Top 50 Quotes From Supergirl, Season 3, Episode 23

James: Wait, he wants you to move to the future?
Winn: I know, dude. It's... it's insane. Right? And-and... plus, I don't know where to begin to solve a problem like that. Like, I... I don't know what Brainy was thinking, but he is malfunctioning.
James: Or he's thinking you're the smartest dude he knows.
Winn: [tossing the case Brainy gave him on the table] Oh, and then there's this.
James: [walking over to look] And what is "then there's this"?
Winn: Oh, you know, just my design. Brainy brought it back from the future. I... apparently, it's... it's an artifact, and my apparatus saved countless lives or something.

Lena: [waking from her coma, Sam finds herself floating above her bed] It worked.
Ruby: Mom, you're super.
Samantha: [climbing off the bed] Where are they?
Alex: They went after Reign and the witches
Samantha: Don't worry. I got this.
[she super-speeds out of the room]

Alex: You have no idea how happy I am that you came back. Are we gonna be okay?
Kara: We're gonna be okay.

Mon: Well, thank you for being here. I know the circumstances weren't what you were expecting. And I'm sorry.
Imra: Don't be. These things happen for a reason. It's important that we both have our closure. The distance has made me realize our marriage was never what it should have been. I mean, the fact that I didn't feel I could tell you about the Pestilence mission. The fact I lied to you... I'm sorry.
Mon: Yeah, but we were still pretty good partners in the Legion, huh?

Vita: [J'onn slaps a pair of kryptonite cuffs on her] What is this devilry?
J'onn: A little taste of home.

Winn: Supergirl, the-the-the waterfront.
Supergirl: We're on our way.
[the Legion cruiser appears behind her and Alura]
Winn: Okay, looks like we have some help.
Imra: You didn't think I'd miss out on the fun.

Brainiac: Killing Pestilence saved the future from the Blight. Millions of people were spared. Including my... extremely distant relative. The evil one, who has created a plague to wipe out all AIs other than himself. In short, all AIs are in danger. And I can no longer stay there. The future needs heroes. The future needs leaders.
Mon: The future has leaders.
Brainiac: The future needs you, Mon-El. To fight. And it needs Winn to take my place in the Legion and save the AIs.
Winn: Uh... what? No. Okay, rewind. First of all, you've told me hundreds, literally hundreds of times, that I am far below a twelfth-level intellect. And... and... how could I possibly be your replacement?
[Brainiac places a thin plastic case on the table, which contains an aged piece of paper with the drawing Winn showed to Demos]
Winn: How'd you get this? What... what is- what is this?
Mon: That's from the National Archives.
Brainiac: You're right. And it's Winn's design.
Winn: The Nat... no. This... they... it... it didn't work! No, it didn't... it couldn't save Demos...
Brainiac: Regardless of what happened with your friend, this design is the foundation of some of the future's most groundbreaking technology. It has saved countless lives. And this, this dirty piece of paper, is an artifact, treasured centuries from now.
[sliding the case to Winn]
Brainiac: The future needs you.
[to Mon-El]
Brainiac: Both of you.

Lena: To saving the world.
James: Hear, hear.
[his phone rings]
James: Mm. Excuse me.
[answering the call]
James: Yeah. Oh, I have a comment. I'm the Guardian.

M'yrnn: I'm sorry I couldn't give you the rest.
J'onn: Don't apologize. Don't.
M'yrnn: I had a good life.
J'onn: I'm not ready.
M'yrnn: You are. You looked into the flames, and you had no fear.
J'onn: That's because you were with me.
M'yrnn: That will never change, J'onn. Never. Live as H'ronmeer taught, among the people. Promote peace. And be happy, my son.

Alex: Winn, did you track down the source of the terraforming? Or... or-or Reign's location?
Winn: Still working on it.
Supergirl: What about Sam? Has she woken up?

Reign: [with Supergirl in a headlock] You cannot win. There is no prison you can build that can contain me. There is no one on this planet of equal power that can kill me.
Samantha: That's what you think.

Lena: [Alex sits with Sam] Any changes?
Alex: No. Her vitals are weak, but they're steady.
Lena: We just have to hope she's strong enough to make it to the Fountain.
Alex: I know she will be. She's warrior for Ruby.

Winn: [on the Legion cruiser] Eh... ahh! Hey, Mon... Incoming! Incoming!
[his chair swings around out of control; Mon-El taps a control and it stops]
Winn: The future's gonna be a steep learning curve.

J'onn: Agent Schott. You have been a fine agent, and a spectacular friend.
Winn: I'm gonna miss you, too, Papa Bear.
James: [sharing a secret handshake] Do not tell Clark I taught you that.
Winn: No promises.

Lena: You know, you're really wonderful with Ruby. You're gonna make a natural mother.
Alex: Yeah, and yet I haven't made any steps to, uh, make that a reality. It took me forever to find Maggie. So what am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to hope that I fall in love again with someone who wants to have kids? Or do I try and do this on my own? And if so, how? I mean, it's not like my job is conducive to being a single parent. But then again, if we don't stop Reign, I guess this all just a moot point.
Lena: Well, that's true. But you've identified what you want, and that's half the battle. People like you and me, we do what it takes to get what we want. And when we defeat Reign, I have no doubt you'll figure it out.

James: What happened?
Winn: J'onn's ship just sent out a distress signal.
Supergirl: A distress call? Why would Selena do that?
Winn: A trap? I-I'm just guessing.
J'onn: Regardless, I've been able to access the ship's sensor. My craft is sitting near a great power source. I believe it might be the site of the terraforming.
Supergirl: But Sam is still unconscious. We need her around if we're to stand a chance against Reign.

Selena: Where is she?
Vita: Perished.
Selena: No. No, New Krypton must rise.
Dark: The cauldron is frozen. Dead, useless.

Kara: I still can't get over J'onn. Following in his father's footsteps. Leaving the DEO. I did not see that coming.
Alex: Yeah.
Kara: What about you, Director Danvers? You're just so brave.
Alex: Yeah, look at you. Okay? I mean, leaving your mom after you just found her, coming back to Earth. I mean, that takes courage.
Kara: Mm. I just realized that everything that makes me me is here. This is my home. With you. On this couch, with this insanely huge pizza that we just downed.
Alex: There's no pizza on Argo, huh?
Kara: Nope.
Alex: That's a shame.

Mon: Well, you did it. Just like a Greek myth, you went down to the underworld, and slayed the three-headed monster and saved Persephone.
Supergirl: Uh, I think in the myth, Persephone eats pomegranate seeds, and is confined to the realm of Hades forever.
Mon: Yeah, well, that just strengthens my point, because the Greek gods have nothing on you.
Supergirl: I couldn't have done it without you.
Mon: No, that's not true. This, uh... this victory was yours. It was flawless.

Mon: What's on your mind?
Supergirl: Before we went to Argo, I... I just had this thought that I could be Kara Zor-El, ordinary citizen. That I would feel like I was home. But when we were fighting Reign and the witches, I had this moment, this realization that Argo City's not my home anymore. National City is. Earth is. And my mission is to protect it. I mean, my whole life is here.
Mon: Yeah.
Supergirl: Messy, complex. Balancing Kara and being a hero, that's... that's who I am.

M'yrnn: Our time is short, it seems.
J'onn: Give them all to me. Every memory. I can take it.
M'yrnn: We haven't the time. But there is one more I must give you.
[he takes hold of J'onn's shoulders, and a memory appears]
M'yrnn: This is the dawn of our kind. She was the first keeper of the sacred scrolls. This is the moment she received them.

Supergirl: You're all clear, kid. Now let's blow this thing and go home.
Brainiac: I assume that's some sort of film reference.
Supergirl: We never showed you "Star Wars"? Not a single Star War?

Winn: Hey, Brainy. J'onn said that you, uh, want to talk to me.
Mon: Hey, sorry, Winn, just, uh... could you give us a moment? We're just talking about some Legion...
Brainiac: Oh, no. This involves Winn, as well.
Winn: [simultaneously with Mon-El] It involves me?
Mon: It involves him?
Brainiac: Oh, yes. The Legion needs the both of you.

Selena: [trying to re-ignite the cauldron] A force field.
Reign: They're here.

reporter: [on TV] Meanwhile, Superman saves Madagascar. More from our reporter on the ground.
Guardian: Kick some ass, Clarke.

James: Winn. You are a genius. The only person who doubts that's you. Question is, what do you wanna do?
Winn: I made a shrine to, like, a cup full of dirt from the future.
James: That's weird.
Winn: Shut... shut up. You know, and actually going to the future, yeah, that's, like, beyond my wildest dreams. But th- no, this is my home. Why... I-I have you and Kara, and Alex and J'onn. Like, you guys... you guys are my family. I can't... that's... that's... that's too hard.
James: [sighing] I took off my mask today.
Winn: Wait, what?
James: Yeah, I took it off. I... I met this woman with her kid, and she-she was in danger. Panicking. And there was nothing I could do to get through to her. So, I don't know if it was the humanity in my eyes, or-or my real voice. But after I...
[he pantomimes]
James: She instantly found her calm. And that makes me want to unmask all the time. But I get it, it's just... it does feel too hard.

Supergirl: [the terraforming quakes abruptly end] M'yrnn stopped it.

Samantha: [bringing Reign to the Dark Valley] Welcome home. This one's for Ruby!
[she slugs Reign, hard]
Samantha: This one's for Ruby.
[she does it again]
Samantha: This one... this one's for me.
[a third punch, just as hard]

Supergirl: [saying goodbye to Winn] You were the first person I told I was Supergirl. You made my suit, kept it safe. You've been a true friend. I'm really gonna miss you.

Lena: [watching Sam in her medbay bunk] She's gonna come through this, right? She's gonna be able to fight Reign.
James: No doubt in my mind.

James: Before you came back from Argo, Lena figured out that she could end Reign, with a lethal dose of Kryptonite. Now, she wouldn't do that when Sam and Reign were connected. But now...
Supergirl: No. I don't kill. Not even her. There's gotta be another way.
Alura: What way? You can't contain her. You said she's grown invincible to everything that would normally hurt a Kryptonian. Look, sometimes, the thing we thought we'd never do, the thing that goes against our very core, is the one thing that we must do.
J'onn: If all else fails, and we have no other recourse, I agree. We do what we must.
Supergirl: [reluctantly] Okay. Whatever it takes.
J'onn: Send Mon-El and the Legion the coordinates to my ship. We'll meet them there.

Lena: Sam, all your blood tests came back, and they are normal. There is no trace of any Kryptonian DNA. You are a hundred percent human.

Kara: [seeing a news report about James' revelation as the Guardian] He did it.
Alex: How about Winn joining the Legion?
Kara: Do you think he'll make them new outfits?
Alex: Oh, absolutely.

Samantha: Well, I came to say thank you, but I think Ruby just did that for the both of us.
Alex: Yeah.
Ruby: You made me feel safe when everything was horrible, and you made me have faith that my mom would get better. And I don't know what I would've done without you.
Alex: Well, I mean, you're a pretty great roomie.

Supergirl: [Winn is leaving to join the Legion] He's a hero.
Alura: So are you, Kara Zor-El. I am so proud of you. You stuck to your ideals, and found a way when there was none. I will miss you, my daughter.
Supergirl: [hugging her] I love you, mom.
Alura: I love you. And I will bring Selena and the witches back with me. They will stand a just trial, I promise you.

[last lines]
Lena: [with a glowing sample of Harun-El] Ms. Tessmacher, we're ready to begin phase two of our trials.

Alex: Supergirl, did Sam get there?
Supergirl: She did, but I screwed up. I need you to find me a disruption.
Alex: A disruption?
Supergirl: I need to go back in time, like the Legion.
Winn: You can't breathe in space.
Supergirl: I'm wearing Mon-El's ring. I can breathe with it on. If I can turn back time, I could use the electricity in the Harun-El to take us to the Fountain of Lillith.
Winn: Okay, but it disrupts... the-the pressure alone is gonna crush you.
Supergirl: Just find me a disruption, now!

Supergirl: [killing Reign has inadvertently killed everyone else] J'onn.
J'onn: Supergirl. Mon-El gave his life to save me. All that time I spent with my father, I'd learned nothing. I still came in fighting like a Manhunter.
Supergirl: No, this is my fault. I came in here ready to kill her. I knew I should have found another way. I knew it. I... I've lost track of what I stand for. What have I done?
[as she spots the Harun-El nearby, she gets an idea and takes Mon-El's Legion ring]
Supergirl: The Rock split them apart. It could put them together. There was a prison strong enough to contain her.

Winn: I gotta go. I've been... I've been searching for my calling, you know. This... this is it. I must save... save the future. What about- what about you?
James: I can't keep waiting on the world to change. My future's now.

Woman: My son! My son is in there! My son's on the second floor. Please...
Guardian: You cannot go in there.
Woman: Please, I've gotta get him.
Guardian: No one will get hurt.
Woman: Get out of my way! My son, I have to get him.
Guardian: Listen to me.
[removing his helmet]
James: I will get him. You have to trust me.

Mon: I have loved fighting by your side. Being there through all of it, the ups, the downs, the particularly tough days. You know, for a moment there, I thought that... that maybe this was my... my place. My time. But I learned some troubling things today, uh, about the future. I need to go back. I can't abandon the Legion. Or the world that I swore to protect, right when they need me most.
Supergirl: I know you can't. You wouldn't be the man you are if you did. The man I admire so much.
Mon: Well, I guess we've both got some saving to do.
[he turns to leave, then stops]
Mon: And hey.
[tossing her his Legion ring]
Mon: It's about time you had one of your own.

Lena: This is the Harun-El your daughter asked me to make. And the recipe to make more.
Supergirl: Thank you.
Alura: With this Harun-El, Argo will survive. Though I hate to depend on it. There's so many things that we don't know about it. Its uses, its powers, its dangers. I'm so glad that none of it will be left on Earth.

Reign: The Earth's core tried to hold me captive, but I broke through.
Selena: As I knew my daughter would.
Reign: We must restart the cauldron.
Selena: We will. And then we will watch this Earth burn, so that Krypton may rise again.

J'onn: I want you to run this place. Be the director. With you in charge, I feel the DEO will stay on the right path to protecting this planet, and helping those who cannot help themselves. And being in charge, you won't have to put yourself in the field all day, risking your life. You don't have to deny any part of yourself to be complete. You can have a family. And you can be a mother. All on your own terms.
[standing up, then helping her to her feet]
J'onn: Congratulations, Director.
Alex: That's not how I saw this going.

Brainiac: You're smiling. That is not good.
Mon: No, actually, Brainy, smiling is, uh... it's a good thing.
Brainiac: Yes, I know what smiling indicates. But in your case, I ran a simulation, and there is a zero percent chance that you would be smiling after what Imra was supposed to have told you, so...

Alex: I don't know how much longer I can do this, J'onn. I put my life on the line every day. And every day, I run the risk of losing it. And I feel like I haven't even had the chance to really live it yet. I'm afraid that if I don't make a move soon, right, if-if I don't reach out and-and take hold of my future, of what my heart wants, then I'm never really gonna be happy. So, that said, I, uh... I wanna give notice. So that I can find my new beginning, and I can have a family of my own.
J'onn: You're a hero. It's in your blood. You can't resign. Because I want to promote you. This year, I have had the most priceless gift. I found my father. I lived with him, I learned from him. He reminded me that the Martian way to live amongst the people, and to help them. Not hiding behind walls, like I have been here, but with open hands and compassion.
Alex: You're stepping down?
J'onn: I am. But I am not leaving you. I would never leave my family.

Patricia: Sam, do you remember? Do you remember when you were little? And you were terrified to go to sleep at night, so I would sing you a little lullaby.
Patricia: Hush-a-bye, don't you cry. Go to sleep, you little baby. When you wake, you shall have all the pretty little horses. Blacks and bays, dappled grays, coach and six-a little horses.
Samantha: [taking a drink of water from her cup] It's working.
[recognizing Patricia]
Samantha: It's you. I'm so sorry I doubted you.
Patricia: Sam, I'm so sorry for everything. For all the pain that I caused you.

Reign: You cannot win. There is no prison you can build that can contain me. There is no one on this planet of equal power that can kill me.
Samantha: That's what you think.
Supergirl: No!
[she takes down Reign and holds her at bay]
Supergirl: Throw me the Harun-El.
[Mon-El does so]
Supergirl: Shock us again in five minutes.

Samantha: The Fountain of Lillith.
Patricia: No! It's the wrong well.
[indicating another well next to it]
Patricia: This is the fountain that gives strength. That water will kill you.
Samantha: You're lying to me! Just, please stop.
Patricia: This... this is the water that gave Reign the strength. Samantha, I failed you as a mother. And I lost you. And I've lived with such regret ever since. But here, I have another chance, and... all that remains of me is my love for you. Please, you have to believe me.
Samantha: I can't make a mistake.
Patricia: Drink this. Now. Trust me, Sam.

Samantha: [seeing her mother in the Dark Valley] Get away from me!
Patricia: Shh! I'm trying to help you. It's not safe here.
Samantha: No, you're dead. This is a mirage. I've been here before.
Patricia: I'm not a mirage. I'm your mother and I love you.
Samantha: Get out of my head!