The Best Senator Philo Quotes

Bail: We cannot allow the Chancellor to move this Enhanced Privacy Invasion Bill forward.
Senator: We're all in agreement then.
[Cad Bane enters the room and shoots two gunshots into the ceiling, startling Philo]
Cad: Morning, Senators. You should all consider yourselves to be in my power.
[the other bounty hunters begin to enter the room]
Cad: As long as everybody behaves, this will be quick and painless. Do nothing, and it will all be over soon.
Senator: I don't know who you think you are, but I, for one, have no intention of listening to this kind of insolence.
[Philo walks past Bane, who proceeds to pull out his blaster and shoot the senator in the back, who slumps over dead]
Cad: All right then. If you'll all gather at the center of this lovely atrium, my co-workers and I will relieve you of any communication devices.
Padmé: [whispering to Bail] I see five of them here in the room. If we...
Bail: [whispering back] What are you going to do? It's not like we carry weapons.