The Best President Yuri Suvarov Quotes

Charles: [Over the phone] we need to talk
President: So talk
Charles: It's a sensitive matter: something that can't be discussed over the phone
President: Alright, come to my suite
Charles: No, you need to come to mine
President: Why?
Charles: Just... trust me
President: Trust you?
Charles: I don't need to remind you that it's in our mutual "self interest" to make sure certain "secrets" stay secret
President: Stop talking in riddles, I don't have time for this
Charles: There's a possible "leak" inside your camp, which is why we need to discuss this in my office
President: [Before hanging up] I'll be right there

Vice: [Through video conference as Karen sits nearby] I have some good news to share with you
President: And what is this good news?
Vice: We were successful in taking out the Chinese agent who was attempting to smuggle FB sub circuit board out of the country
President: Are you saying you have the component back in your possession?
Vice: No sir, the sub circuit board was destroyed when we attacked the Chinese
President: I see, I assume you have proof of this?
Vice: Yes we do: in addition to fragments from the destroyed component, I'm prepared to give you images or documentation to assure you this threat's been neutralized
President: do you mean the same documentation you planted with one of my agents?
Vice: Excuse me?
President: The same images you coerced him sending to my people: of a strike that accomplished nothing but destroying an empty building. Yes I know you exposed one of my operatives, I had him under surveillance, which is how I know about your raid on his apartment
Vice: Mr. President...
President: [Interrupts him] now if the Chinese agent in possession of the sub circuit board is allowed to transfer it to his government, the entire Russian defense system will be compromised. I told you I would hold you and your government responsible
Vice: I will not tolerate any threats from you: we're doing everything in our power to ensure this component does not reach China
President: I have already given you ample time to recover it. Now I am feeling less generous. If you do not deliver concrete and irrefutable proof to our embassy that you have recovered or destroyed this component within two hours, I will no choice but to extend my country's forward perimeter to compensate for our defensive vulnerabilities
Vice: You are talking about attacking one of our military bases: now I would urge you to consider the consequences of that. We have just as many troops in that area, and allies will not look kindly upon any unprovoked aggression on my country
President: You and I both know it will not be unprovoked. This is a matter of survival for us, it is in both our interests that you get that component back: you have two hours

President: [Talking privately, referring to the attack on the Russian motorcade] we both know who's responsible for this
President: We believe it was the same group that attacked Ontario Airport morning but we thought they were all killed in the siege
President: Obviously you were wrong
President: The situation is much more serious than you know: these terrorists have possession of a military grade nerve agent and have threatened to use it against the civilian population in Los Angeles
President: How long have you known about this?
President: We just found out about it but given this change in circumstances, I'm asking you to honor the terms of our treaty: allow my intelligence and law enforcement agencies to assess whatever intelligence your security people have on these separatists
President: You will have all that
President: Thank you
President: I hope you won't find this offensive but there's something that's been troubling me
President: What is it?
President: Mrs. Logan, her behavior, she has not been herself
President: I'm sure she was very upset on what just happened
President: Yes, I imagine she would be but I noticed this before the attack: from the moment she entered the car with Anya and me
President: The truth is that my wife has been under a doctor's care for quite a while now. She suffers from depression and anxiety. It's been very difficult for both of us
President: I'm sorry to hear that
President: Thank you

Vice: [Over the speaker phone] Mr. President, this is Vice President Daniels
President: Mr. Vice President, the last time we spoke, you said an "opportunity" had "presented" itself?
Vice: Unfortunately, that didn't "work out." There has been a "significantly new" development and I'm asking you to "hold off" on any military assault on our base
President: For what reason sir?
Vice: The Chinese agent who is in possession of the component has been tracked to a oil platform on the west coast: we assume they are waiting for transport to China. I've ordered an air strike to destroy that platform before that rendezvous can take place. I realize that you have no reason to accept what I'm telling you, not without proof at least but I implore you...
President: [Interrupts him] I believe you: just moments ago, one of our listening posts intercepted a transmission to a Chinese submarine operating in the western pacific. The point of origin is ten miles off your coast and the content suggests that the submarine is on route to pick up the component
Vice: Then you "know" I'm telling you the truth
President: You say you've already launched an airstrike against this oil platform?
Vice: Yes, that's the only way we can make absolutely certain the component's been destroyed. Sir, we're prepared to give you a real time uplink to our satellite feed of the assault operation
President: How long will your fighters reach the target?
Vice: Twenty minutes Mr. President
President: Very well but be advised: nothing less than a complete destruction of this oil platform will give us the assurance we require
Vice: Understood, stand by, the satellite feed will be there momentarily
President: I wish you luck Mr. Vice President

Vice: [Through video conference after greeting each other and introducing Karen and Tom] how can we help you?
President: Some very troubling news has been brought to my attention
Vice: What would that be?
President: The nuclear weapon that fell into terrorist's hands contain proprietary Russian technology that up until now has only been available to only your government and mine
Vice: I'm well aware of that sir
President: Then you are also "well aware" that an F-B sub circuit board from one of the weapons is now in possession of an agent of the Chinese government: do you deny that sir?
Vice: [Nervously] all I'm prepared to tell you is that we're in control of the situation
President: My Generals have confirmed that this component contains information that will "compromise" our defensive capabilities: you must stop the Chinese agent from leaving your country with it
Vice: I don't appreciate being "dictated" to. I don't need to remind you that it was Russian General who allowed those nukes to enter the US in the first place. The same Russian General who "conspired" to detonate them
President: That does not change our "concerns" about this new "development." If you do not intercept this component, my Generals have been instructed to initiate an "appropriate" response
Vice: Mr. President...
President: [Interrupts him by ending the conference] good night sir

Charles: [Over the phone] you don't need to panic
President: Do you know what he did to Pavel? He was beaten savagely, gutted like a pig, his men shot dead
Charles: I'm... sorry to hear that but we both knew that Bauer would be a difficult problem to solve
President: You know what his doing? Don't you? His eliminating everyone involved, working his way up. How long before he gets to me?
Charles: That's not going to happen
President: How could you be so sure?
Charles: Because you told me yourself, your man would never talk, if that's true, nobody outside your inner circle can point the finger at you. I promise you: Bauer is never going to know and on the upside his recent activities have given us a bit of an advantage
President: What advantage?
Charles: CTU orders concerning him have been upgraded to "shoot on sight"
President: First, you have to find him
Charles: They're going to find him... don't worry, he stay "under the radar" forever. I'll keep you posted

President: [Over the phone] I was under the impression you were going to be at the heliport for my arrival?
Charles: Yeah, well, I ran into some "trouble." I'm afraid I have bad news: it appears Mikhail Novakovich was murdered by Jack Bauer
President: What?
Charles: Bauer learned Novakovich was responsible for ordering and coordinating Hassan's assassination as well as the rest of today's activities
President: Where would he get that idea?
Charles: From me... a lunatic was going to kill me, what could I say? Think of it as "sacrificing a rook for a king"
President: Then Bauer has no idea that Novakovich was operating under my orders?
Charles: None, according to a witness, Mikhail didn't have a chance to give you up, even if he wanted to. As far as Bauer is concerned, the trail ended with Novakovich, his being hunted by every law enforcement agency in the city and I heard his been wounded
President: There is nothing more dangerous than a wounded animal
Charles: If you're so worried about Bauer, you shouldn't have given the order to kill Renee Walker: that's what "stirred up the hornet's nest"
President: If I had known you were going to find out about our activities and use the information to blackmail me into signing Taylor's peace agreement, I wouldn't have bothered with the woman
Charles: It's "water under the bridge." I needed an "opportunity" to put myself "back in the game", I'm sorry it's come at your expense. You wouldn't begrudge an old friend for a "second chance in the sun"?

President: [Over the phone] I was expecting to speak to President Palmer
Vice: My apologies, I'm afraid his "unavailable"
President: [Surprised] "Unavailable?"
Vice: Sir, I am speaking on his authority, I assume you're calling about the incident at your Consulate? I assure you this man is acting on his own and not under the orders or authority of the United States government
President: Nonetheless: this is a gross violation of our sovereignty. If your agent does not stand down, immediately, my country will have no choice but to retaliate with the most forceful diplomatic measures at our disposal
Vice: I understand your position Mr. President but before we you escalate this, you should understand we've learned that Counsel Markov is most likely in contact with Dmitri Gredenko: who we've linked to the nuclear attack that took place on US soil this morning. If that's true, we will look upon him as a co-conspirator in the attack
President: I deeply regret the tragedy that your county has experienced today but you must make these charges through proper diplomatic channels after your agent surrenders