The Best The Wire, Season 2, Episode 1 Quotes

- You seen my nephew anywhere?
- Nick? Not yet. I don't think he got any hours.

- I checked the computer. It's bay
- 9, cell 11. It's right on the bottom.
- You working the light, ain't you?
- I'm on it.
- Did they say anything else?
- No. Just that it's the same money to us.
- Let's go.
- All right, uncle frank.
- Winona.
- Jimmy, where you been?

- Listen, you gotta realize the bosses did you a favor sending you down here.
- Citywide to marine unit.
- 7672. Go ahead.
- Distress call from a private craft.
- 60-foot white vessel. Engines are dead.
- What's the location, citywide?
- In the channel near the bridge.
- About 2,000 yards off the armistead pier.
- 10-4, we're responding.

- Some useless fuck in our marine unit faxed them a report on tides and wind currents.
- Shows the body went in the water west of the bridge and drifted out.
- Mcnulty.
- Fucking Jimmy.
- Fucking with us for the fun of it.
- I gotta give the son of a bitch some credit for wit on this one.
- Cocksucker.
- Motherfucker.

- We just sat here and watched nat coxson take a shit all over you.
- And shrivel-dick motherfucker that you are, you take it.
- I wake up every morning with an angry, blue-veined diamond-cutter.
- I was gonna enlighten the president of the local 47 on this point. He chose to depart.
- Blue steel, gentlemen.
- For Christ's sake!
- Three and a half inches of hard blue steel!

- Best I can offer you is a tow line.
- Claude, they're gonna need a pull.
- 10-4, we'll tow to Henderson's.
- That'll work.
- Any chance you can hold off on bringing us in? Lot of party going on now.
- Wouldn't wanna cut it short for engine trouble.
- You're in the shipping channel.

- Come on, man. You're killing me. Stop.
[Man] It's been perfect tomato weather.
- These wonderful hot, humid days and then rain at night...
- This a Philly station?
- How the fuck would I know?
- Why would anybody wanna leave Baltimore?
- That's what I'm asking.
- Yo, that be the exit. Take that shit.

- Brother, you feeling strong today? See if you can get his ass out of that chair.
- He said it was fine if you want to hit him, too.
- Hey, hey, hey. What's the first thing a guy from local 47 does after he gets laid?
- What?
- Wipes the pepper spray from his eyes!
- Hey, frank, something's going on.
- Come on.

- The shit ain't there, man.
- Call your man and say so.
- Nigger, what you say?
- I said, check it again, goddamn it!
- Whoa, chill, chill.
- Yo, man, out that shit the fuck out.
- Fuck. What the fuck is going on today, man?
- Taking their time, ain't they?

- Need to see the Greek and get a number.
- He's got one on the way.
- Today?
- Tomorrow.
- The Atlantic light over at north point.
- All right.
- Yo, frank.
- What's up?
- You gotta get with Ziggy, man.
- He's all over the place.

- They holding to it?
- So far.
- All right.

- we just gotta keep the devil way down in the hole
- Down in the hole down in the hole you gotta help me keep the devil down in the hole

- that this whole motherfucker's gonna capsize!
- Brace yourselves, we're sinking!
- Goddamn it, Ziggy, you're not taking your dick out in here again.
- Let me show you old gents some bulk cargo that none of yous could ever handle.
- Who says they don't make them like they used to? Pretty boy is on the town!
- Fucking Ziggy, man.

- $1,000 for the doctor.
- $1,000 each time, girlfriend.
- Every month till I'm pregnant.
- There's gotta be a better way.
- That would be on you, sweetheart.
- Come up with a suitable donor and we pay a lot less.
- Not with your pussy would I fuck any of these guys.
- What did you just say?
- You didn't just say that!

- Just so I can finish my papennork early, what are your people gonna steal today?
- I don't know. Couple luxury sedans, some color tvs, widescreen.
- Couple of cans of vodka, maybe a whole container ship.
- Okey-dokey. Y'all have a good one.
- You let her fuck with you like that?
- She's all right. I like her.

- Good morning, mom.
- Couple of goddamn drunks I got.
- Don't leave without taking your cousin with you.
- I gotta clean in there and I ain't gonna do it around his carcass.

- Who?
- He say anything else?
- No. Just to come back.
- All of us.
- How he say it?
- You know, hejust said it.
- Fuck.
- Yeah.

Det. William 'Bunk' Moreland: The Bunk can't swim. I ain't too good at floatin' either.

- It's not a protection against caterpillars, they eat right through it, but it is a sort of warning system.
- They here.

- You fished her out east of the bridge.
- Baltimore county. She's their stat.
- You sold them on that?
- Rawls did.
- He called up the colonel, said, "you got one hell of a murder on your hands."
- It's all about self-preservation, Jimmy.
- That's something you never learned.
- Hey, Norris. State police, line 2.
[Man] A little to the right.
- Good, good, bring her down.

- What's the matter?
- You don't like being called Boris?
- Sergei.
- No way!
- Boris is way better. It's like the guy from the cartoon. Boris and Natasha?
- Bullwinkle, man. Rocky and bullwinkle?
- You want some coffee, pie?
- No, I'm good.
- Actually, what kind of pie you got?
- Hey, zig, shut the fuck up, huh?

- My father used to work there.
- Beth steel?
- In the shipyards, yeah.
- I had an uncle who was a supervisor there.
- Got laid off in '78, though.
- '73 for my dad.
- Party boat?
- Pretty one.
- More than one engine.
- Probably an electrical problem.

- Clock out today and leave your box.
- Don't come the fuck back.
- You hear me, zig? You're fired.
- Later for you, goofus.
- Fucking guy.
- He loses his job and he couldn't care less.
- He ain't fired, man.
- No?
- That's his father.

- Roland...
- Listen to me.
- You did good with the drug thing.
- You buckled down, you did the work.
- Except for that thing with the grand jury, you took some of the stink off yourself.
- If you'll just shut up and listen to me, you might actually have a career in this department.

- I gotta say, kima, if you were a guy - and, in some ways, you're better than most guys - your friends would buy you a beer and let you know.
- Let me know what?
- You're fucking whipped.
- Whipped?
- Pussy-whipped within an inch of your life.
- I kid you not.

Det. Shakima 'Kima' Greggs: Fuck me. I still cannot type.

- Hey.
- Hey.
- I ain't lying when I say this papennork is kicking my ass.
- Maybe so, but you come through the door in one piece.
- You like to think so, but all these paper cuts are starting to take their toll.
- Aw, you big, nasty detective. Come here.
- Let me give your little boo-boo a kiss!

Det. Thomas 'Herc' Hauk: If white boys wanna sell drugs in Baltimore, they have to make different laws for it, like even it out for 'em.
Det. Shakima 'Kima' Greggs: Affirmative action.
Det. Thomas 'Herc' Hauk: Leave no white man behind.

- Shit.
- Yeah.
- Where's Sergei?
- Parked at the end of the lot.
- What's he waiting for?
- No fucking idea.
- The ship's almost empty.
- They need to shit or get off the pot.
- I'll look into it.
- Yeah.
- Ok, I understand.

Sean': We done gone so far from Baltimore, we're losing the station. Yo, try a Philly station or some shit like that.
Preston: The radio in Philly is different?
Sean': Nigga, please. You gotta be fucking with me right? You ain't never heard a radio station outside of Baltimore?
Preston: Yo man, I ain't never left Baltimore except that Boys Village shit one day, and I wasn't tryin' to hear no radio up in that bitch.

- Yeah.
- Let me see.
- See, right there.
- Mmm.
- No, you three-tenths of a mile long, dawg, and if you followed directions, you wouldn't be.
- Yo, string, I did everything like I should, man. I swear.

- that the leniency he received was the result of cooperation...
- Well, you understand our position, I'm sure.
- Frank, it's sitting out there and this
- Russian fuck won't take it off the pier.
- I ain't blind.
- I don't like it sitting out in the open that long.
- The customs seal is broke. Somebody'll see it. Our asses are hanging out here.

Frank: For your information I wake up every morning with an angry blue-veined diamond cutter. I was gonna enlighten the president of local 47 on this particular point and he chose to depart. Blue steel, gentlemen, 3 & 1/2 inches of hard blue steel.

- Kitchen's closed.
- No service for drunks who can't get up in time to catch a ship.
- What ship?
- Your father says the talco line is in today.
- That makes two ships at north point.
- It's the Atlantic light.
- Ain't due until this afternoon.
- That still is no excuse.

- How's the open-face Turkey?
- It's shit. Let's go.
- See you guys later.
- Bullwinkle?
- Polacks.
- You fucking embarrassed me in there, man.
- You embarrassed yourself, zig.

- What moe supposed to be holding?
- 38, thereabout.
- Ain't you the damn fool?
- But then we low.
- If we low, it's cause string want us that way.
- When he want us up, we'll be up.
- Stringer's on top of this shit.
- He on top of everything.
- Go back to your spot, man.

- No, your ma makes a good breakfast.
- No fucking way.
- Bacon and eggs, baby.
- You going down to see the Greek, right?
- Ziggy...
- Come on, man.
- I ain't gonna fuck it up for you.
- For Christ's sake, will you just get in the car already? Come on, let's go.
- Swear to god, Ziggy, you open your mouth, I'll fucking kill you.

- Bring her in the boat?
- Hell, no.
- She'll fall apart if we try to bring her in.
- What's the plan, then?
- We'll hook her real good.
- We'll tow her slowly over to the pier.
- What's she look like?
- What do you mean?
- How long you think she's been in?
- She's fresh.
- Legs are broke, though.
- Probably a jumper from the bridge.

- Fish your wish, huh?
- Jumper, probably.
- This close to the bridge.
- Probably, yeah.
- Pretty, though.
- She is.
- I go in the men's room this morning.
- Guess who's puking his guts out.
- Bunk moreland.
- How'd you know?
- Useless fuck can't hold his liquor.

- Frank has that kind of money?
- It was from his local.
- The checkers? They don't have a hundred guys left paying dues.
- It's a parish of givers, Stan.
- Maybe you talk to frank.
- Work it out somehow.
- Yeah, we'll talk.
- Major?

- Fucking mcnulty.
- The prince of tides.

- Submission slip says, "row bb, section 14, shelf 3, four, right rear." It says that.
- So?
- No such thing.
- Bb has 12 sections. This says 14.
- You see what I'm saying? No evidence.
[Radio] Winters kill off the weaker varieties of caterpillars...
- Fuckin'...
- That's of an entirely different breed...
- Fuck.