The Best Ryan Quotes

Ryan: No, you misunderstand me. I'm not afraid for myself. I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you. Like I couldn't protect them.
Captain: You mean, your High Guard crew.
Ryan: The CO Of my Lancer regiment was a Nietzschean. Major Iskander Kassad. He was brutal, sharp. His troops revered him like a god. And in exchange, he slaughtered them. He slaughtered them while I watched. He'd sabotaged me. I couldn't intervene. And it wasn't just the violence that staggered me, it was my own helplessness. I thought I was invincible, and then I found out nobody's invincible, Captain.

Ryan: Sir, you can't get the fleet into formation to depart in three hours.
Captain: But we can set one hell of an ambush.
Ryan: You intend to fight.
Captain: I intend to win.

Andromeda: The fleet is turning toward the Achilles and powering up their engines.
Tyr: They are unarmed, are they not?
Mila: That depends on your point of view. We still have ourselves.
Captain: True, but attacking us is a little self-defeating, don't you think?
Ryan: Since when did AI Stand for artificial insanity?

Ryan: Sir, I'm an AI. We were built to obey orders, not to give them.
Captain: Yes, yes, yes, and humans were built to spear antelope and live in caves. But sooner or later, we all outgrow what we were built to do.