Top 50 Quotes From Manifest, Season 2, Episode 12

- Use your cuffs on the driver.
- Hook 'em up to the seat.
- Make sure it's tight.

- I think I'm still here to find out what the Al-Zuras book means.
- And maybe I'll find a clue about the Death Date.
- No, Olive, I'm sorry.
- Please, I don't --
- No, okay? I can't do this.
- Not now.

- You should be, too.
- Once we're out,
- I'll be coming for you, right after I pay a visit to your little blonde girlfriend.
Drea: Hey! Hey!
- Knock it off!
- Always got the ladies helping you out, huh, detective?
- Forget him.

- was the right thing to do, but none of that's happened.
- So...
- I can't go through with this.
- Mick.
- Tell me you found something.
- Please, anything, Ben.
- I did.

Zeke: After the sugar rush comes the sugar crash. I'm gonna need a nap.
Cal: We're not done yet.
Zeke: Monopoly? Haven't played this in ages. I don't know if we have time, though, bud. We should... we should probably get downstairs and help set up.
Cal: How many more chances are you gonna have to play?
Zeke: All right. Let's go.
Cal: Do you think there might be a way for you to beat the Death Date?
Zeke: I don't know. What do you think?
Cal: Well... before the plane disappeard, no one thought I could beat cancer, but here I am.
Zeke: True. Somehow, I think this is a little bit different.
[Cal hugs him tightly]
Zeke: You threw me the best bachelor party I could ask for. Too bad I'm gonna have to crush you at Monopoly.
Cal: You think you're gonna beat me? Please!

Zeke: I don't know how I can ever thank you, Cal. You saved my life, in more ways than one. You introduced me to your Aunt Mick, you know? You gave me the best bachelor party I've ever been to. You be good, little man.
Cal: [hugging him, crying] Don't go, please. I-I need you.
Zeke: I'll always be here for you, with you, okay?
Cal: [giving him the race car Monopoly token] And I'll always be with you.

- was made by people well above my pay grade.
- But you're the chair of the department.
- I can't revoke people's licenses.
- Only the NIH can do that.
- Is there anyone in the government who has a reason to shut you down?

- I need his help.
- This is my last resort.
- Someone is about to die.
- You want to know where you can find my husband?
- At the cemetery.
- Please, just call him.
- Get off this property before I call the police.

[ Sighs ] Yeah.
- Of course.
- I know you've had reservations.
- Didn't know if you still had second thoughts.
- Our situation is anything but normal.
- But I love you.
- Don't ever doubt that.

- Everyone okay?
- Get the keys.

Zeke: Michaela... we'll never have enough time to do everything that we want, to create all the memories we'd like, but having you believe in me, care for me, love me has been the greatest gift of my life. And I vow, however long I'm privileged to be your husband, to fill your world with all the love you deserve.
Michaela: Zeke, I want to be the best wife that I can be, which to me means I will stand beside you, loving you and supporting you in whatever choices you make in your life. I will never give up on you. And I will fight for your life, our life together for as long as we both shall live.

- 100%.
- He told me as much.
- She's a principal downtown.
- Now, Vance may not return your call, but he'll never ignore hers.
- Okay.
- Thank you.

- Why does it have to mean that?
- 'Cause that's what he wants.
- I mean, he --
- If I call off the weeding and force him back into the hospital, he will never forgive me.
- She'd know what to do.

Jared: Three for three. Looks like no one's caving tonight.
Michaela: Nope.
Jared: You all right?
Michaela: No, of course not. I mean, you've seen the way that these cases play out. Separate trials, different defense attorneys all claiming that their client doesn't know anything while pointing at an empty chair creates reasonable doubt. They all walk.
Jared: That all that's bugging you?

- The plane again?
- I thought
- I'd figured it out.
- I guess I didn't.

- before they get on the bus to Rikers.
- Um, yeah, small problem.
- I'm -I'm not available.
[ Chuckling ] What?
- You were all fired up, wanting answers.
- Where do you have to be that's more important?
- I'm getting married.

Grace: So... Team Stone has been full steam ahead. I've got all the mushroom puffs, blinis, and tartlets your little hearts could desire. And Ben has been in construction mode...
Michaela: Oh.
Grace: ...since the crack of dawn.
Michaela: Yeah, no, of course he has. I mean, has the protractor come out?

Zeke: [Michaela's phone rings] Who's calling us on our honeymoon?
Michaela: Hopefully, someone with some good news.
[answering the call]
Michaela: Hello?
Cal: Auntie Mick! Help! Help!
Jace: Shut that kid up.
Michaela: Listen, you sick...
Jace: No, you listen, bitch! You have two choices. You get us back our stash, or you bury your nephew!
Michaela: Don't you dare touch him!
Jace: Don't tempt me. I warned you. Now you're gonna pay.

Michaela: [seeing a news report that Jace's meth lab exploded] How could it blow up? HAZMAT came in and cleaned up all the chemicals. The apartment was empty.
Michaela: Unless... "let him go."
Jared: You think the Calling has something to do with this?
Michaela: I never understood why it didn't want me to arrest the dealers, but what if the Callings wanted them in that lab? What if they were supposed to die?

- Maybe it was never about me.
- Maybe we were brought together so I could... help you.
- You did.
- Thank you.

- What are you doing?!
- You wanna be a cop killer, too?
- If it's the right cop.
- Let's go find her.
- Get back what's ours.

Gordon: Zeke, I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me most.
Zeke: Me, too. Look, when I'm gone, mom's gonna need a friend. I'm gonna need you to step up and be there for her. She's not gonna want it, but she'll need it.

- without a little faith.
- If she were me, what would she do?
- I wish I knew, but...
- I'm here for you, no matter what you decide.
- We all are.

- Good of you to come,
- Jared.
- Anything for Mick.
- Listen, f-for what it's worth...
- For what it's worth... it's all good.

- found Michaela.
- I've never had one day in my adult life where I've just celebrated the moment.
- To go out knowing I married the great love of my life and to have you there supporting me...
- I couldn't ask for anything more.

Steve: Love doesn't mean a thing without a little faith.

- I'm so happy.
- I know.
- Or did I?
- I know Ben doesn't want me to continue and Zeke's all but given up hope, but I-I can't.
- Call me if you find anything.

Ben: I can't believe you saw mom.
Michaela: Yeah.
Ben: How'd she look?
Michaela: Uh, like mom.
Ben: Huh.
Michaela: The veil, her showing up, I... think she was trying to tell me something.
Ben: Well, I wouldn't put it past her.
Michaela: Maybe that I don't have to choose one path or another, that I can still honor Zeke's wishes and keep fighting to save his life.
Ben: I think that's exactly what mom would say.
Michaela: I was mad. At the Callings, at the world. But seeing her, I... I got to do everything I can to save Zeke.

Michaela: The way that Jace looks at me, the way that he talks to me, it's like he can see right through me. It's like he knows that...
Jared: You think... it's connected to the Calling? "Let him go"?
Michaela: I don't know.
Jared: Well, let's let 'em sweat it out overnight. We'll take another stab at them in the morning before they get on the bus to Rikers.
Michaela: Um, yeah, small problem. I'm... I'm not available.
Jared: What? You were all fired up, wanting answers. Where do you have to be that's more important?
Michaela: I'm getting married.
Jared: [taken by surprise] Wow. Tomorrow?
Michaela: Zeke's dying, J. He's got two days left. I shouldn't even be here, but I can't help but feel like Jace knows something. Something that could help save Zeke.
Jared: I'm sorry, Mick.
Michaela: He wants a final celebration, instead of being hooked up to the machines at the hospital. Look, I'm... I'm sorry. I... the last thing that I want to do is cause you pain. Grace asked if I wanted to invite you. I told her I didn't even want to tell you, let alone have you stand there at...
Jared: Mick, Mick, Mick, Mick. It's okay. I'll be there. What can I do?
Michaela: Get me a conviction.

- I love you.
- My beautiful boy.
- I promise you
- I'm not gonna give up.
- I will follow the Callings to the end of the Earth to save Zeke... to save us.

- I gotta go.
Drea: Seriously?
- Tell her I'm sorry.

- What do you think?
- Well... before the plane disappeared, no one thought
- I could beat cancer, but here I am.
- True.
- Somehow I think this is a little bit different.

- Who authorized this?!
- Will you marry me,
- Michaela?
- Yes. Yes, I will.
- What's this one?
- It was the first one
- I ever drew, and I actually never figured out what it meant.

NSA: I'm sorry it took so long for me to reach out. I had some... some other business out of the country to attend to. I came as soon as my wife sent me your SOS. It was bold of you to show up at her work, in public.
Saanvi: I didn't have a choice. The Major. She had me fired, had my license revoked, and I need to know why she's after me now.
NSA: She's cutting loose ends. A couple days ago, the switchboard at the DOD lit up like a Christmas tree. The Major found a breakthrough with your research. She needs to make sure what she discovered stays in her hands and her hands only.
Saanvi: She must have cracked it. Gotten rid of the DNA anomaly permanently.
NSA: I think it's time for me to make you disappear.
Saanvi: Run away?
NSA: It's for your own safety.
Saanvi: No, I don't think you understand. I am not hiding from her. I am coming after her.

Ben: [watching an old home movie] You should wear mom's dress. Or veil. At least, you know, a part of her will be with you in spirit.
Michaela: Yeah, I thought about that. Um... but dad got rid of all her when she died. Guess the memories were too much. Kind of like how this might be too much for me. I guess I... I didn't fully process that saying yes meant letting him pull the plug on his own life.
Ben: Why does it have to mean that?
Michaela: 'Cause that's what he wants. I mean, he... if I call off the wedding and force him back into the hospital, he will never forgive me.
[glancing at the paused movie of their mother]
Michaela: She'd know what to do.

Michaela: My stomach is in knots. I thought... I thought maybe Ben might have found something that would help save Zeke and this would all make sense, or-or I'd get a sign, a voice, a vision, something that told me that marrying him and letting him end his treatments was the right thing to do, but none of that's happened. So... I can't go through with this.
Grace: Mick.
Michaela: [Ben enters] Tell me you found something. Please, anything, Ben.
Ben: I did.
Michaela: [he hands her a gift bag, and she takes out what's inside] Is this... is this mom's veil?
Ben: It is.
Grace: I mean, that's a pretty big sign if there ever was one.
Michaela: How did you find it?
Ben: The Calling. All good things, Mick. All good things.

- Our house is officially a pumpkin again.
- Dishwasher's loaded.
- We're off the clock.
- You want to watch a movie?
- You pick.
- I'm gonna go fire these babies up.
- Mm.

Michaela: Am I supposed to be scared of you? This staring daggers at me doesn't change the fact that we found over $1 million worth of meth in your place, Jace.
Jace: I'm just thinking about the best way.
Michaela: The best way to what?
Jace: To hurt you the most. You see, I don't forgive. And I don't forget.
Michaela: I get not turning on your little brother. But, I mean, Kory? I mean... why'd he even keep you around? You're a liability, slab of meat with a temper. At least that's what he said.

Grace: What's the plane blowing up supposed to mean?
Ben: It's gotta be a sign. The question is, of what?
Michaela: I mean, you said it yourself. Maybe the Callings are trying to teach us something. Why else would you get a vision of the plane right before Zeke's Death Date?
Ben: But Zeke wasn't on the plane, Mick. I-I think you're grasping.
Michaela: Ben, for months you've been saying that our only hope of surviving the Death Date is by following these Callings. I know, okay? I know it's a long shot, but if there's any way of saving Zeke, you gotta figure out what it means.
Ben: All right. I'll drive out to the airport. I'll see if there's maybe something at the explosion site.
Grace: Just please be back in time for the wedding.
Ben: Promise. I'll be there.

Kory: I'm sorry. What did you just say?
Jared: You're telling me you're not the mastermind behind all this?
Kory: You have a vivid imagination, Detective. I'm just a bus driver.
Jared: Oh, you wanna play dumb? Oh. Well, fine by me. I mean, you're gonna go prison for so long, you're gonna forget what a bus actually looks like, much less drive one. Or... you can tell me what you know about your partners, and we can cut a deal.

[ Crying ] Don't go... please.
- I-I need you.
- I'll always be here for you, with you, okay?
- Huh?
- And I'll always be with you.

- Zeke, I'm sorry
- I wasn't there for you when you needed me most.
- Me, too.
- Look, when I'm gone,
- Mom's gonna need a friend.
- I'm gonna need you to step up and be there for her.
- She's not gonna want it, but she'll need it.

Zeke: You all right?
Michaela: I am better than all right. I'm with you. That's all that matters.
Zeke: So you're glad you said "I do"?
Michaela: Yeah. Of course.
Zeke: I know you've had reservations. Just didn't know if you still had second thoughts.
Michaela: Our situation is anything but normal. But I love you. Don't ever doubt that.

Michaela: I don't think I can do this.
Steve: I know the feeling. I couldn't breathe on my wedding day. My tux felt like an iron lung.
Michaela: She loved seeing you dressed up.
Steve: And she would have given anything to see you walk down that aisle.
Michaela: If you had met her and she was already sick, would you have married her?
Steve: Even if I knew I'd only be married to her for five minutes, I would have done it all again. In a heartbeat.

Ben: How's your research? Anything to help Zeke?
Saanvi: Uh, not since I got fired.
Ben: What?
Saanvi: Yeah, I got kicked out of my lab, had my medical license suspended. My boss tells me the government's involved.
Ben: The Major.
Saanvi: Yeah. Who else? I don't know what to do. I'm desperate. I can't get to my research, and without my license, I can't get my hands on any medication that can help Zeke's hypothermia. I need to figure out why the Major's back. It's why I need to talk to Vance.
Ben: Did you try the travel agency?
Saanvi: It's empty. Called in a Havana 9-1-1, nothing. He just vanished.
[seeing him react]
Saanvi: You know how to reach him.
Ben: Saanvi, he made me promise...
Saanvi: Ben, you are following the Callings to help Zeke! This is my way of helping him. Even if there is a slim chance that I figure this out in time, don't you think that he deserves it? Help me!
Ben: His wife.
Saanvi: You think she knows that he's alive?
Ben: 100%. He told me as much. She's a principal downtown. Now, Vance may not return your call, but he'll never ignore hers.

Olive: I can't believe this.
- It's like a dream.

- but having you believe in me, care for me, love me has been the greatest gift of my life.
- And I vow, however long I'm privileged to be your husband, to fill your world with all the love you deserve.

- It is.
- I mean, that's a pretty big sign if there ever was one.
- How did you find it?
- The Calling.
- All good things, Mick.
- All good things.

Zeke: Couldn't sleep? I've already got you beat on the cold feet.
Michaela: It's a big day. There's a lot to think about.
Zeke: Yeah.
[sitting down next to her]
Zeke: Your going through with this means the world to me. Having our families together, celebrating us... that's the memory I want to hold onto. You get that, right?
Michaela: I do, but... you can have all of that and still do a quick round of treatments.
Zeke: No more meds. No more needles. Just an epic wedding, a honeymoon, and a last night in your arms.

- loving you and supporting you in whatever choices you make in your life.
- I will never give up on you.
- And I will fight for your life -- our life together for as long as we both shall live.