The Best Jack Ryan, Season 2, Episode 2 Quotes

- Yeah.
- Yeah, so, how hard can it be?
- Let's go.
- You're right.
- I'm so sorry. It's his first week.
- B itch!
- ID.
- "Oy, bitch?"

- Motherfuckers.
- Quiet.
- Put your arms up.

- but yet, here you are.
- I think we can help each other, Jack.
- Help each other how?
- When you get reyes, you give me my businessman.
- And why would I do that?
- 'Cause I'm giving you your first move.

- Move!
- Shit.
- Move!

- Get the fuck off me!
- What happened?
- He got away.
- Did he get into a car? Where'd he go?
- I didn't see anything. He got away!
- Listen, man, are you all right?
- I'm fucking peachy.

- I... I'm actually still in Caracas.
- I thought you would've come home with Jimmy.
- Well, there's a few things
- I just need to follow up on down here.
- If you need anything, you call me.
- Any time.
- Thank you, sir.

- You can wait in the office.
- Won't take long.

- The world's not blaming us.
- They're blaming me.
- When the real killers are brought to justice, they'll all look like fools.
- I'm sure you're right.
- But the police captain in charge of moreno's security...
- He turned himself in to the U.S. embassy last night.

- Wait!
- We need some of them alive.
- Take him.

- I tried calling. Are you okay?
- Do you recognize him?
- Is this Max?
- Is it Max?
- Yes.

- So?
- This is more complicated than I thought.
- I can tow it and fix it at my garage a few kilometers away.
- You can't fix it here?
- Not unless you're hiding a hydraulic lift.
- All right, let's go.

- Dr. Ryan,
- I am very sorry for your loss.
- I know you and Jimmy were very close.
- I know you killed him.
- Again, my condolences.

- This isn't t-fad.
- We do this, we do this together.
- I can live with that.

- Do you mind if we head inside and chat?
- It's a little hot out here, and these mosquitoes are eating me alive.
- Sweet tea, sweet blood, as they say.
- Excuse us, Mrs. Bishop.
- Nice meeting you, Mr. Spicoli.
- Please, call me Jeff.

- I hate to see talent wasted, so I'm gonna give you 24 to think about it...
- Just go.
- And don't bother us anymore.
- Than ks for the tea, Yvonne!
- Bye, Jeff!
- You looked happy.

- and call me back.
- Ladies and gentlemen...
- It's time for the cherished tradition...
- Signifying to all the world that this young girl...
- Is now a woman!
- Please give her a round of applause!

- Nicola's is blind...
- To anything he doesn't want to see.
- You ought to be the one leading this country.
- Perhaps...
- We thought, as reyes' head of security, this information might be valuable to you.

- He stole a car and drove straight here.
- He wants asylum.
- Doesn't trust the Venezuelan government.
- Can't blame him there.
- Mike.
- Asylum for what?
- He thinks he knows who killed senator moreno.

- Yeah, thanks, but no, thanks.
- I got a life here.
- Absolutely.
- Living with your grandma, fixing the props on rich people's yachts?
- I'm sure you score a ton of pussy.
- Man, get the fuck out of my house.

- Like this?
- What about his eyebrows?
- Long? Dark? Thin?

- Sure. Maybe when I'm done,
- I can swab the deck and take the trash out for you, too.
- Hey, I'm just asking.
- No need to get sensitive, bud.
- I fix the boats, I don't clean them.
- Just so we're clear.
- Well, all right.
- Sorry, I thought you could use the money, I...

- Okay. You listen to me.
- What we talked about the other night, the almeta, the rocket launch in the south China sea, there's something bigger going on here, Jack.
- Bigger than reyes.
- And we can both help each other.

- How's your hand?
- It's fine.
- Look, I don't know why reyes requested this meeting, but it is gonna go smoothly.
- We're already sitting on a powder keg, so, neither you, nor you are gonna fuck this up.
- Formidable.

- in a Venezuelan prison.
- As a gesture of respect,
- I wanted to share the news with you first.
- And now, if you'll excuse me,
- I have to attend my daughter's party.
- Mr. President.
- Mrs. Ambassador.

Mike: You guys married?
James: Divorced.
Jack: Single.
Mike: ...All right, great talk.

- Grams!
- We're out here.

- Hey, sorry I missed your call. What's up?
- Yeah, listen. Filiberto, he said the man who killed his family was bit by a dog, right?
- Yeah. So?
- Which arm was it?
- Hang on.

- I'm not going till I find out who did this.
- Hey.
- Mike November. I'm the c.O.S.
- Jim greer.
- And this is Jack Ryan.
- Hi. Sorry.
- Mike?
- You need to come see this right away.

- A man he'd never seen before came to him at the hospital where his mother stays...
- Blond hair, blue eyes, spoke very good Spanish, but with an accent.
- What kind of accent?
- European, maybe.
- What else?

- G reer!
- Ryan?
- Ryan!
- I'm okay. Go!

- That sounds like you're not over her, so, why not go for the hat trick?
- I've thought about it.
- You know what they say, there's power in threes.
- Shit.

- I see you've changed your minds.
- You did the right thing for your families.
- Get them cleaned up and fed.

- you showed up.
- So, from where I'm sitting, you have a lot more in common with your daddy than you may think.
- Plane leaves at 0600.
- Macdill. X-ray hangar.
- And I'm not asking you a third goddamn time.
- See you around, bishop.

- Talk to filiberto.
- Shit.
- Give me the goddamn key!
- When's the last time you checked on him?
- Shit.
- Get a doctor. Go!

Jack: [about her client] What kind of business is he in?
Harriet: On his card? Pretty sure it says something like "military consultant". But you and I would say that he sells toys to naughty children.

- We're all here.
- You said you know something about senator moreno's murder.
- You want asylum?
- Tell us.
- Asylum for his mother, too.
- She's very sick.
- The assassination. What happened?

- You get another 15 when the job's done.
- I told you I wasn't interested.
- All right.
- I can make it 40, 20 and 20.
- But that's as high as I'm gonna go.
- Take it or leave it.

- We could kill him.
- Yeah.
- It sounds like this is not someone you want dead.
- No, I don't.
- Okay, well, going forward,
- I suggest we work together to try and bring him in alive.

- No, I don't fucking care. President reyes.
- Was his name ever mentioned?
- No. No, no, no.
- Reyes.
- Look at me. Look at me!
- Ubarri. Ubarri, was his name ever mentioned?
- No, no. Nothing else.
- That's it.

- Miguel, you have a moment?
- Is everything okay?
- Our American friends have bugged your home.
- They're listening to everything you say.
- Tomorrow we'll discuss what to do.
- Of course.