The Best Todo Quotes

Todo: You know if you would just tell me what it is you're doing back there I could probably be of some assistance.
Cad: No. I am just doing some maintanance. You've been having memory crashes.
Todo: That is preposterous. I have no memory of any crashes. Oh my goodness! I have no memories of any crashes!
Cad: Exactly...
Todo: Oh no, I am doomed!

Todo: This job just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

Cad: Some Butler Droid you turned out to be!
Todo: I am a Techno Service Droid!

Todo: [faced with a room full of Jedi] Oh, uh... hey, guys. I was just... ah... testing the access hatch. Works great.

Cad: Get the door.
Todo: I am a Techno Service Droid, not a Butler Droid.
Cad: Damn it, Todo, you are what I say you are.