The Best Tracy Pierce Quotes

Dr. Sean McNamara: I had a moment where I imagined what it would be like to give up sex to have that kind of relationship when you don't touch each other, and it...
Tracy: It what?
Dr. Sean McNamara: It isn't natural. You're not just denying the act of sex. You're denying intimacy, passion...
Tracy: Skip and I are intimate. We just... choose not to be physical about it.
Dr. Sean McNamara: But how can you choose to give up that feeling you get when your skin makes contact with someone else's and that charge just runs through your whole body, like every nerve inside you just caught fire. I mean, the way you described it, hands grabbing, smacking... That's about passion, fire! And you're not trying to catch your breath, you are trying to inhale someone else's. And it's complicated, it's messy... But I say every minute of the pleasure is worth for the pain it might bring later because nothing on this Earth can make two people feel that good.