The Best Ori Prior Damaris Quotes

Dr. Daniel Jackson: That warm, fuzzy feeling you're experiencing may be the effects of a device that's inhibiting your ability to concentrate and focus your powers.
Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell: Symptoms may include dizziness, irritability...
Dr. Daniel Jackson: Nausea.
Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell: Mild nausea, and a condition known as hotdog fingers.
Damaris: It makes no difference what you do to me. But know this, the Ori are all-seeing. They are already aware of this affront to their eminence, and shall strike down those who dare to defy them.
Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell: [Mitchell looks up] Nothing yet. You?
Dr. Daniel Jackson: Drawing a blank. A little thirsty.
Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell: That doesn't count.
Dr. Daniel Jackson: No, it doesn't.

Damaris: We are beacons on the road to enlightenment.
Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell: No. You're dark side intergalactic encyclopedia salesmen. Unfortunately, the home office hasn't been quite upfront with you.
Dr. Daniel Jackson: Nice work on the metaphor.
Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell: Thank you.