The Best Malcolm Merlyn Quotes

Malcolm: I see your friend is still putting up a fight.
Damien: He'll give up. All caged animals do eventually.

Malcolm: We can't just storm into the bank and demand to see the deposit box.
Damien: We absolutely can. We're former members of the League of Assassins.
Malcolm: This operation requires subtlety. Not a bloodbath.
Damien: Well, I - I'm sorry. I'm not up on current events, but might his squeamishness that I'm witnessing be the cause of your downfall?
Malcolm: Hunter is an asset. One that we can use to gain access to our objective. To not use him is foolish.
Damien: Oh. Well, in that case, I would have to defer to your superior expertise in foolishness. But if your plan goes south, it's not our speedster friend you need to worry about.
Malcolm: One thing I hate more than taking orders from him... is being threatened by you. Luckily, Damien... I don't find you threatening.

Malcolm: If you'd have listened to me, we would have walked out of that bank instead of being chased out.
Damien: Either way, we came out empty-handed. I seem to remember Eobard mentioning how he was going to punish your failure.
Malcolm: If anyone's a failure, it's you. You were the one who learned about Hunter's secret account, yet seemed not to know about a pass code. Sloppy, Damien. No wonder they passed you over for Ra's...
Damien: You see, this where he reminds me that he was Ra's al Ghul. Poor Malcolm. Always living in the past.
Malcolm: This is when I remind you about your future. Aww, that's right. I've been there. I've seen how pathetic you are.
Damien: In this future that you're from, do I at least have two hands?

Rip: Okay, stop, stop! Time out, time out! Can't you see that this what your boss wants? For his underlings to be at one anothers throats. Like, literally.
Malcolm: He is not our boss.
Damien: Did he call us underlings?
Rip: Oh, I'm sorry. Uh... henchmen.

Malcolm: About time you showed.
Damien: Where were you?
Eobard: Always busy, gentlemen, and yet never late.

Leonard: Our old friend Eobard has built a device to destroy the Spear.
Damien: No wonder Eobard doesn't want us using it before he locks in his own version of reality.
Malcolm: Which I assume is erasing all of us.
Damien: And your pals?
Mick: My pals. They want to steal the Spear before the deed is done.
Leonard: I think you can see what I'm getting at, gentlemen.
Damien: The four of us are no match for a speedster, so while Thawne is fighting the Legends...
Malcolm: We'll grab the Spear from under both their noses.
Leonard: Exactly. The enemy of my enemy...
Damien: Is our opportunity.

Carter: You're Priestess Chay-Ara, I'm Prince Khufu, and we're lovers, soul mates. We've been partners for 4,000 years. We're drawn to each other in each life, and after we die, we reincarnate to find each other again and again and again. And now that I've found you, we should really get out of here.
Cisco: Okay, Romeo, why don't you pump the brakes.
Carter: These people cannot protect you from Savage any longer.
Oliver: Do you know who Vandal Savage is?
Carter: In every lifetime, he hunts us down and kills us. He's done it 206 times, and I'm not planning to make it 207.
John: Why does he kill you?
Carter: His life force is tethered to ours. Every time he kills us, he becomes more powerful. You do the math.
Cisco: You're 0 for 206, and you still think you're her best bet, hmm?
Barry: Okay, so what we need to do is just find Savage and get rid of him.
Carter: Well, you can't get rid of him, my friend.
Barry: Oh, yeah? Watch us.
Malcolm: [appears out of the dark] It might be harder than you think.
Barry: Is that the only way this guy knows how to enter a room?
Malcolm: My associates tell me Savage left Star City a few hours ago.
John: For where?
Malcolm: We're not quite sure, but I assume after his run-in with you, he realized he needed something more powerful to complete his mission. We think he's trying to locate the Staff of Horus.
Thea: Sorry, what is that?
Carter: It's a relic from our past. An ancient and powerful weapon. If Savage gets his hands on it, it's going to be nearly impossible to stop him.
Cisco: Since when did our lives suddenly become an "Indiana Jones" movie?

Malcolm: Damien, I think we should go back to basics.
Damien: Yeah, you're right.
Malcolm: Killing's gotten so gosh darn impersonal lately.

Damien: This is the great Malcolm Merlyn? I am unimpressed.
Eobard: Well, he's fallen on hard times. But this man used to be Ra's al Ghul. Uh, we haven't met. I'm Eobard Thawne. I'm... from the future.
Malcolm: What the hell is going on here?
Damien: Excellent question. Here's another - Do you believe in second chances?
Malcolm: I just watched you die.
Damien: Yeah, I hear 2016's not my best year, but I plan on fixing that.
Eobard: But the question for you, Malcolm, is: Do you wish to see your fortunes similarly reversed?
Malcolm: By time travel?
Eobard: No. No. Something much better.

Eobard: If you have something to say to me Malcolm, I suggest you keep it to yourself.
Malcolm: I'm sorry. Am I supposed to be afraid of you?
Eobard: Oh, I would be. Considering I can kill you before you even knew I was doing it.
Malcolm: Ah, yes. But then you wouldn't get what you want. You brought me and Damien into your little quest for a reason. Without the Medallion, Hunter is our only way to get rest of the Spear. You need me to get it out of him.
Damien: We already tried torture.
Malcolm: I'm not talking about torture. I'm talking about hypnosis. Regression therapy. Hunter's mind is locked away. I've got the key.

Leonard: When your minions bring Mick back, I want to arrange a meeting with Thawne. When I say "arrange a meeting", I mean...
Malcolm: One between Thawne and his maker?
Damien: Cute. A little-mustache twirly for my taste.

Malcolm: When we're done here, we need to go to the 1600 block of Vine Street.
Damien: Why, pray tell?
Malcolm: It's where Frank Sinatra's star is on the Walk of Fame. I have always wanted to see it.
Damien: I'm not sure if that's part of our little trinket's itinerary.
Malcolm: I said "when we're done". As far as magical artifacts go, this one is frustratingly unspecific.

Leonard: Damien, what did I tell you?
Malcolm: For what it's worth, I thought it was a very good bad guy monologue.

Eobard: Now, tell me why you've flown all the way out here again.
Malcolm: You keep ignoring my requests for a meeting.
Eobard: Because there's no reason for one. Our partnership has ended. You got what you wanted. Your wife and your son are both alive and in good spirits. Your daughter Thea adores you. Nyssa al Ghul is trapped in a miserable, closeted life in the middle of Ohio, and hey, you can even clap again. What more could you possibly want?