The Best Martian Manhunter Quotes

Cisco: All right, J'onn, how do you feel about a little one-two combo? I'm gonna open a breach; you be ready to hit something really hard on the b-side.
Martian: Hitting hard, I can do.

Martian: [Mitch's ship is set to self-destruct] We have to go. Now!
Supergirl: The Hope totem, I'm not leaving here without it.
Martian: [speeding around, she manages to find it] Supergirl, now!

Martian: Alex said you might need my help.
Supergirl: Let's get the dino.

Supergirl: [phasing into Mitch's ship] J'onn, there's no sign of Lex or Nxyly. Anything?
Martian: [in another corridor] Negative. I'm about to search the port side of the...
Supergirl: [getting static] Wait. J'onn? J'onn, I can't...
[two LexoSuits appear and blast her backward]
Nxylgsptinz: My suit feels different.
Lex: I thought you might appreciate a little extra oomph, so I custom-fitted the Truth totem into your chest plate. You'll find the Hope totem in your left arm cannon.
Supergirl: Lex, we know about you and Nxyly in the future. We're not gonna let that happen.
Lex: It seems that you've forgotten, I always get what I want.
Nxylgsptinz: [he fires a blast of energy] Ooh. That looks like it hurts.
Lex: Just some 31st-century nanobots to soften her up.

Martian: Dreamer, can you close the dream portal?
Dreamer: I'm trying!
Brainiac: [removing the totem from Nxyly's gauntlet] I got the Dream totem.
Nxylgsptinz: No!
[sucked through the portal, the Super Friends enter the Dream Expanse, and Nia manages to portal them back to the Tower]
Supergirl: Fast thinking, Dreamer.
Lena: Naxim's ship, it's gone.
Martian: [Brainy shows her the totem] But we have this.

Martian: I checked the whole South Pacific. No sign of Lex or his helicopter.
Supergirl: Kal left me here to protect Earth, and I let his archnemesis slip through my fingers. Everything that Lex does now is because I failed.
Martian: I'm gonna cast a psychic net. I might be able to detect them.
M'yrnn: [faintly, as he searches] J'onn.
Supergirl: [he inexplicably passes out] J'onn?
[as he falls to the ground, she catches him before impact]
Supergirl: J'onn, are you okay? J'onn!