The Best The Umbrella Academy, Season 1, Episode 8 Quotes

- Well, paramedics couldn't save them.
- And the one that made it?
- Critical condition, but still with us, thank god.
- Just waiting for him to wake up.
- Come on.
[Klaus whispering] Luther...

- She put up with a lot of your shit.
- I never understood it.
- Maybe it had something to do with our...
- Contentious relationship.
- Or maybe she knew you cared about helping people as much as she did.
- Good luck, Diego.

- Vanya!
- We have to go!
- No!
- I can't just leave her!
- We have to go now!
[Screams] Oh, no, no...
- Vanya, come on!
- No, no, no, no, no!
- Now!

- I don't wanna argue with you.
- Then go!
- Uh...
- I'm only trying to help you.
- I don't want your help!
- Vanya, I love you!
- Stop saying that!

- There's just no way.
- I love him.
- This just doesn't make any sense.
- And this power... I...
- I don't know.
- I don't know what's going on.
- I don't know what to do.

- you had to be isolated we were so young.
- None of us knew to question it.
- Now...
- You have to take your medicine like a good girl.
- It'll help calm your nerves.

- Oh, please, Vanya.
- Everything is out in the open.
- We can move on!
- Oh, I'm moving on.
- But not with you, with Leonard.
- With Harold, you mean.
- With Leonard!
- The only person who has ever loved me for me.
- Look me in the eye and tell me you're not threatened now.

- Now...
- Try and do what you did last night in the parking lot.
- With the car engine.
- Let all the other sounds drop away and focus on one.
- Let that one sound resonate in you.

- What? How... how do you know?
- Um... I'm just guessing.
- Putting it together.
- But it makes sense. Right?
- Your brain is constantly taking in stimuli.
- And for you, when you feel a strong emotion, the sounds around you are somehow converted into energy.

- Relax.
- Just concentrate.
- Listen to everything around you.
- What do you hear?
- Let all the other sounds drop away and focus on one.
- Let that one sound resonate in you.

Reginald: After 72 days of success, number seven showed an unexpected resistance to her training.
- Number seven, concentrate on the sound around you.
- This is one of your designated training days.
- Number seven!
- Your insolence is unacceptable!

- Anything else you want to share, pogo?
- Any other damn secrets?
- Hey, calm down, Luther.
- No, I won't calm down.
- We've been lied to by the one person in this family we all trusted.
- It was your father's dying wish, master Luther.
- I... [sighs]
- I had no choice.

- j' don't say you love me j” j' 'cause I'i/ only kick you out of the door .f'
- .fi yeah, and / know your name is Rita .f' j' 'cause your perfume smells sweeter .fi
- I since when lsaw you down on the floori' j' guitar, yeah I

Diego: A little hard to trust anyone who wears corduroy.

- There's always choice.
[Sighs] I gotta think.

- That we're gonna get.
- Now, listening up.
- There's no easy way to say this, so I'm just gonna spit it out.
- This is a bad idea.
- Yeah.
- Klaus.
- I conjured dad last night.

- They must've been here when I stopped by the cabin.
- Yeah.
- Maybe they went back there.
- I'm gonna go get my sister.
- Whoa, hold on.
- We got a missing Vic, and this guy might be dangerous.
- I need you to stay here.
[Chuckling] Allison frickin' hargreeves, man, oh, man.

Reginald: June 72th.
- A controlled environment has proven ideal for the maximum impact of number se ven's powers.
- But in the face of sure, uninvited chaos, she must be trained to locate control in another form.
- Concentrate, number seven.

- J' stormy weather .f'
- Lheard a rumor I made the soccer team.
- -I heard a rumor you wanna be my friend
- -/ heard a rumor you I/ke broccoli.
- I heard a rumor you left me alone.
- / heard a rumor you stopped crying.
- I heard a rumor I did it in one take.
- / heard a rumor I'm perfect for the role.
- I heard a rumor that you lo ve me.

- {gasps} they have a real live peacock there.
- And over here is...
- Just two miles from a vegan doughnut shop.
- Why would anyone do that to a perfectly good doughnut?
- Looks like you got three years' worth of stops mapped out.
- And we have time to see 'em all.

- It was an accident.
- I understand.
- You need to remain in a controlled environment.
- More research is required to determine whether your behavior can be regulated.
Vanya: I'm scared.

- Come on.
- Follow me.
- You gotta get me out of here, bro.
- I can't. They're transferring you upstate this afternoon.
- I didn't kill patch.
- I know.
- I'm not the guy you gotta convince.
- That's bullshit, you know that.

- It's time, number three.
- But then he asked me to do something
- I ne ver understood...
- Until now.
- Do it.
- I heard a rumor...
[Allison, echoing] / heard a rumor...
- You think you're just ordinary.
- You think you're just ordinary.

- We had a breakthrough today, Vanya.
- This thing that's happening to you, it's important.
- So is my music.
- Huh. Right. [Chuckles]
- You're right, of course. [Clears throat]
- Yeah, go practice.

- I have to find her.
- I could get fired for just bringing you down here with me.
- Please. I think she's in trouble.
- I need your help.
[Sighs] Answer the lady's question.
- Is this the girlfriend?
- Sorry, but the doctor's ordered more tests.
- You're gonna have to ask him questions later.

- {gasps} -Wh...
Leonard: It's okay.
- We're okay.
- We're more than okay.