The Best Philly Parisi Quotes

Philly: [after picking him up at the airport] were you waiting long?
Gigi: Not bad, we were late landing anyhow. Hey, thanks for doing this
Philly: Coming "off the lamb", every nickel counts, so how was Boston?
Gigi: It was good to be back for a while, and then you know...
Philly: [Jokingly] do I? That place is Scranton, with clams
Gigi: [Amused] so what's been going on?
Philly: Same tale, of woe
Gigi: What the hell do I hear of Tony Soprano and his mother? Some kind of "accident?"
Philly: He had her in a nursing home, you know?
Gigi: Get the fuck out of here
Philly: And this... upset Junior to end, and would Junior come after him? Tony went to the nursing home and tried to suffocate his own mother
Gigi: Maybe you shouldn't spread that rumor? That's some ugly shit
Philly: I'm only telling you. Listen, you'd be fuckin amazed...
Gigi: There's more?
Philly: He was seeing a psychiatrist
Gigi: Tony?
Philly: Fuckin broad from Montclair

- Fucking broad from montclair.
- Anyway...
- This...
- Is who leads us now.
Philly: Here you go, kid.
- There you go, you big mouth fuck!
- Fuck!