.
Lois: You know when my father left I thought it was because of me.
[Clark shakes his head no]
Lois: And then I realized that you know, that's just the way that people are. They can make the deepest commitments to each other and even have kids and because they are selfish and just think of their own needs they walk away from it all. That's what I learned as a kid.
Clark: Lois. Not everyone walks away.
Lois: I hope not.
Clark: [Shakes his head no] Uh-uh

Clark: Don't be upset Honey. You follow your heart. You do the right thing.
Lois: Is that why you love me?
Clark: You have a really great body.
Lois: [laughs] This being a hard hitting newswoman sure is more fun than it used to be.
[Lois pulls the covers up over both of them]

Sammy: Slap a wig on you, put this on, and you're a dead ringer for Madonna.
Lois: Madonna?
Sammy: Yeah.
Lois: That's it, I'm out of here.

Clark: How are you holding up?
Lois: Well, considering I am one notch below Cruella de Vil on the popularity scale, great. Everywhere I go it's cold stares and even colder shoulders. I think people blame me for bringing down their hero.
[Random voice walking by, 'Nice one Lois']
Clark: Well if it makes you feel any better, they're not too crazy about their hero either. The ladies in the steno pool used a picture of Superman as a dart board.
Lois: I'm sorry, I'm sure it's really tough on... you... too.
[They arrive at Clark's desk]
Lois: What's all this?
Clark: Condolence gifts for me.
Lois: Homemade fudge?
Clark: A couple of women downstairs whipped it up.
Lois: Oh, I see. I eat crow. You get fudge.
Clark: Honey, half of me gets fudge. The other half gets darts thrown at him.

Lois: [after chasing a man down she thought was Clark but wasn't] I'm going crazy, and I'm talking to myself--that's a sign, isn't it? Now I'm asking myself questions... This could be a problem. Well maybe I'll learn to enjoy it.
[She looks up to see Clark standing in the shadows on her front stoop]
Lois: You're just an illusion... not here...
[Clark touches her wrist]
Lois: Oh God...
[kissing her]
Lois: If this isn't real, I don't wanna know.
Clark: [while holding each other, kissing passionately] Told ya I'd come back.
Lois: Hmm, and ya did kiss me.
Clark: [Talking in between kisses] I don't have a lot of time. I had to see you.
Lois: Why are you here?
Clark: Change of plans.
Lois: [Still kissing] Don't stop. What about your people?
Clark: They're here too.
Lois: Don't ever leave me again.
Clark: I won't.
Trey: Lord Kal-El?
[breaking the kiss to turn and face Trey]
Trey: Family friend?
Lois: Very friendly.

Martha: We got on the plane as soon as we got your call. What's happened to my boy?
Lois: I wish I knew exactly Martha.
Jonathan: Lois, are you sure he's gone?
Lois: Clark vanished through a time window. It was, uh, brought here by the most evil man I have ever met. He comes from the future and he's always wanted two things. To control the world and to destroy Superman.

Lois: You took advantage of our privileged interview session to steal highly incriminating evidence from an unsuspecting subject... Oh! I love that! Mmmm!

Superman: [Arrives at Lois's jail cell] Are you alright?
Lois: Well you know me. The glass is always half full.
Superman: I'm being serious.
Lois: Seriously this is an opportunity a journalist never gets. I'll be fine.
[Looks over at the women in the next cell then back at Superman]
Lois: Other than the fact that I miss my husband.
Superman: He misses you.
Lois: We're newlyweds you know.
Superman: I know.
Lois: I miss his arms, his neck, his lips.
Superman: So does he... miss those things of yours. He's, uh, working on getting you a first class attorney so you can get out of here.
Lois: An attorney? I guess that means they don't have any other suspects?
Superman: You can see why your husband is worried this may be too tough a situation here. If it is too tough all you have to do is say the word and he can *lift* your spirit.
[Uses his eyes to show he will lift her out of the jail]
Lois: He already has.
Superman: Well I better go.
Lois: Thanks for stopping by.

Lois: [standing outside an executive's office] Do you hear anything?
Clark: They're out of three-hole paper.

Perry: Don't fight it, Clark. When the pit bull gets hold of the bone, it just ain't gonna let it go.
Clark: Tell me about it.
Lois: Perry, there's a connection between some no-shows at my reunion.
Perry: What makes you think that?
Lois: Well, they weren't there.
Perry: How are they connected?
Lois: Well, they weren't there.
Perry: Why weren't they there?
Lois: I don't know. They weren't there.
Perry: Oh boy! That's a story just crying out to be told!

Clark: Lois, are you mad at me?
Lois: No.
Clark: Cause look, I'm sorry. It's just that I worry about you, even more than I used to.

Lois: So you're saying you would never lie to your wife, that's assuming someone would actually be crazy enough to say "I do' to you?

Clark: Would the future Mrs Kent, and her alter ego Lois Lane, accept an apology... and dinner?
Lois: If Mr Kent, and his alter ego, would provide the flight.
Clark: Deal!
Lois: [Returning home] You know the 4 of us make a pretty good team, we should double date more often.

[after hearing a cry for help Clark rips open his shirt showing his Superman suit underneath]
Lois: I love watching you do that!

Lois: What are we going to tell her? "Your boyfriend's back and we think he's starting trouble. Hey-la, dey-la"?

Clark: You stole a jeep?
Lois: I didn't steal it. I'm returning it to the base. Here put these on.
Clark: How did you...Never mind. I don't want to know.

Lois: Whatever you do in your own time is...
Clark: Yeah?
Lois: Whatever you do.

Clark: Lois I have hated not being able to tell you this. I mean do you think it was easy for me sitting there watching you swoon over Superman at the same time ignoring me?
Lois: That's ridiculous you are Superman.
Clark: No Lois. Superman is what I can do. Clark is who I am. And the closer we've gotten the more I've wanted to explain this to you.

Martha: Thanks for the wonderful dinner and the beautiful presents.
Lois: That thing we were talking about before, about being ready, I think I know.
[Lois and Martha share a knowing look]
Martha: Johnathan, we have to go now.
Jonathan: Bye.
Clark: Bye.
[Turns to Lois]
Clark: What was this all about?
Lois: Oh just girl talk. I'll tell you about it upstairs.
Clark: Why upstairs?
Lois: [Gives him a look and grabs him by the tie] Guess...

Bobby: No it's alright, it's ok. I've been feeling lately that this food obsession of mine is masking a deeper emotional trauma.
Lois: Bobby, really?
Bobby: No, actually I'm trying to talk myself out of eating your chair.

Lois: You're obsessing again.
Clark: Lois, Jimmy grew up without a father because his dad's work took over his life. I mean, the guy helped keep the free world together, but he couldn't do the same thing for his family.
Lois: And you think the same is going to be true for you and me, and our child?
Clark: Our child will barely be able to pick me out of a police line-up because he hardly recognizes me. Maybe I oughta learn something from Jack.
Lois: Well, I'll tell you what you could learn from Jack. Not all men are cut out to be fathers. It's not the job--it's the man, and piano-tuner or spy, Jack just wasn't ready for the responsibility of a family... and you are.
Clark: Trying to convince yourself?
Lois: No, Lunkhead, I'm trying to convince you. The very fact that we're having this conversation--that you care so much--proves it.
Clark: You are good... awesome.
Lois: Oh, true. Hug.
Clark: Lunkhead?
Lois: In the best sense of the word.

The: Good morning, Metropolis. Hey, I'm sorry to interrupt your little news, uh, bulletin there, but what I've got to say is just more important. Now the bomb you see on your TV screens is hidden in the basement of one the city's scientific laboratories. Just so everyone isn't inconvenienced I'll tell you that that laboratory is located in our city's lovely riverfront industrial area.
Pete: Alright, somebody get all this right away!
Clark: I'll go. Lois, why don't you stay and find out how we can cut into this broadcast?
Lois: Okay, fine.
The: As you can see, the bomb on your screens will detonate in exactly one minute and fifteen seconds, and if you're in that area - fourteen seconds - you might wanna consider taking an early lunch. 'Leven seconds. Hey, if you're wondering how come I'm pulling this looney prank, all I can say is that I'm an incurable romantic and I just wanna show the world the explosive nature of my love for Lois Lane.

Lois: [Clark unbuttons his shirt] I knew you'd come through
[notices Clark doesn't have the Superman Suit under his clothes]
Lois: Where's the suit?
Clark: Suit? What suit? There is no suit. I left it at home. It's just you and me Joe and Judy Regular.
[pulls Lois into his lap]
Clark: Wanna neck?

Clark: Maybe we should have cancelled tonight. Maybe I should be off flying around looking for Deathstroke and you should call Dr Klein and see what's going on.
Lois: Clark this is how we got so isolated in the first place, we let our work run our lives. Now we just have to face the fact that we're both in high risk professions and we're the target of evil plots. And we're going to go have a nice dinner with our new friends.
Clark: Yeah, you're right.
Lois: Now we're not gonna let this make us crazy.

Lois: Do you know what I was thinking?
Clark: That we need to get back to our honeymoon ASAP.
Lois: That's what I was thinking.
[Kisses Clark]

H.G. Wells: My dear I believe if we knew to the second the exact moment of Clark's disappearance I might be able to find him with the time machine.
Lois: To the second?
H.G. Wells: Well anything less and I could miss him by literally billions of years.
Lois: I have no idea. There was so much going on I barely remember what day it was.
H.G. Wells: Yes well there you have it.

Lois: [Looking at Superman's suit that Clark just cleaned] Is that lipstick?
Clark: What? Oh yeah it's the weirdest thing cause that soot from the oil fire came right out but this is not...
Lois: [staring at Clark in disbelief]
Clark: Oh there was a crazy woman who sort of attacked me but I mean I got away it was no big deal. She was just...
[makes the sign for crazy]
Lois: Oh... well good.

Clark: Good morning Chief. Lois.
[Lois gives a wave but doesn't say anything]
Clark: Listen I can come back.
Perry: No, no, no, no, no, just a minute. I've been meaning to talk to you two. Now I can't help but notice the chill going on between you two. If you need a friendly ear to bend, I'm it. But just don't let whatever it is hurt your work. Okay?
Lois: Chief I think Clark and I are both professional enough to behave, uh, professionally.
Perry: Good because partners need to know they can count on each other. Trust each other.

[Superman just saved Lois from a falling sign pole, the first time he's saved her life since she found out Clark was Superman]
Superman: Are you alright?
Lois: Yes, thank you. I know it doesn't seem like enough to say, it's just it's all that I can. Wow, look at you. You've gotten me out of a lot of jams. But I've never seen you like this.
Superman: Things are *different* now.

Superman: I'm going to take these guys to the police and I'll be back to see you home.
Lois: Oh you don't have to do that.
Superman: [Crosses his arms] Lois.
Lois: [Crosses her arms imitating him] Superman.
Superman: [Pulls her out of earshot] It's gonna be dark soon I would feel much better if you'd let me take you home.
Lois: Clark, I have driven home alone as long as you've known me and 2 million times before that. I'll be fine.
Superman: But...
Lois: I admit ever since I figured out, you know, I've taken a few more chances cause I knew you'd always be there. But I am not a six-year-old, I can cross the street fine.
[She walks away]
Superman: Wear your seatbelt.
[Lois looks back at him and rolls her eyes]

Lois: The key to all this is Kathrine Bank's murder, we need to find out more about it. Maybe from the best source possible?
Clark: No, uh-uh, way too dangerous.
Lois: [Gives him a look like he's overreacting] Oh.
Clark: Lois I'm serious.
Lois: [Makes a spooky face] Oooooooo!
Clark: Seriously, Lois this is something you just can not do!
[Lois gives Clark a look again as she walks away]

Perry: Clark?
Clark: Right here, sir.
Perry: Oh, Kent. Didn't see you. I take it that you and Lois are on that "Superman gets the key to the city" story?
Lois: Yeah. On it.
Perry: Great.
Clark: What's the matter, Lois? Bored with Superman already?
Lois: I was standing right in front of him, and he didn't notice me.
Cat: What's to notice?

Clark: The point is you are the same reporter you have always been. Hard-working. Dedicated. Maybe a little over the top sometimes. You could use some more vacations. Maybe a semblance of a life...
Lois: Is this leading anywhere?
Clark: Lois, you are the best reporter in the city. You always have been and you always will be.

Lois: Oh, I get it. These aren't really street people. They're undercover bodyguards?
Denzler: No, they're street people.
Lois: Well, where is your security?
Denzler: Our security is only hiring people we can trust.
Lois: But you don't trust anybody.
Denzler: Exactly.

[explaining to the rest of the passengers what happened after her first encounter with Superman]
Lois: [a little dazed] There was a bomb. He...ate it.

Nicky: Look, that's the box I was in.
Lois: Well, at least we know there's nothing surprising about this trick anymore.
[opens the box to see a dead body inside and closes it fast]
Lois: No. No surprise

Clark: [At home watching football when the phone rings] Hello?
Lois: Oh Clark you're there. It's horrible. It's terrible.
Clark: Lois!
[quickly changes into Superman and flys into Lois's apartment]
Clark: What's the matter?
Lois: Oh you scared me!
Superman: You said something horrible was happening.
Lois: Oh, no, uh, no it's just that oh well we're getting married in 4 days and I've never been happier in my life and every time that things are going great between us something happens and I just know that something bad is going to happen to mess up our wedding, I just know it.
Superman: That's it?
Lois: Well... yeah.
Superman: Lois nothing's going to happen. You're just nervous is all. So am I.
Lois: Really?
Superman: Well not as nervous as you but sure.

Clark: Something is happening.
Lois: Hey! Maybe it's Bad Brain! Can I go?
Clark: No!
Lois: Oh, come on Clark, why do we go through this? We both know I'm gonna go.
Clark: Then why ask?
Lois: I'm trying to be nice.

Perry: You know, ideas don't die. I mean, we thought we got rid of the Nazi's once and here they are back again. That's why I always like to say that, 'eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.'
Lois: That's a great line.
Perry: Well Thomas Jefferson said it first.

Lois: [Superman flys in and lands by Lois] Hey! Guess who just nabbed the interview of the century?
Superman: Are you alright?
Lois: Well yeah. Were you out looking for me?
Superman: Well...
Lois: Superman doesn't lie.
Superman: Okay yes...

Lois: You really do read minds.
Superman: Not really, but I do have good hearing.

Lois: It's totally understandable--the man tried to kill your wife, and considering I'm your wife, I'm not sorry you did.
Clark: No, that's not what I mean. I let him see my anger... my fear. It was stupid.
Lois: Your fear?
Clark: Lois, when I came outside and you weren't there...
Lois: What?
Clark: I've been having these dreams... Nightmares--about losing you.
Lois: Honey... they're just dreams.
Clark: Tempus is in them, and I started having them before all this started.
Lois: You were dreaming about Tempus *before* John Doe showed up?
Clark: I didn't realize it was him at first, until just recently, but he has always been there in the shadows.
Lois: Oh... you just turned that figure in your dreams into Tempus when he reemerged, that's all.
Clark: No, it was always him. Lois, if I ever lost you, I'd be losing myself.
Lois: I'm right here.
Clark: I know.
Lois: Make love to me, Clark.
[They kiss]

Clark: [after Lois is forced by Mr. Smith to leave Clark] So you don't love me?
Lois: No, I don't.
Mr. Smith: [only heard by Lois] Good, Lois, very good. I know that was difficult for you, but his pain is as important to me as yours.

Clark: [Clark is in bed and "clone" Lois comes in] Hello Mrs. Kent.
[Kisses her passionately]
Clark: We have been through so *much* to get to this place. But none of that matters.
[Kisses her shoulder]
Clark: It's perfect.
Lois: Are you as tired as I am?
[Lays down facing away from Clark]
Clark: What?
Lois: Oh, it's just the last few days with all the wedding preparations and everything, I'm just... exhausted.
Clark: I'm not *that* tired.
Lois: Oh Clark. I'm sorry. I just don't think I can keep my eyes open. Goodnight.
[Closes her eyes]
Clark: Lois?
[Looks completely bewildered]
Clark: Goodnight.

Lois: [referring to a nuclear attack] Tempus, don't do it! You still have time, you can escape. You could, you could go to the alternative universe.
Tempus: Where "Mr. I'm So In Shape" can return me to jail? Thank you, no. Besides, I want to kill billions of people.

[Superman walks Tempus into the time window but then Tempus disappears]
Andrus: What? No, that was the replicant!
Lois: [Lois bursts into the room while secret service agents try to hold her back] Superman!
Superman: Lois! Get out! Get out now!
Tempus: [Comes into the room] Let her through, she should see this.
Andrus: No, if he touches the window Superman is doomed!
[Tempus touches the window and it starts to disappear]
Superman: Lois!
Lois: Clark!
Superman: [Reaches for her] Lois!
Lois: [Reaches for Clark while Tempus holds her back] Clark!
Superman: [Their fingertips touch but Lois falls back and the window floats away until it disappears] Lois! No!
Tempus: Well. Time to get on with the country's work.
[laughs and leaves the room]
Lois: Where is he? Where is he?
[Grabs Andrus]
Lois: Where is he? Where is he?
Andrus: Gone.
Lois: What do you mean gone?
Andrus: He traveled into time without the window. He's in eternity now.
Lois: Well you have to help me get him back!
Andrus: I feel... strange. It's not unpleasant. Everything's changing. I no longer exist...
[He disappears]
Lois: [Looking distraught, calling out to where Clark disappeared] Clark! Clark?

Clark: Uh, Lois, could you hand me a nail file?
Lois: Why do men always assume that women have nail files with them?
Clark: I'm sorry, but do you have a nail file?
Lois: Actually, I do, but only because it's part of my pocket knife.

Lois: I couldn't stand the idea I might lose you and I'd never get to tell you... to say that... I...
Tempus: Please. I'll go to jail, I'll strap myself into the electric chair - but don't make me listen to this!

Lois: [to Nick, who is currently brainwashed by the television] How long have you been in here?
[Nick is unresponsive as he continues to look at the tv]
TV: You are watching The Magic Channel.
Lois: [glancing to the tv for a minute before looking at Nick] You're really giving TV a bad name.
[she begins pacing around the room]
Lois: There must be a way out of here.
[She stops to look at Scotty again]
Lois: Don't worry, I'm a very capable...
[She trails off as she looks at the tv again]
TV: You are watching The Magic Channel.
Lois: [slowly losing her consciousness] What was I...? Right, got to...
[Lois ultimately trails off one last time when she turns her attention back to the television]
TV: You are watching The Magic Channel. You are watching The Magic Channel.
[Now completely hypnotized, Lois and her whole body become stiff as she stares at the tv with a blank stare]

Lois: I only know how to make four things, and this is the only one without chocolate.

[at the same time]
Lois: I'll take Bender, you take the bomb squad.
Clark: You take Bender, I'll take the bomb squad.

Perry: What are you two doing here?
Lois: Perry I need a story, something big, horrible and complex that will get my mind off my parents, preferably something out of the country.
Perry: I see she's entered phase two, the manic stage, hold onto your spurs.
Clark: Maybe you could give us a little story, you know something that will take about two hours.

Bonnie: That's not very lady-like.
Lois: Yeah, well, I'm a woman of the 90s. And you're not much of a lady.

Lois: You know, it's just wonderful being angry at a national treasure.
Superman: Lois, I can't help it. People like me. I help them. You used to like me.
Lois: I still like you I'm just upset. And even though it's your fault I feel like it's mine. Good old Clark, good ol' Superman, crabby old Lois. And even if I could tell someone the issue, which I can't, they'd still think you were the good guy and I'm the bad guy.

[Lois doesn't see Clark sneeze, blowing it into a fire hydrant]
Lois: One thing you have to learn right away is that Metro cabbies cannot drive. Never trust them.

Superman: Lois.
Lois: Clark?
Superman: No, Lois, it's Superman.
Lois: No, Clark. I know.
Superman: Are-Are you s...
Lois: Hold that thought. Doctor, I think our time is just about up.
[Punches Deter in the nose then turns back to Superman]
Lois: I'm back!

Lois: [to Clark] Superman put it all on the line. Twice. You, you fall into garbage cans in the dark.

Clark: So barring any further bouts of amnesia...
Lois: ...or shrinking...
Clark: ...or cloning or Kryptonite or time travel or voodoo, I say we get married sooner rather than later.
Lois: Me too, I just have to wait long enough for my mother to recover from our last wedding.
Clark: Oh Lois, I'd like to get married *this* century, okay?
[they laugh]

Superman: Do you really remember everything?
Lois: I remember my life before you, when being alone was what I thought I wanted. And I remember my life after you, when I learned loving you was what I really wanted. Oh Clark, I can't believe I almost lost you.
Superman: And do you remember this?
[Clark pulls out the engagement ring and puts it on Lois's finger]
Lois: I do.
[They kiss]

Lois: Perry I'm fine, don't worry about me. I'm not working too hard, can I go back to work?
Perry: Now Lois I read you like a book. Things get a little rough in your life and you wrap yourself up in your work like it was gonna save you.
Lois: Look Chief I've gotta draw a line here. I have a professional life and I have a personal life... and Clark asked me to marry him.
Perry: Lois don't you think you otta try dating first?
Lois: But see I really love him.
Perry: Well then there's no problem.
Lois: No yes, yes there is Perry. Have you ever thought that you found someone who is exactly right for you? But then you find out some *thing* that you never knew about them that you thought could just wreck it all?
Perry: Yes. You know after Alice and I got married I found out her right leg was an inch shorter than her left.

D.A. Clemmons: [On the TV] I won't comment on an ongoing investigation other than to say that we're gathering new evidence all the time and that Lois Lane remains the prime suspect in this case.
Lois: Tell me I didn't vote for that guy.
Clark: [Finishing up a phone call] Okay, thanks.
[Hangs up]
Clark: The police did a scan on the bullet casing and couldn't find anything suspicious.
Lois: Great. Meanwhile Clemmons is using me as a stepping stone to the governor's mansion.
Clark: Over my dead body!

Lois: [Taking off Clark's glasses] I can't believe the first time I looked into your eyes I didn't instantly know you were the man I'd spend my life with.

Lois: [Doorbell rings and she sees it's Clark] Forgot your key?
Clark: [Holds out a dozen roses] Nope.
Lois: Oh they're beautiful!
[Walks away but sees Clark hasn't moved]
Lois: Aren't you coming inside?
Clark: [Kicks the second door open] I want you to come out here first.
Lois: Out there?
Clark: There is something I never quite got around to doing.
[Picks Lois up and carries her over the threshold]
Lois: Ohhh... you
[Kisses Clark]
Clark: Now it's even more official... finally!

Lois: [a knock at the door] Martha!
Martha: I know it's rude to stop by without calling first and even ruder to stick my nose in where it doesn't belong but I...
Lois: Clark told you?
[Martha nods yes]
Lois: Everything?
[Martha draws an S on her chest]
Lois: Come on in.
Lois: [Cuts to the middle of the conversation] ... time. You know time to think it over, to get to know him for who he really is. That's not unreasonable right?
Martha: Oh not at all. But you need to understand that Clark has always been alone. When he was 13 and just beginning to be really strong, really, really strong, he made the decision on his own never to tell anybody. He said he wanted to fit in. But of course he couldn't, not really. It broke my heart watching him having to hide so many things, afraid he was always gonna be alone.
Lois: You know I love him.
Martha: Oh then tell him and make him tell you. You can get through everything else. God I turned Jonathan down four times before we finally made it down the aisle.
Lois: Really?
Martha: Yes I thought he was crazy. Every time I turned him down he'd go out and plow another field of snow.
[They both laugh]
Martha: This is so nice. Almost 30 years, you're the first woman I've ever been able to talk to about my boy.
[They hug]

Jimmy: Lois. Hey, have you talked to Clark?
Lois: He managed to call last night. I'm not sure when I'll see him.
Jimmy: Boy, he's gone, Superman's gone.
[Looks at Lois wide-eyed]
Jimmy: He's gone, Superman's gone. Lois you don't think...
Lois: [Interrupts] I certainly do not Jimmy, that's ridiculous.
Jimmy: What, I was just thinking with all this hard work they could both burn out.
Lois: Oh, oh... oh that.
Jimmy: Why what were you thinking?
[walks away]
Lois: I want a simpler life. A simpler life.

Lois: Are you feeling any better?
Clark: Yeah, thank you. I will tell you that kryptonite, it's a humbling experience.

Lois: When I was talking to him, it was like he didn't recognize me. In fact, he smirked at me. Superman doesn't smirk. It's like...
Clark: What?
Lois: I don't know. It's just bizarre.

[Lois crashes the car into the building]
Superman: What are you doing here?
Lois: I... came to... save you.
Superman: Does this mean you aren't mad at me anymore?
Lois: Are you okay?
Superman: I am now.

Lois: [Says sarcastically] I just love going to these charity events in the mid-afternoon. I say we get in, make an appearance and get out.
Clark: Isn't Perry expecting you to be one of the bachelorettes auctioned off?
Lois: I told him I wasn't available. Am I?
Clark: Lois we've already been over this.
Lois: Oh yeah. You love me too much for us to be together. Right?
Clark: How come when you repeat what I say it sounds so dumb?
Lois: Because it is dumb, you're completely overreacting.
Clark: Really? If you'd never met me...
Lois: I wouldn't constantly be putting myself in danger cause I know you'll get me out of it and bad guys wouldn't be putting me in danger in order to get to you.
Clark: Trouble has a way of finding you Lois, especially when I'm around. Maybe I'm a jinx.

Lois: First thing in the morning we're getting to the bottom of this red kryptonite thing.
Clark: Man just when I start feeling like a normal every day guy something like this happens. You know Lois for the first time in my life I feel like I could actually hurt innocent people.
Lois: Well you would never knowingly hurt anyone. You're a careful and caring person. Like you said, we're going to get to the bottom of this.
[They both get into bed and turn the lights out]
Lois: Uh, owe.
Clark: [Turns the light back on] Lois, Honey... Honey what's the matter with your arm? Where did you get that bruise?
Lois: That bruise, um, I just uh bumped into a cabinet or something. You know me always running into things.
Clark: No you're not.
[Lois looks guilty]
Clark: Wait a minute. Don't tell me I gave you that bruise when I hugged you this morning?
Lois: Clark it's nothing.
Clark: I'm so sorry.
[Climbs out of bed]
Lois: I can't even feel it. Clark it was an accident. Where are you going?
Clark: Downstairs.
Lois: What? No you don't have to do that.
Clark: I'm like a loaded gun! It's not safe for you to be around me.
[Tries to open the door but breaks the handle off instead]

Lois: How was your check-up?
Clark: Inconclusive.
Lois: What do we do now? Is there anyone else you can see for a second opinion? What am I saying?
Clark: Honey, it's going to be okay, I promise.
Lois: [a few minutes later Lois sees Clark at his desk grimace] What's the matter? Is everything alright?
Clark: Honey, just relax. It's cold coffee.

Lois: First I break in, now I'm about to go through this man's office. How can something so wrong feel so right?

Lois: I know you may not believe this, but there was a time where I had to be the best at everything.

Lois: [frantically bursts into Clark's new apartment looking for Superman as Clark is signing the lease] All right, where is he?
Clark: [startled] Where is who?
Lois: [looks around her, then] Where am I?
Clark: My new apartment.
[Lois pauses, then turns and leaves in a very dignified manner]

Lois: I'm Dr. Frankenstein's daughter!

Clark: [Finds Lois looking upset] Honey, she is not the final word on this. Don't be sad.
Lois: I'm not sad I'm angry! You know it's discrimination. What no people with risky jobs can have kids? So I guess cops and test pilots and trapeze artists can forget it to. And what does she think? Does she think that I'm deliberately gonna run around sticking my neck out after I adopt a child? I mean how dumb does she think I am?
Clark: [laughs] See this is why I love you.
Lois: Because I'm crabby?
Clark: No. Because you NEVER give up. We'll figure something out. In the meantime we'll just have a terrific family of two.

Lois: Jimmy!
Jimmy: Hey, guys, Luis in research can only go so fast.
Lois: Forget the books. Call the cops and see...
Clark: ...if there was another robbery yesterday...
Lois: ...at exactly 3:00, particularly at a...
Clark: ...high tech firm. Ask for everything...
Lois: ...they've got.
Jimmy: [smiling] Did you guys practice that?
Lois: Haha
Lois: GO!

[Superman bends the cell bars enough to step through them]
Lois: I love when you do that!
Superman: Yeah. How about this?
[kisses Lois passionately]

Clark: Can I ask you a question?
Lois: Yes Sweetheart.
Clark: Are you crazy? The guy who put you away is right in there.
Lois: You are upset, your suit's showing.

Lois: Well now we're just an old almost married couple. And we'll be like this forever. You cooking, me watching.
Clark: What you're never cooking?
Lois: It's not really something I do.
Clark: I thought it was just lack of time.
Lois: No, no, lack of talent.
Clark: Well I guess there are all kinds of things about you I still have to find out.

Perry: Clark weren't you assigned to this piece too? I was kinda under the impression that you two were permanent partners.
Clark: Well we're not permanent permanent partners yet Chief.
Lois: No that would be a big step Chief.
Clark: The kind of thing that a person would have to... think through.
Perry: Uh-huh, well thank you for that cryptic exchange.

Lois: [Whistles as Clark takes his pants off] Okay so far I'm up by a watch, a belt and a pair of pants. If you lose this hand you can just kiss that shirt goodbye.
Clark: Are you sure you don't moonlight as a dealer in Vegas?
Lois: Some people just have a better card sense than others.
Clark: Okay. I will see your shirt... and I will raise you everything else you have on.
Lois: I'll call. What'd you got?
Clark: Full house, read um and weep.
Lois: Ugh, two pair.
Clark: Yes!
Lois: Well that was amazing how you pulled that off. You didn't happen to use any of your, uh, buzz-buzz?
Clark: Lois, I would never use a little *buzz-buzz* to cheat at cards.
Lois: Alright. Shuffle them up while you're hot. Get ready to taste the agony of-
[Sees Clark's face as he hears an alarm]
Lois: Oh no.
Clark: Sounds like the bank alarm. I better check it out.
Lois: [Looks disappointed] I know.
Clark: Besides it'll give you a chance to hone up on that card sense of yours.
[Winks at Lois as he rushes off]

Lois: And you can get that look off your face.
Clark: What look?
Lois: That look that says, 'Oh my God, Lois cooked something and I have to eat it.'

Superman: Lois? Lois look at me.
Lois: Clark? What happened? What are we doing here?
Superman: You jumped out of the helicopter and I saved you. Don't you remember?
Lois: No. Really?
Superman: Yes really. And when we're in public you *have* to call me Superman!

Lois: You wouldn't be using your other identity to avoid talking to me would you?
Clark: Look Lois there are certain things about me being Superman that you're just going to have to get used to.
Lois: Really?... Clark what is wrong? Why won't you talk to me?
Clark: What is there to talk about Lois? I ask you to marry me, you said no.
Lois: I didn't say never.
Clark: Because you found out something about me that you just don't like.
Lois: No, that's not true, I did not say that.
Clark: I'm mean what am I supposed to do, I cannot change who I am and I can't change what I've done, so...
[Conversation interrupted]

Clark: Lois, you and I haven't exactly been . . . getting along. It's my fault. I should tell you--
Lois: Yeah, it's your fault! It's your fault . . . and it's my fault. You know, we let ourselves get distracted, and we work too much, and we fight about silly things . . . and all because we're trying to hide from each other, and I'm sick of it! The only reason to hide is because we're scared.
Clark: Of what?
Lois: Of the fact that we're partners . . . and best friends . . . and this.
[kisses him]
Lois: Clark, if you're going to run away from this, tell me now.
Clark: I'm not going to run, Lois. I'm ready to take the next step, if you are.

Announcer: [on the TV video of Superman and Vixen] Amateur video captured him wrestling with her in what appeared to be a playful manner.
Jimmy: Alright Superman!
Leslie: Well it looks like he's found himself a mate.
Perry: Awe it's about time.
Lois: I don't think it looks like he's found himself a mate. Superman would never cheat on his... principles. He's far above that kind of tawdry behavior, everybody knows that.
Leslie: I meant mate as in friend.
Lois: Oh... Australian.

Lois: Wow, you look great. A little heavy on the eye liner, I think.
Lois: Sorry, but you're a little bit plain for me.
Lois: Plain?! Sure beats whatever shopping channel told you that was a good look.
Lois: Hey, you gotta act like a prissy, glorified typist, you gotta dress the part.
Lois: Well, my hair has more bounce than this cheap wig.
[she tries to pull it off, but it's real hair]

Superman: Meanwhile Lois, don't do *anything* until I get back.
[Superman leaves]
Lois: Tell him that I went to check out Speedy Ambulance. I think the new reich is underneath it.
Dr. Bernard Klein: But he told you to wait for him.
Lois: I know he did.
[Leaves the room]
Dr. Bernard Klein: Boy, it's almost like they were married.

Lois: Let me get this straight. You're *Superman* and your high school girlfriend can push you around?

Lois: This is not our Clark.
Martha: Well if it's not our Clark, whose Clark is it?

Constance: Ms Lane, on almost a weekly basis, you manage to dangle above the Jaws of Death.
Lois: I dangle about the Jaws of Death?
Constance: Like an hors d'oeuvre.

Lois: I have to go out for a while, Jimmy. Hold down the fort.
Jimmy: Isn't that what they said to Jim Bowie at the Alamo.

Lois: Ching. They took him away. He was here and they took him away. And do you have any idea how much cookie dough ice cream I've eaten tonight? Where is Clark?
Ching: In the palace.
Lois: [Looks out the window] I don't see any palace.
Ching: That would be correct.
Lois: Ching...
Ching: It's cloaked so that even now it is hovering over the city undetected.
Lois: Well I gotta tell ya seeing him for less than a minute is almost worse than not seeing him at all. Almost but not.
Ching: Yes, Kal-El too said he was very... bumped.
Lois: [Smiles] Bummed. He was bummed.
Ching: He feels your absence deeply. I try to tell him that a Kryptonian must disregard his own feelings.
Lois: Oh, right. Like you're not sick inside that Clark's married to the woman you adore... Ching I want to see Clark. There's no way your customs will allow it?
Ching: Actually there is one custom that might interest you...

Clark: Gee, Lois, if you were thirsty, all you had to do was say something.
Lois: Clark, this isn't just any beer!
Clark: I know. "It goes with sun and good times!"

Clark: You are really high maintenance, you know that?
Lois: But I'm worth it.

Lois: [finding Perry hiding in Clark's closet] Either this is not what I think or something else is going on here.

Sarah: I'm surprised Kal-El that you've chosen to share the location of our vessel with an outsider.
Clark: I share everything with Lois.
Lt. Ching: And you don't find this constant intimacy draining?
Lois: [They look at each other before saying in unison] No

Clark: It's strange. I mean he's not my son but I do feel close to him, in a way that's... in a way I can't explain.
Lois: Maybe it's because you lived what he's living. Or maybe it's because you're the most caring person I've ever met... and the most honest. I amaze myself sometimes. I'm so used to having to track down the truth, always thinking things aren't what they appear to be. I forget sometimes that the truth is just staring me right in the face.
Clark: And the truth is...
Lois: The truth is what you tell me, and what I tell you, because that's the kind of relationship we have.
Clark: Lois, the best day of my life was the day that you found out that I'm Superman. It meant no more secrets. I'm done hiding things from you.
Lois: I know. Guess I'm just still getting used to that.

Lucille: I see fear in your eyes.
Ultrawoman: That's just... extreme modesty.

Lois: Clark it's not just the golf tournaments it's the charities, it's the visiting the troupes, it's the hospital reopenings. We hardly ever see each other.
Clark: Honey I know it's been a busy couple of weeks.
Lois: It's always a busy couple of weeks and I know there are certain disasters that are unavoidable but all these public appearances.
Clark: Lois it's all just part of what Superman does.
Lois: I just think that we need to prioritize. Do you realize it's been over a week since we've made love?
Clark: 8 days, 6 hours, 4 minutes and 2 seconds. But who's counting?
Lois: Look, I set aside a day just for us. I checked both of our books and the 16th is wide open. You don't have to worry about anything I've got it all planned out...
Clark: [Trying to interrupt Lois] Oh, Lois, Honey, Sweetheart...
Lois: What?
Clark: Is that the book you checked?
Lois: Yeah. I looked in this book, this is your day planner.
Clark: Yeah...
[Hands her another book]
Clark: Here.
Lois: You have two books?
[Opens the second book]
Lois: . Superman has a day planner?
Clark: Honey could you say that a little louder, I don't think everybody heard you?
Lois: Clark you are booked well into the next century.
Clark: Most of those dates aren't even confirmed yet. I promise you we can work this out.
Lois: [Flipping through the second book then handing it to Clark] You've got something on the 16th.

Ellen: Tell me the truth. What do you know about him? Don't make the same mistake I did.
Lois: Mother don't do this. Your projecting your troubles with daddy on Clark and me, we're different.
Ellen: Oh sure. You think you know Clark. I thought I knew your father. He was a brilliant surgeon, I was his loyal nurse. We had it all. But that wasn't enough for Sam.
Lois: I know. It was a really bad thing that happened. But you know at some point I had to decide that whatever hell you and daddy were going through was your business. And I can't let it wreck my life.
Ellen: Alright.

Martha: Believe me Honey after 40 years of marriage I can spot a fight coming a mile away.
Lois: Good eye. This one's a doozy too.
Martha: Let me guess. Can't sleep, can't concentrate, got a big knot in your stomach?

Clark: I just wanted to say goodbye.
Lois: Goodbye? We're partners.
Clark: You don't need a partner, Lois. You never did.
Lois: Well, maybe not, but I was starting to like having one.

Tempus: [Lois slaps him across the face] Well I was wondering how long it would take to get to that part of the interview?
Lois: You are dirt. You are filth. You're pocket lint. You're pocket lint in the pockets of lawyers.
Tempus: Oh calm down. You want a martini?
Lois: No I don't want a martini. Tempus don't you realize that if I was able to block out this John Doe hypnosis then others can too? And we will bring you down.
Tempus: No you won't. You are alone Lois. The only other living soul who knows the truth about me is Clark and whoops he's not living anymore is he?
Lois: Yes he is. He's coming back.
Tempus: What do you think this is, a family television show? Only unhappy endings allowed here, Lois. Let's see, I could shoot you or hang you on the spot but what's the fun in that? Why you're the only sane one in the asylum darlin'. Between that and losing your husband you should be crawling the walls in no time.
Lois: This interview's over. You don't get it do you? You can't stamp out goodness. You might take the whole world into night but a little sliver of light is gonna come through and will have you.
Tempus: You make a very attractive widow.

Lois: So when do we start blaming my parents for everything?
Arianna: Maybe later.

Clark: Lois, you're kinda babbling.
Lois: I know. See, I never babble.
Clark: Are you kidding? You're a brook.

Lois: He doesn't love you, Elise. You can tell when a man loves you by the way he treats you, by the way he looks at you, by the way...
Elise: Look, Ms. Lane, if you've found the perfect man, then I'm happy for you.
Lois: No, he's about as far from perfect as you get, but I'll tell you the difference between him and Calvin. I know that he wants my happiness more than his own.

Lois: [Lois wakes up from a dream] Clark... Superman, what are you doing?
Superman: Shh, it's okay. There's no one in the next cell, the whole place is asleep.
Lois: I've been dreaming about you all night. When I saw you standing there, I thought I was dreaming.
[they hug]
Lois: Oh God, I'm so scared.
[pull back to look at each other]
Lois: Clark, you gotta go--they check my cell every twenty minutes.
Superman: I am going, and so are you.
Lois: What?
Superman: I'm taking you outta here.
Lois: Clark, what do you mean you're taking me out of here? I lay on that cot every single night secretly wishing that that's just what you'll do, but you can't. Don't you understand what that would do to you?
Superman: The issue here isn't me, it's you. You are the person that I love more than anything in life. I'm not going to watch my wife sit in jail waiting to die for something she didn't do, no matter what happens to me.
Lois: But you spent your life serving justice.
Superman: Exactly, and you're innocent. Together, we're going to prove that. Now, if that isn't serving justice, I don't know what is.
Lois: You... being irrational. I sort of love that.
Superman: Come on.
[opens the cell door]
Lois: You sure about this?
Superman: I'm sure that I love you.

Lois: [after waking Clark up] I know, you hate me now, but you're gonna love me in a minute.
Clark: I doubt that.

Tempus: Time all you Chowderheads got let in on a little secret. This Superman of yours, this chiseled god, is in reality Clark Kent of The Daily Planet.
[Turns to Superman #2]
Tempus: In chess, this is where I say "check."
Clark: [Clark and Lois appear behind them as the media stares] Uh Honey, I think the media wants us to comment on Mr. Tempus's last remark.
Lois: Um, we regret that Mr. Tempus's mental health has not improved, he's obviously still delusional.
Superman #2: This is where I would say, "checkmate."
Tempus: No, you cretins. He *is* Clark Kent. One of them's from another dimension. I mean, it's obvious... Duh!

Lois: You know, when we were at the beach he showed up when we started kissing. And that car chased us down when we were in the street holding hands.
Clark: So?
Lois: So maybe if we get close right now he'll make his move. Kiss me.
[They kiss]
Lois: Oh I never thought I could be uncomfortable kissing you.
Clark: Don't think about it.
[They kiss again]
Lois: Still nothing.
[They kiss longer]
Clark: Anything?
Lois: [In between kisses] Oh well... it's starting to be a little more... comfortable.
Clark: Yeah.
[They fall on the bed, fewer clothes, continuing to make out and rolling around]
Lois: This isn't really happening is it?
Clark: No it's all in our minds.
Lois: How come it feels so real?
Clark: Who cares?
Lois: [They continue to make out and pull clothes off] Oh Clark...

Clark: [Clark walks out shirtless and Lois stops mid-sentence and stares] What? It's the pants isn't it, they're too tight.
Lois: No, no they're uh... perfect. I just never get over how well defined you are.

Mayson: Stop the presses! I've always wanted to say that in a newsroom.
Lois: Nobody ever says that, you know. It's just on television.
Mayson: Well, sure, but it still felt good.

Clark: Well, you were right about Bob and Carol.
Lois: Yep, but you busted 'em, so we're even.
[they kiss]

Clark: Lois I do not have a checkered past.
Lois: Perry is right, people shouldn't expect more from Superman than any other guy...
Clark: I thought we put this whole thing behind us.
Lois: Yeah well your shadow is behind you and you can't shake it...
Clark: ...Lois I can handle anyone else thinking what they want about me but you can't tell me that you think...
Lois: I don't know what I think.
Clark: But what you do know is that I love you.
Lois: But what about before? I mean neither of us was born on the day we fell in love so I guess I don't have the right to get upset about something that happened before then. But it upsets me. It really upsets me. And everywhere I go it's all I hear and it upsets me.
Clark: You mentioned that. Lois the thing is, I wouldn't lie to you.
Lois: See the thing is, you did. Every day, for 3 years... Look I'm tired and I'm emotional and I'm just going to go home and pace.
Clark: Okay fine then we can...
Lois: Alone. I'm sorry I just need to clear my head.

Clark: I'll call someone to pick up those two.
Lois: And then can we PLEASE go home?
Clark: Do you want to wait for a boat?
Lois: No I wanna fly... first class
[draws an S on Clark's chest with her finger]
Clark: Okay.
[Scoops her up]

Clark: Your plan worked.
Lois: My plan worked. I love saying that!

Clark: So what was that thing that we just crushed anyway?
Lois: Promotion for some stupid tropical resort.
Clark: Awe so Perry got to you too?
Lois: He's practically forcing us to go. I told him I'm too busy.
Clark: Yeah well work would be a lot safer than spending an uninterrupted weekend with me.
Lois: Hold it, hold it. I'm not the one leaping off tall buildings at every distant SOS.
Clark: Wait wait, what are you saying?
Lois: I'm saying I don't think you could let the world get by on it's own for two whole days.
Clark: Oh and you would rather write about other people's lives because it's much less dangerous than living one of your own.
Lois: Oh yeah?
Clark: Yeah... You know, I could do it if you could.
Lois: Wanna bet?
Clark: Bet.

Lois: Anyway, they don't seem like criminals.
[lifts Clark's glasses]
Lois: What do I know. These glasses fooled me for two years.
[puts on Clark's glasses]
Lois: Oh, boy; what a dope.
Clark: [from the other room] Well, is it your fault that I picked such a brilliant disguise?
[walks in]
Clark: Wait a minute. Where's Lois Lane? She was standing here a second ago.

Clark: See any cops?
Lois: Nope. Listen to us. Just to meet us you'd never think of us as Bonnie and Clyde. Of course there is no Clyde. I'm the one that's the hardened criminal.
Clark: Honey you are not a hardened criminal.
Lois: Well I'm a wanted fugitive.
Clark: There's a big difference.
Lois: [sarcastically] That's very comforting.

Lois: Well, you two are invited to my house for Christmas dinner tonight.
Perry: Well that sure beats the soup kitchen.
Lois: Don't get your hopes too high.

Clark: [Superman #2 goes into closet to change; comes out in casual clothes] What?
Lois: Nothing. I mean, you don't... You know--spin in and out of the suit?
Clark: Spin? Never tried that. Oh, is that what he does?
Lois: Mm.
Clark: Well, maybe I'll give it a shot sometime.
Lois: Oh, no--that's okay. I--I mean, it's a fine way to change. I--I just, it's not him. I mean, you're--you're not him. I have to remind myself sometimes.
Clark: Twinkies, cupcakes, and ding-dongs?
Lois: Where's my brain? I just thought...
Clark: That because he likes those things, so would I.
Lois: Yeah... Anyway...
[Clark #2 takes the wine bottle from her]
Clark: Uh, here...
[opens the wine bottle]
Lois: So, uh... Did you find any subliminal message-sending devices in the phone system?
Clark: No. Whatever was there, he must have moved someplace else.
Lois: So the whole country's gonna keep believing in this lunatic.
Clark: Did you hear anything from H.G. Wells?
Lois: No. So he hasn't found Clark...
Clark: Lois... Love is the only thing that keeps people going sometimes. It's that strong, and right now, you have to grab ahold of that strength and know that it's going to get you through this. It's a lonely world without love. I know... Because it's how I live my life. A while back, before I became Superman in my world, a new friend told me to trust in myself, and the power of the goodness inside of me. She was a pretty smart woman, and I believed her. Now she has to believe me.
Lois: You sound like you've gotten pretty smart yourself.
Clark: You helped me get there.

Martha: It just doesn't seem like Clark is dead. Maybe he can be found? If I haven't learned anything else in this life, I've learned you have to cling to hope.
Lois: That's what Clark would say.

Lois: [seeing Clark moving slowly and painfully] You want some asprin?
Clark: What for?

Lois: And, guys, try not to let this place fall apart while I'm gone.
Perry: Yep, that's our Lois.
Clark: The genuine article.

Lois: [Looking at the engagement ring on her finger] It's funny about this thing. When I look down at it every day, almost surprised to see it there. Think about what it means and about you.
Clark: And how long it took you to *finally* put it on!
Lois: Yeah that too. We've been through a lot.
Clark: A lot? Lois, salmon swimming upstream haven't had the mating troubles we've had.

Superman: Lois, I want you to know that I think what you did for Clark showed incredible bravery.
Lois: It was nothing.
Superman: Was it?
Lois: I guess not. I guess there isn't anything I wouldn't do for him.

Lois: Sure, Clark, and when you run across Jimmy Hoffa and the Easter Bunny, why don't you reel them in, too.

Lois: Well, what he can't do, it doesn't matter. It's the idea of Superman. Someone to believe in, someone to build a few hopes around. Whatever he can do, that's enough. I just wish that I could tell him that.

Lois: [to Clark] Oh, leave the truth and justice stuff to Superman, will you!

Tempus: Hi Lois, remember me?
Lois: No, I...
Tempus: [Removes his glasses] How about now?
Tempus: It's a private joke.

Clark: [Arriving home] Well that was one of the more interesting birthday's I've had.
Lois: I'm sorry Clark, I really tried to pull off a party for you.
[Searching her purse for her keys]
Clark: That's okay, I like this better anyway.
Lois: You sure?
Clark: Yeah, just you and me.
Lois: Alone at last.
[They exchange a look as they suddenly realize what that means. Lois drops everything and they start kissing and pulling each others coats off. Clark gets the front door open while they are still kissing and they fall through the door onto the floor, continuing to kiss and undo clothes. The lights suddenly come on and a room full of people shout "Surprise" and then clap. Lois and Clark are shocked and quickly get up pulling clothes back into place]
Perry: I figured the only way to throw a surprise party for you is to surprise both of you. So did it work? Are you surprised?
Clark: [laughs uncomfortably] Well, yeah.
Lois: [Still trying to pull her shirt in place and fix her messed hair] Stunned.

Lois: What's going on is the warrant is phony.
Clark: Phony?
Perry: Phony as a lock of Elvis's hair from a Memphis souvenir shop.

Lois: [after Perry tries to give her advice without relating it to Elvis] Chief. I think I like the Elvis stories better.
Perry: [smiles] Next time. I've got a million of 'em.

Lois: [to Clark] I know our relationship has always been difficult to define, but when I thought about how much I missed you, how much I was going to miss you for the rest of my life, well, I started to think, maybe there's more to our relationship than just friendship.
[notices Clark has fallen asleep]
Lois: Or maybe not.

Lois: Mrs. Lex Luthor. Lois Lane Luthor. Lois Luthor Lane. Lois... Lane... Kent.

Lois: A mild mannered reporter really a superhero? Clark, come on.

Lois: Clark ask me to scour the earth, wake up every cop, knock on every door. But please don't ask me to walk away from you. I don't know how to do that.

Lois: Well, I like my quirks. I think they make me unique.
Clark: You certainly are unique.

[as Superman, Clark runs up to a big iron gate and looks around. Lois runs up to him]
Lois: What is it?
Superman: I can't fly.
Lois: What?
Superman: No X-Ray vision, no super hearing, nothing.
Lois: Clark...
Superman: How do YOU feel?
Lois: Fine.
[Lois pulls on one of the doors of the gate. It comes off in her hand! Lois gasps]
Superman: [in disbelief] Oh, boy.

Lois: Where's Clark?
Superman: Uh...he took a pretty bad beating from those old ladies.

Lois: Okay out with it?
Clark: Okay, I don't like the way he treats you.
Lois: No Clark there's more, I know it, I can feel it. Everywhere I go people look at me and are whispering, they suddenly stop talking when I walk over. Do you know how crazy this is making me?
Clark: Lois I don't know enough about this, I don't know the right thing to do.
Lois: Well just tell me. There's something with us isn't there?
Clark: Yes.
Lois: Something big?
Clark: You could say that.
Lois: Well what?
Clark: Why don't you have a piece of chocolate or something cause you always calm down when you have a little chocolate.
Lois: Clark whatever it is it can't be worse than I'm imagining. Am I dying? Did I kill someone? Tell me.
Clark: I can't.
Lois: You will.
Clark: I love you.
Lois: You what?
Clark: [Clark kisses her] I love you.
Lois: [Staring at Clark wide-eyed] Do I love you?
Clark: Yeah. We were going to get married and then...
Lois: No...
Clark: Lois, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything.
Lois: How could I love you? I don't even know you.
[Lois gets in her car and drives off]

Lois: Clark, there's a secret compartment behind this, come x-ray it, see what's inside.
Clark: What?
Lois: I saw through the front window. Bob was putting something away in there. Come on quick before they come back.
Clark: Why?
Lois: Because it's a secret compartment.
Clark: I don't go around x-raying everyone's secret compartments.
Lois: How many people do we know that actually have secret compartments? Good people I mean?
Clark: Honey we don't know that many people. And we won't if we go around x-raying everyone.
[Conversation resumes after a short interruption]
Lois: ...that's when it hit me. She likes the same books as me, the same food as me and why are they so eager to see us again, no one is that eager to see us again.
Clark: That's why you are suspicious Honey? Because someone likes us?
Lois: And when did they start liking us? When I started talking to Grant Gendell. And what do all the murder victims have in common? A link to Grant Gendell.
Clark: Relax alright?
Lois: There is something behind that wall, I saw it.
Clark: Okay they have a secret. We have a secret too.
Lois: They fit the profile, everything you told me about Deathstroke.
Clark: Think about it Lois, so do we. Now if Bob and Carol are the kind of friends we want to have we have to respect and honor their friendship. You don't really want me to do it do ya?
Lois: Well... maybe it's been so long since I've had a friend I forgot how.

Lois: Just what are you chanting for?
Lead: Inner peace and brotherhood. Now go away!

[Lois has just found out Clark is Superman]
Lois: [slaps Clark] And don't pretend that hurt... Superman!

Lois: A trick's a trick no matter how big or small, once you figure it out it's not magic any more.

[Clark walks in on the office being frozen and starts laughing at Jimmy wearing Lois's dress]
Jimmy: [begins to wake up] What's so funny, CK?
Lois: [wakes up and realizes that she's in her underwear] Griffin! Jimmy give me back my dress.
Clark: Now that's something you don't hear around the newsroom everyday.
Jimmy: How do you get this thing off?

Lois: Chief, uh I filed the story on the Mindy Church's suicide attempt like you asked. But uh frankly, I think she's up to something.
Perry: Lois, I understand Superman talked her down off that ledge. Apparently he disagrees with you.
Clark: Well it is possible she is desperate and alone.
Lois: Oh you guys are a couple of sentimental softies.
Perry: Oh really? Superman is a sentimental softie?
Lois: He's the worst one of all of you.

Clark: So do you want to go back home and finish our little poker game?
Lois: Oh, okay. You don't stand a chance.
Clark: You're probably right.
[Uses his x-ray on Lois]
Lois: Excuse me what did you just do?
Clark: Well you are such a good poker player I figure that might be as close to a win as I get tonight.
Lois: Well you should let me know when you're going to do that, I'll put on my good lingerie.

Lois: Clark I'm sorry.
Clark: For what?
Lois: I'm sorry that Daddy can't find anything wrong with Star Labs data. He doesn't think we'll be able to have kids.
Clark: Honey I have not for one second doubted in us. We live the impossible. Now a child is something brought about by love isn't it?
[Lois nods her head yes]
Clark: Well then that above all else has GOT to be possible for us.

Lois: Thank you. You were wonderful just like I knew you would be.
Superman #2: Lois I just wish I could do the same thing for your Clark.
H.G. Wells: We need the exact second the time window exploded.
Lois: We don't have that.
Dragon: Explosion? You mean like in John Doe's hotel room?
Lois: Yeah. What do you know about it?
Dragon: ...I'll tell you what Lane, if I scratch your back maybe you can put in a good word for me.
[Takes out a watch Tempus gave him]
Dragon: He wanted me to go out and get a new watch for him. He said it was stopped by an explosion.
H.G. Wells: [In the Time Machine with Lois] We must arrive at precisely the moment I've chosen or he is lost.
Superman: [They find Superman, Lois jumps out and grabs him] Lois!
[They kiss]

Lois: Catch up on your sleep last night?
Clark: Back to my old self.
Lois: So even though you are looking kind of troubled and preoccupied there's no reason for me to be worried?
Clark: About me? None whatsoever.
Lois: Because if there was something hypothetically bothering you you would tell me?
Clark: Uh-hum.
Lois: Look are you worried about getting married?
Clark: What?
Lois: Well it's just that, you know, we started making plans and suddenly you can't sleep at night and you're having all this incredible anxiety and...
Clark: Lois I'm not worried about marrying you. I am completely looking forward to marrying you, chomping at the bit.
Lois: Chomping at the bit. Got it.

Clark: Lois, I can't take it anymore, if you really want me, I'm yours.
Lois: [pushing him away] Clark! Have you lost your mind?!
[looks down at what she's wearing]
Lois: Or have I lost mine?

Martha: Lois, Honey are you alright?
Lois: Are you two alright? Oh, could you at least get them some chairs or something?
Ran: On New Krypton we don't get hostages chairs.
Lois: You know what, I don't like New Krypton. There I said it. I know that you're supposed to be so intellectually advanced but I think you're a bunch of creeps. And I am sorry that Kal-El even gave you the time of day much less sacrificed everything to save your stupid planet. So, are you going to shoot us over a couple of chairs? I don't think so because we're the only hold you've got over my friend Kal-El who'd be out here in maybe two seconds to mop the floor with you.
Jonathan: [Clapping] Well said Lois!
Martha: Here, here Honey.

Lois: [Opens up a box of flowers that just arrived] They're dead.
Superman: Maybe you were the last stop on his delivery route. You know they were fine this morning but now...
Lois: There's no note. See I told you it's starting.
Superman: Lois the only thing that's starting is this...
[takes her in his arms and kisses her]

Clark: Why do you suppose someone would kidnap Bender?
Lois: Can't be for money. Who would pay ransom for a lawyer?

Lois: [about Lucy] She can be very pigheaded. And, no, it does not run in the family.

Clark: [In each other's arms, waiting for the elevator at The Planet] Let's just forget picking up these file disks. You're not going to get any work done tonight anyway. You know what pasta does to me.
[kisses Lois]
Lois: You want me to leave my work here?
[Clark nods yes]
Lois: What if the building burns down, what if it explodes? That's been known to happen.
[Clark rolls his eyes]
Lois: Then I would have to start from scratch. Better safe than sorry.
Clark: Can you say obsessive?
Lois: I'm obsessively in love with Clark Kent!
[kisses Clark]

Lois: You are a strange one, Clark Kent.
Clark: Am I?
Lois: Yeah, but I think I got you figured out.
Clark: Really?
Lois: Umhm
Clark: Didn't take you very long.
Lois: Well, it's my business looking beyond the external. Don't fall for me farmboy. I don't have time for it.

Lois: Hollywood's created a dozen versions of Frankenstein and you still didn't get the point.

Spencer: You know, I was gonna kill you for all that crap you wrote about me, but I thought you might prefer an exciting career opportunity.
Lois: What do you mean?
Spencer: You can be my sex slave.
Lois: Kill me.
Spencer: I know, I know, the body. Maybe I shouldn't hide it in a box, maybe you imagine it worse than it is.
Lois: Maybe.
Spencer: You couldn't imagine worse than this!! My only chance at girls like you is shootin' 'em up with cobra venom, and then it's iffy!

Lois: Well, I like my quirks. I think they make me unique.
Clark: You certainly are unique.

Lois: Superman!
Superman: Lois.
Lois: What happened? Why are you in there?
Superman: That coal mine disaster was a trick. There was a nuclear bomb down there. They set it off as soon as I arrived.
Lois: You're okay aren't you?
Superman: I'm fine, I'm just... radioactive.
Dr. Bernard Klein: Superman has been exposed to a particularly dirty bomb. Tiny radioactive particles are lodged in the microscopic crevices of his skin and his body. There's no way to get them out.
Superman: Without this shielding anyone who comes near me would die instantly.
Lois: How long are you going to be this way?
Superman: Dr Klein could you go get those estimates that we were working on?
Dr. Bernard Klein: Yes of course.
[Leaves the room]
Lois: How long?
Superman: 30,000 years.
[Lois looks distraught]
Superman: Don't worry Lois we'll get through this. Just like every other problem we've gotten through. Just think of it as one more of those annoying little wedding details that we have to figure out.
Lois: It's not funny.
Superman: Lois... nothing can stop me from marrying you. I will move heaven and earth if I have to. I love you.
Lois: I love you... This is a nightmare.
Superman: Just remember I will get out of this.

Lois: [Just saw the mayor in a heated conversation with Dr Klein] What was that all about?
Dr. Klein: They're a bit concerned that Superman may still go berserk. And I am absolutely forbidden under any circumstances to tell you that kryptonite is being removed from our vault and formed into bullets and that a marksman will be on Superman's tail to take him out if anything goes wrong.
Lois: What?
Dr. Klein: Whatever you do, don't tell Superman.
Lois: [a few minutes later, Superman has just stopped the bad guys as Lois arrives] Superman, duck!
[Superman is hit and goes down as Lois rushes to him]
Lois: Superman, it was a kryptonite bullet.
Superman: It's alright, it just grazed me thanks to your...
Lois: Big mouth?

Lois: I can't help but think that you bought the Planet in the first place because of me.
Lex: I did. I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I bought the Planet out of some lovesick attempt to bring us closer together, to bring my life in tune with yours. But ironically, it wasn't necessary; here we are together. We're meant to be together. It was fate. We don't even have to change the monograms on our towels.

Lois: Oh no. Oh God don't tell me it was a dream.
[Looks down and sees the wedding ring on her finger]
Clark: I don't think so Honey, not unless the rest of the world was dreaming too. There are more presents on their way along with about a hundred telegrams including, dun dun dun dun duh...
[Hands Lois a telegram]
Lois: 'Dear Lois and Clark, finally, best wishes on the wedding we've all been waiting for' - The President of the United States

Lois: [to Clark] All right, maybe, somewhere very deep inside me is some eensy-weensy, microcosmic - although highly unlikely - possibility that I feel some sort of unmotivated, completely unrealistic attraction to you.

[in 1866]
Marshall: [to Lois and Clark] Gone, which is exactly where we'd like you and the naked lady.
Lois: Naked? I'm not naked. These are just new fashions from... France.

Lois: What'd ya open the door for?
Clark: I don't know. I thought maybe for a moment there, maybe...
Lois: What? You were gonna stick your foot out and drag it along the street and stop the car?
Clark: [shrug] Hmm.
Lois: You've been watching too many Flintstones cartoons.

Barrett: He doesn't sleep-- he just sits there all night with his eyes open, watching me.
Clark: How long has be been doing that?
Barrett: Ever since they made the switch.
Clark: The switch?
Barrett: One's a fake-- I don't think he's even human.
Lois: How do you know?
Barrett: Well, I saw the whole thing-- the window appeared right there, just like he said it would.
Lois: Who said it would?
Barrett: Tempus, and that other guy-- that peacekeeper. He's the one that made the switch.
Clark: Someone came back for Tempus.
Lois: [finishing his thought] ... and Tempus busted loose.
Barrett: But no one believes me-- they think I'm nuts, but I'm not nuts...
[rips his shirt open to reveal a white undershirt with a red 'S' written on it]
Barrett: I'm Superman!

Andy: Nice to meet you.
Lois: You too.
Andy: What?
Jimmy: She said, "You too."
Andy: Me too, what?

Lois: Did I tell you how much I hate wearing this costume underneath my clothes? Feels like long underwear.
Clark: Yeah, well, it feels good after a while. It's snug. Believe me. You miss it when...
Lois: You don't like just wearing your boxers?
Clark: Boxers? I wear briefs.
Lois: I know.
Clark: Lois did you X-ray my...?
[Lois laughs jokingly]
Lois: I was just kidding. Geez.

Lois: So basically what you're saying is, all my life I've attracted men that are controlling, incomplete, or downright liars because... because...
Dr. Friskin: Keep going.
Lois: Because that's how I want to be treated? But if I want that kind of man, and I get that kind of man, why am I not happy?
Dr. Friskin: You like chocolate, right?
Lois: How come everybody knows that?
Dr. Friskin: But you know it's not good for you, and the older and wiser we get, the less tolerance we have for something that's not good for us. You're not a victim, Lois, so stop acting like one. You know who you want to be with, you've known all along. The problem is, he's just as scared as you are. So, who's going to be the first to step up and say the scary words?
Lois: How come you don't ask the simple questions?
Dr. Friskin: I would... if I knew the easy answers.

Lois: The way you just touched me...

Lois: I have never seen her have so much fun, it's scary.
[Pours glasses of wine for herself and Clark]
Clark: [Raises his glass for a toast] To... life
Lois: To life.
Ellen: For heaven's sake Lois this isn't my wedding, are you going to participate or not?
Lois: You're doing fine mom. You just keep doing what you do best and so will we.
[Kisses Clark]

Jimmy: Wow, look at this turn out.
Lois: Well it's not every day somebody from Metropolis wins the International Peace Prize.
Jimmy: I can't believe Superman hasn't won it before now.
Lois: I guess there was some question about whether or not an extra terrestrial was actually eligible.
Jimmy: Alien or not it's about time.

Lois: You're ignoring me. I hate that.
Superman: [trying to control his temper] I'm not ignoring you. I just had some lives to save.
Lois: You never have time for me! Maybe I should just move to L.A. and become a super model.
Superman: That's not true. I always have time for you.
[hears a distant cry for help]
Superman: Except now.

Lois: Of course. Where else would it be? Every villain in the universe seems to operate out of Metropolis! For once, I just wish we could have a villain in Maui. Or Aspen. Or Monte Carlo.

Lois: Oh see this is what you do. Your whole life is about not showing fear, you just push it right out of your head but this fear is a part of you. Something so terrible happened that you pushed it way down and now you've got to let it out or it could...
Clark: Scare me to death...
Lois: Like the others.

Lois: You are aware that there is a chance Superman didn't do this.
Perry: Now, Lois, you and I have been newspeople long enough to know, that if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, tastes good with plum sauce, it is a duck.

Lois: It's all in Russian.
Clark: Here, let me see.
Lois: Is there any language you don't know?
Clark: Well, sometimes I have trouble understanding you.

Lois: I stole it. I have never stolen a story before in my life. How could I do that? It's him. It's Superman. I mean, ever since he held me in his arms, there's something between us, Lucy. I know it. There's this connection.
Lucy: You should be ashamed of yourself.
Lois: I am ashamed of myself. I'm ashamed of myself.
Lucy: And you'll never do it again?
Lois: I won't. Never again.
Lucy: And you'll apologize to Clark Kent?
Lois: Not in this millennium.

Lois: I'm sorry I got a little upset in the car.
Clark: The first time you hear yourself called "Mad Dog" you get upset. Anyone would.

Lois: Excuse me, Lois Lane here. Remember me? Award-winning investigative reporter, emphasis on investigative, specializing in covert break-ins.
Perry: Lois, you may not go on this mission.
Lois: Well, what am I supposed to do, sit here knitting, waiting for the hunter-gatherers to return?
Perry: Clark, explain it to her, will you?
Clark: Chief, have you heard the expression "pulling a Schultz?"
Perry: Ah, Hogan's Heroes. I know nothing.
Clark: I see nothing.
Perry: I hear nothing.

Lois: You sleep?
Superman: Yes, I sleep.
Lois: I mean, it's not like I thought you were, you know, a bat that flies around all night.

Cat: [whistles at Clark] Who's the new tight end?
Lois: Why don't you throw your usual forward pass and find out?

Lois: What kind of person keeps a body frozen in a glass case?
Clark: Somebody who's having a hard time getting a date?

Clark: You're upset because you think I'm infatuated with Linda King.
Lois: I wouldn't care if you were infatuated with *Don* King!

Lex: [to a distracted Lois] A perfect evening. I don't think I've ever had better garlic chicken. I think that Chef Andre deserves a raise.
Lois: Mmm.
Lex: Mmm. And a magnificent production of Othello. I particularly like the black and white sets; I thought they were very inventive.
Lois: Mmm hm.
Lex: Did you know that Shakespeare didn't write Othello, that it turns out it was actually written by Dr. Seuss?
Lois: Hmm!
Lex: Hmm.

Lois: I don't understand you. First you want me out of your life, then the second anybody else shows interest you come charging in like some obsessed bodyguard with this crazy accusation.
Clark: It's not a crazy accusation.
Lois: Oh it's not?... look you can't have it both ways. We're either together or we're not.

Lois: We need to talk to Superman, and the only way I can ever get his attention is to fall out a window, which I'd rather not do right now, or tell you. So, here I am.
Clark: You know, I'll be right back. I forgot my mail downstairs.
Lois: Clark, this is important. You can get your mail later.
Clark: Yeah, but I'm expecting my, uh... cheese-of-the-month shipment. I'll be right back.

Lois: Mr. Mayor, what about the brownouts? There doesn't seem to be enough electricity to power the air conditioners let alone the traffic lights.
Mayor: I got ya, babe, but there's no need to worry about the power supply.

Lois: Pick me up at seven?
[Clark nods]
Lois: But you have to promise me you'll be there at 7:01. And 7:02. And 7:03. And 7:04. And 7:05.
[with each breath, Lois draws closer to Clark, until their noses are nearly touching]

Lois: I still can't believe you came barreling in here like some 500-pound gorilla! If you really thought we were in trouble, why didn't you bring the police?
Clark: Look...
Lois: Don't tell me, I already know! You're like every other man in Metropolis! You've got this testosterone surplus that says, "I can do it myself"!
Clark: Lois, I've somehow managed to...
Lois: Mess everything up? No kidding!

Lois: [Crying] It's over. Everything's over. I shouldn't of let him go.
Jonathan: Lois, you two will find a way. Dearest Lois, a love that risks nothing is worth nothing.

Lois: A lot of people have tried to get me on a couch and after all this time, I don't think I'm going to start with a psychiatrist.

Lois: You mean I've been having all these feelings for nothing?
Clark: What feelings?
Lois: Never mind. I'm not feeling them anymore.

[Clark hears an alarm]
Lois: What is it?
Clark: Alarm. Metropolis Prison.
Lois: I'll meet you at Star Labs.
[Kisses Clark]
Clark: Oh!
Lois: What?
Clark: I just realized, this is the first time that you-know-who has separated us since we've been married.
Lois: [Loosens Clark's tie] Well when you see you-know-who you tell him I expect my husband back in one piece.
[Kisses Clark again]

Clark: [At the Daily Planet sitting on the edge of Lois' desk] Tempus set the whole thing up!
Lois: In less than twenty-four hours after the election, he's already insinuated himself this deeply into the system.
Clark: We have to bring him down before the inauguration--once he has access to the highest levels of government...
Lois: [holding her finger up to stop him] I may have something.
Clark: What?
Lois: Last night, a homeless man was shot and killed.
Clark: Well how does that tie in?
Lois: His name was Terrence Rutherford, but here's what's interesting--in the last couple of days, there have been a lot of complaints against him for disturbing the peace. It seems he was in the streets, ranting against John Doe.
Clark: So Tempus hasn't gotten to everyone?
Lois: Exactly, but there's more. Witnesses claim he was saying, 'John Doe came in through the window.'
Clark: Sounds familiar.
Lois: Remember that inmate at the asylum? The one who was ranting?
Clark: He was saying that they went *out* the window.
Lois: I think there's a connection. We've got to talk to this inmate--find out exactly what he saw.

Clark: When I decided to become Superman, I...
Lois: ...became a target, so anyone close to you would be a target, and then it got more complicated when you realized you loved me...
Clark: ...which was about two minutes after I met you.
Lois: Don't try to score points.
Clark: Sorry.

Clark: So how mad are you?
Lois: I'm not mad.
Clark: Excuse me?
Lois: I'm not mad at all.
Clark: Lois, this is not really a time to hold back.
Lois: I'm not.
Clark: I'm sorry. I thought i was talking to Lois Lane. I know she was here a second ago. And I know she wouldn't really react...
Lois: I'm hurt.
Clark: Oh...
Lois: I'm really, really hurt.
Clark: Which is gonna be worse than mad, isn't it?

Lois: You grew up on a farm in Kansas. I grew up in Metropolis.
Clark: So?
Lois: So, they are completely different standards.
Clark: That is so ridiculous!
Lois: What if this belongs to Superman, something he needs? How did you feel when somebody took your stuff?

H.G. Wells: The bad news is that unless you go back to the time of the curse and stop it from being cast, tragedy will strike you down in every lifetime, every time you... consummate. Usually it's very painful.
Clark: Do we even have a choice?
H.G. Wells: Abstinence.
Lois: No way!
Clark: No, no, not a chance.

Lois: Zara, stir the fudge and turn off the popcorn.
Zara: [looking around the kitchen] Which is which?
Lois: Finally, someone worse in the kitchen than me.

Lois: You rotten back-stabbing piece of slime! You know some people might be fooled by that innocent boyish exterior but not me, not anymore.
Clark: Tea, Lois? It's a calming, herbal blend.

Clark: I should have never let you go home alone.
Lois: No it's not your fault.
Clark: But I feel responsible.
Lois: Well you shouldn't.
Clark: Yes sure I should Lois I love you. And that's what makes it so difficult. Every single time I'm off chasing some bad guy I can't help but think 'Is Lois okay or is she slowing being boiled in oil?'
Lois: Really?
Clark: And what I can not stand is the idea that the closer we get the more at risk you are.
Lois: That's not true.
Clark: Okay okay let's just say for argument's sake that you were kidnapped by aliens. It's probably a lucky thing cause what if it had been any ordinary earth bound criminal and when you were drugged you let it slip that Clark Kent is Superman. Everybody knows that you and I are an item. And to get to Superman they would do anything to you.
Lois: But that's a worse case scenario.
Clark: Who could have predicted that you'd be kidnapped by aliens?
Lois: What do you want me to do, pretend I don't know you?
Clark: No Lois what I'm saying is it's just hard. It's just hard, it's harder than I ever thought it would be.
Lois: We can make it work. I know we can.

Superman: You ready?
Lois: This is it, isn't it?
Superman: The moment our lives really start.
Lois: I love you Clark.
Superman: I love you Lois.
[They kiss]

Lois: He's a man, I'm a woman. Do you want me to draw you a diagram?

Lois: [Wakes up from a nap] Hi.
Clark: Hi.
Lois: Oh God. It's wasn't a dream, we are here. What are you doing?
Clark: I am building our hut.
Lois: Our hut?
Clark: Well, I figure the hotel people will be here before nightfall. Or the boat people will come back and realize they put us in the wrong place. Either way we'll need shelter.
Lois: No, no what we need is a sauna and a massage and some room service. So why don't you just scoop me up into your arms and fly us off? Maybe we are near Rio.
Clark: No scooping, no flying.
Lois: You have been scooping and flying on a fairly regular basis ever since I have known you and now, now that we are surrounded by crazed insects and murderous plants, now you think would be a bad time?
Clark: Lois you challenged me to let the world get along without me for a weekend. Me and the world, we seem to be doing just fine. You, on the other hand, are a wreck.
Lois: Oh really you think I'm a wreck? Well I'll show you what a wreck I am. Let me just get these pantyhose off, hand me one of those palm leaves.
Clark: Here you go.
Lois: I just wish you didn't look like you were having such a good time.
Clark: I haven't had a vacation in years!
Lois: Trust me, there could be better ones. Okay what do you do with this?

Lois: There's some files here divided into piles marked 'accepted' and 'rejected' candidates. Candidates for what?
[looks through them]
Lois: Clark, we're in the rejected pile.
Clark: Lois, don't you think that's probably a good thing?
Lois: Well, I'd like to feel wanted

Lois: [telling Clark about her conversation with the ghost] There was some detail about her marriage that she couldn't bring herself to tell me. She seemed more interested in talking about you and me.
Clark: Well I hope you didn't tell her everything.
Lois: I left out the good parts
[leans in the kiss Clark]
Clark: She's probably already seen them anyway.
Lois: [Pulls back in surprise] I never thought of that!

Jimmy: Uh, Lois...uh, panic makes a man say strange things sometimes...uh, I was wondering if you could sorta forget what I...
Lois: [reassuringly] Trust me.

Lois: Why is so much of your work focused on youth?
Dr. Vita Duetsen: [laughing cynically] You're a woman, you should know. Oh, but then you're still young and vivacious. Probably never occurs to you one day those pimply faced box boys at the supermarket won't be in such a hurry to carry your bag for you.
Lois: Well, I carry my own bags. And I'm married.
Dr. Vita Duetsen: Well let me tell you about married. Don't think a husband's eye won't wander once the bloom has gone off the rose. You'll get old, he'll get distinguished. Success makes a man attractive, youth makes women desirable. Success is attained, youth is lost. And those are the facts of life.

Detective: Miss Lane, Mr Kent.
Lois: Yes detective that's us. Mr & Mrs Lane Kent. Lane and Kent.
Detective: How are you?
Lois: Fine, just fine.
Detective: The district attorney and I both hope you enjoyed your apricot muffin and cappuccino this morning.
Clark: You followed us?
Detective: Accompanied... from behind. You two are fast walkers, took us a minute to catch up.
Clark: Oh well geez, sorry.
Detective: Oh that's okay. The DA's office thought it might reassure you Miss Lane to feel our presence... everywhere.
Lois: Well, thank you. I hope it isn't a burden.
Detective: See you... constantly.
[He leaves]
Clark: It's okay Lois.
Lois: So that's how it's gonna be. I may be out but they will never leave me alone. Once your marked as a criminal they treat you like a criminal forever.
Clark: Honey you are no criminal. You're my wife.

Clark: Close your eyes.
[Lois gives him a look]
Clark: Close them.
[Lois closes her eyes]
Clark: Count to three.
Lois: [reluctantly] 1, 2, 3
[opens her eyes and there are flowers sitting on her desk]
Lois: How did you do that?
Clark: If I told you, it wouldn't be magic anymore.

Clark: Lois? Honey what are you doing in here?
Lois: Taking a breather.
Clark: You okay?
Lois: Oh Clark, I'm trying, I really am. I know how much you want me to enjoy all this... holiday magic. Maybe I'll feel it more in January when I get the pictures back.
Clark: Oh, hey, I don't mean to pressure you, I'm sorry. You don't have to enjoy the holidays Honey. Sometimes I forget that not everyone sees things the way I do.
Lois: Clark nobody sees things the way you do! But I'd like to. I wanna see what you see.
[Clark leans to kiss her but stops when he hears an alarm]
Lois: That better be sleigh bells you're hearing.
Clark: Haha, bank alarm.
Lois: Great. I can only think of one other person that works on Christmas Eve.
Lois: Go.

Lois: Boy I have some batting average, huh? Two men in my life, one dumps me and the other tries to kill me.

Lois: Kryptonian logic, Krytonian character, why are you so Kryptonian all of the sudden?
Clark: I am not more, you know, all of the sudden. I always have been. I'm just now discovering my heritage.
Lois: Clark *this* is your heritage. Earth is your home. Isn't it enough that you help millions of people here who count on you? Not to mention the one person that really counts on you, me.
Clark: Lois, don't worry. I know where my home is. And I know who I am. There is no confusion about that okay?

Lois: I missed you.
Superman: Well I'm not really back yet. Clark Kent's plane doesn't get in 'til midnight
Lois: Oh great, so for the rest of the day I have to pretend like my husband's still in the air. Not exactly the kind of welcome home I had planned.
Superman: [Someone came within earshot so they are back to pretending Lois is interviewing Superman] Actually, uh, Miss Lane I had no idea that I was going to win the prize.
Lois: Oh.
Superman: [Speaking privately again] What kind of welcome home did you have in mind exactly?
Lois: Oh a weekend in bed in a mountain hideaway where not everything is done at superspeed...

Clark: You know I have been thinking that we should talk about where we're going to live.
Lois: What do you mean?
Clark: I mean look at this place.
[Looks around and sees all of Lois's furniture packed in with his]
Lois: It is pretty cluttered isn't it?
Clark: Looks like we're fencing stolen merchandise. Plus wouldn't it be nice to have a place that wasn't my place or your place but *our* place?
Lois: Our place. I like the sound of that.

Clark: [Reading from Lois's yearbook] You're in my dreams like a touchdown pass. I can't help noticing you've got a great...
Lois: [interrupts] Give me that! I was also in my dating the quarterback phase.

Lois: [to the newsroom] If you want some entertainment, turn on the TV!

Lois: What's going on?
Clark: Nothing. Come here. Stand right there... I was right.
Lois: Clark what are we doing here?
Clark: I just had this vision of how you would look standing in the light from this window. I had to see.
Lois: Are you okay? What did Dr. Klein say?
Clark: ...Apparently my body has already compensated for whatever age drain there was.
Lois: Compensated. Then you have lost something?
Clark: My friend is healthy. I'm sitting here with my wife. I haven't lost anything.
Lois: But you gave up years.
Clark: I gave them up for a friend.
Lois: How many?
Clark: I don't know. The truth is no one knows how long they've got. Anyway it's not the years that count it's the moments right now as they happen.
[He kisses Lois]
Lois: So how do you suggest we make the most out of this moment?
Clark: Maybe we could look at wallpaper samples.
Lois: Wallpaper samples?
Clark: Well what do you think for this room? Wood paneling? Aged down walls?
Lois: You didn't?
Clark: Well you seemed to really like the place. I mean it's in the city, it's got a lot of character plus it has a secret compartment which I have to tell you it's very very difficult to find in a building this style. All you have to do is say the word... its ours.
Lois: Well you know I love it, but is it you?
Clark: No... It's us.
[Lois kisses him and he picks her up while they are kissing]

Lois: So far between your stuff and my stuff we've got two coffee pots, two irons, two toasters, two blenders and two crock pots. I don't even know what a crock pot does.
Clark: It takes up room and collects dust.

Tempus: [TV Broadcast] Though the Doe administration doesn't take power for a few months, I wanted to let the people know we're going to make the transition as painless as possible. I'm already working with President Garner on that.
Lois: Oh, God... it's started already.
Tempus: My greatest hope is that the former supporters of President Garner will join with me in making this country great again.
Clark: Again?
Lois: Like back in the days of slavery.
Tempus: ...in particular-- Superman. If you're listening, I want you to know that I hope we can find a place for you in the Doe administration. Once all citizens are working through the proper channels, especially well-meaning but lawless vigilantes such as yourself, well the world will be a safer and more ordered place. I hope you can understand that, and if you 'kent'-- I mean can't, we'll just have to figure out something else. That's all for today. Thank you.
Lois: [Turns off the TV] Clark, he said your name.
Clark: I know.
Lois: I know this isn't our usual approach, but I say you go over there and kick his skinny butt.
Clark: I would love to, but you know Superman can't just go beat up the President Elect.
Lois: Why not?
Clark: Lois...
Lois: He's dangerous.
Clark: I know. He's also the most popular man in the country right now, elected by a landslide. We have to be very, very smart about this.
Lois: Tempus... President of the United States--what a nightmare.
Clark: Lois, I've been having--
[interrupted by a distress call]
Clark: There's a robbery goin' down right now. Do me a favor-- stay here, lock the doors, don't go anywhere.
Lois: Clark...
Clark: Honey, just--do it. I got a funny feeling...

Leo: Lois, Clark, like my article?
Clark: Hello Nunk.
Leo: [Lois is holding up his tabloid article trying to block the camera] What is this a reassessment of my work?
Lois: No, just looking for a birdcage.

Jimmy: [about the military's new weapon] Check it out! Killer robot!
Lois: Actually the A.T.A.S is an all-terrain automated soldier.
Jimmy: What's the difference?
Clark: About $100,000 worth of tax payer money in propaganda.

Lois: [about the Superman clone] He kissed me.
Clark: He what?

Lois: What could possibly be here in the Daily Planet newsroom that would be worth risking your lives and the lives of everyone in Metropolis?
Fuentes: What else has man sought after without pity or remorse since the dawn of time?
Lois: Inner peace?
Fuentes: Cold, hard cash.

Lois: [to Clark] Oh, I love your parents. They're just so...not insane.

Clark: Lois Honey, she didn't upset you with her spew did she?
Lois: You heard all that? What am I saying of course you heard all that. You hear everything, you see everything, it's like being married to St Nick.
Clark: She's a bitter woman. She doesn't know us. I love you and we are going to grow old together.
Lois: No, we are not going to grow old together, I'm going to grow old... alone.
[Sits down trying not to cry]
Clark: Honey what is this all about? Come on we are supposed to be able to tell each other everything.
Lois: Yeah. So why didn't you tell me about your molecular structure?
Clark: My what?
Lois: It probably doesn't mean that much to you because you, you know, fly and everything. But I get very emotional about my mortality. And I know how that sounds and it's not vanity. I don't mind growing old, honestly. I just don't want to wake up one morning and find out that you and I have been separated by time.
Clark: Lois I have no idea what you are talking about.
Lois: [Looks up at him] You don't do you? Dr. Klein told me that your molecular structure slows the aging process. So some day I'll be an old crone and you'll still be... Superman.
Clark: Well... Honey, even if it is true it won't change how I feel about you, nothing could ever change that.
Lois: I know that. We'll have a wonderful life together. But then after we have a wonderful life together, you'll just... have another one.

Perry: Now, Lois, don't you have anything to say to Clark?
Lois: Uh, right. Clark, I, uh, I'm very, uh...
Clark: Surprised?
Lois: Stunned, shocked, in need of oxygen.

Lois: He's gone... . He's gone.
President: Lois? Lois you're crying.
Lois: Don't you know what happened?
President: I understand Superman left the county. Too bad, I'll miss him.
Lois: He didn't leave he was sent some place by John Doe. And his name's not John Doe it's Tempus. And he's a monster. He's from the future and he's trying to destroy everything that's good in the country.
President: Gee, that's just the kind of stuff he said you'd say.
Lois: What?
President: President Elect Doe told me you supported the other side.
Lois: Mr. President *you* were the other side.
President: I know but in my heart I knew he was right. Lois, the whole country is behind John Doe. Get on board. He bears you no ill will. We just have to trust him.

Denzler: Is anyone in your life familiar with the use of plastique, AK-47s, strychnine, or similar explosives, weapons, or poisons?
Lois: Only my mother.
Grant: Ha ha ha! I do like this girl!
Denzler: Yes. Are you now, or have you ever been employed by Gendell Technologies or any of it's subsidiaries?
Lois: No.
Denzler: Or are you acquainted with any employee, past or present?
Lois: Not until today.
Denzler: Aha!
Grant: She means you, you idiot!

Clark: You okay?
Lois: Considering we just had our second wedding which failed to result in an actual marriage...I guess so

Clark: Lois, I just want to say I'm sorry.
Lois: Oh no you don't have to, I was wrong.
Clark: No you weren't. When I was flying around last night I had a chance to think. And you were right. We're married now and well Superman can't go off and attend every single event and charity function that he's invited to.
Lois: True. But I can understand how Superman needs to experience the good and I want you to have that Clark. Because when you fly home to me I want you to be okay.

[the office elevator opens and Lois and Clark are kissing. They walk out holding hands and everyone stops and stares at them]
Lois: Okay so this skirt doesn't go with this blouse, it's not that bad.
Jimmy: You guys haven't seen this morning's National Inquisitor have you?
Lois: That supermarket rag, why would we?
Jimmy: Or The Dirt Digger?
Clark: Of course not Jimmy. What's going on?
[Jimmy holds up the photos of Lois kissing Superman]
Lois: Oh my God, Clark.
Clark: Lois...
Lois: That's me.
Clark: And Superman.
[Lois and Clark stare at each other]
Jimmy: Guys let me be the first to say that I don't believe it for a second, alright. It's obviously a fake, the photograph's fake, it's unequivocally bogus. Although it's pretty good work, I mean I've never seen anything quite as good, the matte lines all match...
Lois: Jimmy...
Jimmy: Sorry. On your team 100%.
Perry: Lois, Clark, in my office.
Lois: Chief, first of all I want you to know...
Perry: Of course I don't believe a word of it Lois, I know you'd never do anything like that to Clark, I've never seen two people so in love. This is just pure tabloid trash, it's that simple.
Clark: Thanks Chief.
Perry: Now that said this thing's already blown up pretty big. Now The Daily Planet has yet to take an official position but I can't sit on my hands much longer. The, uh, fellows upstairs are breathing down my neck to clean up this mess. So, uh, what do you want me to do? What do we print?

Lois: Clark I'm sorry.
Clark: [Surprised] Wh-what?
Lois: I'm sorry for forgetting that as rotten as all this is for me, for all of us, that it must be pretty hard for you too.
Clark: Lois I'd really like to help. Are you okay with it?
Lois: Yeah.

Lois: This is amazing. I always knew I was meant to fly.
Superman: Yes Lois you were.
Lois: You seem very sure.
Superman: I am.
Lois: You're the strongest man in the world. But there's such gentleness in your eyes.

Lois: Careful, that sounds like the bug that bit me. Still hurts.
[Clark catches the bug]
Lois: Nice get!
Clark: I'm gonna go let it out the window.
Lois: What all of a sudden, you're a Buddhist?

Lois: [Talking on the phone with Dr. Klein, barely holding back tears] So what you are saying is it's hopeless? Well of course I'm alarmed, the world needs Superman!
Lois: [Hangs up the phone and starts crying] I need Superman.

Lois: Hey Clark. Do you think you could lift out Michele's handwriting from the others, you know, using your vision gizmo?
Clark: Lois, 'vision gizmo' doesn't sound particularly... cool. You know?

Lois: [hugging a fax machine] Oh, it's true. You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone.

Lois: Oh, you are so tight, like iron.
Clark: Steel.

Superman: Well I'm no expert, but I think if you really care about someone and they make a mistake, 'cause they're only human after all, and they sincerely apologize, I think you forgive.
Lois: A mistake's one thing, but this is a whole attitude. Just because someone says 'I love you' doesn't put them in charge of your whole life.
Superman: True, but saying 'I love you' does mean that I would never hurt you on purpose, and maybe I'll make more mistakes along the way, just as you will, but we'll learn from them and move on.
Lawrence: Son, you pack a lot of horse sense in them tight britches.

Clark: [after Lois pushed him into someone else so that she could file a story first] Ahem, was that really necessary?
Lois: Kill or be killed.
Clark: You're talking about war, Lois. This is journalism.
Lois: See, your problem is you still think there's a difference.

Doctor: [on Clark who has amnesia] It will come back to him in time, just be patient with him.
Inspector: That's asking a lot, doc.
Lois: I can be patient.

Lois: [Lois opens a fortune cookie] It's in Chinese.
Lois: [Clark takes the paper. Lois looks at him mockingly] Oh, don't tell me that you read...
Clark: A good horse is like a member of the family.

Lois: Clark, have I lost something?
Clark: Your fashion sense?

Jimmy: Oh Lois, here's that book you wanted.
Lois: Oh thanks. Thanks Jimmy.
Clark: [Reads the title of the book] 'Do it Yourself Last Will and Testament'. Sweetheart, is there something you'd like to share?
Lois: No, just after redoing my insurance papers last night I realized I hadn't had a will made out.
Clark: That's because you don't need a will.
Lois: Well this year alone I have been shot at, strapped to explosives and electrocuted, if anyone needs a will made out it's me.
[Clark closes his eyes and sees flashbacks of his nightmare and losing Lois]
Lois: This really bothers you doesn't it?
Clark: Yeah.
Lois: Well Honey I know it's unpleasant but it's really just one of those things that you do like paying your taxes. I mean, it doesn't mean that I...
Clark: [Interrupted by a cry for help] Somebody needs help.

Lois: [Just after Lisa Rockford tried to kill them] Clark?
Superman: Lois I know, it's okay.
Lois: No it's not that. I mean it is but it isn't. It's... it's just all these brushes with death. You know who knows what's going to happen next? I mean we think that life goes on and on and on... but maybe it doesn't? Do you know what I'm saying?
Superman: Yes.
[Kisses Lois and pulls her down to the sofa]

Lois: It's not technology she's against. It's people like you.
Molly: Yeah! Well actually I am against technology, Lois.

Lois: If Roxi Terrace is her patient, I'm Dumbo the elephant!

Clark: This shirt seems all stretched out.
Lois: Not that I'm all that domestic but do shirts stretch?

Lois: Clark! You came. Why aren't you in Smallville with your folks?
Clark: Oh, uh... my plane got snowed in.
Lois: It did? But it's not snowing... Oh! You are the best!

Lois: I like your new glasses.
Clark: Thanks.
Lois: Did you ever think of getting contacts?
Clark: No.

Lois: [after stopping a truck] Ah, those shoes cost $75... Does the superhero's union cover expenses?
Clark: No, but it does bring up an interesting issue.
Lois: Which is...
Clark: Well, you're just not the kind of person who can sit around and watch someone in trouble if you can help.
Lois: Oh, I have a bad feeling about where this is going.
Clark: But you don't want the world knowing that it's Lois Lane stopping trucks. So...
Lois: Does this mean I have to wear glasses?
[Later at Martha and Jonathan's house, Martha checks a bag of rolled materials]
Jonathan: [laughing] Oh, no, dear. Of course not. I'm thinking about a mask.
Lois: [holding rolls of material] A mask?
Martha: [serving Lois a cup of tea] Oh, I think a mask would be very sharp!
Jonathan: How about a cape?
Lois: Uh, you guys, could we just slow down? I don't think I can do this.
Jonathan: No cape?
Lois: No, I... I mean ANY of it. Uh, this... it's just... it's not me, it's Clark. You know, he's putting on this brave face, but inside I know this is eating him alive. If he sees me in a cape and tights, how do you think that's gonna make him feel?
Martha: Lois, Clark is strong. And I'm not talking about how much he can benchpress. He's strong where it counts, and WHEN it counts.
Jonathan: He'll get through this. You BOTH will. Now...
[Martha holds one of Lois' shoes. The bottom of the heel is worn]
Jonathan: Let's talk boots.

Lois: Maybe the explanation is obvious. I'm guilty.
Clark: What?
Lois: I said I'm guilty. Of arrogance. Thinking that because I'm famous and popular, educated and polite... well not always polite but all those other things, that I was special.
Clark: Honey you are special.
Lois: And even though I know the system can be unfair to some people, I never thought it would be unfair to me.
Clark: Lois. We're gonna get to the truth.
Lois: The truth is... I don't know. Maybe I deserve this.
Clark: Honey stop it. Now remember no matter what happens, we're together. Through everything.

Lois: Clark, you can do the horizontal rhumba with the entire Met-Net cheerleading squad for all I care, just keep your hands off my copy.

Lois: I suppose you've kept in touch with all your college friends?
Clark: Well, yeah.
Lois: Well sure, I mean, that's easy when you go to Smallville U, with a graduating class of 10 farmers and a cow!

Grant: Say, have you heard this song about the fly in some girl's chardonnay? Now, unless they rewrote the dictionary, I see nothing ironic about that, however--a recluse who finally decides to come out of hiding on the very day he's almost killed...
Lois: --That's ironic!

Star: You're right, I couldn't agree more.
Lois: Excuse me?
Star: I was responding to your thought, small weddings are much more romantic.
Lois: Star I wasn't thinking about my wedding. What would be the point, I don't think I'm going to have one?
Star: Well not if you keep seeing other men.
Lois: Lucky guess, right?
Star: Lois, your brain is like a cheap TV full of static. But one thing is coming through loud and clear: you love Clark.
Lois: Yes. I love Clark. I love him so much and he is so dumb.
Star: So what is this confusion I'm getting?
Lois: Patrick? Well it's hard not to feel flattered by someone when I feeling so rejected.
Star: But Patrick, he's not like...
Lois: The real thing? No.

H.G. Wells: What's the matter, my dear?
Lois: Oh, you've been to the future, Mr. Wells. Is it true what Tempus said about me?
H.G. Wells: Oh, yes. You're as highly revered as any woman in history.
Lois: Oh, no, I'm meant about being galactically stupid.
H.G. Wells: No, no, no, Miss Lane, not stupid: blind. It is one of the many things that makes your story so timeless. Why children never tire of hearing it at bedtime. Why parents never outgrow it. Generation after generation, we are all blinded by love, Miss Lane. Especially that one great love that changes us forever.
Tempus: Excuse me, but I'm in danger of choking on my own vomit.

Clark: Morning
Lois: Morning. Thank you for the flowers and the coffee. What's the occasion?
Clark: The occasion is I'm in love and I'm getting married.

Lois: [to Cat after finding out that Arthur Chow married someone else] That's too bad. I already had my wedding present picked out for you. Personalized stationary: "From the desk of Cat Chow."

[Clark stares grinning widely at Lois]
Lois: What?
[Clark still grinning at Lois]
Lois: Oh it's not that far fetched.
Clark: No it's not. Actually it's very smart.
Lois: So what are you grinning at?
Clark: You. You are brilliant, and you're talented, you are gorgeous, and you are my wife. So I grin.
Lois: Well. You're not so bad yourself.

Clark: Lois, I don't really know exactly how to say this, but why did you come back to me tonight to the factory? I mean, you were running back into an atomic explosion.
Lois: I know, it doesn't make too much sense, does it? I guess I just couldn't leave you there.
Clark: You slammed the door in my face last night.
Lois: That was a mistake.
Clark: [jokingly] Don't let it happen again.
Lois: I guess we'll, um, just have to see how things go, won't we?
Clark: Fortunately, there's no doors here tonight.
Lois: Fortunately.
[they kiss their first "real" kiss]

Victor: If you don't mind my saying so, I think you have great legs. I think I read somewhere that intelligent men are leg-men. Only boobs are interested in, well, you know. Anyway, I think you have very shapely legs. They're like two perfectly-formed carrots.
Lois: [sarcastically] Stop. You're embarrassing me.
[later... after kicking the bad guy]
Lois: You're right, Victor, I do have great legs.

Clark: Wow.
Lois: Wow is right. What are we gonna do?
Clark: Do about what?
Lois: About what Ralph said? What if one of us gets the job over the other? How are we going to handle that?
Clark: Aren't we jumping the gun here? I mean maybe they'll pick somebody else?
Lois: Or maybe not? I just wouldn't want to see it affect our relationship, that's all.
Clark: Hey look, if it will make you feel any better I'm going to take myself out of the running right now, it's just not that important to me.
Lois: No, no, it's not that important to me either and besides you can't do that because you would make a great editor.
Clark: Me? No, no, you're the one with all the Kerth Awards, I mean you deserve it.
Lois: Oh well, I don't know. I mean what does deserve mean anyway? Can we make a pact? We'll be okay, no matter what?
Clark: No matter what.

Superman: I hear you've been looking for me.
Lois: All my life.

Lois: Superman.
Clark: [quietly] I'm coming.
Lois: Superman is my access code.

Lois: [not knowing Clark just hid on the ceiling] Where did you hide?
Clark: Uh...here
[pointing to a skinny tree]
Clark: Let's hurry up before he comes back.

Brittany: I miss my doggy, I'm scared.
Lois: Oh listen, I've got something for you. How 'bout a story? Once upon a time there was a little boy who had to leave his home because his planet was going to explode. And his mommy and daddy, they didn't have time to build a spaceship big enough for the whole family. So they built one just for him so that he had time to escape. And then he traveled millions and millions of miles through space until he landed here on earth. And he was really really scared too because he missed his home and his mommy and daddy just like you guys. But do you know who that little boy turned out to be? This little boy turned out to be Superman.
Brittany: Superman was scared too?
Lois: [Nods yes] But you know what he did? He reached down inside and he found out that he was also really really brave.
[the kids all talk over each other excited]
Lois: So when you're your most sad or your most scared, you just remember that Superman was once scared too. And if you believe in yourself then everything will work out for the best. The end.
[the kids cheer]
Lois: [Opens the door] Dr. Klein.
Dr. Klein: Lois that was amazing. I'm impressed. How'd you know what to do?
Lois: Oh, I don't know. Maybe I saw it in some old movie or something.
Dr. Klein: Maybe it just maternal instinct.
Lois: Nah... You think?

[Clark answers the door wearing only a towel around his waist]
Lois: I said nine, I thought you'd be naked, umm, ready.

Lois: You gave up everything in your life, for me
Superman: Without you it wouldn't have been a life.

Clark: I gotta go.
Lois: You're always leaving.
Clark: But I always come back.

Dr. Gretchen Kelly: Maybe you'd like your teeth rearranged.
Lois: You can try, Brunhilda.

Lois: Tell me the biggest secret you have.
Clark: What?
Lois: Tell me the biggest secret you have. Something you'd never reveal to anyone.
Clark: Why?
Lois: Because I'm about to tell you mine and I need blackmail material.

Superman #2: Lois, is this how it is between the two of you? Working together like this?
Lois: Yeah
Superman #2: Wow!

Perry: The Star has been selling twice as many newspapers as the Planet, both newsstand and subscription! Can anybody explain this to me?
Lois: Bigger type, smaller words.

Lois: Clark!
Martha: Clark don't go. Honey a lot more lives are at stake than ours.
Jonathan: Clark, get out of here.
Kal: I can't do that dad. They'd kill you.
Lois: [Sees Clark disappearing and she starts to cry] No... no.

[Lois laughs as they build a fire]
Clark: What?
Lois: Nothing. It's just this is how I always imagined camping with Clark would be.
Clark: Well, you are camping with Clark.

Lois: [while trying to start their camp fire] Okay, blow.
[Clark accidentally uses his superbreath, putting out the fire]
Clark: Sorry.
Lois: It's ok.
[begins rubbing the two sticks together again]
Lois: Try again. This time remember it's a camp fire not a nuclear reactor.

Mayson: I heard the call on my scanner. I just came by to make sure you're ok.
Lois: Bulgaria adopted the gold standard in 1897.

Clark: The only time people ever really seem to express themselves is when they're passionate and the polite veneer of society drops off. You know, like when they're fighting...
Lois: Or make love... oh, my gosh.

Lex: [in disguise] You know, I have something for you. Information about Lex Luthor and the woman who stole his body.
Lois: Who are you?
Lex: Do you know the story of the phoenix?
Lois: Yes. A sacred bird, reborn. Rising from its own ashes.
Lex: That's right. When I was a little boy my mother told me that story. And I-I always liked the part where he... came back from the dead.
[showing himself as Lex]
Lex: It's good to see you again, Lois. Did you think I wouldn't come back for you? Yes, look at me. I've lost everything: my fortune, my reputation. Everything but my feeling for you. We must take the miracle of my resurrection as a sign. As a sign that even death can't keep us apart.
Lois: How is this-?
Lex: No, don't question a miracle. We're together again. That's all that matters.

Lois: He died trying to protect me. In one... lousy second... I lost my partner... and my best friend. He died without ever knowing. I never told him...

Superman: Lois?
Lois: Yeah, Superman, I'm okay. No, I'm not. I'm mad. I'm furious! It's always the same thing. Where is Clark Kent when anybody needs him?
Superman: Lois, I'm sure he-
Lois: He's supposed to be your friend, but is he here for you? For me?
Superman: I'm sure there's a rational explanation-
Lois: No! His two best friends need his help right now, and where is he?
Superman: If he could be here-
Lois: He's in the mountains with Mayson Drake.

Lois: Smiley says I don't trust or respect you and he doesn't even know why you put up with me.
Clark: Lois, the man's a killer.
Lois: Of course I trust you, and I respect you more than anyone I've ever known. And if I do get angry it's only because I've never opened up to someone so much in my entire life and it hurts when it feels like that trust isn't returned. And you know I put up with you for the same reason you put up with me. It's because I'm completely in love with you.
Clark: And I love you.
[They stare at each other silently for a moment]
Clark: Did we just make up?
Lois: I think so.
[They kiss]
Lois: Could maybe we do this someplace not so musty, and not owned by a killer?

Martha: So if you do go to this New Krypton you wouldn't have any of your powers, is that right?
Clark: I'd be like anyone else.
Lois: Able to die like anyone else.
Clark: So, help me out here. What do you guys think I should do?
Martha: Oh Clark, do you know how much I want to say you should just tell these people to get lost, that this isn't your problem?
Jonathan: And I guess a lot of folks would say that's the smart thing to do.
Martha: When your father and I were young we marched for civil rights.
Jonathan: We were hit with fire hoses, chased by dogs. Oh it was something.
Martha: And people said to us, why would you go there? This isn't your fight. And I didn't even know what to say. Because it was something we believed in.
Jonathan: We've never been asked to send a son off to war. But if we were and my son asked me, 'should I go?' I'd say to him, 'is this your fight?'
Martha: Is this something you believe in?

Perry: [while dancing] I must warn you. I dip suddenly and I dip deeply.
Lois: [laughing] I'll stay alert.

Perry: Anyway if you wanted to nose around it would have to be a kind of undercover, sniff it out type thing.
Clark: That's not exactly what I was getting at.
Perry: You know as a matter of fact I could make arrangements for you two to go on the next retreat as a married couple.
Lois: Oh no, that's just not a good idea.
Clark: Not at this time Chief.
Perry: No, why? Surely not for personal reasons. I mean cause you both said that nothing would stand in the way of your professionalism.
Lois: No, no.
[Looks at Clark and he shakes his head no]
Lois: No, no just don't think it's a good idea.
Clark: No.
Perry: Oh. Oh, okay, you're sentiments are duly noted. Don't you guys think you should get out of here and pack?

Lois: There are things in my brain that I don't know how they got there. I don't have access to them really. The just sort of leak out from time to time.

Lois: Clark Kent, the rebel without a flaw.

Clark: It's just all this talk about having kids.
Lois: All what talk? I got one stupid brochure from the Winky-Tink School. Okay I'll tell you what. If I make it through the next two days alive we'll have a nice long talk.
Clark: It's just it's a big decision.
Lois: I know.
Clark: It's not like getting a dog.
Lois: Oy!

Lois: [Sitting together on their back porch] Kinda scary huh, how quickly things can fall apart?
Clark: I guess we were a little naïve to think that it wouldn't affect us.
Lois: I should've let you run with the story all along Clark.
Clark: Are you saying if you had to do it over again you wouldn't kill my story?
Lois: I'd kill it in a second if I were editor. Being editor that's what I won't do over again.
Clark: Are you sure about that?
Lois: Totally. I know where I belong, where the action is.
Clark: And that would be?
Lois: Usually with you.
Clark: Good.
Lois: Does this mean we've made up?
Clark: Yeah.
[Kisses Lois]
Clark: Is anybody watching?
Lois: [Looks around] No. Why?
[Clark flys her into the house super speed]

Lois: Clark, you know how I get when I want to fix something?
Clark: Well, first you eat a lot of chocolate while you figure out your next move.
Lois: [Holds up empty chocolate bar wrapper] Check.
Clark: [laughs] Then you get that real determined look on your face, sort of like you've got right now. And then the seas part.
Lois: Listen. We have come through almost every conceivable disaster usually by inconceivable means. And if conceiving is what we want I think we're gonna have to be fearless once again.

Lois: You can give yourself up, and finish your time.
Lex: I was doing a double life sentence.
Lois: You can catch up on your reading.

[talking about Superman]
Lois: Does he think that because he couldn't defeat some robot that that changes the way I feel about him? Clark, that's not what attracts me. It's his intelligence and caring. He's... he has integrity and an innate goodness. I mean, he's a lot like you.

Clark: Lois can I talk to you for a second? Excuse us for one second.
Lois: What is wrong with you, Clark you're actually being rude?
Clark: Lois, something is going on, he changed time.
Lois: He... what are you talking about?
Clark: Oh, okay I left here, made a couple rescues and when I got back...
Lois: You, you, when did you leave?
Clark: In about 20 minutes.
Lois: What?

[Clark decides to tell Lois that he is Superman]
Clark: Lois, I've got something I want to tell you.
Lois: It's not good news, is it?
Clark: Well, I don't know, maybe.
Lois: No. It's not. I can tell by your face.
Clark: Lois, maybe you'd better sit down.
Lois: Oh yeah, this is good news.
Clark: Lois, I'm Super...
[telephone rings]

Clark: Why wouldn't the Chief want us to tell Jimmy that he said that?
Lois: It's one of those father/son things.
Clark: Oh, really?
Lois: Sure, it's classic. Men are uncomfortable expressing their emotions directly. It's just like the father/daughter thing, only, when you finally do talk, you use more sports metaphors.
Clark: Ha, that's ridiculous.
[Perry sticks his head out of his office]
Perry: Clark, if Jimmy calls, tell him I know it feels like the bottom of the ninth with two outs and two strikes against him but that the Planet is gonna mount a full-court press, and we won't stop until it's game, set, match, Olsen.

Clark: My wife, the boss.
Lois: I still can't believe it.
Perry: Now, listen, you sure you two are okay with this? I mean, I, uh, I didn't want to ruffle any feathers.
Lois: Don't worry, we've already talked about it. Everything's fine. Really.
Perry: You're sure?
Clark: Positive, chief. In fact, I'm kind of looking forward to sleeping with the boss.

Lois: [to Clark] Is this going to feel as weird to you as it does to me, knowing you are Superman from now on?

Clark: I think the better question, Chief, is why was Griffin here in the first place?
Lois: My continuing degradation comes to mind.
Clark: No, I think that's just a bonus.

Lois: [after Clark had thrown a tire around a man while he was running away] How did you catch him?
Clark: He got... er..."tired"

Lois: This is just so typical... You want a big story--you're disappointed--you think it's a simple frog-napping. Then, Secret Service is involved--national security, foreign intrigue. This could be it--this could be the Pulitzer, but... You've got your wedding to consider, so what are you supposed to do? You want the Pulitzer, but you want your wedding. Do you forget the Pulitzer; do you forget your wedding? See! I knew something bad was going to happen, no matter what I do, there is always a part of me that wants to be doing something else.
Clark: Lois, Honey... Nothing is going to happen.
Lois: What did you just say?
Clark: Lois?
Lois: After that.
Clark: Honey.
Lois: That's the first time you've ever called me that. Say it again.
Clark: Honey.
Lois: That's amazing... I like it. I never thought of myself as a Honey. What's happening to me... So, you got any other names in mind?
Clark: Sweetheart... Darling... My little... tornado.
Lois: This is disgusting.
[They kiss]

Martha: Are you okay honey?
Lois: Me? Yeah, I'm fine. This whole story's just had me thinking about having babies.
Martha: Lois? Are you trying to tell me something?
Lois: What? Oh, oh you think that I'm... oh no, I'm not. No I'm not, really. I mean not that I wouldn't want to be, I mean I wouldn't want to be right this second but uh it's uh just been crossing my mind lately.
Martha: I see.
Lois: Actually we are waiting for Dr Klein to tell us if we can even have kids. Did you ever have any qualms about raising children after you started trying? I mean did you, did you ever think that you might not be able to handle the responsibility?
Martha: Oh no, not once I decided I was ready.
Lois: And I'll know that I'm ready for this how exactly?
Martha: You just will. When you are, you'll know.

Clark: [about Linda] So she stole a story and she stole a guy. And now she's trying to do it again?
Lois: Don't flatter yourself.

Lois: I know you may not believe this, but there was a time where I had to be the best at everything.

Clark: I shouldn't have lost my temper.
Lois: Well, you're entitled to. I lose mine once every... what?
Clark: Three, four minutes.

Lois: What kind of a person keeps a body frozen in a glass case?
Clark: Somebody who's having a really hard time getting a date?

Clark: I've decided that the only way to clear all this up is to tell the whole world the truth.
Lois: The truth about what?
Clark: That Superman can not be having an affair with Clark Kent's wife because Clark Kent is Superman.
Lois: Clark you can't do this.
Lois: Lois the only way to regain the world's trust is to tell them that I am Superman. I don't have a choice.
Jonathan: Do you realize what this will do to you son? To everybody?
Clark: I know it'll be hard Dad.
Martha: I don't think you realize how hard it will be. Never mind about your father and me it's not going to affect us much but it's going to affect you plenty. Clark Kent won't even exist anymore, you won't have any kind of private life.
Jonathan: And neither will Lois. She won't be able to go anywhere as herself let alone continue as a reporter. She'll just become Superman's wife.
Clark: I know, I know. Don't you think I thought about all this? This isn't just some knee jerk reaction that I'm having. I'm trying to stop a war. I'm trying to protect what Superman is, what he stands for.
Lois: If that's the case then you are making a mistake. What makes you think that the world is gonna start trusting Superman again when they find out that he's been lying to them all along about who he really is? Clark there's a greater truth to protect here and that's the idea of who Superman is. If you tell them that you're married, that you have feelings and desires like everybody else then that image of a hero is shattered, it's gone. People need to believe in that mythic truth, that is what Superman is all about and that is what you should protect above all else.
Clark: And I will protect it Lois. Because even in this cynical world somebody has to stand for integrity. And if that's what I say I stand for then I have to mean it.

Clark: Look at us. I always sort of figured we'd be on a honeymoon about right now.
Lois: Well at least you're here, with me. Being without you, that was bad. And besides...
Clark: What?
Lois: Well, if you want to know the truth, it's kind of exciting. This just seems to be how our life together is. Oh God. Do you think that's what makes our relationship work?
Clark: No.
[Kisses Lois]
Lois: ...Promise me, once in a while we'll have a quiet evening at home.

Clark: [Watching Clark try to start a fire with sticks] Guess you never learned how to do that?
Clark: Think about it Lois. Why would I ever have to learn how to do this?
Lois: Well it just so happens that I am a former Girl Scout.
Clark: Good. Cause I am a strange visitor from another planet.
Lois: So I guess by now you concede that we are on the wrong island?
Clark: Well yeah. Why, do you want to leave?
Lois: Um, no. I suppose I could stick it out for one night.
Clark: Good.

Lois: Well, that's a terrific reason to get married, to avoid harassment.

Lois: You are always editing my copy!
Clark: Okay, well next time you fight the bad guy and I'll write the story.

Lois: Do you know how many toddlers can balance a sofa on their pinky finger?

Lois: You won't believe what I got in the mail today--a flier from the Winky Tink Preschool. See, this store where I registered for wedding gifts sold my name... Now I'm getting bombarded with junk mail...
Clark: Preschool? We don't even get married for three more weeks.
Lois: Winky Tink says now's the time... They've got a five-year waiting list and they require a $200 deposit.
Clark: Do they also require a child?
Lois: Nope, just money.
Clark: You know... You know, that's something that we haven't talked very much about.
Lois: Money?
Clark: No, children. You think we'll make good parents?
Lois: Yeah, I guess so... when the time comes. I mean, you will be for sure, and... I'll probably catch on.
[Kisses Clark]

Clark: He just seems a little bit too good to be true, that's all.
Lois: Well I know some people who would say that about you.
Clark: Like who?
Lois: Like me. I'm not complaining though.

Lois: Notice I didn't say anything about myself?
Clark: I did.
Lois: But you could.
Clark: I could.

Mayson: [after Lois saves her life] Keep that up and we may have to start liking each other.
Lois: [smiling] Anything but that.

Lois: What about Jimmy? Maybe Jimmy could save us.
Perry: Jimmy couldn't save baseball cards.

Bobby: I want you to know how happy I am for you and that that there are a lot of people out there that are really pulling for this to work out.
Lois: What people?
Bobby: What, did you think it was a big secret that Clark here has been mooning over you?
Clark: I wouldn't say "mooning" exactly.

Superman: Smiley had given up on people finding happiness together. I haven't, have you?
Lois: No.
Superman: But we keep messing up. Why is that?
Lois: Well first of all people mess up. And I think adjusting to the whole idea of marriage, along with everything else we've been going through, is making both of us a little nuts.
Superman: So?
Lois: So maybe we should just take a little break from the whole idea of marriage, not even say the M word, and just be in love.
Superman: I can do that.
Lois: It's a lot of pressure, this whole forever thing.
Superman: It's not the M word that makes it forever for me, Lois. My love is forever, because... because it just is.
[They kiss]

H.G. Wells: Oh dear...
[checks newspaper]
H.G. Wells: I'm afraid something has gone terribly wrong.
Lois: Tempus a king? We don't even have kings...
Clark: Plus, he is supposed to be in prison.
[turns to Wells]
Clark: What is going on?
H.G. Wells: [quietly] I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.
Clark: You said if we reversed the curse, we'd be able to consummate our marriage. Well, we reversed it, didn't we?
H.G. Wells: By changing history, yes.
Lois: We didn't have a choice--that was the only way to stop the curse.
H.G. Wells: History is held in delicate balance with infinite consequences to even the most remote or seemingly insignificant change. So it's quite possible too that by allowing Baron Tempus to defeat the Fox, we unwittingly allowed evil to defeat good in a time and place not done so before. See, that over time could very well have shifted the balance of power in favor of evil.
Clark: Which would explain why Tempus is now a king.
H.G. Wells: Yea, I'm afraid so, quite.
Lois: Can't we just have a honeymoon like a normal couple--was that too much to ask for?
Clark: Alright, well we obviously can't leave things the way they are so, what do we do?
H.G. Wells: We must go back and defeat Tempus this time. We must shift the power back to good.
Lois: But won't that trigger the curse again?
H.G. Wells: No, not--not if we travel back to a more recent incarnation of yours, you see, to a time when curses didn't exist.
Lois: You mean a different lifetime?
H.G. Wells: Yes, yes, as a matter of fact that's precisely what I mean.
Lois: Just another day in the life of Lois & Clark.

Lois: Clark, I don't want to die.
Clark: Lois, I would not let that happen.

Clark: [reading from Lois' old yearbook] "To Stretch, No one swings like you do. Love, Teddy." Stretch?
Lois: We were in gymnastics together. He was trying to be cute.
Clark: Stretch. I like it.
Lois: And it's the last time you'll lose it.

Clark: You know, I don't think this group therapy stuff is so bad.
Lois: I thought the wild applause was a bit excessive.

Lois: Is this the absolute total final guest count?
Clark: Funny you should mention that cause I ran into an old friend last night.
Lois: Who?
Clark: Lana Lang.
Lois: Oh, an old girlfriend.
Clark: Lois you are getting that sound in your voice.
Lois: What sound?
Clark: Well that at any second the claws are gonna pop out of your fingers... and I'm gonna have to get you a saucer of milk.
Lois: Meow.

Lois: Hi, Mayson. You have more questions for me?
Mayson: No.

Clark: [while line dancing] You actually know how to do this.
Lois: Last year I had a girlfriend convince me it was a great way to meet guys.
Clark: Was it?
Lois: Define "guys."

Perry: That was Stormin' Norman on the shortwave.
Clark: Schwartzkopf?
Lois: Haberstatzer. I'll explain later.

Superman: You better be careful, if the killer reads between the lines of your story and realizes that you were there...
Lois: You read my work?
Superman: Always.

Lois: [they have just entered their ransacked suite and Clark sat on a bomb to keep it from destroying the room] Are you just gonna sit there all night?

Lois: I just want you to leave. I want you to go away and leave us alone so this Tez person will have no reason to kill Clark. I am begging you.
Sarah: I can't go Lois. There are too many lives at stake.
Lois: What about Clark's life? What about my life?
Sarah: If Kal-El doesn't return Lord Nor will seize power which will divide all the ruling houses and the hold that they have over the people. Riots will be followed by mass murders followed by civil war.
Lois: Do you love Clark?
Sarah: This was never a question of love. As a matter of fact I have feelings for Lieutenant Ching. But what I'm talking about is more important than two people's love.
Lois: I've always thought that was the most important thing there was.
Sarah: I know how much you love Clark and what he feels for you. And I wish Clark could stay here forever. But Kal-El cannot.
Lois: You're asking me to sacrifice everything for a world I'll never see.
Sarah: I'm asking you to save a world that's robbing us both of the men we love.

Lois: [about the flowers Clark just gave her] Should I even ask where they're from?
Clark: Tony's. Down the street. You wanna see a receipt?

Superman: Lois, if anyone knows what it's like to be on the outside, I do. Sometimes I feel like I'm out there fighting all alone. Sometimes I feel like giving up. But, then I remember that what I stand for is more important than anything else. Your work is important to the people of Metropolis. You're a brilliant, passionate journalist. Adversity has never stopped you before. Don't let it start now.
Lois: That's funny. Clark said the same thing.
Superman: I'm not surprised. Clark is a very smart guy.

[Lois and Clark are back at the hotel, sitting on the floor, snuggling under a blanket in front of the fire]
Clark: So what did you think of Superman's speech?
Lois: It was good. Did he have to make NOT having an illicit affair sound so... noble?
[Clark laughs]
Lois: Are you alright with it?
Clark: Well I told the truth. I mean I answered the questions they asked me truthfully.
Lois: So you're not completely comfortable?
Clark: No not completely. There was a larger truth to protect here and in this instance it was the right thing to do. Just do me one favor okay? Let's you and I be a little bit more careful from now on okay?
Lois: It is still safe to kiss my husband though right?
[leans in towards Clark]
Clark: Yes. Ooh, woah, your feet are freezing.
Lois: Warm them up.
Clark: Okay
[lifts the blanket and uses his heat vision and then puts the blanket back down]
Lois: [surprised face] You missed!
Clark: No I didn't
[laughs as he leans over and they disappear from sight]

Lois: I'm sorry, I'm a little high-strung.
Alternate: Lady, you're a Stradivarius.

Lois: So an old friend tried to kill me, these things happen. Okay, they happen to me.

Lois: Hard to call it a kidnapping when there is no kidnapper.
Clark: Maybe it's some kind of mind control or a hallucination or maybe even some kind of invisible man.
Lois: Clark listen to us, what do we do for a living?

Ultrawoman: It's Perry and Jimmy. They're going to know me!
Superman: No, they won't.
Ultrawoman: How blind do you think people are?

Lois: Where are you from? I mean, you're not from Kansas, that's for sure.
Superman: I'm from another planet. A place called Krypton.
Lois: Do you mind if I write some of this down?
Superman: No.
Lois: You seem, uh, to have all the parts of a man.
Superman: Well, I am a man, Lois. Just like you're a woman.
Lois: I'm really glad you're here. But why are you here?
Superman: To help.
Lois: To help. I need a little bit more of a quote than that. Something like, "I have not yet begun to fight," or, "Damn the torpedoes." Something like that. I mean if you said, "I am here to fight for truth or justice."
Superman: Well truth and justice, that sounds good. You can use that.
[Someone shouts for help]
Lois: What is it?
Superman: Someone's in trouble.
Lois: This is a job for Superman, right?

Clark: [reading research notes] "The non-linear amplifier multiplies the input signal with obvious trigonomic results." Obvious to whom?
Lois: The result would be amplified waves with frequencies equal to the sum and difference of the original frequencies.
Clark: What?
Lois: What did I just say?
Clark: I have absolutely no idea.
Lois: Did I just explain what you were talking about?

Lois: [as she sweeps glass off her floor after a bomb explosion] Well, since you asked, what took you an hour?
Superman: A nuclear reactor was melting down in Philadelphia. What's your point?
Lois: I just think maybe you're taking my jeopardy just a little for granted these days.
Superman: What?!
Lois: You know, I can understand. It's not the same new sizzling romance. I don't look at you like some moony eyed cheerleader and maybe you look at me differently too. I'm just good old Lois, get to me whenever.
Superman: That's ridiculous.
Lois: Well, just food for thought. Anyway, if you're not too busy, maybe we should try and find the guy who did this!
[shoves a broom into his chest]
Superman: [looks confused and starts sweeping] All things considered, I'd rather be in Philadelphia.

Lex: Right, so what do you suggest, Mr Kent? We just sit here, let them do whatever they want and then wait for them to kill us?
Clark: No, but I have no choice. If I go out there and try to get to the bomb, any one of those guys could kill any one of you. And if that is a hair trigger under his finger, it could go off before I could stop it, and I can't take that risk.
Lois: Uh, Clark... Take it easy, you're not Superman.
Clark: I know...

Lois: And let's get something straight, I did not work my buns off to become an investigative reporter for the Daily Planet just to baby-sit some hack from Nowheresville! And another thing, you are not working with me, you are working for me. I call the shots, I ask the questions. You are low man - I am top banana and that's the way I like it, comprende?
Clark: You like to be on top. Got it.
Lois: Don't push me Kent, you are way out of your league.

Clark: I shouldn't have lost my temper.
Lois: Well, you're entitled to. I lose mine once every...what?
Clark: Three, four minutes.

Lois: Concubine to slave. Is that a step down?

Lois: You know I sleep like a baby in Metropolis, what is so relaxing about the stupid mountains?

Mr. Schott: Mrs. Duffy? Mrs. Duffy? I have a surprise.
Lois: So do we. You're busted. Merry Christmas.

Clark: [trying to figure out Carpenter's password] Try Kane. K-A-N-E. Linda says he has a Citizen Kane fixation.
Lois: Not it. What else could it be?
Lois: Rosebud.
Lois: Great minds think alike.

Clark: You know how because I'm Superman, I've never had a cold or the flu? So I don't know how that feels. Well all that has changed since I fell in love with you.
Lois: You're saying loving me is like being sick?
Clark: Kind of. It's like I had a fever and I got a little delirious so I said and did some crazy things. But I'm better now. Cured.
Lois: So you're not in love with me anymore?
Clark: Lois I'm completely in love with you. And I realized that turning my back on that love is way more dangerous than any hypothetical criminal could ever be. Lois I miss you.
Lois: Me too.
Clark: I've been wrong about some things. But not about this.
[kisses Lois]
Lois: [In the middle of kissing Clark] No.
Clark: No?
Lois: Clark. You saved my life today for the millionth time. You were there for me.
Clark: I will always be there for you.
Lois: Until the next time you decide to break my heart for my own good. I survived it this time. I don't think I would again. You know you saving my life does not give you the right to live my life. Nobody has that right but me. Not you and not Superman.
Clark: Lois if you want me to leave I will. But please don't shut me out of your life.
Lois: Well there's tomorrow. The Planet.
Clark: Lane and Kent, the hottest team in town.
Lois: News team... Goodnight.
Clark: Goodnight.

Lois: Clark either your clothes are growing or you're... . what's happening?
Clark: Something really strange. I mean I know what's happening I just don't understand how or why.
Lois: Has this happened before?
Clark: First I noticed it was Monday.
Lois: This started yesterday and you didn't tell me? What were you thinking?
Clark: I was thinking 'don't tell Lois she'll only be upset.' I just wanted to get some facts first, you know figure out what was happening to me.
Lois: To us! Whatever happens to you or me happens to us. Didn't you just get through saying we are in this together? And we'll get through this together.

Lois: Uh...Mrs. McCarthy, did Sean have any friends?
Mrs. Macarthy: Only one that I know of. They were pen pals.
Lois: They wrote to each other?
Mrs. Macarthy: Heavens, no! They met in the pen.

Clark: Lois, you know, I really hope someday that you learn, that sometimes what it seems like people are doing isn't what they're really doing.
Lois: What are you, a fortune cookie?

Lois: Clark, you can drop the Kevin-Costner-protecting-Whitney-Houston bit. I think we're safe now.

Lois: So what about us? Are we going back to being normal?
Clark: Well whatever normal is for us?
Lois: Well let's see. Before we were interrupted I was just starting to really enjoy being engaged.
Clark: Yeah, so was I.
Lois: So what's normal for a woman happily engaged to a really cute guy? Oh, I know.
[Kisses Clark in the middle of the newsroom]
Clark: Lois, everybody's watching.
Lois: Yeah. Who cares?
[Kisses Clark again]

Lois: Clark?
Clark: Lois, I got your message. What's going on? Why are we here?
Lois: I needed to see you. I wanted a chance to say goodbye.
Clark: [Shocked] Goodbye? What are you... Lois...
[Starts running but isn't moving]
Clark: Lois!
[Changes into Superman still running but not moving]
Clark: No!
Lois: [Reaches out her hand] I'll always love you.
Clark: [Reaches for her hand but their fingers barely touch] Lois! No!
[a dark figure pulls Lois away]
Clark: Lois! No!
[Clark wakes up from his nightmare]

Lois: Are you obsessing? Because usually when I kiss you you are a little more focused.

Mindy: I'm a bird in a gilded case.
Lois: Cage. Gilded cage.
Mindy: Huh?

Superman: [seeing that Lois has saved herself] Well, I guess you don't need me.
Lois: Not this time. But don't leave town.

Lois: You see, Clark, there is no such thing as an invisible man.
Clark: [after Lois walks away, a bit sadly] Yes, there is, Lois.

Superman: I'm sorry, you were saying?
Lois: Nothing. I'm going to be a professional and go to the interview, and internalize my feelings so I get an ulcer the size of Cleveland.
Superman: Women...Earth women!

[Lois is frantically flipping through files and papers]
Clark: Lois, Honey... Honey
Lois: I'm fine really.
Clark: Yeah okay but why don't you just relax for a minute or even 30 seconds. Honey, look Honey, I wallpapered the entire house by myself super-speed, you can yell at me for a little while.
Lois: Yell, you? I love the wallpaper. Oh I think I have another box of files upstairs.
[rushes out of the room]

Lois: Relax I told you I'm fine.
Clark: Are you sure? What I mean is, are you sure?
Lois: I'm sure.
Clark: Well I'm not. Do you know what it feels like having the person you love turn into a snarling monster right before your eyes?
Lois: *She* was snarling. *I* was speaking loudly for emphasis. I'm glad you were there. It helped me get through it.
Clark: What was it like? How did it feel to have someone occupy your body?
Lois: Crowded?

Superman: I should probably take a look around the city just to make sure everything is alright. But I don't want to fly off with you mad.
Lois: I'm not mad. Okay I am. It's alright I'm just... oh gosh it was easier talking to Clark.
Superman: You still are.
Lois: See that's just it I don't know anymore.
Superman: Well let me prove it to you.
[Pulls out the ring]
Lois: [Looks at the ring for a moment] No. I... I mean I can't... yet. I need time to think.
[Superman puts the ring away looking upset]
Lois: Clark... you understand?
Superman: Sure.
Lois: So you're not upset?
Superman: [Interrupts Lois rather shortly] Look I asked, you answered.
Lois: Well I am the one who was lied to, don't get petulant with me.
Superman: Oh okay I see so it's okay for you to get mad but I'm not supposed to feel anything when you say...?
Lois: [Interrupts] All I'm saying is that it's too much too fast.
Superman: Right I get it.
Lois: No I don't think you do.
Superman: No I do get it Lois, it's fine. Now I really should check the city.

Lois: [Clark flies off after an argument] That is so unfair! You know I can't fly!

Superman: Hi. Where are you off to?
Lois: The interview.
Superman: What interview?
Lois: Didn't I tell you?
Superman: No but since you are hardly speaking to me I guess this is one of those things you hardly spoke to me about.

[Breakfast half made on the stove, tea kettle whistling, Lois and Clark both laying on the kitchen floor]
Lois: Where did that come from?
Clark: Look at you miss innocent, you attacked me that's where that came from.
Lois: I remember being in the kitchen, browning the sausages and then you came in and then the rest is a blur.
Clark: Well I am Superman.
[Kisses Lois]
Lois: Mhmm, the man of steel.
[Kisses him back]
Lois: Oh Clark, if you only knew how different you are from other men. I forget and then...
Lois: I forgot!
Clark: What?
Lois: [Eyes widen] I forgot, you know.
Clark: So we didn't use precautions, I mean I know I didn't.
Lois: Me neither, I... I wasn't thinking.
Clark: So...
Lois: We're sorta pioneers in this area, I can't say that we are completely safe.
Clark: Well Honey if it happens then it happens.
[Lois looks a little upset]
Clark: But I'm not even absolutely sure it *can* happen.
Lois: Well maybe you should talk to Dr. Klein and find out.
Clark: Yeah, I...
[Hears a police call]
Clark: Oh, I gotta go. We'll talk about this later.
[Kisses Lois]
Clark: I love you.

Lois: I hate Luthor. I hate him for making me!

[Lois has just been released from jail to await trial]
Clark: Honey I don't know about you but last night was hell for me. So if you can't take it...
Lois: I'm okay.
Clark: ...you would tell me wouldn't you? Because you know I would never put up with anything hurting you.
Lois: I completely know that. So let's just figure this mess out and get me cleared so I can be home with you.
Clark: Okay.

Lois: I don't think I can trust Clark anymore.
Perry: Would you care to tell me why?
Lois: He lied to me.
Perry: Oh. Well, uh, don't you lie to him?
Lois: Of course I lie to him. All the time!
Perry: Ooh, I'm just not going to go near that.

Lois: I think I figured out why I thought you looked like Superman.
Clark: Why?
Lois: Every woman in love thinks her man looks like Superman.

Clark: [On the phone] Dad, I gotta go. Alright, you guys are going to stay with us, no arguments. That is final. Okay... okay... see you when you get here tomorrow. Love to mom, bye.
Lois: You know, it is their anniversary. Maybe they don't want to stay at our place, maybe they want to be alone.
Clark: [Looks completely confused] Alone?
Lois: Yeah, you know, so they can be together, celebrate in private.
Clark: Lois come on, these are my parents we're talking about.
Lois: Well...

Lois: Oh, this is unforgivable.
Clark: I am so sorry.
Lois: Just shameful.
Clark: I'm really sorry.
Lois: No, not you--me. I--I almost kissed you. How could I almost kiss you?
Clark: No, *I* almost kissed *you*.
Lois: No, I almost kissed you.
Clark: No, no, believe me, I...
Lois: Okay, fine--we almost kissed us. Look, Clark--other, other Clark... I'm in a, in a really weird place right now. I--I miss my husband, whom you look exactly like, and--and it wouldn't take a lot of imagination to pretend that you're him, but you're not him, and I love him, and you have to understand that.
Clark: Y--yes, understood completely. But Lois, see, my life *is* that lonely thing that I talked about, a--and then there's this weird chemistry between you and I that I don't really understand, but I promise you, it will never ever, ever, ever, ever happen again.

Clark: Honey, listen to me, listen to me. This day, is repeating itself. And every time it does people's attitudes are changing. Even that tree out there, that Christmas tree, it's changing.
Lois: I don't understand.
Clark: I know, I know, cause as far as I can tell I'm the only person stuck inside the loop or outside of it.
Lois: What loop?
Clark: The time loop.
Lois: Time loop?
Clark: There's this guy, this creature, he's here I saw him.
Lois: Where?
Clark: In the elevator when I was coming up earlier.
Lois: Clark we just got here.
Clark: I know but that was before, or it was after. Before or after, I don't even know anymore, I'm not even sure, it's a loop.
Lois: A loop, you keep talking about this loop. Now Clark you know I trust you completely, but I just don't get what you are trying to tell me.
Clark: I know, I know, I just wish there was some way to get you to see it.

Lois: I like being surprised, as long as I know about it in advance.

Clark: [about Johnny] We saw him a couple of days ago. He seemed perfectly normal.
Lois: For a Neanderthal.

Clark: [after starting to x-ray through Lois' bedroom] What am I doing?
Lois: [walking down the stairs] About what?
Clark: Oh... Tempus, the country, you know...
Lois: Sorry if I disturbed you.
Clark: No, I couldn't sleep either.
Lois: If Clark can't be found in the next 24 hours, he may just disappear. You know the terrible thing about marriage? You take it for granted. You think that that person sleeping next to you--that sound they make when they're breathing--you think you'll always have that.
Clark: Lois, if there was any way that I could get him back...
Lois: --I know. Listen, uh... About that chemistry thing... I think that your feelings... . Just like it was easy for me to confuse you with Clark... I think that your feelings for me are really meant for her... Your Lois.
Clark: But you see I--I've never even met her. She was lost on an assignment in the Congo, so...
Lois: I just think that somehow you're meant to be together.
Clark: You know, it is so much less complicated being Superman than being Clark.
Lois: That sounds like something Clark would say. It's amazing how much like him you've become. Well, now that we're both up, why don't I make us a midnight snack.

Jimmy: Chief, here's your supermodel.
Lois: [Snatches the picture from Jimmy] Ah, who makes these people?
Clark: Come on Lois you are much better looking than Lisa Rockford.
Lois: See how well trained I have him already?

Clark: Lois, will you...
[downpour of rain starts]
Clark: Come on! Give me a break!
Lois: [laughing] Do you want to go back inside?
Clark: If the Earth opened up at my feet, I wouldn't move until I had said this. Lois, will you marry me?

[Clark is staring at Lois]
Lois: What?
Clark: Nothing.
Lois: Don't give me that look I know what you're thinking, you're thinking I should have waited for you last night.
Clark: No I'm not.
Lois: Clark you can not control everything. We are both rational thinking adults, sometimes I'm going to do something that you disagree with.
Clark: That is what worries me!

Lois: If you wanna kill Superman, I don't know why you're going to Smallville or 1966.
Tempus: She doesn't know yet. Oh, this is good. This is really good. Um, Lois, did you know that, in the future, you're revered at the same level as Superman? Why there are books about you, statues, an interactive game. You're even a breakfast cereal.
Lois: Really?
Tempus: Yes. But, as much as everybody loves you, there is one question that keeps coming up: "How dumb was she?" Here, I'll show you what I mean. Look.
[puts glasses on]
Tempus: I'm Clark Kent.
[Takes glasses off]
Tempus: No, I'm Superman.
[Puts glasses on]
Tempus: Mild-mannered reporter.
[Takes glasses off]
Tempus: Superhero. Hello! Duh! Clark Kent is Superman. Ha, ha, ha. Well, that was worth the whole trip. To actually meet the most galactically stupid woman who ever lived.

Lois: You know, for our next wedding maybe we should do something different. I was thinking we could just elope.
Clark: Elope?
Lois: Yeah, it'd be fun. Intimate, less complicated, sort of a spur of the moment thing. Romantic, just you and me and a few friends, our parents, amiable passer by, mariachi band.
[Sees Clark staring at her]
Lois: What? What are you looking at?
Clark: You. Just sitting here wondering what my life would have been like if I'd never met you.
Lois: Yeah. If you never left Smallville.
Clark: Smallville, what if I never left Krypton?
Lois: Probably have parents there that had their hearts set on a daughter-in-law from Jupiter.
Clark: How'd you know about her?
Clark: I bet they really would have liked you. Jor-El and Lara.
Lois: Do you think about them much?
Clark: Sometimes. But that is in my past. What's in my future is us.

Lois: I just don't know why we're bothering.
Clark: I met him playing basketball. He said he had a nice wife, I said I have a nice wife.
Lois: Well you also have a wife who thinks it's impossible to find a couple where you like him and I like her and they like us and we like them... This kind of thing has just been one disaster after another for us, I know we are going to hate them.
[after eating dinner with their new friends]
Clark: So, how do you think it went?
Lois: They were nice.
Clark: But...
Lois: But everything in stages. Right now we are in possible friendship stage one.

Lois: Can you get Washington on that thing?
Perry: Well, sure. I could get Paris if I wanted to. Unfortunately I'd have to talk to the French.

Lois: Clark, you were in the middle of telling me something!
Clark: Was I?
Lois: Yes! You said, "Lois, I'm super..."
Clark: Lois...I'm super late for an appointment.

Clark: I have to go.
Lois: Where?
Clark: You guys stay here, it won't take long.
Lois: What won't take long?
Clark: The thing that I have to do, in the place that I'll be back from in just one second.
[runs out of the room]
Mayson: Does he do that a lot?
Lois: Constantly.

Superman: Lois, are you alright?
Lois: I'm fine, I'm fine.
Superman: What happened? You were gone for almost 10 seconds.
Lois: 10 seconds?
Superman: Yeah the weirdest 10 seconds of my life. I didn't know where you were or what to do. And then...
Lois: What?
Superman: I just, I got this *feeling* of what my life would be like if I lost you.
Lois: But I'm back and I'm not going anywhere ever again.
[Kisses Superman]

Clark: Finally we can spend our first quiet evening at home together.
Lois: Finally. Oh Clark, there was a time when I thought I would rather die than sit around with my husband watching TV and talking about the day. I gotta tell ya, it sounds wonderful.
Clark: [Hands her a glass of champagne] Here's to us sitting around just being an old married couple.
Lois: Oh yeah that's us alright.
Clark: So how about the wallpaper? Do you think we should take it down and put it back up together so that we can *bond*?
Lois: Nah. I decided there are more important things the newlywed couple can do together to bond.
[Kisses Clark]
Lois: Race you upstairs!
Lois: [Lois takes off running] No cheating, no super powers!
[Clark runs after her at super speed and Lois screams then laughs when he catches her]

Dr. Dussel: Yes, Tempus--fascinating case. Sociopath--totally thinks he's from the future. Arrested for bank robbery, brought here ranting about Superman; claims the Man of Steel has a secret identity and that he knows what it is.
Lois: He didn't happen to get specific?
Dr. Dussel: No, he says the most outrageous things, but that's one bit of information he refuses to divulge. Don't ask me why--the mind of the paranoid delusional is a complex thing, indeed.
Clark: When did you first notice that he was missing?
Dr. Dussel: Missing? Well he's not missing.
Lois: He's not?
Dr. Dussel: No.
[door unlocks, walks in]
Dr. Dussel: He's here.
Lois: He's here?
Dr. Dussel: Yes, as a matter of fact we just finished a session about an hour ago. I have great hope; he finally seems to be responding to therapy.
[all approach Tempus' cell]
Dr. Dussel: Tempus, you have visitors.

Lois: But Perry, partnership is like marriage.
Perry: That's right. You've got to work at it.
Lois: It takes patience and understanding and willingness to be supportive.
Perry: I know, honey. Fake it.

Molly: [about crystals] They have incredible healing properties. You can wear them or you can meditate with them on your forehead.
Lois: [attempting to balance it on her head] Wouldn't it fall off?
Clark: Uh, Lois, you're supposed to do that lying down.
Lois: I knew that.

[Lois is rambling on one of her tangents]
Clark: Honey, Honey, Honey you are doing that manic thing.
Lois: Oh that's just how I deal with anxiety.
Clark: I know but it's making mine worse!

Clark: I'm gonna go with you.
Lois: I'll be fine, Sikes has been a source for years. And besides he's kinda squirrley, if he sees anybody else he'll bolt.
Clark: Well then I'll just hide in the bushes Honey. I just don't want you to go alone.
Lois: Clark, Honey you're not suggesting I stop following my own leads just because we're married now, are you?
Clark: No... but...
Lois: Good. I'll be back soon.
[Kiss Clark while he still looks uncertain]

Lois: [after dropping Lois off at home starts to follow her inside] Where are you going?
Clark: Why, I thought with everything that's going on you wouldn't want to be alone.
Lois: I appreciate your concern but I'll be fine.
Clark: How do you know?
Lois: I know. So go. You can't babysit me 24 hours a day, other people need you too.
[Kisses Clark]
Clark: Okay.

Lois: Well my parents are back to normal. Clueless that their son-in-law moonlights in tights.
Clark: I guess knowing I'm Superman brought them nothing but unpleasantness so now that memory is gone.
Lois: I don't think mom remembers being mad at daddy either.
Clark: Apparently not because I caught 'um kissing on the terrace.

Lois: Who is it?
Superman: Who is it? Lois, who else knocks on your third floor window?

Lois: You know, it's times like these I think maybe I should just get a regular, boring job, settle down with a guy who sells insurance and have 2.4 kids.
Lois: [laughing] Nah!

Lois: Clark, I had a really nice time.
Clark: So did I.
Lois: No, I mean I had a *really* nice time. Probably one of the best times I've ever had. It wasn't the funniest or the wildest...
Clark: Don't knock yourself out, Lois...
Lois: It just... seemed to... work. It was really nice. That's why I can never see you again!
[she slams the door in his face]
Clark: Lois?

Lois: I had the weirdest dream. I dreamed I was in this house in the backyard and I had this chefs hat on. I was bar-b-queuing burgers and my legs were turning into roots and growing into the ground and I was screaming 'I am not an oak, I am free.'
Clark: Lois Honey maybe you should lie back down.
Lois: [a few minutes later] Obviously I have ambivalent feelings about owning a house. All that that means.
Clark: Obviously...
Lois: I mean I move from place to place. I take assignments all over the world. It's like I deliberately run from putting down roots. Like that's a bad thing.
Clark: [Distracted] There that piece fits.
Lois: Clark, I'm talking about something important here.
Clark: Oh I'm sorry Honey, I'm just...
Lois: When I saw that house today it suddenly became really clear to me what you want. And I just don't know if I can give you that.
Clark: Lois you've already given me everything that I want. You. I don't care if we live in a house or a boxcar or a yurt. Just as long as we're together.
Lois: What's a yurt?
Clark: It's a circular, portable...
Lois: [Interrupts] Clark, I know a house is important to you.
Clark: When I was growing up my home meant permanence. A place to be safe. My life is so chaotic now going from disaster to disaster. I just always dreamed of having my own real home.
Lois: When I was a kid, home was where mom was in the lounge chair getting drunk and daddy was in the backyard burning the steaks trying to explain what he was doing kissing Mrs. Belcanto in the church parking lot. Permanence wasn't so permanent at my house.
Clark: Lois. You and I are going to be as permanent as permanent can be.
Lois: So I guess I should stop running?
Clark: I won't burn the steaks, I promise.
Lois: Forget the steaks. Just don't be kissing Mrs. Belcanto.
[They kiss]

Lois: Other women catch bouquets, I catch bombs.

[In a suit and tie, Lois arrives at the Daily Planet. She finds Jimmy setting up several bouquets and wreaths of flowers]
Lois: Jimmy, what are these?
Jimmy: They're for Ultrawoman.
Lois: Really.
[Lois looks at the cards]
Lois: The Governor... Fabio... Brad Pitt... Deion Sanders... Jimmy Ol... Jimmy?
Jimmy: I know it's not the biggest, but you think she'll like it?
Lois: Well, I...
Jimmy: I can't get her out of my mind, Lois. I know it sounds crazy, but the way she looked in those tights... and the boots, I mean... you think they're leather?
Lois: I think you should apply ice.
[Clark arrives. Tiny pieces of tissue are stuck to his face]
Jimmy: Hey! Morning, C.K. Whoa! Cut yourself shaving?
Clark: Repeatedly.
[Jimmy walks away]
Lois: Morning.
Clark: Morning.
[Clark looks at the flowers]
Clark: Ultrawoman?
[He picks up a card]
Clark: Antonio Banderas.
[Clark crumples the card and throws it down]
Clark: Never liked that guy.
[Clark walks away]
Lois: [Lois bends down and picks up the crumpled card] Me neither.

Lois: I was thinking.
Superman: About?
Lois: Little things. All the stupid little things I let bother me. Things I kept inside... that keep us apart.
Superman: I know. I was the same way.
Lois: Your parents were right. Not talking about our fears just made um worse than they are.
Superman: I guess you don't really want to BE Superman do you?
Lois: [laughs] No. I guess you think of me as more than a hood ornament?
Superman: I don't even own a car.

Lois: [In unison] You are so stubborn!

Clark: Fortunately for you, this weekend Smallville is holding the annual Corn Festival.
Lois: This is a good thing?
Clark: Sure! We'll get to see the Corn Queen Pageant, the Husk-Off, the Corn-o-rama, popcorn, cream corn, corn on the cob - we are in luck.
Lois: [sarcastically] Oh be still my heart.

Clark: What are these?
Lois: I've been thinking about our honeymoon.
Clark: Well there's a nice thought.
Lois: With all the money we are gonna save on airfare thanks to Superman express we can go just about anywhere we want. Paris, Hawaii...
Clark: I don't care where we go Lois as long as I'm with you.
Lois: Well let's say we go to Hawaii. We can stay in one of those huts on our own beach.
Clark: Oh yeah.
Lois: You know with the thatched roof and ceiling fan. Nice soft bed.
Clark: Perfect.
Lois: That is if you like soft beds.
Clark: A soft bed's fine.
Lois: Cause you know there are other kinds of beds. There's hard, firm, straw mat, futon, some people even like the floor.
Clark: Lois any bed that you choose will be fine with me.
Lois: Well what if it's not? I mean what if you are expecting one type of bed and you end up getting a completely different type? You might be disappointed.
Clark: How come I get the feeling that this isn't all about... beds?
Lois: Well it did occur to me there is one or two things that we never talked about.
Clark: One or two things?
Lois: One thing.
Clark: What thing?
Lois: THE thing.
Clark: Oh. That thing.
Lois: We haven't had any experience together, well much, I mean with each other. Oh God what am I doing? Sucking the romance out of this like a vacuum.
Clark: It's okay.
Lois: It's just, well we've waited... and I'm glad.
Clark: I'm glad too.
Lois: But then... it's for life and what if... what if you... oh if this is half as stupid as I think it is just kill me.
Clark: No, no, no no no...
[Their conversation is interrupted]

Lois: Well, is it okay if I love you?
Clark: Sure. Yes. Just don't kill anyone over it, okay?
Lois: Oh my God, that was two days ago. You have got to learn to let things go!

Lois: [outside an illegal club] Hi. We have reservations.
Bouncer: We don't take reservations. What's the password?
Lois: Joe sent me.
Bouncer: Uh-uh.
Lois: The eagle has landed.
Bouncer: Uh-uh.
Lois: Swordfish.
Clark: Swordfish?
Bouncer: I saw that Marx Brothers movie too, lady. Nice try.
Clark: She's just kidding. The fat lady sings.
[to Lois]
Clark: I saw it in an old Untouchables episode.

Grant: Have you been to a foreign country in the last 7 months?
Lois: Does New Jersey count?

Jimmy: Where are you going?
Lois: [angrily] Nowhere!
Jimmy: I'm coming, too.

Clark: Got a minute Lois?
Lois: Oh, yeah, just checking the typesetting.
Clark: I just got back from watching Superman save a test rocket from nearly exploding.
Lois: Is... Superman alright?
Clark: Yeah, he'll live. But whoever caused it tapped into their computer system. It's got Eric Press's MO written all over it.
Lois: You think it's tied to the lab explosion?
Clark: Well maybe, yeah. Which means this obviously isn't some kind of prank, he's up to something big.
Lois: Do you have any evidence to support that?
Clark: No.
Lois: So you still can't prove a connection?
Clark: Lois there's a story here I know it. I just have to find it.
Lois: Without hard facts there is no story, Honey, I'm sorry.
Clark: I can't believe you are saying this, as a reporter you would never take that position.
Lois: As a reporter no but I'm talking as an editor. Now if I'm wrong I'll take the heat for it. I'm just trying to do what is best for the paper.
Clark: And I'm trying to do what is best for my story and for the living, breathing people of Metropolis who might actually buy the paper.
Lois: You know you're not the only one who fights for truth, justice and the American way. In fact as I recall I'm the person who coined that phrase.
Clark: Your point?
Lois: My point is that without hard facts I can't have you on this story and as the editor I'm assigning you to Ralph's story.
Clark: You don't need a reporter for Ralph's story Lois you need a hook and ladder because that boy is blowing smoke. He does not have a story.
Lois: How do you think it makes me look when everybody sees you working on a story I explicitly took you off of?
Clark: Like you're letting me follow my reporter's instincts.
Lois: You know what I think? I think you have a real problem with the fact that I'm the one in the family wearing the tights... pants, I mean pants.
Clark: That's ridiculous.
Lois: Really? Then why were you moping around at dinner last night?
Clark: Moping? How would you even know, you weren't even there half the time?
Lois: And you were the one who took off in the middle of it.
Clark: A bridge collapsed Lois, what did you want me to do?
Lois: Well I was dealing with my own crisis.
Clark: You know what, yeah, I noticed.
Lois: See, I knew this was going to affect us.
Clark: Well congratulations!
[Pulls the door off it's hinges]
Lois: [sighs] First fight.

Lois: So, now they're gonna be watching the skies too.
Clark: I knew they would be. That's why we're not flying.
Lois: But couldn't you fly fast enough to be almost invisible?
Clark: Yeah, but you'd be vaporized.
Lois: Vaporized. That would be bad.

Lois: You know, it's true what they say - love stinks.

Andrus: My name is Andrus. I'm from the future, and I need your help. My world is extraordinary, a true Utopia, the world your love made possible. If it weren't for you, there would be no Utopia. Men of peace, such as myself, wouldn't exist as leaders. Now both our worlds are in danger, yours and mine.
Clark: We'll do whatever we can to help.
Andrus: Good. Will you come with me to the future, Superman? Help return Tempus to justice. Once Tempus is delivered to justice, your husband will return here, of course.
Lois: I'll be waiting.
Clark: [Clark leans in to kiss her cheek] I love you, Lois.
Lois: I love you, too.

Clark: Mom, Lois and I need to receive a fax tomorrow.
Martha: A fax?
Lois: Facsimile. It's a machine. A person can put a piece of paper in at one end and the person at the other end can get a copy if they have a fax machine too. It's sort of technical.
Martha: [uncovers fax machine] Oh, I was just thinking that if you're expecting something, I think I'd better check the paper.

Clark: Lois, I have loved you from the moment I saw you. I love your humor; your passion. The way you dive right in... even when you shouldn't. Because you refuse to just watch the world. You demand that it be a better place, and because of you, it is. And today, I want to give you as much of the world as I can. So I give you my heart, my soul... and our future.
[he slips the ring on her finger]
Lois: Clark, you're my best friend. Until I met you, I never had a best friend. And falling in love with you has been so easy, I don't know why I fought it for so long. You have such gentle grace; such quiet strength; but mostly, such incredible kindness. I've never known anyone with as pure a heart. So today, I give you my love, my honor... and our life together.
[she slips the ring on his finger]

[Clark decides to tell Lois that he is Superman so he is practicing]
Clark: Lois, there's something I want to tell you. I'm Superman... uh... Hey, did you ever notice how Superman and I look kind of alike? Well, it's funny that you should say that because... um... Hey, guess what? I'm Superman... humm... Lois, there's something I've wanted to tell you for a long time, and before out relationship goes any future, it's important that you know that I'm...
[Lois walks in]
Lois: What are you doing?

Lois: We have to talk.
Clark: I also think it's a really good idea what Perry said about getting away.
Lois: How did you know?
Clark: [Pulls on ear] Uh... super-hearing...
Lois: Right. And we will talk, right after I get back. I'm sorry I just have to get this statement. But we'll do this, we will, I swear.
[She rushes off]

Clark: Hi.
Lois: Hi. Oh, God, this is exactly why we shouldn't go out.
Clark: All I said was, "Hi."
Lois: Yes, I know, and a dozen thoughts went through my mind: You know, how's my makeup? Do I smell good? Do I have coffee breath? See, and all that was just with you saying hi. What's gonna happen when you start saying words with more than one syllable?
Clark: What did they put in your coffee this morning?
Lois: Clark I'm just, just trying to say I'm afraid things will change if we start going out.
Clark: Well if it makes you feel any better Lois, I'm afraid too.
Lois: Oh! Oh I'm so glad that you said that! Thank you.

Superman: I heard you wanted to see me.
Lois: Yes, come in. I'll just put on a robe.
Superman: Unless it's lined with lead Lois, it's a waste of time.
Lois: I guess so. Well I'm just trying to figure out... I have a lot of changes going on in my life, and I just want to make the right decision, and I can't do that until I know how you feel. Superman, is there any hope for us--you and me? I'm so completely in love with you, I can't do anything else without knowing.
Superman: Lois, I do care for you, but there are things about me that you don't know--that you may never know.
Lois: It doesn't matter--I know you. I don't mean 'you' the celebrity or 'you' the superhero... If you had no powers at all--if you were just an ordinary man leading an ordinary life, I would love you just the same. Can't you believe that?
Superman: I wish I could Lois, but under the circumstances, I don't see how I can.
[Lois turns away; Superman flies out the window. Lois turns back to see he's gone with tears in her eyes]

Clark: Are there a few things we should get settled first?
Lois: Such as?
Clark: Well, this is our first night here, alone...together.
Lois: So?
Clark: So, we flip for the bed.
Lois: How about I get the bed and I lend you a pillow?
Clark: How about we alternate nights?
Lois: How about we don't.
Clark: Well, it's a big bed. How about we share?
Lois: How about we alternate nights?
Clark: Deal.

Lois: [Lois comes home to find the house looking like a tornado came through] Clark?
[She finds Clark sitting dejected in a corner]
Lois: What happened?
Clark: I hiccuped.
Lois: What?
Clark: [Says a little louder] I hiccuped. And our house turned into The Poseidon Adventure.
Lois: Then what?
Clark: I swallowed a teaspoon full of sugar and held my breath just like my mom taught me when I was a kid. This is unbelievable. The one thing I could always count on my whole life, my strength, it's become my biggest weakness.

Lois: I'd like to help.
Katie: Sure, as if you care. I don't trust you or anyone with a pulse.
Lois: Life was that tough?
Katie: Well, I was beaten to death with a blunt instrument. So, in that sense - yes.

Dr. Klein: [reading a note from Superman] "Lois, it's too dangerous. Stay put until you hear from me".
Lois: Aww, he always says that. And I never listen.

Lois: Ha! So you admit it!
Molly: All right, I admit it. But we're still gonna die, so what good does it do?
Lois: Well I feel a little better.

Lois: Everything is fine. Except, I'm in a cage, in a bunker, underneath a mausoleum, in a cemetery, and nobody knows I'm here except a bunch of very strange people.

[after hypnotizing Clark to help him remember something he saw]
Star: What's your name?
Clark: Kal-El.
Lois: [laughs nervously] This guy. He can joke even under hypnosis.

Clark: Uh, Lois, I want to ask you something.
Lois: Ooh, I'm not going to like it, am I?
Clark: What makes you say that?
Lois: You've got that tone in your voice. You know, when people are uncomfortable, like when they want to borrow your car, or money, your clothes?
Clark: Uh, okay, you got me, I wanna borrow your clothes.
Lois: I bet you'd look real cute in black chiffon.
Clark: What I wanna say is I...
Lois: I know what you want, Clark.
Clark: You do?
Lois: I know you a lot better than you think. How much do you need?
Clark: What? No, I don't want money, Lois.
Lois: Clark, you don't have to be embarrassed. That's what friends are for. Just tell me how much.
Clark: Lois, I want you to go out with me!
Lois: What? You're asking me out?
Clark: Yeah, you know, like on a date.
Lois: A date? You mean like a real date? Where I take out my good perfume, the one that I got after I saw "Love Affair," the good one not the remake, and I put a dab behind my knee, I don't even know why?
Clark: Yeah. I guess that's what I'm saying.
Lois: Clark, that's...I mean...I don't know what to say.
Clark: Most people choose yes or no.

Lois: You know, if somebody had asked me 3 days ago who the one person I admired most was, I'd have said you. But without really knowing what that meant. Without understanding the hardest thing about being you is all the things you can't do. All the cries for help that you can't answer and how that quietly tears you apart. It never stops you. And after living a little of that myself I realized something. Something that I never thought was possible.
Clark: What?
Lois: I love you more. More than I ever have. And more than I ever thought I could love anyone. And so I want to ask...
[Gets down on one knee and pulls out Clark's ring]
Lois: Will you marry me?
Clark: Who's asking, Lois or Ultra Woman?
Lois: Who's answering, Clark or Superman?
Clark: [Stands up and pulls Lois to her feet] *I'm* answering.
Lois: I'm waiting.
Clark: Yes.
[Takes out the ring, puts it on Lois's finger and they kiss]

Lois: Just let me do most of the talking.
Clark: You usually do.

Lois: [to Clark] You are so weird. It works for you, though.

Lois: You know, all I ever wanted to do is get to the bottom of a problem and make it better. I'm starting to think people don't even appreciate that anymore. All they do is take The Daily Planet and wrap old fish in it. And I get convicted of murder.
Clark: Well I appreciate it Honey.

Patrick: You always were the most tenacious girl I've ever met.
Lois: I've gotten worse with age.
Patrick: But I think you've gotten better.

Lois: I should have the exclusive on the follow-up. Those are the rules.
Perry: The rules are off. This is too big.
Lois: But he's mine! He's mine!
[realizes she's sounding desperate]
Lois: As in my story, story mine.

Clark: I guess the first question is, "How long have you known?"
Lois: Really? I would of thought it would of been "How did I figure it out?"
Clark: That's kind of neck and neck with, "how mad are you?"

Lois: Clark things are really deteriorating around here. Your parents are actually snipping at each other, my mother's drinking again, Perry's crying cause he never got to play Santa for his kids and Jimmy's depressed because his girlfriend is a hooker.
Clark: It's not just here, the whole world is falling apart. How are you feeling?
Lois: Not much better than they are I'm afraid. I tried to do what you asked but I don't know.
Clark: You have to remember what I told you.
Lois: It's a loop, don't give into despair.
Clark: That's right.
Lois: You may have to tell me a few more times.
Clark: I'll say it as many times as you need.

Clark: It's not me who kept you from the throne. It's the law of your own people.
Lord: On the contrary, the law of my people will place me on the throne! You are under arrest.
Clark: Under arrest? For what?
Martha: He hasn't done anything.
Jonathan: You're the one who's breaking the law.
Lois: You hired an assassin to kill him. Is that legal?
Lord: Excuse me, do any of you hold Kryptonian law degrees?
Lois: No.
Lord: Then shut up!

Lois: I guess there's a lot to be said for family. People who stick by you no matter what.
Clark: Just like you stuck by me. Lois I have never been through anything like that. Maybe it was the kryptonite that saved me..I think it was you.
[Lois smiles and kisses Clark]

Clark: The ATM camera records every ten seconds. I asked the bank if we could make photos of the tape.
Lois: You can't even see the pet store at this angle.
Clark: Sure you can. It's right here in the background. Kinda fuzzy.
Lois: Oh look! There's Elvis. And Jimmy Hoffa. And the plot to Showgirls.

Superman: Hello wife.
Lois: Hello husband. I still can't believe it we're actually married. Feels like a dream. It's not, is it? I mean I don't mean to be silly but considering our history together...
Superman: [Interrupts her with a kiss] Does that feel like a dream?
Lois: ...come true.
Superman: To be continued... .in Hawaii. Are you ready?
Lois: Ready... Oh, I'm missing a bag, I must have left it at home, do you mind?
[makes a flying motion with her hand]
Superman: Honey, something tells me we are not going to need a lot of clothes on our honeymoon.
Lois: No but this bag has that black teddy you bought me...
[Superman flys out and back in]
Lois: ... in it.
Superman: [Holds it up] This bag?
Lois: I hope you don't do everything that fast.
Superman: There's one way to find out.
[Picks up Lois and carries her to the bed]
Lois: What about Hawaii?
Superman: Hawaii can wait. We have been through so much just to get to this moment.
[Kisses Lois again]

Lois: Your parents are really wonderful.
Clark: Maybe I want to get married and have kids because they made it look like so much fun.
Lois: Oh God.
Clark: What?
Lois: I'm just never going to be as good of a mother as yours was. What do I know about it? Your parents made marriage look wonderful, mine made it look like a root canal.
Clark: Lois...
Clark: My mother was always depressed, my sister wouldn't come out of her room, my father only related to cyborgs. I didn't want a family. I ran away as far as I could.
Clark: Okay so your parents made some mistakes. That doesn't mean that you're gonna.
Lois: How do you know?
Clark: Because I hear that the guy that wants to marry you is really, really terrific.

Jimmy: Lois, you know those composite labs I've been checking out?
Lois: Yeah.
Jimmy: Well here's one. Hanks Photo Lab on Third Street. Somebody told me to look into 'em because they're not real legitimate but they do good work, you know fake passports and stuff.
Lois: Jimmy were running out of time.
Jimmy: Hank's used to be Dirt Digger's biggest client so I did some checking. Turns out that a huge payment was made to them the day just before the photographs were published.
Lois: So this photo could be a fake?
Jimmy: Well yeah but you knew that already.
Lois: Uh, yeah, no of course I knew it. I, I, I just didn't know if you did, know it I, I mean, if you knew that it was a fake.
Jimmy: [Looks confused] Right.
Lois: [Nervous laugh] Right.

Clark: I bet you were a cute kid.
Lois: I'm still a cute kid.

Jimmy: Wow. The first sound that can put a whole room to sleep.
Lois: No. I think Yanni did it first.

Lois: [about Superman] He has no reason to hide. Especially from me.
Cat: Wait a minute. I get it. You and Superman joined the old zero-gravity club up on the space station, didn't you?

Mr. Mxyzptlk: Well it's up to you. Do you stay and become the ruination of all of these mortals? Or do you accept banishment and leave their world to me and spare them the suffering?
Clark: I love these people. And that's why... I'm not going anywhere.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: What? Do you have to be hit over the head with a shillelaghly? Don't you get it? It's hopeless.
Clark: There's always a little bit of hope left in the human spirit. And I'll find it.
Lois: You heard him gnome, scram!
Mr. Mxyzptlk: How, how? You're supposed to be frozen.
Lois: Yeah well I thawed out. And Clark's not going anywhere mazel tov.
Mr. Mxyzptlk: Mxyzptlk. Mr. Mxyzptlk. Fine, have it your way.
[Restarts the day at noon]
Mr. Mxyzptlk: [Lois and Clark come out of the elevator and see things have gotten worse but there is one change...]
Clark: ...Lois, you remember?
Lois: Everything. Even Mxyzptlk, what a name.
Clark: How?
Lois: It was you. I could feel you rejecting hopelessness. It hit me like a wave. That's what broke me free. And you are not going anywhere!
Clark: No way. But if I'm not going that means he has to.

[Lois and Clark are chained up in a cell]
Lois: I'll tell you what. I'm willing to forgo the bet, any time you want to change into Superman is fine with me.
Clark: Lois, I kind of have to pick my moments for when I change into Superman.
[They both only mouth the word 'Superman']
Lois: This one, this moment, pick this one.
Clark: Maybe we're being watched? I don't have the suit. Maybe we bust out of here and never find out what's behind all this?
Lois: Do you have rules for everything?
[They start talking in unison]
Lois: Cause that would be good for me to know. I'd really like to think twice about marrying someone with that kind of compulsive personality...
Clark: And being impulsive is more trouble as you of all people should really understand by now...
Klavel: Hey, pipe down!

Perry: Merry Christmas you two.
Lois: And ho, ho, ho, here's that corruption story... mm, smells like a Pulitzer to me.
Perry: I will say this about your wife Kent, confidence is one thing she does not lack.
Clark: One of many thing Chief.

Clark: Alright, alright, let's have it. What's bugging you?
Lois: What are you talking about?
Clark: Come on Lois one second you're completely focused on this story and the next second you're somewhere else. What's wrong?
Lois: Nothing, really.
Clark: Hey I can tell when something's bothering you, you get these tiny little wrinkles okay?
Lois: Wrinkles? Wrinkles!
[Rushes over to look in a mirror]
Lois: Oh where?
Clark: No Honey that's not what I meant. Lois look, Honey, is this about us looking for a new place?
[Conversation is interrupted]

Lois: [Walking into the reunion] So I never asked you, in situations like this are you a mingler or a clinger?
Clark: What?
Lois: A mingler or a clinger? Do you hang on the hip all night or do you like to split up and circulate?

Clark: We should go call the police.
Lois: You go. I need to find a gray haired lady with a bucket of my nickels.

Lois: All I'm saying is that it may be very manly not to show concern, even Super-manly. But I'm your wife and we share concerns and how concerned are you?

Clark: You know what's great about you?
Lois: Sure. But you could repeat it again.
Clark: Everything. As long as we're together it's incredible.

Lois: [to Hamilton as he sneezes] Instead of playing with DNA you should have found a cure for allergies.

Lois: So are you saying Superman won't age?
Dr. Klein: No, of course he will. He's not immortal.
Lois: Well, so he will age, but just not like you or me?
Dr. Klein: Well, it's all speculation, you understand, but I think it's safe to say, that long after you and I are dead and gone, Superman will still be in his prime, fighting for truth, justice...
Lois: And the American way.

Lois: Clark, about Lana Lang... let's go ahead and invite her to the wedding. I think I have a pretty good idea of why it didn't work out between you two and why it will always work with us, no matter how crazy the world gets.
[Kisses Clark]

Sarah: You know I could tell a lot about you from the way you organize your kitchen. I'm taking this course in applied psychology.
Lois: Sarah, I told you not to analyze me.
Sarah: Oh, right. That's exactly what I would have said about you from the way you organize your kitchen.

Lois: [seeing the officiate at their wedding] The Archbishop!
Lex: Yes, I'm sorry, the Pope had a previous engagement.

Clark: I also noticed you were voted least likely to get married...
Lois: And put up a picket fence, I know, I know. I was headstrong and independent and by the way also vowed not to get married until after that first Pulitzer.
Clark: What changed?
Lois: I met you.
[Kisses Clark]

Lois: I need a new partner.
Perry: I knew it. One bad date, there goes my whole news room. Why don't you just shoot me now, send me up to Elvis?
Lois: Perry... .
Perry: No, no, no, Lois, don't say it. You know, I have stood on the sidelines, hoping against hope that Mother Nature would smile on you two, that the bluebird of happiness would come down light on your shoulder, that four-leaf clovers would sprout up wherever you walked, and all the time my gut is singing a different aria.
Lois: Perry... .
Perry: Lois, anybody with half a hemisphere can see that you two are gasoline and fire, TNT and matches, two trains headed toward...
Lois: Perry! Thank you. The problem is we didn't have a bad date. It was a really great date, and now I'm completely panicked, and I have no idea what to do next.

Lois: I think Clark may be holding out on me.

Lois: [Referring to Sarah] I think somebody has a crush on somebody.
Clark: But I'm an engaged man.
Lois: All the more tempting.
Clark: Somebody else isn't jealous are they?
Lois: Not in the least!
Clark: [Sarcastically] What a pity you lack self confidence. You know we're definitely going to have to work on that.
Lois: Well maybe I need some private instruction.
Clark: Ooh, well you know it could be rigorous and intensive.
Lois: No pain, no gain. What do you say we start now?
[They kiss as the elevator doors close]

Carol: [after watching Superman defeat Deathstroke] Do you know what it's like seeing your husband go through something like that?
Lois: Yeah I have a pretty good idea.

Superman: I want you to rethink this interview.
Lois: Look I know what you are going to say it's going to be something very sensible and very...
Superman: [interrupts] true which is this. The second that you see Gendell in person you become a target. I don't know if I can stop him.
Lois: This is the interview of a lifetime.
Superman: And I appreciate that.
Lois: Which is why I know you'll understand when I say, I have to do it.
Superman: [Lets out a big sigh] Then I guess we will have to find a way to stop Deathstroke by tomorrow at noon.

Lois: [shoving cake in Bonnie's face] This is for pulling the lever on the cement mixer.

Lois: Maybe we should split up the rest of this list before any other kids disappear. I'll take the lawyer and the board member who were fired, you take the other two.
Clark: Okay, deal. First one back to The Planet wins?
Lois: You're on.
[Clark dashes off and Lois yells]
Lois: Hey, no fair fl-... you know what!

Clark: I'm in the mood for frozen yogurt. Want some?
Lois: Clark, we have work to do.
Clark: It'll only take a second. Come on, what flavor?
Lois: Surprise me.
Lois: Hey! What happened to you? You've been gone 2 hours. Where's my yogurt?
Clark: Oh... Right. Yogurt. Remember how you said to surprise you?
Lois: Yeah.
Clark: Well, I didn't bring you anything. Ha, Surprise!
Lois: You think I'm fat, don't you?
Clark: What?
Lois: That's why you didn't bring me any yogurt. You think I'm fat.
Clark: Lois, believe me, I do not think you're fat. I just thought, you know, it might be funny to not bring you anything. Ha!
Lois: Oh. Some of that cutting-edge, Smallville humor?

Clark: Remember that TV show, The Fugitive? Richard Kimble was the fugitive. He was wrongly convicted, and he escaped to prove his innocence, and eventually he did.
Lois: How long did it take?
Clark: I think the show ran for 4 years.
Lois: I didn't even pack a toothbrush.

Lois: Did I eat lunch?
Clark: Lois, you've got to slow down, delegate, believe me you can only go at super speed for so long.
Lois: I know, I know, I just want to do a good job, Perry put so much faith in me and I just really really don't want to blow it.
Clark: Honey, honey, you're not going to blow it, that's not your style.

Clark: [after cutting the roast] Cuts like butter.
Lois: Sure. You're Superman. Isn't London broil supposed to be pink in the middle?
Clark: I can see pink.
Lois: Where?
Clark: Well right there.
Lois: That tiny infinitesimal dot?
Clark: It's a pink dot Honey.
Lois: It's a disaster. Clark face it I can't cook!
Clark: Lois I didn't fall in love with you because of your cooking.
Lois: Stop the presses.
Clark: I fell in love with you because of you. Put another way I bought the whole house not just the kitchen. And believe me there are other rooms where you rate 5 stars.
Lois: Let's skip right to dessert
[kisses Clark]

Lois: [while in jail] I can't imagine how I slept all of those nights alone before us.
Superman: Me either.

Superman: Lois I feel horrible about this.
Lois: Clark it's not your fault, you saved my life.
Superman: No I got careless. Maybe overconfident. No matter how bad a situation is I always think that I'm strong enough or fast enough to fix it.
Lois: You are. You saved a city full of people from being microwaved like popcorn.
Superman: But you still got hurt. I'm used to saving people Lois not getting them injured.
Lois: You can't protect everybody all the time that's impossible.
Superman: I know. That's what my dad said.
Lois: And we can handle this. I realize now that you and I together can handle this. I want to tell you something.
Superman: Lois I need to tell you something too.
Lois: I know it's not the best time or the most romantic...
Superman: [Interrupts] Lois. I love you. I love you way too much to ever let something like this happen to you again. I know I can't control everything. But I can control people not using you to get to me. And so that's why I came. To tell you...
Lois: To tell me what?
Superman: [Stumbles over his words] To tell you... to say... we... we just can't be together anymore Lois.
[Lois is trying not to cry as she stares at him]
Superman: I'm sorry. I have to go.
Lois: [Now crying] Clark...

Lois: I'm gonna fax an order to the pizza place. You want anything?
Clark: How about a delivery person who is interested in my opinion.

Lois: You're obsessing.
Clark: Well it bothers me. I mean a bank robber...
Lois: Clark nobody's perfect. Oh, okay scratch that, you're perfect. So there's gotta be some other explanation. Anyway there's nothing you can do about it, that's life. Sometimes life ain't fair.

Perry: Is there something the two of you want to tell me?
Lois: No, not really, Chief.
Perry: Huh. Well...good. You sure now? Nothing you want to get off your chest, uh, chests?
Lois: We'd like to tell you, Chief, but we can't. It's better this way.
Clark: Better off not knowing.
Perry: Well it's a little late for that. I know.
Lois: You know?!
Clark: What exactly do you know?
Perry: You know...about...him...where he is.
Clark: Oh, you do know.
Lois: How do you know?
Perry: It's better you don't know. 'Course, I don't know officially. But, let's face it. If a man in my position didn't know, unofficially, then, well, he wouldn't be a man in my position.
Lois: So, now that you know, unofficially, are you going to tell anyone else that you, you know, know?
Perry: No! I wanted you to know.
Clark: Thank you, sir. I feel much better knowing that you know.
Lois: Me, too.
Perry: There is something I'd like you know, though.
Lois: What's that?
Perry: The minute you step outside that door, I no longer know. And I don't want to know anything else worth knowing...in the future.

Jason: Does Superman have telepathic powers?
Lois: [blushing] I hope not.

Lois: [about the scientist who created the shrinking formula] Well, who did he work for?
Dr. Klein: Oh gee, his work was funded by, uh...it was a large cosmetics firm.
Lois: A cosmetics firm?!
Dr. Klein: Well, you know, they're always trying to shrink something.

Clark: What's that?
Lois: My word.
Clark: There's no such word as "chumpy."
Lois: Sure there is. Someone's a chump, therefore, he's chumpy.
Clark: Try again.
Lois: Are you challenging me?
Clark: You bet your sweet little chumpy, I am!

Patrick: I'm sorry, you're probably seeing someone. Clark?
Lois: Uh, it's complicated.
Patrick: How complicated can it be, you're seeing him or you're not?
Lois: Well at the moment, not... exactly.
Patrick: Splendid. He seems like a fine man but he doesn't strike me as the romantic type. Did he sweep you off your feet?
Lois: [Nods] A few times.

Clark: I scanned his wallet and I ran his ID through the computer at, uh, super speed. They basically lead to a guy who does not exist.
Lois: Well that doesn't necessarily mean anything.
Clark: Other than the fact that he's a complete fake.
Lois: Well there could be a lot of explanations.
[Clark gives her a look]
Lois: He's the heir to a small European monarchy and he wants to live out a simple life out of the spotlight.
Clark: Hmm.
Lois: Okay I'm reaching. But it doesn't necessarily mean he's a criminal, I mean talk about cynical.
Clark: Wait a minute, you are Lois Lane, incisive, tenacious newswoman and I'm the person who is always looking for the sunny side.
Lois: I've turned an emotional corner, sue me.
Clark: Uh-huh.
Lois: Look when a long gone father comes back into a child's life it's a chance for them both to forgive the past and move on. And maybe neither one of them are good at it, you know, but other people should just step aside and let them work it out because it's what they have both dreamed of for years.
Clark: Sounds like you're talking about you and your dad.
Lois: I just want this to work out for Jimmy.
Clark: So we shouldn't tell him about my suspicions until we know more.
Lois: That would be my suggestion.

Clark: I just came back from Star Labs.
Lois: Really? Well you could of just called me. What did Dr Klein say?
[Sees the look on Clark's face]
Lois: Oh you couldn't just call me. Cause the news... the news isn't good.
Clark: Dr. Klein ran every possible test he could. Poor guy could barely even face me. But he told me that Superman's biology and an earth woman's are incompatible for reproduction.
[Lois starts crying]
Clark: I told myself I'd never make you cry, I'm sorry.
Lois: [Tries to pull herself together] I feel so confused. I feel like I... I feel like I lost something I never really had.
Clark: We haven't lost anything Honey.
Lois: Look you can't try and make me feel better, I mean that's what you always do with everything and it's sweet but I know how much you want to have kids.
Clark: Lois, I want you to hear me, okay, really hear me. Every time, every time we make love, we make... love. That's the strongest lifeforce there is. Whether or not that results in another little person. And for me it is creation.
Lois: [Crying again] Oh Clark.
Clark: You fill me with life.
[Clark holds Lois as she continues to cry]

Lois: I love you.
[Clark looks at her]
Lois: [awkwardly] As, a brother, I mean.
Clark: That I'm starting to remember.

Clark: When I thought about losing my job, about saying goodbye to Perry and Jimmy and everyone, I realized something... I realized I could lose all of that and still go on. I realize that there was really only one thing that I didn't want to live without--and that was you. Seeing you every day, working with you--just being with you...
Lois: Well that's why you should come and be my partner...
Clark: No, Lois! Listen to me. I'm not talking about partnership--I'm talking about us. I have been in love with you for a long time--you had to have known.
Lois: I mean, I knew... I--I mean, I guess I knew that you liked me, or were attracted to me. Oh Clark, I'm sorry--I just don't feel that way about you--romantically. You're my best friend, and the only partner I could ever stand to work with. I admire you, and I respect you, and I do love you... as a friend.
Clark: [Clark stands]
Clark: And what about Luthor? Do you love him?
Lois: I don't know... I mean, I have feelings for him. I haven't said yes yet, and I won't until I talk it over with someone else.
Clark: Who?
Lois: I think you know who. If you see him, will you tell him I'm looking for him?
Clark: [whispers] Yeah.

Lois: You don't think he was playing in a golf tournament and forgot to tell anyone about it?
Clark: Oh. You're still mad about that.
Lois: I was never mad.
Clark: Honey, you were mad.
Lois: Okay maybe I was.

Lois: You don't want to be partnered with a hypocritical reporter who talks a good game, but backs off the minute things hit too close to home.
Clark: Yes I do.

Lois: [on the phone] Lois Lane. The trap is set? Hundreds will die? Poison gas. Does anyone else know about this?
Clark: Lois...?
Lois: Clark, relax it's just my exterminator.

Lois: Young may have set you up but Clark is a good man, the best I've ever known. He may have made a mistake but it's not fair that he should die
Baron: Life isn't fair.

Lois: Danger is my business.

Lois: I'll need a task force. I can't cover this story alone.
Perry: You can have Jimmy.
Lois: Chief, we're talking about the space program.
Perry: Ok, take Kent.
Lois: Kent?
Perry: Kent!
Lois: What about Meyerson?
Perry: He's busy.
Lois: Burns?
Perry: Budapest.
Lois: Forget Kent.
Perry: Uh-uh, he's a good man.
Lois: Kent is a hack from Smallville. I couldn't make that name up.
Perry: Kent or nobody.
Lois: Fine. Don't ever say that I'm not a team player.

Clark: Lois, will you marry me?
Lois: Who's asking? Clark... or Superman?

Lois: [Clark has just rescued "Lulu" from Tempus] Oh, my hero.
Clark: Pretty romantic, huh?
Lois: Very
[They passionately kiss]

Lois: I know that pig.

Lois: [regarding Cat Grant] What do men see in her, anyway? Don't they realize she's just looking for another notch on her garter belt?
Jimmy: Pathetic.
Jimmy: Have you actually seen this garter belt?

Lois: You know every time I think there is nothing more that could possibly happen to us...
Clark: I know.
Lois: I'm not going to fight it anymore, that's us. Our lives are just...
Clark: What? Weird?
Lois: No...
Clark: Well come on, our lives are just...
Lois: Oh, what's the word I'm searching for?
Clark: [Hears a cry for help]
Lois: Oh I know.
Clark: Um, I've got to go, someone's in trouble.
[Kisses Lois and dashes off]
Lois: Perfect.

Lois: Well listen. See I know what it is you want from Clark and frankly I think you've got a lot of nerve.
Lt. Ching: [Smiles] Thank you.

Ran: Kal-El, in accordance with your legal rights you have a visitor. A particularly vile earth women.
Lois: Watch it, I'm his favorite concubine.
Kal: [Waves the other men away] Lois you've gotta be careful with these guys, you make 'em mad and they might...
Lois: I know I'm sorry, I get upset, I shoot my mouth off, I don't know if you've noticed.
Kal: [Smiles] I have.
[Pulls her close and hugs her]