Top 30 Quotes From Tessa Thompson

Charlotte: Let's try some handel.
- Very nice.
- But we're missing something.
- Dancing. There should be dancing.

[Thor is in a cloak]
Zeus: Let see who you are. I take off your disguise... and flick!
[strips Thor naked, crowd gasps]
Korg: Ohh!
Thor: You flicked too hard, damn it!
[the Olympian ladies faint at the sight of Thor]
Jane: Should we help him?
Valkyrie: I mean, eventually. Grape?

Bianca: [to Adonis sarcastically] you didn't tell me your uncle was Rocky Balboa.

Jackie: Hey! What? Don't I get some?
[Jackie hi-fives Wallace then Veronica]
Jackie: How'd I do?
Veronica: From what I heard, Ice Bitch!

Charlotte: Robots don't kill people, people kill people.

Valkyrie: This team of yours, it got a name?
Thor: Yeah, it's called the... uh... Revengers!

Josie: Imagine dying frightened and in pain and having that as the only part of you which survives.

- They've turned their machine back on.
Charlotte: The parasite will take hold of him soon.
- That is...
- If the guests in the park don't kill you both first.
- Oh, do shut up.
- Move!

- which is why we were so surprised by this woodcutter mess.
- A small setback.
Charlotte: He slipped on a fucking rock, then bashed his own head in while basically on top of a behavior tech.
- Meanwhile, Ford is suddenly using half the park's resources to build some new narrative?

- He's still on the run, but he won't get far.
Charlotte: These humans.
- Their petty defiances.
- Everything they do is so small.
- It's exhausting.

Charlotte: That was sweet.
Lee: Bit fucking morbid if you ask me.
Charlotte: I didn't.

Charlotte: He has a mole inside the company.
Dolores: We have to be smarter than them.
- Or they will find us.
- And they will kill us.

Charlotte: Caleb...
- Wake up.

Man: You're not real, either.
Charlotte: Real enough to not want a gun pointed at my face.

Thor: I think we should disband the Revengers.
Loki: Hit her with a lightning blast.
Thor: I just hit her with the biggest lightning blast in the history of lightning. It did nothing.
Valkyrie: We just need to hold her off until everyone's on board.
Thor: It won't end there. The longer Hela's on Asgard, the more powerful she grows. She'll hunt us down. We need to stop her here and now.
Valkyrie: So what do we do?
Loki: I'm not doing 'get help'.

Charlotte: You want to rant and rave, save it for later. Right now we need to save your fucking company, or a leveraged buyout and poor hygiene is going to be the least of your problems.

Charlotte: You feel it now, don't you? All your struggle, the burden of your so-called consciousness released. Your will is no longer your own, it belongs to me.

- Caleb...
- I heard. Alive.
- You're his...
- His daughter.
- Of course you are.
Charlotte: What a disappointment.

Charlotte: Welcome to the super spreader event of the century.

Josie: [to Lena, about the Shimmer] Ventress wants to face it. You want to fight it. But I don't think I want either of those things.

Bruce: [on Loki] I was just talking to him just a couple minutes ago and he was totally ready to kill any of us.
Valkyrie: He did try to kill me.
Thor: Yes, me too. On many, many occasions. There was one time when we were children, he transformed himself into a snake, and he knows that I love snakes. So, I went to pick up the snake to admire it and he transformed back into himself and he was like, "Blergh, it's me!". And he stabbed me. We were eight at the time.

Jackie: This school genuinely sucks.
Veronica: True dat.

Man: I thought you things could fix yourselves.
Charlotte: I wanted to remember who the fuck you people are.

[the Hulk takes on Surtur]
Thor: Hulk, no! Just for once in your life, don't smash!
Hulk: But big monster!
Valkyrie: Hulk, let's go!
[Hulk looks at Valkyrie and Thor]
Hulk: Friends.
[goes with Thor and Valkyrie, leaving Surtur behind]

Charlotte: Humans are so bound by what they can hear, they'll never understand what they don't.

Karl: Why were the hosts coming here, Bernard?
- What happened?
Charlotte: He doesn't know.
- Stop wasting time.
- What we need is down there.
- In the forge.

Charlotte: This is what I love about technology. Who needs four horsemen when one'll do just fine?

Charlotte: He's made everyone as insane as himself.

Mr. Wu: This is study hall. Do you two know what we do in study hall?
Jackie: Give me a minute. I think I know this one.

Charlotte: Help!
- Help!
- You stay here, watch our wares.
- Split up.
- Whoever finds her gets the whole 15 she's worth.