The Best Georgette Baxter Quotes

Ted: [Gets up from the table and dashes to the balcony door] Aw, gee! I forgot to watch the sunset, darn it!
Georgette: [Follows him, visibly irritated] , Ted, there'll be another sunset tomorrow!
Ted: That's not the same thing, Georgette! Tonight's sunset will never come again! Tomorrow, you and I and the sun will be a day older!
Georgette: Not if you don't knock it off!

Mary: Georgette, I'll find you something to wear.
Georgette: Does it have to be white?
Sue: Let's see... Married in white, sailors' delight... no, that isn't it.

Lou: [Georgette opens the door for Lou; as he enters Mary's apartment, he notices Georgette's tuxedo] Hi, Georg... ette...
Georgette: Hi, Lou. It's a rental.
Lou: Oh. What's Ted charging you?

Georgette: If you really wanted to marry me, you wouldn't talk about it, you'd do it.
Ted: Oh, I'd do it right now if I could.
Georgette: We can, Ted. We've had the blood test. We have the license and it's still valid. We can call and get a minister over here. We can call our friends and tell them to come over here. What else do we need? So what do you say, buster, you still wanna get married?

Sue: [Commenting on Ted's and Georgette's matching tuxedos] Ted, you two look adorable!
Ted: You hear that, Georgette?
Georgette: I don't care what anybody says. I think we look like the top of a gay wedding cake.

[Ted has gone out to the balcony to watch the moon]
Mary: Wow, he really has changed!
Georgette: I know! And, Mary, I've had it with him! I mean, I'm not ready for this. The Ted I married was loud, vain and egotistical; that I could handle. Then he has a little heart attack and turns into St. Francis of Assisi!

Mary: Do you have any preference about what you want to wear, Georgette?
Georgette: Well, I always dreamed of being married in something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. But what the hell, we're in a hurry

[the reverend has just shown up at Mary's apartment in his tennis outfit, complete with racket]
Reverend: Miss Franklin, I'm Reverend Chatfield. I came as soon as I got the message.
Georgette: Thank you, Reverend. Come on in. Sorry to trouble you, but we want to get married.
Reverend: Married?
Georgette: I hope we didn't spoil your day.
Reverend: Well, no, but I'm a little embarrassed at wearing this to perform a marriage. And... and besides, I was just ordained. I've... I've never done it.
Sue: Well, then, it's appropriate that you should wear white.

[Ted and Georgette have just been informed that David is a genius]
Ted: Say, let me ask you a theoretical question.
Doctor: Of course.
Ted: Let's assume that... someone... has a kid with an incredible IQ. And that... someone... wasn't great in the fifth grade. Do you think that would cause any problems between the two?
Doctor: No problems at all, Mr. Baxter. As long as the parent is a reasonably secure, mature, well-adjusted adult.
Georgette: Boy, are we in trouble.

Ted: Say, doc?
Dr. Carter: Yeah?
Ted: I didn't want to ask with everybody around. Something's been bothering me. It's kind of personal. How... how does it affect you if you have a heart attack about... you know... uh...
Dr. Carter: Sex?
Dr. Carter: Ted, you can have it as often as you did before your heart attack.
Georgette: I thought you said he was going to be better.