100 Best Kristin Davis Quotes

[Charlotte has just told the girls about a magazine article she read which said that a woman only gets two "great loves" in her lifetime]
Charlotte: So far I've only had one great love - Trey.
[to Miranda]
Charlotte: How many great loves have you had?
Miranda: Zero.
Carrie: Really? What about Steve?
Miranda: Steve's a friend, not a core-shaker.
Samantha: Well, I'm done with great love. I'm back to great lovers.
Miranda: [to Carrie] You?
Carrie: I refuse to define love in those limited terms
Miranda: [laughing] I had to!
Charlotte: Oh, come on Carrie! Aidan and Big!
[Charlotte pauses as she realizes what she just said. Carrie looks up at her]
Carrie: One, two. And according to you, I'm done!
Charlotte: No, no, it was a stupid article. It was at the dentist!
Carrie: No, no, no, no, too late now. You said it, it's over for me. "Here lies Carrie. She had two loves and lots o' shoes."

Charlotte: How can you forget a guy you've slept with?
Carrie: Toto, I don't think we're in single digits anymore.

Charlotte: How could you not have seen The Way We Were?
Samantha: Chick film.

Charlotte: Big is in town?
Carrie: Yeah, he's having a little heart thing done.
Miranda: What, is he on the wait list to get one?
Carrie: No, and you're going to feel incredibly bad in a minute: he's here because he's having heart surgery.
Miranda: Okay, I'm officially a monster, please continue.

Carrie: [voice over narration] Meanwhile, uptown, Charlotte wondered when relationships had gotten so complicated. She yearned for the time when dinner was followed by dessert, not lubricant.
Charlotte: I can't, Brian. I want to, but I can't. I mean, actually no, that's not true. I don't want to. Or maybe I do. I don't know what I want. But I'm afraid if I don't, you'll dump me. And if I do, then I'll be the up-the-butt girl. And I don't want to be the up-the-butt girl, because I mean... Men don't marry up-the-butt girl. Whoever heard of Mrs. Up-The-Butt? No, no, no. I can't. I want children and nice bedding, and I just can't handle this right now.

Charlotte: Is it safe to buy pot from strangers?
Miranda: They're not strangers, they're our new friends with pot.

[on trapeze-flying]
Charlotte: I could never! I have the most terrible fear of heights.
Carrie: Well, I do not. You've seen my shoes.

[Billy is confronted by Brooke's ghost emerging from the swimming pool]
Brooke: Hello, Billy. Miss me? Nice job at my funeral. What happened? Couldn't you admit that it's your fault that I'm dead?
Billy: This isn't happening.
Brooke: Oh, yes it is, and it is your fault. I came to you with so much love, and you gave me nothing but hate. Too bad Alison won't stay with you. I guess she knows that you're a heartless, unfeeling bastard!
[Billy walks away from Brooke's ghost to his apartment]
Brooke: You can't run away from me. I'll never leave you.
Billy: Stop it!
Brooke: I'll never leave you alone!

Charlotte: Maybe we can be each other's soulmates. And then we could just let men be these great, nice guys to have fun with!

Charlotte: I don't think she's a lesbian. I think she just ran out of men.

[Charlotte is converting to Judaism]
Charlotte: Hello, My name is Charlotte York and I am interested in joining the Jewish faith.
Rabbi: Sorry, we're not interested.
[closes the door in her face]

Samantha: I masturbated to my priest... Friar Fuck!
Carrie: Okay, I think we're going to have to get Charlotte a crash helmet.
Charlotte: You have a priest?

Charlotte: This is gay porn.
Miranda: What was your first clue?
Charlotte: You said we were watching an independent film. I brought biscotti.
Carrie: Relax. I've watched it already, and I'm telling you this really funny.
Samantha: See, that's the way to do it. No "I love you.", just good old fashioned fucking.

Brooke: Maybe it's time for us to bury the hatchet.
Alison: Gee, you'd have to pull it out of my back first.

[a fat jerk wants Miranda to leave a blackjack table when they're in Atlantic City]
Jerk: Hey red, move your fat ass!
Carrie: [after a stunned pause] What did you just say to her?
Samantha: Who the hell do you think you are?
Jerk: Get in the game or get out!
Miranda: [to the girls] Guys, let's just go. It's okay.
Carrie: No, it is most certainly *not* okay!
Charlotte: Listen, you big jerk, her "ass" isn't normally this big!
Miranda: [after a pause] Yes... thank you, I almost forgot! My ass is fat because I just had a baby, you asshole!
Samantha: What's your excuse?
Carrie: Yeah, ya havin' triplets?

Carrie: [offscreen] The only thing harder than choosing a spot for your wedding when you hate weddings is choosing a wedding gift for your friend who hates weddings.
Charlotte: What about a guest book?
Carrie: There's gonna be like eight of us there. There's no one to keep track of. I can't believe Miranda is getting married.
Charlotte: [holds up heart shaped dish] This is pretty!
Samantha: Oh, she'll hate that. Too domestic.
Carrie: And too bridey.
Samantha: Yeah, let's try not to piss her off.
Charlotte: Maybe we should just buy her a stapler, wrap it in brown paper and just smear some dog poo on it! Think she'd be comfortable with that?
Carrie: Fine. We'll get the dish.

Carrie,8201: Who else has news?
Charlotte: I do. But you will have to put down your menus because I need your undivided attention.
Samantha: Well, you'll have to shoot our waiter. Will you look at that ass?
Charlotte: I have something a bit shocking to say. And after I say it, I don't want anyone to react because I'm very happy with my decision. I'm becoming a Jew.

Charlotte: I gave up Christ for you and you can't give up the Mets?

Charlotte: Carrie, I love you. But it is not my job to fix your finances. You are a thire-five-year-old woman. You have to learn how to stand on your own.

Carrie: New York is a town of renters. Everybody rents.
Miranda: I don't.
Samantha: I don't.
Charlotte: I don't.
Carrie: [to Charlotte] You got yours in a settlement. You did not have to pay for your apartment.
Charlotte: Oh, I paid for that apartment.
Miranda: [Farts twice] I'm pregnant. I can't control it.
Samantha: Well, honey, you better learn because that is unappetizing.
Miranda: I know. I am so swollen and gassy, I'm like a floatation device.

[last lines]
Brooke: You sorry enough to float me a loan?
Hayley: Sure.
Brooke: I know what I just said, but I can't be happy with Allison around. I've got to get away from D&D, out of that damn apartment building away from her.
Hayley: [writes a check] How do you intend to explain $100,000 to your husband?
Brooke: I don't. I'm going to get a seperate checking account at a different bank.
[Hayley finishes writing the check and is about to hand it over to Brooke, but he promtly backs off from handing it to her]
Brooke: Daddy?
Hayley: There is however one small condition to the money, Brooke. You don't get it... until you file for divorce.

[first lines]
Carrie: [voice over narration] Once upon a time in a magical land called Manhattan a young woman fell in love. Charlotte and Jack locked eyes at a black tie benefit for Epstein/Barr. She chased him through every disease in New York. They've been officially dating since retinus pigmentosis. Jack was perfect for her. Architect, philanthropist, and the sex was amazing. Late one night, Jack popped the inevitable question.
Jack: So... what are you fantasies?
Charlotte: Oh, God. I'd love to own my own gallery, and maybe a little cottage in Maine.
Jack: Well, actually I meant more like uh, screwing in an airplane bathroom kind of fantasies.
Charlotte: Oh? Um...
Carrie: [voice over narration] The closest Charlotte had ever come to getting screwed on a plane was the time she lost all her luggage in a flight from Palm Beach.

Charlotte: Carrie, you're right, you have to tell him. But not before the wedding, it's supposed to be my week.
Miranda: It's you day. You get a day.

Charlotte: Schooner and Rebecca need each other. Schooner and Rebecca need each other.

Harry: Charlotte, you're so beautiful. Your skin is so soft, so smooth...
Charlotte: And you... have a hard dick.

[last lines]
Alexander: [presenting Sean with a birthday gift] I wanted to give you... this.
Sean: [receiving the gift] A book?
Alexander: Oh, it's not just a book: it's a trip I want us to go on... All of us, as a family.
[Sean unwraps his gift and gives a knowing look to Hank]
Sean: [showing the book to everyone] "From the Earth to the Moon".
Alexander: What do you say?
Kailani: Well, I think there's only one thing to say.
Sean: So who's up for an adventure?
[Alexander giggles]
Liz: No, no, no!
Hank: Oh, honey, what could possibly go wrong? It's only the moon.

Kailani: [off-screen; conversing with Sean] Happy birthday.
Hank: [to Liz] You raised a great man.
Liz: No...
Kailani: [off-screen; conversing with Sean] So sorry I'm late.
Liz: ....WE are raising a great man.

Charlotte: Jack wants us to do a threesome.
Miranda: Of course he does. Every guy does.
Samantha: Threesomes are huge right now. They're the blow job of the nineties.
Charlotte: What was the blow job of the eighties?
Samantha: Anal sex.
Carrie: Any sex, period.
Miranda: Don't let him pressure you into it. It's just this guy's cheap ploy to watch you be a lesbian for a night.
Samantha: Don't knock it till you tried it.

[Charlotte, on seeing the tacky floral arrangement at Miranda's mother's funeral]
Charlotte: They were supposed to say, "I'm sorry for your loss," not "You're dead, let's disco..."

Charlotte: Samantha, you look so pretty today!
Samantha: Thanks. I have cancer.

Carrie: The problem is that you two have very different definitions of what constitutes cheating.
Charlotte: I don't tolerate it.
Samantha: And I'm more forgiving and realistic about human nature.
Miranda: That's because you cheat.
Carrie: I just don't think that you can define cheating in absolute terms.
Miranda: You think it's okay to cheat?
Carrie: Well, I think maybe there's a cheating curve. Someone's definition of what constitutes cheating is in direct proportion to how much they themselves want to cheat.
Miranda: That's moral relativism.
Carrie: I prefer to think of it as quantum cheating.
Samantha: The fact is, the act of cheating is defined by the act of getting caught. One doesn't exist without the other.
Carrie: [voiceover] I wondered, was Samantha right? Is cheating like the proverbial tree in the forest? That it doesn't exist if there's no one around to catch you? In a gravity-free world of anything goes, what constitutes cheating?

Charlotte: Look. She's got big boobs. So does she. It's the big boobs bonanza issue.

Charlotte: [hearing the front door open] Hi, honey. I'm a bad wife. I ordered Chinese.
Harry: I got something from China, too. They're giving us a baby.
Charlotte: What? How?
Harry: I guess God remembered our address. We get her in six months... and here she is.
[hands Charlotte a photo of the baby]
Charlotte: [smiling through tears] That's our baby. I know it. That's really our baby!

Miranda: When someone gets married all bets are off, they become married and we become the enemy.
Carrie: [voice over narration] As the only single lawyer working at her law firm, Miranda had given this topic some thought.
Samantha: You know, married women are threatened because we can have sex anytime, anywhere, and with anyone.
Carrie: We can?
Samantha: And they're afraid we're gonna have it anytime, anywhere with their husbands.
Charlotte: I would never sleep with a married man.
Samantha: What makes you so sure you haven't? Wedding rings come off you know. Face it ladies, if you're still single, you are not to be trusted.

Charlotte: I always knew she'd marry Big.
Samantha: You thought that after the second break up?
Charlotte: Yep.
Miranda: After the fifteenth?
Carrie: Ha ha, we broke up a lot.

Charlotte: [about an old friend taking the name she made up when she was 11] She stole my baby name!
Samantha: You bitch! Let's go home.

Carrie: [voice over narration] That night at the attention deficit disorder masquerade ball, Charlotte felt free to indulge her fantasy. It's amazing what some sequins on a stick can do to free up inhibitions.
Jack: So... who here is your type?
Charlotte: Do you like peacocks?
Jack: Do you?
Carrie: [voice over narration] Then Charlotte did the unthinkable.

Charlotte: My vagina's depressed.

Charlotte: Miranda has a son!
Samantha: Just what the world needs. Another man.

Carrie: What makes you think something bad is gonna happen?
Charlotte: Because! Nobody gets everything they want! Look at you, look at Miranda. You're good people and you two both got shafted. I'm so happy and... something bad is going to happen.
Carrie: Sweetie, you shit your pants this year. I think you're done.

Carrie: Alright, so officially he's late.
Charlotte: Who?
Miranda: Mr. Big, who else?
Charlotte: Carrie, that's great! Is it a date?
Carrie: No, he called it a "thing". He said, meet me... meet me for a drink "thing". He never used the "D" word.
Charlotte: Well, "thing" is good. I mean, "thing" comes before date.

Samantha: Women have the right to use every means at their disposal to achieve power.
Miranda: Short of sleeping their way to the top
Samantha: Not if that's what it takes to compete.
Charlotte: But that's exploitation!
Samantha: Of men, - which is perfectly legal.
Carrie: [voice over narration] Saturday night, in an effort to save money, and maybe even pick up a few extra bucks, I invited the girls over for poker.
Charlotte: I'll buy two.
Carrie: I'm in for three. So, you advocate a double standard. Women can use their sexuality to get ahead whenever possible, but men should not be allowed to take advantage of it?
Samantha: No, I'm just saying that men and women are equal-opportunity exploiters.

Charlotte: I've been dating since I was fifteen. I'm exhausted. Where is he?
Miranda: Who? The White Knight?

Carrie: New York is a town of renters. Everybody rents.
Samantha: I don't.
Miranda: I don't.
Charlotte: I don't.
Carrie: [to Charlotte] You got yours in a settlement. You did not have to pay for your apartment.
Charlotte: Oh, I paid for that apartment.
Miranda: [Farts twice] I'm pregnant. I can't control it.
Samantha: Well, honey, you better learn because that is unappetizing.
Miranda: I know. I am so swollen and gassy, I'm like a floatation device.

Charlotte: Oh my God! Vagina weights!
Samantha: Honey, my vagina waits for no man.

Charlotte: I didn't grow up in a naked house.
Carrie: Well I didn't either.
Charlotte: [laughing about a naked woman in the locker room] I bet she grew up in a naked house.
Carrie: She might still live in a naked house.

Charlotte: Will you please not use the f-word in Vera Wang?

Brooke: You know I've always wanted to say this to you, Amanda.
Alison: Don't say anything that you will regret.
Brooke: Kiss my ass!
Amanda: You're fired.

Charlotte: So we would talk about art, and sex, and the Torah.
Carrie: Well, why didn't you introduce him to anybody?
Charlotte: I was embarrassed! I mean, I couldn't really date him. And he couldn't date me. I mean, what would people think?
Samantha: Well, if the sex was good, who cares what anybody thinks?

[complaining about her husband]
Charlotte: We have a tea bag situation.
Samantha: Oh honey, I totally understand. Just breathe through your nose.
[pause. All stare at Samantha]
Samantha: When you're sucking his balls.

Carrie: Dreams are a really good way to experiment. It's like a... it's like buying a dress and keeping the tags on.
Charlotte: Do you think it means I should do it? Have a threesome? Jack says that I have a fire inside me.
Carrie: You tell him they make a cream for that.
Charlotte: I'm serious!
Carrie: I know, but it's your call. Don't do it just to make Jack happy.
Charlotte: But maybe it would bring us closer.
Carrie: Sweetie, don't you think it's weird that you're thinking of sleeping with someone you don't know, to get closer to Jack?
Charlotte: But how well do we ever know the people we sleep with?
Carrie: [voice over narration] That was the thing about Charlotte. Just when you were about to write her off as a Park Avenue Pollyanna, she'd say something so right on, you'd think she was the Dalai Lama.
Charlotte: Do you think my hair is too shiny today?
Carrie: [voice over narration] And then she'd say something else.
Charlotte: Do you?
Carrie: [voice over narration] But the bigger question remained: if Charlotte was actually considering a threesome, who wasn't? The Village Voice had more ads for looking for threesomes than it did for small rat-infested studios renting at a thousand a month. But who actually answered these ads?

Charlotte: Allow me to get right to the point. After careful consideration, I have decided that this is the year I am getting married.

Charlotte: [voice over narration] While Miranda misjudged the intensity of Skipper's feelings, Michael left Charlotte no doubt about his.

Charlotte: It's like we live in the Museum of Natural Ugliness!

Charlotte: I read that if you don't have sex for a year, you can actually become "revirginized".

Samantha: Relationships aren't just about being happy. I mean, how often are you happy in your relationship?
Carrie: [to Charlotte] I'm pretty sure that's to you.
Charlotte: Every day.
Samantha: You feel happy every day?
Charlotte: Not all day every day, but yes, every day.

Charlotte: I feel like we don't belong here!
Carrie: That's because we're wearing shirts!
Miranda: Seriously, why don't straight men have bodies like this?
Carrie: Because gay men have the possibility of sex at the gym! If straight men had that they'd be working out all the time too!
Samantha: I've had sex at the gym!
Carrie: See, Samantha's doing her part to motivate the masses!

Charlotte: I hate it when you're the only single person at a dinner party and they all look at you like you're a...
Carrie: Loser?
Miranda: Leper.
Samantha: Whore.

Charlotte: [When asked about her fantasies] Well, I've always wanted to do it in my parents' bed.

Charlotte: This is gay porn.
Miranda: What was your first clue?
Charlotte: You said we were watching an independent film. I brought biscotti.
Carrie: Relax. I've watched it already, and I'm telling you, this is really funny.
Samantha: See? That's the way to do it. No "I love you", just good old fashioned fucking.

Charlotte: I'm having a Jewish wedding and I look like Hitler!

[Charlotte York has just discovered that Samantha Jones has slept with her brother Wesley]
Charlotte: Is your vagina listed in the New York City guide books? Because it should be - hottest spot in town. Always open.

Charlotte: Everyone knows you only get two great loves in your life.
Carrie: Everyone who? Where'd you get that?
Charlotte: I read it in a magazine.
Miranda: What magazine, "Convenient Theories for You Monthly"?

Charlotte: Oh, good morning Mrs. Collier. I'm a Jew now. How are you?

Anthony: [about the Horah] Be careful. God forbid you fall off the chair. Oh the horror, the Horah!
Charlotte: Well maybe we won't do the chair thing.
Anthony: You have to! That's the big finish. Just remember when you're up there, pretend you're having a good time, hold on for dear life and fuck's sake keep your legs together. Nobody want to see the bride's beaver!
Charlotte: Shhh! Don't say that in front of my dress!

[Charlotte is trying to decide whether to have anal sex with a man she's dating]
Miranda: It all depends . How much do you like him?
Charlotte: A lot.
Miranda: "Dating a few months until somebody better comes along a lot", or "marrying him and moving to the East Hampton" a lot?
Charlotte: I don't know. I'm not sure.
Miranda: Well, you better get sure real quick.
Charlotte: You're scaring me.
Carrie: Don't scare her.
Miranda: It's all about control. If he goes up there, there's gonna be a shift in power. Either he'll have the upper hand or you will. Now there's a certain camp that believes whoever holds the dick, holds the power, but...
[Cab Driver turns around]
Miranda: Hello! You're driving! The question is...

Charlotte: Trey, I am tired of being married to your penis.

Charlotte: Doesn't that waiter look familiar?
Samantha: I fucked him.
Carrie: Oh. *That* guy.

Billy: What do you want from me?
Brooke: I don't want anything from you. I don't need your love anymore. Do you know why? Because you sold me your soul. And all it cost me was one little line. That silly little Lindy Toy slogan, it's going to make you a star. And from now on, every step you take, every bridge you burn, will be because of me.

Samantha: [Discussing whom to call into the threesome] Just make sure that the other woman isn't a friend. Use somebody random, you know, somebody you meet in a bar or something.
Miranda: That's romantic!
Charlotte: No, I think that I'd feel safer with a friend. With someone I could trust, like Carrie.
Carrie: Oh, gee, I'm flattered. But umm, I'd go with someone who has a little more experience, like Sam.
Samantha: Well, thanks. But there is something sexy about a first-timer like Charlotte.
Charlotte: Really?
Miranda: [feeling out of the loop] Oh great, no, forget about me.
Samantha: Oh, come on!
Miranda: You know, I'd do it with you guys. It's like, it's like picking teams for dodge ball all over again.
Carrie: [voice over narration] Was Samantha right? Were threesomes the new sexual frontier? No question. Guys were infatuated with threesomes. And when I started looking, they were everywhere. After all, our lives are built on threesomes. Fat, low-fat, non-fat. First, Business, Economy. Moe, Larry, Curly. Maybe we were never meant to do it with only one other person. Maybe threesomes were the relationship of the future. Meanwhile, Samantha had been busy guest starring in a show I like to call 'Sam Does The Married Guy'.

Charlotte: Is he a good kisser?
Samantha: Oh, who the fuck cares? His dick is like a gherkin.

Charlotte: [modeling her dress for her Jewish wedding] Is it okay?
Anthony: Okay? You're Audrey Hepburn... owitz!

Miranda: If he goes up your butt, will he respect you more or respect you less? That's the issue.
Taxi: [to Carrie] No smoking in the cab.
Carrie: Sir, we're talking up the butt. A cigarette is in order.
Samantha: Front, back, who cares? A hole is a hole.
Miranda: Can I quote you?
Samantha: Don't be so judgmental. You could use a little back door.
Charlotte: I'm not a hole.
Carrie: Honey, we know.

Miranda: Where did Skipper go?
Charlotte: I don't know how you can date that younger guy? I mean, they're so scattered and unfocused.
Miranda: We're not dating, it's a fuck thing.

Trey: You're learning Chinese?
Charlotte: Well, just in case, I want to be able to speak to the baby.

Charlotte: Allow me to get right to the point. After careful consideration, I have decided that this is the year I am getting married.

Charlotte: Trey, you have a boner... I can't discuss my notes if you have a boner.

Charlotte: Can you have an affair with your own husband?

Hayley: You're wasting your time on Billy.
Brooke: Billy's like that company you bought in St. Louis. He's an undervalued asset. And with the right management, he can be a fortune 500 company in no time.

Charlotte: Is it so much to ask that you not wear your dress up around your see-you-next-Tuesday?
Samantha: My what?
Charlotte: See... you... next
Carrie: Tuesday? Oh my god, was that a Schoolhouse Rock I missed?

Charlotte: [with a hangover] My hair hurts.

Charlotte: We finally have the penis working. I don't want to scare it.

[Talking about oral sex]
Charlotte: The truth is, I hate doing it.
Samantha: Honey, you can't be serious!
Miranda: Are you telling us you never perform this act?
Carrie: She'll juggle, she'll spin plates, but she won't give head.
Charlotte: I don't like putting it in my mouth! I have a very sensitive gag reflex and it makes me want to puke!
Miranda: That's one way to say no.
Charlotte: It's not like I haven't tried. I practiced on a banana, I pretended it was a Popsicle, but... I just don't like it.
Miranda: Personally, I'm loving it, up to the point where the guy wants me to swallow.
Carrie: Well that's just, that's really a judgment call.
Samantha: Some men just take it so personally if you don't.
Miranda: Some guys don't give you a choice!
Carrie: Well that's just bad behavior.
Charlotte: Are you honestly telling me you like it?
Carrie: Well, it's not my favorite thing on the menu, but you know, I'll order it from time to time, and, with the right guy, it can be nice.
Miranda: Oral sex is like God's gift to women. - You can get off without worrying about getting pregnant.
Samantha: Plus the sense of power is such a turn-on, maybe you're on your knees, but you got him by the balls.
Charlotte: You see, that is the reason that I don't want to go down this road.
Carrie: Well sweetheart, if you're gonna get all choked up about it...
[Carrie and Miranda exchange looks about the pun]
Carrie: , just don't do it, don't do it!
Miranda: But if you don't go down on him, how can you expect him to go down on you?
Charlotte: I don't.
Miranda: Oh, well, forget it! I only give head to get head!
Samantha: Me, too.

Harry: [talking about his mother's insistence that he marry a Jewish woman] Keeping tradition alive is very important to her. She lost family in the Holocaust.
Charlotte: [makes a face]
Harry: What?
Charlotte: Well, now I can't say anything because you've brought up... the Holocaust.

Charlotte: Where are going to get any?
Samantha: Well, I'd call my dealer, but he's at the Cape.

Carrie: That's my call, can you hang on?
Charlotte: [the doorbell rings] No, I can't. That's the locksmith. Bunny's back.

Samantha: I remember when Danny had more than one thought, and they all involved going up my ass.
Charlotte: You had sex with Danny?
Samantha: Sure, he's cute, straight and we've known him for ten years. Haven't we all had sex with Danny?
Carrie: Oh yeah, that one weekend I was bored.
Charlotte: Just a New Year's Eve kiss.
Miranda: I showed him a boob in a coat checkroom.
Carrie: Just one?
Miranda: I sensed he couldn't commit.

Charlotte: You have Steve.
Miranda: I don't "have" Steve. There is no having of the Steve. We're friends.
Samantha: No, *we're* friends, but I don't put my dick in you.

Charlotte: [watching the dancers at the Highland Fling] For something called a "fling" it looks like a lot of work.
Bunny: That's what I used to tell Trey about you.

Charlotte: And by then at least you're emotionally involved.
Samantha: Exactly! I mean, isn't it better to find out if the sex is good right off the bat, before anybody's feelings get hurt?

Charlotte: If you had a patient who had a very, very slim chance of living, would that be good news? Would you tell the family, "Buck up, he's got a shot in hell?"

[Before Carrie goes on her first official date with Mr. Big, she's showing the girls what she's wearing]
Samantha: Hey honey, it's fabulous. Bravo!
Miranda: It's tits on toast, baby. But you make it work.
Charlotte: Well, let's just say it. It's the "naked dress". I mean, you're obviously gonna have sex with him tonight.
Carrie: Come on, it's our first date!
Miranda: She's not gonna have sex. She's just gonna look like sex.
Carrie: That's right. I'm just the trailer.
Samantha: Please. If it happens, it happens. Bottoms up!
Charlotte: Wait a second! I thought you were serious about this guy, you can't sleep with him on the first date.
Samantha: Oh, God!
Miranda: Here she goes again with 'The Rules.'
Samantha: The women who wrote that book, they wrote it because they couldn't get laid. So they constructed this whole bullshit theory to make women who can get laid feel bad.

[her final words before drowning in the courtyard pool]
Brooke: Nobody's home... Nobody cares...

Charlotte: What am I going to tell my kids? "Well, Mommy really wanted to get married so she asked Daddy and Daddy said "All righty.""

Charlotte: [describing a sex fantasy with Trey] You pull me off my unicorn, you tear away my gossamer petticoats, and you put your schooner deep inside my Rebecca.

Charlotte: [to Big] I curse the day you were born!

Miranda: Forget the math, just don't fuck on a first date, you're fine.
Carrie: Third date.
Charlotte: Too soon!
Samantha: Reality check.

Charlotte: [when Charlotte's dog gets on heat at the dog show] I once won a junior-gymnastics meet when I had mine.
Anthony: It's a dog... what are you gonna do? Go find a teeny-tiny tampon?

Charlotte: The thing is... there are some things people don't admit because they just don't like the way it sounds. Like, 'I'm getting divorced.'
Carrie: I'm lonely. I am. The loneliness is palpable.

Charlotte: I just know that no matter how good I feel about myself, if I see Christy Turlington, I just want to give up.
Miranda: Well I just want to tie her down and force-feed her lard. But that's the difference between you and me.