Top 30 Quotes From Mr. Big

Carrie: [voice over narration] That night, I thought I could put the whole Barbara thing out of my mind. After all, Mr. Big was with me now.
Barbara,: Nibbling his ear lobes? How sweet. Let me show you how it's really done.
Carrie: [voice over narration] So I guess you couldn't avoid a threesome. Because even if you're the only person in the bed, someone has always been there before you.
Mr. Big: Hey, what just happened? Where'd you go?
Carrie: Preoccupied.
Mr. Big: No kidding. About what?
Carrie: [voice over narration] Your ex-wife's breasts, your ex-wife's lips, your ex-wife's long legs.
Carrie: ... My column.
Mr. Big: You know, I didn't tell you I was married because it was a long time ago.
Carrie: What happened?
Mr. Big: Alienation of affection, followed by divorce. Let's not talk about the past, please.
Carrie: [voice over narration] What Mr. Big didn't realise was the past was sleeping right next to me. The next day the flesh and blood Barbara asked me to lunch.

Mr. Big: I started reading your column after we met.
Carrie: You did?
Mr. Big: Yeah, cute.
Carrie: "Cute."
Mr. Big: Well... Yeah, cute. What are you writing about this week?
Carrie: Well, I'm working on a story about men who date models. Any thoughts?
Mr. Big: Only that they're very lucky.

Carrie: You have to go out there and make friends with him
Mr. Big: What are you talking about, we're middle-aged men we don't make friends

Mr. Big: Stay.
Carrie: I can't.
Mr. Big: Why not?
Carrie: Because, dear friend, you and I are like that red wall. It's a good idea in theory, but somehow it doesn't quite work.

Mr. Big: Would you want to get married?
Carrie: Well, I didn't, didn't think that was an option.
Mr. Big: What if it was an option?
Carrie: Why? What? Do you want to get married?
Mr. Big: I wouldn't mind being married to you. Would you mind being married to me?
Carrie: No, no, not, not if that's what you wanted. I mean, is, is that what you want?
Mr. Big: I want you. So, ok.
Carrie: So really, we're, we're getting married?
Mr. Big: We're getting married. Should we get you a diamond?
Carrie: No. No. Just get me a really big closet.

Mr. Big: Interesting dress.
Carrie: Meaning?
Mr. Big: Interesting dress.

Mr. Big: That's why you need a diamond... to seal the deal.

Carrie: What? Now? What about last night, all those concerns?
Big: Fuck it. You'll need material for the sequel.

Carrie: I've done the merry go round I've been through the revolving door I feel like I met somebody I can stand still with for a minute and... don't you wanna stand still with me?
Big: You dragged me out to a park at three in the morning to ask me if I wanna stand still with you?
Carrie: ...Yes.

Mr. Big: Listen. I know what you're really pissed off about. But it's just something I've gotta do in my own time! Okay? Well, I fucking love you! All right? You know I do.... It's just a tough thing for me to say, because it always seems to get me in trouble ... when I say it. Okay?
Carrie: Okay.

[on meeting Big's new girlfriend]
Carrie: [quoting "The Way We Were"] Your girl is lovely, Hubbell.
Mr. Big: I don't get it.
Carrie: And you never did.

Carrie: I have a huge favor to ask: I want you to know my friends better.
Mr. Big: I know your friends just fine. Charlotte is the brunette, Miranda is the redhead, and Samantha is trouble.

Mr. Big: This is my third marriage. How do you think that makes me look?

Mr. Big: So what have you been doing lately?
Carrie: You mean besides going out every night?
Mr. Big: Yeah. I mean, what do you do for work?
Carrie: Well, this is my work. I'm sort of a sexual anthropologist.
Mr. Big: You mean like a hooker?
Carrie: No. I umm... I write a column called 'Sex and the City.' Right now I'm researching an article about women who have sex like men. You know, they have sex and then afterwards they feel nothing.
Mr. Big: But you're not like that?
Carrie: Well, aren't you?
Mr. Big: Not a drop. Not even a half of a drop.
Carrie: Wow! What's wrong with you?
Mr. Big: I get it... You've never been in love.
Carrie: Oh, yeah?
Mr. Big: Yeah.

Big: You know, I don't live here anymore and the Four Seasons won't check you in until 1.
Carrie: Oh, you wanna come up?
Big: Abso-fucking-lutely.

Mr. Big: Get another cocktail, woman!

Mr. Big: Are you sure?
Carrie: Abso-fucking-lutely!

Carrie: What are you doing golfing?
Mr. Big: Oh, I'm just in it for the Scotch afterwards.

Carrie: Your girl is lovely Hubbell.
Mr. Big: I don't get it.
Carrie: And you never did.

Carrie: Have you ever been in love?
Mr. Big: Abso-fucking-lutely

Mr. Big: Ever Thine, Ever Mine, Ever Ours.

[last lines]
Mr. Big: Although there are so many god damn gorgeous women out there in this city.
Carrie: What an amazing observation.
Mr. Big: But the thing is this, after a while, you just want to be with the one that makes you laugh. Know what I mean? Okay, see ya.
Carrie: [voice over narration] I take that back... Beauty is fleeting, but a rent-controlled apartment overlooking the park is forever.

Carrie: Well, I can't believe it. Same time, same place. Just you and me.
Mr. Big: Well, sort of. Meet my friend, Jack.
Carrie: Oh, hi, how are you?
Mr. Marvelous: Marvelous. Going through my second divorce. The bitch is getting everything the first bitch didn't.

Carrie: It's after twelve. You're late.
Mr. Big: Not really, I'm on London time.
Carrie: London is five hours ahead.
Mr. Big: In that case, I'm really fucking late.

[last lines]
Carrie: So you and me... Then maybe this is for real?
Mr. Big: Could be...

[to Charlotte, Samantha and Miranda]
Mr. Big: You're the loves of her life, and a guy would be lucky to come in fourth.

Mr. Big: You make me very happy.
Carrie: Yeah, yeah... put it in writing.

Mr. Big: How are things with that guy, Hot Dog?
Carrie: Berger.

Carrie: He's my boyfriend.
Mr. Big: Aren't I a little old to be introduced as your boyfriend?
Carrie: Point taken. From now on you'll be my man-friend.
Mr. Big: That sounds like a dog.
Carrie: Well if the shoe fits.

Carrie: You do this every time! *Every* time! What? Do you have some sort of radar? Carrie might be happy - it's time to sweep in and shit all over it?
Big: What? No, no, I came here to tell you something. I made a mistake. You and I...
Carrie: You and I - *nothing*! You can not do this to me again! You can not jerk me around!
Big: Carrie, listen to me. It is different this time...
Carrie: Oh, it's never different! It's six years of *never* being different! This is it! I am done! Don't call me ever again! Forget you know my number! In fact, forget you know my name! And you can drive up this street all you want - because I don't live here any more!