The Best Freon Quotes

Magma: You saw the way she looked at me. We're freaks.
Freon: Michael, please.
Magma: [touching hands, his fingers ice over] I can't even hold you in my arms anymore.
Freon: It's hard for all of us.
Dr. Howard Hodges: I can imagine, my dear.
2: You wouldn't have to imagine if you'd been there.
Magma: Yeah. I'm still trying to figure out that budget meeting you went to that night.
Dr. Howard Hodges: What are you implying?
Freon: Calm down, Mike. It's not like he knew this was going to happen.
Dr. Howard Hodges: Mary, you know how much I care for you. All of you. And we're doing everything we can to find a cure.
Magma: You should let me help.
Dr. Howard Hodges: Michael, you can't even touch a test tube without melting it. Better you stay here, where you can do some real good.

2: I can't believe you broke into the lab.
Freon: Why would you take such a risk?
Magma: I had to know the truth.
2: But Hodges said...
Magma: Hodges lied. See for yourself.
2: [inserting the data cube and seeing their DNA helixes break apart] We'll be like this forever.
Magma: No, it's worse than that.