50 Best Queen Latifah Quotes

Ellie: We've been living above an entire world, and we didn't even know it!

Delilah: You work with 3rd world orphans, so *I* can't ever be unhappy.
Robyn: Unhappy about what? Those kids would *kill* to have your life.

Robyn: There's no way Pedro could have walked out of that group home by himself. He had to be escorted out. And Yardley didn't have the authority.
Melody: But an ICE agent does.
Robyn: And I'm willing to bet that he's Yardley's partner. I saw one fitting that description at the emergency shelter.
Melody: I think I found him. Agent Ike Deleo.
Robyn: [seeing his picture] That's him.
Melody: Crestfield's Group Home is in his jurisdiction.
Robyn: All he'd have to do is produce papers saying a kid was being deported. Director wouldn't give it a second thought. Then he could just walk out with a kid, no questions asked.
Melody: Okay. So how do we figure out where Deleo took Pedro?
Robyn: We track his movements.
Melody: Well, that might be a little bit above my skill level.
Robyn: [offering a flash drive] This isn't.
Melody: A flash drive?
Robyn: Not as cool as hacking traffic cams, but... it'll do the job.

Viola: You got home late last night. Heard you banging around the kitchen. Couldn't sleep?
Robyn: Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.
Viola: Want to talk about it?
Robyn: I solve people's problems. It's what I'm good at. But right now, I have a close friend who I can't help and a lost child I can't find. I don't like feeling like this. It feels like I'm...
Viola: Powerless? Honey, that just means that you're human. You have been fighting ever since you let out that righteous cry the day you were born. And you usually win.
Robyn: Not this time, Auntie. I don't know what to do.
Viola: That's just how you feel right now. It'll come to you. Trust yourself. You can do it.

William: [surprised at seeing Dee Dee at the dance with another guy] I thought...
Dee: You thought just cuz I'm not a size 6 that nobody else would want to ask me out.

Manfred: I knew it! I knew I couldn't be the only one!
Ellie: Me too! Everybody falls out of the tree sometimes. They just won't admit it!

Robyn: [Harry is released from prison] So, I heard it was the president who intervened. Bish, you didn't. You made the call? Your golden ticket?
William: My one and only "get out of jail free" card.
Robyn: You did that for Harry?
William: No, I did that for you.
Robyn: Thank you.
William: Well, don't get too excited. There are conditions. Harry can never touch a computer again.
Robyn: [scoffing chuckle] You can't be serious.
William: It was the one condition of his release.
Robyn: That'll never stand. You know that, right?
William: He so much as checks his bank account online, he's back in Leavenworth.
Robyn: Still, I can't believe you did that.
William: Yeah, well, don't tell him about it. I don't want him to think I'm going soft.
Robyn: [teasing] Going?

Robyn: I just came to see if you found out anything else on Roy.
Harry: Yeah, well, at first, not very much. Some community college credits, rescued a Pekingese, zero social media presence. So, I decided to dig a little deeper, and the deeper I went, the more I became convinced that his electronic footprint is fake.
Robyn: What?
Harry: Yeah. Something about the specificity and the pattern of the spending. Normal spending is more random. It's, like, too perfect. You know, like it's been manufactured. Based on that and some other matrixes, I'm 99% sure that his footprint, his identity, was totally invented. He's not really Roy Hayes.

Ellie: [Manny and Diego are trapped by a meat-eating plant] That's it, I'm tearing that thing out through the root.
Buck: Do that, and it'll clamp shut forever.
Ellie: What?
Buck: Calm down, preggers. Don't get your trunk in a knot. I'll have them out of there before they're digested.
Manny: Digested?
Buck: They'll be nothing but bones in three minutes. Well, maybe five for the fat one.
Manny: I'm not fat!

Gastornis: When you drink water through your trunk, does it taste like boogers?
Ellie: Uh no... well... Sometimes, Now let's move!

Delilah: Where did you come from?
Robyn: I've been watching you for the last ten minutes. You just didn't see me.
Delilah: Whoops.
Robyn: Yeah. You have to be hyper-aware of your surroundings at all times. And that's what today's training is gonna be about. Situational awareness cornerstone of self-defense. Well, you can start by retiring this for the day.

Robyn: Okay, the tiniest thing can trigger recall. Sights, sounds, smells. You never know.

Manny: Oh, we need a code word. Yeah, something that says, "the baby's coming."
Ellie: [thinks a moment] How about, "Aaah! The baby's coming!" How's that?
Manny: Nah, too long. We need something short and punchy, like, uh... "peaches"!
Ellie: Peaches?
Manny: I love peaches. They're sweet and round and fuzzy, just like you.
Ellie: You think I'm round?
Manny: Uh... Round is good. Round is foxy!

Ellie: [Grabs fern] Here, boy! Here! Come on! Good boy! Come on! Climb on.
Manny: Are you nuts? We're not getting on that thing!
Ellie: It's either this dinosaur or that one! Pregnant lady wants to live! Yabba-dabba-doo!
[Slides down dinosaur's back]

Robyn: Personally I never liked the idea of driver-less cars, I prefer to be in control.

Robyn: [leaving a voicemail] Hey, Bish, it's me. They're shipping Harry out. Please tell me you have a miracle up your sleeve, because I'm all out. I can't let it end like this.

Roxie: Mr. Flynn!
[pretends to faint]
Billy: Someone open this door immediately!
Ms. Sunshine: Oh, my God! Roxie! What is it, dear?
Roxie: Oh! Oh! Oh, no no no. Don't, don't worry about me. Oh, I only hope the fall didn't hurt the baby.
Matron: Baby?
Velma: Shit!

Det. Marcus Dante: Regarding your mystery man... ballistics on the gun are gonna take a minute, but I did get a hit on the prints. His name is Roy Hayes.
Robyn: Okay, so his prints were in the system. Why? Do you know?
Det. Marcus Dante: Wasn't for a crime, but prints get logged for all sorts of reasons. Company background checks, teaching jobs, um, military applications.

Robyn: Hey, Dee.
Delilah: Hey, Mom. What's going on?
Robyn: I'm just down here keeping an eye on your Aunt Vi. She's had a rough couple of days.
Delilah: Is she okay?
Robyn: Yeah, she's fine. You know, remember when I told you that flight can be your best weapon?
Delilah: Mm-hmm.
Robyn: Well, Aunt Vi was put in a position where running was not an option.
Delilah: What happened?
Robyn: The details aren't important. Just that sometimes in life, you will have your back against the wall. And you will have no choice but to fight your way out of it. That's where training comes in. And having good people you can count on. Like Aunt Vi does. Like you always will.
Delilah: [EXHALES SOFTLY] It's hard to believe someone as strong as Aunt Vi could actually be afraid.
Robyn: Did you ever run away from danger?
Delilah: Yes. And I don't mind admitting it. Because if I hadn't, I probably wouldn't be here today. And there's nothing more important to me than that.
Robyn: I love you.
Delilah: Oh, I love you, too. I love you more.
Delilah: I'm gonna go get ready for bed.
Robyn: Yeah. That sounds like a good plan.Matter of fact, I'm gonna join you.

Buck: [Using dinosaur skulls like they're talking using his own voice]
[skull one]
Buck: They'll never survive. It's dangerous out there by day.
Buck: [skull two] And it's even worse at night.
Buck: [skull one] Plus, their guide is a lunatic.
Buck: [skull two] You mean Buck? He's wacko.
Buck: I am not!
Buck: [brings up another skull on his foot] And his feet smell.
Buck: Oh, shut up!
Buck: [skull on his foot] You shut up.
[Buck grabs his foot with the skull on it]
Manny: He's strangling his own foot.
Ellie: Maybe we should keep going.
Buck: [skull three] What? And give Rudy a midnight snack? Not likely.
Buck: The skull's right. Take a load off, Manny. We'll camp here for the night. Now, who's hungry?
Buck: [skull three] I am!
Buck: You don't need the calories.

Thelma: Just give it a few seconds to work. Come on, breathe with me. Breathe with me, Rhyme. Rhyme! Come on, now... Hang on, Rhyme. Hang on, man.
Amelia: Is he gonna make it?
Thelma: If he does, he won't be happy.
Amelia: What are you talking about?
Thelma: He's already finalized arrangements to self-terminate... He's got some doctor friend to help with his "final transition" as he calls it.
Amelia: But suicide? I mean...
Thelma: It's the seizures. Any one of them could put him into a vegetative state. That's what he fears more than anything.

Robyn: Mel's doing a great job with you, but if I'm gonna train you, too, you're gonna have to shore up your fundamentals.
Delilah: Okay.
Robyn: Stamina, patience, technique. All necessary to build a firm foundation. The best discipline for that is boxing, so I had Dante pull a favor and hook you up with someone.
Delilah: Boxing coach?
Robyn: The best in the city. Trust me, when he's done with you, your form will be pristine.
Delilah: I don't know, "fundamentals" sounds a lot like starting over.

Buck: Now then, eyes forward, back straight... oh, and breathe in the toxic fumes and you'll probably die.
Ellie: Toxic fumes?
Buck: Just another day in paradise!

Robyn: [about Mel's rape] What happened with your guy?
Melody: Who knows and who cares? That part of my life was over long ago.
[walks off]
Harry: [quietly] He lives in a studio apartment in Nevada... I screw with his credit from time to time, and every so often his identity keeps being stolen. No one messes with my woman.

Peaches: What if I never see him again? And the last thing we did was fight.
Ellie: Hey, your father is the toughest, most stubborn mammoth I've ever met. He'll come back for us. That's a promise.

Captain: You got a smart mouth, and it's gonna get you in trouble someday.
Thelma: Yeah, and it also may bite your ass if you don't stop tryin' to aggravate my patient!

Diego: Whoo! My paws are burning, baby! They're burning! I gotta tip-toe. Tippy-toe. Tippy-toe.
Ellie: Excuse me, twinkle toes! Giving birth here.
Diego: Oh, right, sorry. You okay?
Ellie: Am I okay? Do you know anything about childbirth?
Diego: Not really. But Manny's coming.
Ellie: Diego, I'm scared. Can I hold your paw?
Diego: Yeah, of course.
[Groans as Ellie takes paw and squeezes hard]
Diego: Just go with the pain.
[Ellie screams]
Diego: It's just a contraction.
Ellie: No!
[Points to dinosaur and screams]
Diego: Don't worry about a thing. You're doing fine.
[Sees dinosaur]
Diego: It's going great. Excuse me.
[Bonks dinosaur on head, dinosaur grabs Diego's leg and pulls him over ledge]
Diego: Just keep breathing!
Ellie: Diego!
Diego: [Pops back up holding two dinosaurs] Just breathe! That's the important thing.
[Conks dinosaurs' heads together, and jumped by another]
Diego: Oh!
Ellie: You can do it! Push! Push!
[Diego pants and lays on back as though giving birth]
Diego: I can't do it!
Ellie: Just one more big push!
Diego: You have no idea what I'm going through!
[Ellie looks at him]
Diego: Okay, forget I said that. Let's do this together.
[Pushes log holding back two dinosaurs over ledge]
Diego: [Coaching Ellie in breathing] Oh, getting dizzy. Manny!
[Helps Manny up]
Diego: Come on, buddy I think we're getting close.
[Baby cries]

Manny: You two were supposed to be responsible uncles!
Crash: What? I didn't see Peaches sneak off maybe 15 or 20 minutes ago.
Eddie: Or that she went with Louis to the falls.
Manny: The falls? Where the delinquents go?
Ellie: Relax, it's just where the kids hang out.
Manny: No, no, it's a gateway hangout. First it's the falls, then she's piercing her trunk, and the next thing you know, she's addicted to berries.
Ellie: [Chuckling] Manny! You are overreacting. She's not gonna be your little girl forever.
Manny: I know. That's what worries me.

Matron: [singing] Don't you know that this hand washes that one, too? When you're good to Mama, Mama's good to you.

Alice: They're stingin' me through my suit!

William: [to Dee Dee] Would you ever wear white after Labor Day?
Dee: If it's clean and I can button it, I'll wear anything.

Ellie: [Talking about Sid being missing] This isn't your fault. It's bigger than both of us. We have to get Sid
Manny: Yeah. But if I have been a better friend to him... we wouldn't be here.
Buck: [interrupts] Better friend, Are you pluckin' my whiskers? You risked your life, your mate and your baby to save your buddy! Not the best husband or father... but a darn good friend!

Ellie: What about me is attractive?
Manfred: Your... butt?
Ellie: What about it?
Manfred: It's... big?
Ellie: [flattered] You're just saying that.
Manfred: No, I mean it. It's huge. Biggest darned butt I've ever seen.
Ellie: That is really sweet.

Eddie: So, Why do they call it the Chasm of Death?
Buck: Well, We tried big smelly crack but uh, that just made everybody giggle!
Manny: Well now what?
Buck: [Buck pulls on a cord and a large ribcage on a vine appears] Madam...?
[gestures for Ellie to get on]
Manny: Whoa! She is not doing that!
Buck: Bup bup bup bup! Rule number 1...?
Eddie: Ooh ooh ooh!
[raises his hand in the air]
Buck: Ah! Come on mammoth! You're supposed to have a good memory!
Ellie: Always listen to Buck!
[walks onto the rib cage]
Buck: Now eyes forward, Back straight and
Buck: breath in the toxic fumes and you'll probably die.
Buck: Just another day in paradise!
[cuts the vine to release the rib cage]
Manny: Wait!
Manny: [moment of silence and then sees the empty ribcage move towards them] Ellie? You okay?
Ellie: [calling from the other side] You have to try this!
Buck: Alright! Now Pile on everyone! Couldn't be easier!
Buck: [the cage is stranded in the middle of the fumes] Don't panic! Just some uh technical Difficulties! Keep holding it in boys!
Eddie: [Stops holding his breath] I cant take it anymore!
Crash: He breathed it!
Crash: now I'm breathing it!
[crash & eddie make choking noises]
Eddie: [in a squeaky voice] Hey! We're not dead!
Crash: [in a squeaky voice] You sound ridiculous!
Eddie: [in a squeaky voice] Me? You should hear you!
[Both laugh hard]
Eddie: [in a squeaky voice] Alright Alright. and a one, and a two...
Crash,19043: [in a squeaky voice, singing] Christmas, Christmas time is near...

Robyn: See, sometimes it's about what doesn't belong. And listen, even if you can't figure it out right away, always trust your gut. If it's telling you that something is off, it probably is.
Delilah: Thank you for making the time to train me. Really means a lot.
Robyn: I will always make time for you, no matter what.

Robyn: Whoa. Never sit with your back to the room.
Delilah: All right.
Robyn: Now, the first thing I do when I walk into a space like this, you identify your exits.
Delilah: Okay. There. And there. Good.
Robyn: Then you watch and listen with your entire body. For instance, that woman there what's her story?
Delilah: Uh, I'm-I'm not really sure.
Robyn: Well, look at her non-verbal cues. What's she saying?
Delilah: She looks anxious, uncomfortable, like she's waiting to meet someone that she's not excited to see. An ex?
Robyn: Could be, but look at the way she's dressed. She wants to impress, but it's not romantic. Her outfit is expensive, but look just behind the collar.
Delilah: The price tag?
Robyn: She wants to give off an air of wealth. My guess would be an old friend with a new zip code.

[Velma asks Moma how much it will cost her for a phone call]
Matron: Come on, Vel, you know how I feel about you. You're like family to me, one of my own.
Matron: I'll do it for fifty.

Ellie: [a Tyrannosaurus has come forward] I thought those guys were extinct.
Manny: Well then, that is one *angry* fossil.

Matron: [singing] Let's all stroke together, like the Princeton crew. When you're strokin' Mama, MAMA'S STROKIN' YOU!

Manny: Guys don't talk to guys about guy problems. They just... punch each other on the shoulder.
Ellie: That's stupid!
Manny: To a girl. To a guy that's like six months therapy! Fine.
[walks over to Diego, punches him in shoulder]
Diego: Ouch. What was that for?
Manny: [pause] I don't know.

Robyn: Such a nice day out. Enjoy it. Take it all in. The sights, the sounds, the smells. Now tell me one big difference in situational awareness between here and that cafe.
Delilah: Out here, you can't sit with your back to the wall.
Robyn: That's right. See, inside, you could limit the scope of your surroundings to a 180-degree field of vision. But when you're on the move, that 180 turns into a full 360.
Delilah: That's a lot of ground to cover.
Robyn: It is, and since you don't have eyes in the back of your head, how do you do it?
Delilah: Well, sights, sounds, smells. You use your other senses. Yeah, especially your hearing. Listen for changes. Every environment has its own rhythm. Sounds that repeat. You hear it?
Delilah: Hmm. Footsteps.
Delilah: Birds chirping.
Delilah: The dog barking.
Robyn: That's right. Now, if that beat changes, that means something new is happening, and you have a split-second to evaluate whether that change signifies a threat.
Delilah: That's a lot to take in.
Robyn: It is. And you have to decipher all that without losing sight of what's right in front of you. For example, that guy.
Delilah: The big one.
Robyn: Mm-hmm.
Delilah: He looks angry.
Robyn: Yeah, well, you don't know whether he's having a bad day, or whether he has ill intentions, and you don't know what's under his jacket.
Delilah: So I stay on guard until after he passes
Robyn: What if he doesn't let you pass? What if he pulls a gun on you and tries to force you into a car?
Delilah: Drop and attack from the ground? Grab his wrist, and use his momentum against him? Wait, I know. Um, attack his soft spots: eyes, neck, groin.
Robyn: No, baby girl. You run! As far and as fast as you can!
Delilah: Really?
Robyn: That guy's got 12 inches and 150 pounds on you. Sometimes flight is your best weapon of self-defense. Know when to use it. I guess I have a lot to learn.I guess I have a lot to learn.
Delilah: I guess I have a lot to learn.

Manny: Peaches, come on. Let's talk about this!
Peaches: [snapped] How could you embarrass me in front of my friends?
Manny: You deliberately went where you weren't supposed to!
Peaches: Ugh! You can't control my life!
Manny: I'm trying to protect you! That's what fathers do!
Peaches: Well, I wished you weren't my father!
[Manny feels shocked at what Peaches angrily said, she sadly walks off]
Ellie: She's just upset, honey. Peaches, it's not the end of the world.

Robyn: What about the dumpster? What do you feel when you look at it?
Eric: Scared.
Robyn: That's good. Instinct can be a form of memory recall.
Eric: Okay, why would I be scared of a dumpster?
Robyn: I mean, if I had to guess, I'd say you were running from someone, you tried to hide in here and banged your head.

[first lines]
Manny: [upon hearing an earthquake] What, what was that? Ellie, did you hear that?
Ellie: I heard it, Manny; whatever it is, it's miles away.
Manny: Peaches, you all right? Where is she, no teenager is ever up early.
Ellie: Whoa! Easy, warden. She's not on lockdown.

Eric: Why-why would I have something like that on me?
Robyn: In my experience, people who have a gun on them are either in trouble, or they're looking to start some.
Eric: Any chance there's a third scenario? 'Cause neither of those sound great.
Robyn: Listen, I know you're in a difficult position, but this kind of thing is not what I do.

Ellie: Manny! Pineapples!
Buck: Pineapples?
Manny: She gets cravings.
Ellie: Pomegrantes? Grapefruits! Nectarines?
Diego: She's ordering a fruit cocktail.
Ellie: Come on, think! Peaches!
Manny: Peaches? Peaches! The baby! What, what now?
Diego: This? Not good.
Manny: [Freaking out] The baby's coming!
[to Crash and Eddie]
Manny: Did you guys hear that? Cause sometimes I imagine it in my head, but...
Crash: Can you try to hold it in?
Ellie: Can somebody slap him for me?
Eddie: [Slaps Crash] Done and done.
Manny: Just sit tight. We're coming!

Buck: What are you doing here?
Ellie: Our friend was taken by a dinosaur.
Buck: Well, he's dead. Welcome to my world. Now, go home. Off you pop!

Manny: [looking at Eddie & Crash singing] Are you crazy?
Diego: [lets go of his breath, in a squeaky voice] Its not poison!
[surprised by his voice, he laughs hysterically with Eddie & Crash]
Crash: [in a squeaky voice] That is Sooo Disturbing!
Buck: [from the other side] Stop laughing! All of you!
Crash: [in a squeaky voice, mimicking Bucks accent] Stop Laughing all of you!
[All laugh hysterically]
Manny: [in a squeaky voice, mimicking Bucks accent] Whats rule number 1?
[All laugh hysterically]
Ellie: They are just laughing, what's so bad about that?
Buck: They died laughing!
[points down the chasm at laughing skeletons of dinosaurs]
Ellie: [gasps] Stop laughing!
Manny: [in a squeaky voice] You know whats funny though? We are trying to save Sid, and now we are all gonna die!
[all laugh hysterically]
Eddie: [in a squeaky voice] And i don't even like Sid!
Crash: [in a squeaky voice] Who does? He's an idiot!
[All laugh hysterically]
Diego: [in a squeaky voice] Thats for getting me into this mess! Its the most fun i've had in years!
Manny: [in a squeaky voice] Thank YOU, for deserting the herd, that was totally SUPER!
[moment of silence and then they all laugh hysterically]
Manny: [All notice Buck above the cage trying to release it free and holding his breath, Manny begins to tickle him with his trunk] Coo chee Coo chee Coo!
Buck: [In a normal voice] Stop That!
Buck: Don't you see?
[in a squeaky voice]
Buck: We are all gonna die!
[All look at him and begin laughing hysterically including Buck]
Ellie: [on the other side] I gotta do everything huh?
[Ellie releases the rope and sets the cage loose]
Eddie: [in a squeaky voice] Sometimes, i wet my bed!
Crash: [in a squeaky voice] Thats alright, sometimes I wet your bed!
[All Laugh hysterically]
Manny: [the cage reaches the other side and everyone apart from Buck tumbles out breathing for air while laughing. In a normal voice] Uhhh, I'm not sure how much of that you could hear...?
Manny: Oh i heard all of it
Eddie: [to crash] You wet my bed?
Crash: That was just gas talk dude.

Ellie: I thought fat guys were supposed to be jolly.
Manfred: I'm not fat. It's this fur. It makes me look big. It's poofy.
Ellie: Oh, okay.
[to Crash and Eddie]
Ellie: He's fat.

Dee: Excuse me while I go to the, um... the... um. Oh, hell, I'm going to the bathroom.