The Best Jerry Tyson Quotes

Jerry: It must eat... you... alive knowing that you came so close to catching me. But this is a winner take all type of game.
Richard: Oh! Jerry... Shooting?... It's not your style.
Jerry: Oh, you really don't know me at all, do you?
Richard: Oh, it's not complicated... You were raised by a single mother. She was blonde. Oh, she was beautiful. But... she never wanted you... When you were, what... twelve, I'm guessing, she died suddenly. Let's say... drug overdose. You go into foster care, the bad kind... You have so much hate... So much hate towards your mother for abandoning you... that you kill these women to get back at her. But you leave them looking peaceful because as much as you hated your mother... you loved your mother. Am I getting warm?
Jerry: You're... drawn... to death... You like to be around it, 'cause it thrills you. Now where does that come from? Your own suppressed impulses... How... close... to death... do you wanna get, huh?

[last lines]
Jerry: Castle! I got your girl! Are you watching? I want you to see this.
[to Beckett]
Jerry: You think I'd let you live? After everything you've done? Castle! Come on, I want you to watch. I want you to watch as I take her life.
[as he talks, Tyson drags Beckett with him over to her car; looking into the car, he sees it's empty]
Richard: Over here.
[Tyson turns around, and Castle fires Beckett's gun at him; he falls off the bridge into the water below; as they look down at where he landed, the scene fades into the recovery attempt the following morning]
Kate: They still haven't found the body.
Richard: They won't. He's not dead.
Kate: Castle, what are you saying?
Richard: This was never about me. This was about him. Those initials in her datebook, he's not that careless. He wanted us to find that place. He wanted us on this bridge. Tessa's murder, the frame-up, all of it was to get us here so we could help him do what he couldn't do for himself. Disappear, so he can start killing again.
Kate: You think he planned this?
Richard: How does a wanted man stop being wanted?
[points to crime scene]
Richard: It has to be public, and it has to be final.
Kate: Do you know how crazy that sounds?
Richard: No one's gonna be looking for him anymore.
Kate: You shot him. He's dead. It's over.
[walks away]
Richard: [to himself] For now.

Richard: I met Gretchen Cutler.
Jerry: I'm not familiar with that name.
Richard: You know what she said? She said nothing she ever did could've turned you into what you are... Is that true?... 'Cause I get the feeling it isn't. I get the feeling... she's the first person you ever wanted to kill. But... that would be too obvious. Better to... *hunt* blonde women who look like Gretchen once did. See, that way... she'd have to see their faces on the news... and know that you're out there killing *them* because of *her*... Now, you've taken it to the next level, though, haven't you? I, uh, came across this photo of Gretchen Cutler when she was young. Susan Watts and Amy Barrett... look just like her... Thanks to Kelly Nieman... She supplied you with *perfect*, compliant victims... How many were there? Not just 2... 5? 10?... 20?... After all, you don't have to hunt them anymore... You... raised them... Like livestock... It's you.
Jerry: Yes, it is... If by "you,"... you mean Mike Boudreau.

[approaching Castle, who is in locked up in Holding]
Jerry: They say dogs can smell fear. Did you know some humans can as well?... You reek of it.
Richard: Tyson.
Jerry: I prefer 3XK. How long has it been since I left you and Detective Ryan in that motel room?
Richard: [yelling] Somebody? Help! Somebody, I need some help in here!
Jerry: They can't hear you. Or see you. I'm afraid I'm much more thorough than that.
Richard: You did this... You killed Tessa.
Jerry: She's not my type. I prefer blondes, remember? Here's a much more believable story. *You* killed Tessa. It practically writes itself. After all, you commit murder every day in your mind for your books. It's not hard to imagine that you'd eventually... cross the line.
Richard: Why are you doing this, Tyson?
Jerry: Four years, Castle. I gave up *four* years of my life planning the perfect vanishing act, so that the cops would stop looking for me, so that I could begin again, could begin killing again. So that I could taste that fear... again. Four years... You ruined it.
Richard: Well, if it's revenge you wanted, why not just kill me?
Jerry: Where's the fun in that? No, no, no. It's more fun to destroy... you. Why do you think I let you *live* that night in the motel? People think it's killing that I like, but murder's just an act. It's all about... the anticipation, the planning. Watching you... and your daughter taking a walk... You and Beckett making love... Standing in your living room, being inside your life... knowing that I'm gonna take it all away from you... That's what I like.
Richard: You won't get away with this.
Jerry: Oh, please. What are you gonna do? You're gonna tell them that I came here? You think that they're gonna believe the lies of a desperate man?
Richard: Beckett will.
Jerry: Even if she does... she can't save you. There's no time. When the D.A. files charges tomorrow, they're gonna send you to Central Booking. The Tombs. I have people waiting... for you. You... will not last... the night... And that'll be her punishment.
[turns to leave]
Jerry: Believing that you were innocent and not being able to stop it... It will haunt her for the rest of her life... Lucky for you... you'll be dead.

Richard: Please... you have me know, but just let her go.
Jerry: Oh, no, no, no. I can't... She's part of the plan... Yeah... Why I brought you here.
Richard: Brought me?
Jerry: You know, what I love about human beings is they're so predictable. They're like mice. You can get them to do anything. All you have to do is put a little cheese at the end of the maze... and know exactly when to shock 'em.
Richard: You knew I was coming?
Jerry: Dangling Boudreau in front of you... watching Beckett die before your eyes... Once I had the cops chasing their tails, I knew it'll only be a matter of time before you... did something on your own. Visiting my old cellie was a... Well, that was a natural choice.
Richard: This was a set-up.
Jerry: What better way to get you here alone... than to make you think it was your idea?

Richard: Kind of a role reversal, isn't it?
Jerry: Not sure what you mean.
Richard: Oh, sure you do. It wasn't so long ago you were in here visiting me.
Jerry: You got me confused for Tyson again.
Richard: You were dressed in a police uniform. And I was in there, where you are now.
Jerry: [flashback] People think it's killing that I like. But murder's just an act. It's all about... the anticipation, the planning. Being inside your life... knowing that I'm going to take it all away from you... That's what I like.
Richard: What a feeling that must've been... That kind of... *power* over someone. How does it feel now, Jerry?

[desperate to find Beckett, he pulls a gun on Tyson]
Richard: Tell me where she is, Tyson, or so help me God...
Jerry: I don't know! And I'm not Tyson. He just wants you to think... I am.
Richard: Where is she?
Jerry: But I didn't do this. I didn't do *any* of this.
Richard: Where is she?
Jerry: I... I'm not him! Dr. Neiman just made me look like him, but I'm not him.
Richard: Where is she?
Jerry: My name is Michael Boudreau. I swear. I was- I was born in Iowa. I was raised on 11725 North Genoa Street. My parents' names are Michael and Lauren. I'm- I'm not Jerry Tyson. I'm not. I swear.
Richard: I don't believe you.

Kevin: You were right about Gates. He did try to go after Donna. But, she's okay.
Jerry: And Gates?
Kevin: He confessed. It's all over.
Jerry: Thank god.
Richard: Aren't you gonna ask what happened? To your girlfriend, Donna. You didn't ask about her. You just asked about Gates. Doesn't make any sense, unless... Aren't you gonna ask what happened?... To your girlfriend, Donna. You didn't ask about her. You just asked about Gates. Doesn't make any sense, unless...
[realization dawns on him]
Richard: ... She was supposed to die.
Jerry: I don't, I don't know what you...
Richard: McCardle didn't get the money for the surgery until after *you* got out of prison. He's removing all evidence he was even there. It was him all along. He's the real Triple Killer.
[Ryan moves to draw his weapon, but Tyson knocks him out, picks up his weapon, and holds it on Castle]
Jerry: Guilty as charged.

Jerry: [on phone] How did it feel to be that close?
[Castle bangs on the cage wall to alert Gates, Ryan, and Esposito and points to his phone]
Richard: Tyson.
Captain: Trace. Go.
Kevin: Yeah.
Jerry: You know the part I liked best? The pain in your eyes. The suffering. And all that fear knowing that I have her.
Richard: Well, if this is about me, then take me. Take me and let her go.
Jerry: Nooo. No, if I took you, I'd only get to kill you once. You see, this way, I get to kill you over and over again.

Richard: That story about Gates getting arrested. That was your story, wasn't it? You were afraid you were gonna get caught, so you hid in prison.
Jerry: Too bad you didn't figure that out sooner.
Richard: Too bad you didn't leave sooner. Cops will be here any minute.
Jerry: Looks like Detective Ryan called the precinct just before he got here. There won't be anybody missing me for a while. But by the time they do, I'll be long gone.
Richard: You won't get far. They already have your name, know your face.
Jerry: Change those. I've done that before. That's part of the fun of it.

Richard: You know, I've written characters like you. Cunning psychopaths so narcissistic they believe they can't be caught. Because they're smarter than everyone, and they need to prove it. Well, that's your story, Jerry... why you did everything. You needed to prove it. So I let you.
Jerry: What do you mean?
Richard: I let you bring me here. It was the only way to find you. I *needed* to find you so I could find her. But the truth, Jerry...
[flashback to earlier, where it's revealed Castle was talking to Ryan and Esposito]
Richard: We're not gonna find her. Not like this. Not by chasing him, not by playing his game. We need to take the game to him.
Javier: [handing Castle an earpiece] Put this deep in your ear, all right? All the way in.
[back to present]
Richard: The truth is... I lured you here. To watch you die. Are we clear?
Jerry: Clear about what?
Richard: Then take the shot.