The Best The Wire, Season 4, Episode 11 Quotes

- Everybody is sayin' you threw down with him. Busted up the boy dimples, and them.
- Yo, you wouldn't have stood tall?
- That's not what I'm saying.
- It's not that you do shit, it's how you do it.
- Yo, look, I'm not trying to stand around and let no chump-ass niggers think I'm shook.
- I ain't.

- And?
- And I want you to sign up.
- Colonel, there's the matter of...
- You find yourself incompatible with a certain lieutenant?
- Detective freamon, you have carte blanche in picking your squad.
- In fact, you can pick your supervisor for all I care.

- That's easy for you to say.
- You ain't the primary on this.
- Motherfucker...
- What got into him?
- He's emotional.
- He's been working this case for a long time.
- So the thing right now is for you to remember everything you did on this case...
- From the beginning.

- Lid has a black commander, but he's beholden to burrell.
- He'll stir shit with this if he can.
- The sergeant in question is assigned to cid.
- His new commander is Daniels.
- He's smart, he's black, and politically neutral.
- That work for you?
- Works for us.

- I can't believe...
- Where's the kid now?
- Home.
- Let me go give this to the night commander.
- We'll park a plain-clothes unit on the house.
- You think that makes it better?
- We'll be discreet, set up down the block or some shit.
- Come on inside. I swear to you
- I'm gonna find out what happened.

- keep him in the hole in the hole down in the hole down in the hole keep him in the hole keep him in the...
- Down in the hole down in the hole keep him in the hole keep him in the...
- Down in the hole down in the hole

Det. William 'Bunk' Moreland: At all hazards, a man must keep up appearances. Dignity, I say. Dignity above all, Governor. Hear, hear!

- in a little more than a year is getting groomed.
- Wait.
- You didn't for a minute think that...
- Jesus, bill, it's Baltimore.
- You ain't one of the natives, are ya?

- We pick him up from his casa tomorrow.
- Poutin'.
- Don't pout.
- Omar, I'm tired of this, bro.
- Lo siento, baby. Lo siento.
- Hey, now... [Clicks fingers]
- There she blow.

- He's out there, hat in hand...
- Literally.
- Well, he can wait till hell freezes over.
- A wise man does not burn his Bridges until he first knows he can part the waters.
- Old ashanti saying.
- Norman, you grew up in catonsville.
- Show the motherfucker in.

- Hey, Roland, man, you know, I hate coming all this way and not getting a little something...
- You know, for old times' sake?
- The playground behind fulton and Monroe, unit block.
- He told this fella Lex to meet a girl there.
- That's all he did.

- Why I do that?
- Well, just pretend, ok?
- You give her half, how much does she have?
- Duh! Five.
- Good. Now let's say this time you have $7, you give her half, how much does she have?
- $3.50.
- Good, so...
- Yo, Mr. Prez, check this out.

- We wanna have a word with your boy here.
- Ain't nothing stopping you. Talk.
- You know what we mean.
- Yo, the little bitch was talking to the police.
- That's a lie. I ain't been doin' no snitching.
- The fuck you ain't.
- He look like he about to pee on hisself now.
- You ain't gonna stand by no rat motherfucker, is you?
- Naw, I ain't standing with no rat.

- to do anything twisted up in this here play, you feel me?
- I even catch a whiff of you doing something foul, Joe,
- I mean, I might got to go tell marlo you the one put me up on that card game.
- We understood?
- Now go ahead and write my ticket so I can tip on out.
- Come on now.

- Payback.
- That's right. Run, motherfuckers!
- Shit!

- and if all eyes are on this one, what does command want to see happen?
- What does city hall want to see happen?
- City hall just wants someone to do the right thing, whatever that is.
- You're sitting here, deputy, telling me to just do the right thing?
- Doesn't happen often, I know.

- What's up, shorty? Can you give me three?
- Bitch, get the fuck across the street and plant your ass on a stoop.
- Kenard!
- Yo, how you think I'd look with no tail on my head?
- Do I look like a faggy?
- Yo, na'.

- I ain't doing no stupid shit like that!
- Fuck you, and fuck all y'all bitches.
- We don't like your ass anyway.
- Settle down, settle down.
- Yo, today's specials are those little hershey bars, three for a dime.
- And I got all your other favorites, too.
- Yo, deante, I got your liquorice...
- Red and black both.
- Snitchin' Randy.

- That'd send a message.
- Yeah, but what kind?
- We should slap bumper stickers on his windshield.
- I mean, they is hard to get off.
- Hold on, wait, wait.
- Do officer Walker go to that club on stockton, the one where the western police party?
- I seen his car there.
- I got this one.

- Get on your knees, cross them legs, knit them hands, come on.
- Hold on.
- Yo, what the fuck you doing?
- What the fuck is wrong with you, man?
- Hey, give up that ring, man.
- Come on.
- Yeah.

- and if the harbor promenade could extend to the south branch...
- We're looking at that.
- Should be.
- Everything from here to Hanover street is money.
- Mr. Mayor, play a little poker?
- I'm not very lucky.
- Luck can change.
- Mr. Mayor, I'd like you to meet ray Chandler.
- Pleasure to meet you.

- Oh, he most definitely made that go away, you hear me?
- It's all good.
- You know, some of the young 'uns been saying your pup stood tall with a snitchin' boy.
- Michael?
- Yeah, that's what they saying.
- Yeah.

Joseph: Omar to one side holding a spade, and maybe Marlo to the other with a shovel, and just at this moment, I manage to crawl out my own damn grave. No way do I crawl back in.

- What kind of tools?
- I don't know, carpenter tools.
- Did you check the crate for weapons?
- Nail gun.
- Nail gun?
- Yeah, one of them bitches that shoots nails.
- They rig it to shoot rounds maybe?
- Nah, I shot it. A nail came out.
- Lester, seriously, is any of this helping?
- You're doing good.
- Tell me aboutjacking marlo at the train station.

Det. Lester Freamon: This is a tomb. Lex is in there.

- Y'all there for me, I'm there for y'all.
- I'm really starting to think this is some fucked-up shit.
- I mean, officer Walker's a shady motherfucker, but he's police.
- We do it Michael's way, we send a message.
- You ain't got to do what I got to do.
- We drew straws, na'.

- You're telling me how I can't do it, not how I can.
- There's the rainy day fund, but you really shouldn't draw that down.
- The bond rating houses want at least 5% of the budget in reserve.
- Feels like a rainy day to me.
- Cloudy like a motherfucker.
- Yo, yo, wait up, yo.

- You heard about ed nully?
- I've heard great things about what you're doing, so keep it up.
- I'm delighted you made it, Mr. Mayor.
- Well, it's for a good cause, right?
- I am getting the evil eye, however.
- I gotta keep him circulating.
- Ok. This way.
- Here we go.
- See you later.
- Take care.

- This is you, right here, right now, ok?
- You're burning a hole in that shirt, man.
- Fuck... you fucked me all up when I saw you walking through the door, sherrod.
- Oh, shit.
- What you think, huh?
- You know, I get half price for this.
- All right, but take your hat off, man.
- Don't burn them pimp steaks, huh?

- Well, Wilson briefed rawls, rawls briefed Daniels.
- It's carcetti doing pontius pilate, putting it on Daniels, who was a safe choice as far as the rank and file goes.
- But that won't be enough for the ministers, not by a long shot.
- Am I the only one that knows how to play this game?
- Let's go, get that hydrant sealed.

- We have certain fiscal issues that are of great concern to the new administration, and what you're proposing here is a radical shift in curricula.
- Meaning?
- If city hall were to sign off on this, we could go toward, but now is not the time to rock any boats.

- Somebody call the nurse.
- Yo, why they bank me?
- I ain't no snitch.
- Randy, Randy, it's ok.
- Thanks a lot.
- Health department shut chicken George again?
- I had to duck in here for cover.
- Your boys are off the hook today.