The Best Satipo Quotes

[Indy triggers a hidden booby trap, which fires a poisoned dart into a stick]
Indiana: [hands Satipo the stick] Stay here.
Satipo: [shrugs] If you insist, señor.

Satipo: Let us hurry. There is nothing to fear here.
Indiana: That's what scares me.

[Indiana needs his bullwhip to swing across a chasm]
Indiana: Give me the whip.
Satipo: Throw me the idol.
[they both see a stone door closing]
Satipo: No time to argue! Throw me the idol, I'll throw you the whip!
Indiana: [throws the idol] Give me the whip!
Satipo: [drops the whip] Adiós, señor.

Indiana: [Indy's first lines] This is it... This is where Forrestal cashed in.
Satipo: A friend of yours?
Indiana: A competitor... he was good. He was very good.