The Best Mandarin Party Girl #1 Quotes

[Stark enters the Mandarin's bedroom. He uncovers the bedsheet, only to find two women. He motions them to be silent before sneaking behind the bed when he hears the toilet flush. The Mandarin exits the bathroom]
Trevor: I wouldn't go in there for 20 minutes!
[Approaches dresser]
Trevor: So which one of you is Vanessa?
[Vanessa raises her hand]
Trevor: Ah, Nessie!
[Throws fortune cookie to her]
Trevor: Did you know that fortune cookies aren't Chinese? They're American, based on a Japanese recipe.
Mandarin: There's some guy over here...
[Stark suddenly appears, pointing a gun at The Mandarin]
Tony: Freeze!
Trevor: [raises hands] Bloody hell. Bloody hell.