The Best Polly Dawson Quotes

Danny: It's only about seven o'clock now. You wanna go out?
Polly: Sure, let's go.
Eddie: [from the other room] Have her home by eight.

Polly: Mr. Rosen, may I ask you a question?
Mr. Rosen: Why not?
Polly: How did you deal with your daughter in love with a black man?
Mr. Rosen: At first, I was so upset I fasted for six hours. Then I said to myself: "Dundel, you're Jewish. There are people who are not so crazy about you, either!" And I realized hating was a disease and I was not gonna be a carrier.
Danny: How is your daughter doing?
Mr. Rosen: Great, fine. They're in love! What do they know?
Danny: That's wonderful.
Mr. Rosen: My wife, however, was committed three years ago.

[Danny and Polly have gone to a real estate office to buy a home together]
Mr. Rosen: Sorry about the wait, you're next.
[Danny and Polly start toward his desk]
Mr. Rosen: [to Danny] I'm sorry, young fellow, but I think this young lady was ahead of you.
Danny: No, you don't understand...
Mr. Rosen: There's no rush. There's plenty of houses. All kinds of houses. Houses, houses! Rosen has hundreds of houses!
Polly: We're together.
Mr. Rosen: I haven't got a thing.
Danny: Hey!
Mr. Rosen: Joking, just some humor, please sit down, I got plenty, sit down.
[they sit]
Mr. Rosen: Crazy kids, crazy, crazy, crazy... What are you, crazy?
Polly: What do you mean?
Mr. Rosen: What do I mean? Look how you look: White, black; where do expect the live? In the land of Nod and Oz and Disney World? It's crazy!
Polly: All right, fine. Danny we don't need this.
Danny: We'll go someplace else.
Mr. Rosen: Wait, listen. Please sit down. I happen to have the same situation. My daughter is married to a black fella. Nice man, tall. But they have problems. People like them have problems, it's a social fact. You should see where *they* live and I sold them the house!
Polly: What do you recommend?
Mr. Rosen: I recommend you find yourself a nice black fella and you find yourself a nice Jewish girl.
Danny: I'm not Jewish.
Mr. Rosen: You won't regret it.