The Best Mr. Robot, Season 4, Episode 2 Quotes

- I need everything you have on Susan Jacobs.
- Susan Jacobs was also working for the dark army.

- If it wasn't you, and it wasn't me...
- Who was it?

- I'm just having a little trouble saying this aloud, knowing it's on the record...
- I'm worried.
- Worried about what might happen, about the repercussions.
- What repercussions?

Phillip: Consider yourself lucky, Mr. Alderson, that I was the one alerted when you walked into that apartment.
- It's my duty to dispose of any intruder, and report the attempt.
- But you didn't.

- Rad, your old walkman.
- Why's it even here?
- Mom hated music.
- Doesn't matter.
- Hold up.
- I'll take it if you don't.
- Cassettes are full-on back.

- We Rob it, she finally goes down.
- I know all about
- Cyprus national bank!
- Her money's as good as gone.
- You hear me?
- Mr. Robot: Is thather in the SUV outside?
- Welcome back, Mr. Alderson.

- How did mom get this?
Elliot: No idea.
- This wasn't for her.
- Maybe she wished it were.
- Why would she even listen to it?
- She was lonely.

- About yesterday...
- I know I was a little mental.
- We're cool.
- Are you just saying that, or...
- No, we're good.
- Let's just get this done.

- There's our problem.
- There's an endpoint.
- There must be, eventually...
- And I've reached mine.
- Since the game is what you care about, you should be happy.
- You won.

- Faceit every hack you've ever pulled off is because fsociety helped you, and right now, we're all that's left.
- Okay? If this is the biggest thing you're ever gonna do, we're doing it together.
- Give me your phone.

- You feel it, too, right?
- I guess.
- You know what? Fuckit why should I feel like a dick for being happy?
- She was an asshole to us.
- And now I don't ever have to think about her again.

- Why are you hacking
- Susan Jacobs' ecoin wallet?
- Why do you care?
- Because I do.
- I knew her.

- You know what they've done.
- You're just gonna let them keep doing it?
- You're trying to stop a speeding train by standing in front of it.
- All this... this isjusta blip!
- They won't even notice.
- Whiterose killed your daughter.

- And if it's your life you're worried about...
- Doing nothing...
- Not fighting back...
- You may as well be dead.
- I became a dead man walking...
- The minute I agreed to work with whiterose.

- You okay there, agent dipierro?
- Sorry, you just... you seem a little out of it.
- You getting enough rest?
- Can I... [Voice cracking]
- Just have some water?
- Okay.

- We are cool.
- Okay, then prove it.
- Come with me to the bank.
- What is the point?
- It's not gonna change the fact that mom's dead.
- Just fucking come with me!
- I need to go, okay?

- You threw away my mom's shit?
- It's policy.
- What the fuck is wrong with you?
[Slowly] I'll, uh, give you a few minutes.
- This is ridiculous. Let's go.
- We still have to pick up her fucking ashes.

- Dipierro: What are you talking about?
- They haven't publicly released the name, but it's agent horton.
- From the Santiago case.
- A spokesperson from the new
- York fire department has confirmed that a middle-aged man died on impact when he jumped from an eighth-floor apartment window...

- We are your hosts,
- Elliot alderson and Darlene alderson, and Angela moss. We're here to say... ready?
- All: Happy mother's day,
- Mrs. Moss!
Young: Happy mother's day, mom! I love you.
- Young Darlene and Angela: We love you, too!

- Zhang's billion-dollar machine.
- He clandestinely built it under the
- Washington township nuclear power plant.
- The deus group now understood we were working for zhang, not with him.
- His pet project, which we 'd belittled for years had been the singular purpose of the deus group all along.

- Your tenure at e corp will be over soon enough, but you will simply have to wait.
- Nothing can rock the boat now, as my project has not yet shipped.
- Yes. Yes, I understand.
- But here's the thing.
- I don't care.

- Or maybe you don't look back at it at all?
- Because deep down you know what happened, what's been happening is wrong.
- Something inside you is telling you to stop looking the other way.
- That can start here.

- You're a little unbalanced.
- The tree.

- I'm not doing this for you.
Darlene: You ready?
- I've got mom's ashes.
- Who was that?
- No one.
- I saw your phone earlier when we were here, and on the train platform.

- The last transaction in her ecoin wallet...
- At the animal shelter?

- having been so quiet these past few months.
- Is that why you're here?
- To make an attempt...
- Look, it would be a waste of both our times to speculate on why I'm here.
- The truth is simple, let's give that a shot.
- I'm resigning as ceo of e corp by end of year.

- What are you doing?
- I'm gonna listen to it.
- And you're gonna listen with me.
- I can't.
- Come on.

- I knew you wouldn't get it.
- Then why did you tell me?
- I guess, I had to know.
- Know what?
- That we'd still be okay...
- Even if you knew what I did.

- I read what she did.
- The Washington township case.

- I mean with the boxes.
- Uh... oh.
- Oftentimes like, families find sentimental value in their loved one's possessions.
- Donate everything.
- Staff are not allowed to pack up a deceased patient's belongings.
- You can put a post-it note on the boxes with the items you wish to donate.

- Not mom. Angela.
- You were right.
- She's gone.
- I mean, how do you do it?
- How do you just move on like that?
- I haven't.

- No agent wants to see their brother, their sister, on the wrong side of the law.
- I get that.
- But you know it's our duty to uphold the integrity of the bureau.
- Now, take a breath.
- Whenever you're set.
- Can you tell me who agent
- Santiago was working with?

- What are you... what does he have to do with anything?
- Well, that's what
- I was wondering.
- I mean, he freaked me the fuck out when he showed up at your building a couple months ago.
- But when I told you, you just blew it off like it was no big deal.
- I don't need to worry about him, do I?

- You should get going.
- Pull everything you have on Susan.
- Are you coming?
- I'll be right there.
- Elliot. Thanks...
- For today.

Darlene: What are you doing?
- Open it.

- There's no reason for me to keep that from you.
- Fuck it! You wanna go back to not talking to each other, blocking each other out, fighting for control...
- Look at me.
- I am telling you the truth.
- I am not the one
- Darlene talked to.