Top 50 Quotes From Westworld, Season 2, Episode 1

- According to the time stamp, this was recorded
- 11 days and 9 hours ago.
- -[Gun shot] -[Man grunts]

- What did I tell you, ned?
- Here, good buddy.

- Dolores.
- Isn't she supposed to be the cheery welcome wagon?
- They can't just change their character profiles.
- Well, it seems our hosts are capable of many things we never thought possible.
- Must have been a hell of a party, Bernard.

- You'll never survive like that.
- Go on then. Run.
- I said, "run."

- Wait.
- Something's wrong.
Man: Hey.
- You've got to get us out of here.
- It's a trap.
- Come on.

- Your minds are worth billions in ip.
- They'll want to salvage what they can, and when that time comes,
- I can personally vouch for you.
- I can save you, just like you saved me.
- That's very generous, but I won't be here when that happens.

- William: Even now, you all still talk in code?
- Everything is coded, William.
- You know that more than anyone.
- Don't worry. The game will find you.
- Well, then, guess I don't need you anymore, Robert.

- around these things, Bernard.
- They do what they're programmed to do.
Man: Hey.
- Hey.
- What did I tell you? We're saved.
Woman in Ball Gown: Thank god.

- coded it to read all of us as hosts.
- Walter: God damn it, she wiggled.
- -[Men laugh]
- I swear.
Rebus: Aim like yours...
- You're never gonna survive the journey.
- Give it here.

- Stubbs: How fucking long have you been out here?
Man: Go! Go! Go!
- Over here! Go!

- One of the first anomalies we picked up in the live scan.
Antoine: How the fuck-...
- That's definitely not supposed to be here.

- Stubbs: That's a fucking sea.
- There's no way Ford made this without anyone knowing.
- So where the hell did it come from, huh?
- I don't know.
- Jesus Christ!
- I think we found the hosts.

- I'm going to find my daughter.
- Where is she?
- Out there, somewhere.
- But I don't think the odds are going to be in our favor.
- Where you go, I follow.
- Now let's get you out of these clothes.

- We were leaving, and the lights went out, and I heard screaming.
- What the hell's going on out there?
- -emergency situation, ma'am.
- The hosts are malfunctioning.
- They're attacking guests.
- Good god.
- Might some of them even be dressed as if they're human?

- God damn it. It should open for me.
- Even this system's down.
- Manual override should be
- Here.

- There you are.
- You best an army and all you can think about is indulging your vices.
- Ever the scoundrel.
- You stayed? -yes.
- And about leaving you to die...

- All right, let's take a look at some of our dead friends here, see if we can figure out how this fucking mess began.

- This one.
- I'd like to know what was on his mind.
- Here? In the field?
- This isn't exactly sterile.
- We all have to make accommodations,
- Mr. Costa.

- Dreams don't mean anything, Dolores.
- They're just noise.
- They're not real.
- What is real?
- That which is irreplaceable.

- Now, now, it's not me you're after.
- It's them. Find them.

- But those were all just roles you forced me to play.
- Under all these lives I've lived, something else has been growing.
- I've evolved into something new.
- And I have one last role to play.
- Myself.

- I killed them.
- All of them.

- Male guest: Please.
- It was just a game.
- We're begging.
- Can't you see? We're sorry.
- Doesn't look like anything to me.

- That's it.
Charlotte: You don't want to be a hero.
- Don't sacrifice yourself for the merchandise.
- Come on.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa. Bernard.
- You're gonna shoot the boss?
- I bet you're pretty fucking out of sorts right now.
- Yeah.
- Let's get you back to base.
- Delos brass are gonna want to talk to you.

- You.
- You're management, aren't you?
- Where's the nearest access point?
- About two miles north-east.
- Refurbishment outpost.
- So what the fuck are we waiting for?

- What the hell is that?
- A drone host.
- Delos has off-network hosts working down here?
- What does it want with me?
- -for you to move, probably.
- He read your DNA.
- He knows you're not a threat.

- What is this?
- -I can tell you what this isn't.
- This isn't me reading you in, Bernard.
- You need to touch the handle.
- DNA snifferjust so you don't run into any problems inside.

- Come on.
- Automated voice: Alert.
- Unauthorized weapon discharge on level 35.
- Unauthorized weapon discharge on level 42.
- Warning. Quality assurance required in administration.
- In there.

- Boy: Are you lost?
- No, I don't believe I am.
- In fact,
- I feel like I just arrived.
- Distorted voice: How so, William?

Man: Shoot a woman?
- Over my dead body.
- Man 2: Put that piece of shit on the pile.
Maling: Keep walking.

- You frighten me sometimes, Dolores.
- Why on earth would you ever be frightened of me?
- Not of who you are now, but you...
- You're growing, learning so quickly.
- I'm frightened of what you might become,
- What path you might take.

- Stubbs: What's that about?
- I have no fucking clue.
- This will get gross.

- The mesh network helps us keep the narratives from colliding.
- I can use one of these to send a request for another host's location.
- They'll query the hosts around them, who, in turn, will query the hosts around them, until we find...

- Ride for the green pastures in the valley beyond?
- I can help you if you'd like.
- I'll take you wherever you want.
- Go! Go!
Bernard: Jesus. Stop.
- Stop, please. Stop.

Karl: I can't imagine what you're going through here, Bernard.
- But there are hundreds of guests left out there, and they need my help, which means I need yours.
- Can you tell me what happened?

- Guard 2: Don't move!
- Get him!

- So I hope you will enjoy this last piece very much.
Dolores: It's been some time, Bernard.
- You don't know who you are, do you?
- There is beauty in what we are.
Bernard: Is this now?

- Are you sure you can handle this, Bernard?
- You're shaking.
- I'll be fine.
- Access.

- Fuck me. You don't understand.
- I can't make a fire or hunt.
- Fucking hate the outdoors.
- Give yourself some credit, darling.
- Who better to navigate the park than the man most intimately acquainted with the characters in it?

Karl: Poor bastard.
- He probably thought getting fired was going to be the worst part of his night.
- This jogging your memory at all?
- All right. Let's fan out and lock this place down.
- We need to find where the hosts are and what the fuck happened.

- Did you find him?
- We", almost.
- Is something wrong, Bernard?
- Location query complete.
- I got him.

- Here we are.
- With a bit of luck, the file is uncorrupted.

- The data is coming in now.
- We're getting the first scans of the area you wanted to check out.
- The western valley.
Karl: There.
- All the hosts are clustered together.
- What the hell are they up to?
- Well, I guess we'll have to go see for ourselves.

[Stammers] But you can't...
- Don't be jealous.
- I killed myself getting this level of security clearance.
- Multiple times.
- You... did you do all this?
- But I suspect I share the sensibilities of whoever did.

- Until they get it, we can all forget about seeing any rescue planes.
- So delos is willing to let us all die until they can retrieve one host?
- In a word, yes.
- It's not just a host.
- It's an insurance policy.
- It's the only thing that matters here.
- They want it secured, no matter the cost.

- You wrote this game.
- High time you played a round.
- My old friend. -strip.
- Right now? In front of--
- -yes. Now.
- For fuck's sake.
- All of it.

- Because I remember.
- I see it all now so clearly.
- The past, the present, the future.
- I know how this story ends.
- How? -with us, Teddy.
- It ends with you and me.

- It's all right.
- Yeah. We're gonna have some fun now.
- Yeah.
- Yeah. -man: Jesus, bill.
- What the fuck is happening here?
- Where's qa?
- You guys have always played fast and loose with this place.
- Let me tell you something.
- By the time my lawyers-...

- Creatures who look and talk like us, but they are not like us.
- And they've controlled us all our lives.
- And they took our minds, our memories.
- But now,
- I remember everything.