The Best Manifest, Season 1, Episode 5 Quotes

Ben: Hey. Do you ever feel like someone else is controlling your life?
Cal: Only, like, all the time. You, Mom, Grandpa, all of my doctors.

- Cal!
- Cal, wait!
- Cal!
- Uh.
- Hi. I'm Cal.
- You're Thomas?

Cal: It's all connected.

- that is worth risking my family's safety.
- I know two kidnapped girls who would disagree.
- Don't blackmail me, Mick.
- Grace and the kids come first.
- I'm going home.
- You can't just walk away from this.
- Watch me.

- The 191 passengers will return to a world that gave them up for dead.
- Among these recipients of a miraculous second chance is eminent scholar and professor Dr. Fiona Clarke.
- Um, I'm gonna go.
- Y-Yeah.

- Ben and I are fine.
- I know my son.
- You two haven't been having many good times lately.
- We're too focused on Cal.
- Getting away from the hospital helped.
- Maybe we're turning a corner.

- Jared and Lourdes.
- I didn't want to say anything.
- Love is never something to feel guilty about.
- It's a blessing.
- Thank you.
- -This means so much.
- -Oh.

- All right.
- Here we go.
- Coney Island! Sweet!
- I love the Cyclone!
- All right, let's go!
- Masters of our own destiny.
- I like the sound of that.
- Have a great day, guys.
- We'll see you later.

Michaela: If you needed a double to get over it,
- I'm guessing the hearing didn't go that well.
- I only got docked
- 10 days' pay.
- That's it?

- senses things before they happen.
- It's not like with us.
- He's -He's different.
- I can't walk away now.
- It's like a giant spider web.
- And we're all trapped in it.

- That wasn't it, was it?
- I love Dad.
- And I'm so glad that he's back.
- But Danny's my dad, too.
- I know... and that's okay.

Karen: It'd good to hear real laughter again.
Lourdes: It feels wrong.
Karen: Joy is never wrong.

- I go to the gym.
- Mm-hmm.
- I work on my car. I --
- Yeah, boring.
- You need adventure.
- Surfing, sky diving, anything.
- Get out of your comfort zone.
- I don't know.
[ Sighs ] Coward.

- but the knife slipped, and I cut myself, and the blood got on the bread, and we don't have any more bread or even ham, and the cheese has green spots on it.
- So I just made
- Cup O' Noodles.
- I hope you like it, Mom.

- "Grace, you look great.
- You're so strong."
- But I know they're just being polite.
- I don't know.
- It's weird, but, sometimes,
- I just -I wish that someone would just say to me,
- "Gee, Grace, you look like hell."
- Well, thanks for sharing, Grace.

- Jared.
- You standing up for me meant a lot.
- It made me realize that I want --
- Look, if you don't mind,
- I'm kind of done thinking about the hearing.
- I should go.
- Yeah, of course.

- than off the job forever.
- You want information about Michaela.
- I knew you were a smart man.
- You'll tell me what she does, where she goes, who she talks to -all of it.
- Or?

Karen: Love is never something to feel guilty about. It's a blessing.

- When I lost Nina, I thought
- I'd -I'd be alone forever.
- And then I found you.
- So I know I'll survive losing you...
- ...but I'm not sure I know how to get over losing that amazing kid.
- It sounds like she feels the same way about you.

- Your career's on the line here, Vasquez.
- We're trying to help out, so one last time...
- ...would you like to change anything in your statement?
- I stand by everything I've said.
- Very well, Detective.
- Sit tight.