The Best House of Cards, Season 5, Episode 13 Quotes

Claire: I've thought long and hard, Francis. Barely slept.
Francis: That's the job.

- And Ms. Harvey, leann, we need to move you.
- Uh, just for now, of course.
- It was my understanding that...
- Right now, a more seasoned chief of staff would send a strong message to the congress and to the nation. For now.

- So, why don't you take something?
- No.
- No, go on. Take something.
- Anything. Anything you want.
- Even if it's small.
- Something you can hold in your hand to remind you of this place, until you get back.
- You go on.

Francis: Where does the real power lie? The power behind the power. And I understood, Claire, that we have to think and act differently than we ever have. Because it's no longer about who *lives* in the White House, it's about who *owns* the White House.
Claire: This is the presidency. How much higher can a politician go?
Francis: The real power isn't here. It's beyond here. It's above it, but still working in conjunction with it. Look, Claire, you and I have always been on the inside. Trapped. In the bubble. But going forward, with my operating on the outside, in the private sector, and you working from here, we can *own* this house together. Don't you see? I've designed this. I wanted you to be the president. I've *made* you the president.
Claire: Am I supposed to say thank you?
Francis: No. But you will have to pardon me. Pardon me for all of my crimes. As the president, you're the only one who can.

- Tom, my attorneys didn't even want me to speak with you.
- I'm sorry, there's just nothing more to say here.
- I don't know what happened to Rachel posner.
- But I don't believe you killed Zoe Barnes.
- Is this you in this video?
- Looks like me.

- I'll take it into consideration.
- It's beyond that. You'll need me.
- Excuse me?
- I can help. Look...
[Sighs] It is the way to keep you in power.
- And keep your secrets.

- Ready?
- Go ahead.
- Yes. Ms. Harvey has her gun back.
- Macallan's files are with the president.
- Any hard evidence connecting you to the election is in her hands.
- Then leann's job is done.

- I just wanted to thank you for your tenacity.
- Whatever you're up to, you won't get away with it.
- Maybe I already have.
- The committee will continue its work.
- We'll recommend charges to DOJ.
- Rochelle.

- first woman president.
- Look, I've always been a supporter of the idea of a woman in the oval office.
- But when all is said and done, you do realize that Francis unden/vood will still be sleeping in the white house tonight?

Francis: [to the camera] Gore Vidal once wrote that power is an end to itself, and the instinctive urge to prevail the most important single human trait. I've always told myself that everything I did was for her. But maybe it wasn't. Maybe I love power more.

Francis: [to the camera] If she doesn't pardon me I'll kill her.

Jane: Your future in doubt.
Francis: Oh, don't threaten me, Ms. Davis.
Jane: I don't threaten. I just try to remain as clear as possible. You offered me your services, and I offered you mine. You know, I was here before you and I'll be here after you.
Francis: [nose-to-nose] And regardless of that, let me remind you that nothing is more dangerous than me.

Newscaster: One of the protesters made his way over the gates.
- As he was running across the white house lawn, secret service agents moved in, tragically shooting and killing the man.
Leann: [Over voicemail] You've reached leann Harvey. Please leave a message.
- Hey, where are you?

- I want you to know I'm here if you need any advice on policy, or anything else you might need.
- Thank you. I'm going to bed.
- No one will ever love you as much as I do.
- I hope you know that.
- Just as I know that no one will ever love me like you.

[first lines]
Francis: Oh, Congressman Romero, I just wanted to see you one last time before I leave.
Alex: I don't believe there's anything left to be said.
Francis: No, not between us. Not any longer. I just wanted to thank you for your tenacity.
Alex: [chuckles arms folded] Whatever you're up to, you won't get away with it.
Francis: Maybe I already have.
Alex: The committee will continue its work. We'll recommend charges to DOJ.
[moves toward the door]
Francis: Rochelle.
[waits for him to turn back around]
Francis: Rochelle. Such a lovely name. Tell me how much you don't want that to end up in the press. And then shut this committee down. No deals.
[walks swiftly out of the room]

- I made a terrible mistake.
- What did you do?
- I don't even know what I'm doing here. I, uh...
- This morning, I started driving. I got scared.
- Anyway, I'm on my way back.
- Can I come see you?
- Yes, please.

Claire: Who are you to me?
Jane: Who do you want me to be?
Claire: [chuckles] That's not a good answer.
Jane: You're the first woman President of the United States. All you've had to swallow, the sacrifices, the compromises. You're gonna want to isolate yourself. Not trust anyone. But that's exactly what you're gonna need. Someone to tell you what's what.

Claire: Swallowing poison to stay alive.
Mark: Alive is good.

- need to go away for a little while.
- We'll bring you back into the fold at a later date, and don't worry.
- Look at leann.
- She left, and now, she's back.
- Have we ever had a drink together?
- Never.

Doug: I did it. Let's get going.

- I think I'm gonna just sit here for a while.
- Yeah, you should.
- Uh, the vice president would like you to leave the white house before she's sworn in.
- She doesn't think it would be a good idea for word to get out that you were here when it happened.

Francis: Admit it. This is what you want. You were willing to kill for it. So, Claire, come and take it... before I take it back.

- And the middle one?
- My favorite baseball player?
- "Wade boggs." Two 'g's.
- And the last? "What did you leave in that hotel room in Austin?"
- Where is my gun?
- Here you go.

- This is what you want.
- You were willing to kill for it.
- So, Claire, come and take it...
- Before I take it back.
- We'll find the most strategic time and place.
- But I will pardon you, Francis.

Francis: When you bring yourself down before someone else can, you control the way it happens.

- How did we get here, Francis?
- Oh, let it go. It's done.
- Oh, and one word of advice.
- Whomever Usher offers up to you as vice president, that's the person that you're really gonna have to watch.
- I won't choose anyone I can't manage.

[last lines]
Claire: [having ignored Francis' phone call] My turn.

Francis: Do you hate it here?
Claire: Oh, you know I don't like hotels.
Francis: An approximation of home just to remind you you're not there.
Claire: Well, we don't live in a home. We live in a house, borrowed and temporary.

Claire: Thank you. I'm going to bed.
Francis: No one will ever love you as much as I do. I hope you know that. Just as I know that no one will ever love me... like you.

- Well, you can run it by the former president...
- The former president is just that.
- An opportunity has presented itself.
- I'm trying to take advantage of it.
- Is everyone in the situation room?
- As of 20 minutes ago.

- Rochelle.
- Such a lovely name.
- Tell me how much you don't want that to end up in the press.
- And then shut this committee down.
- No deals.
Reporter: Mr. President! Mr. President!

- when new ties will be formed about you.
- The ties that will bind you yet more tenderly and strongly to the home you so adorn.
- The dearest ties that will ever grace and gladden you.
- Oh, miss manette, when the little picture of a happy father's face looks up in yours...