The Best Aayla Secura Quotes

Aayla: Sometimes it takes courage to stick to one's believes, young Padawan, as any Jedi well knows.

Aayla: I've certainly perfected the art of demolishing ships and almost getting my master killed.

Aayla: [running on top of the Zillo Beast's back] We aren't having much of an effect.
Yoda: Time to leave, it is.

Admiral: [on viewscreen] Are all Jedi so reckless?
Aayla: Just the good ones.

Obi: These are you final steps, Rey. Rise and take them.
Anakin: Rey.
Ahsoka: Rey.
Kanan: Rey.
Anakin: Bring back the balance, Rey, as I did.
Luminara: In the night, find the light, Rey.
Mace: You're not alone, Rey.
Yoda: Alone, never have you been.
Qui: Every Jedi who ever lived, lives in you.
Anakin: The force surrounds you, Rey.
Aayla: Let it guide you.
Ahsoka: As it guided us.
Mace: Feel the force feeling through you, Rey.
Anakin: Let it lift you.
Adi: Rise, Rey.
Qui: We stand behind you, Rey.

Ahsoka: It seems to me that the people we're looking for live near giant trees.
Aayla: Very perceptive, Padawan.

Aayla: I am sure that you are aware that the Jedi did not initiate the Clone Wars. Our only intention is to end it and restore peace to our galaxy.
Tee: What difference does it make who started the war and who only wants to end it? No side is free of fault. It takes two to fight.
Aayla: But isn't liberty worth fighting for?
Tee: But is it worth killing for?

Aayla: Be mindful of your surroundings, Padawan. Those creatures are still out there.
Ahsoka: Got it. We won't be long.

Ahsoka: I get so confused sometimes. It's forbidden for Jedi to form attachment, yet we're supposed to be compassionate.
Aayla: It is nothing to be ashamed of, Ahsoka. I went through the same process when I was your age with my own Master.
Ahsoka: Really? You?
Aayla: He was like a father to me. I realized that for the greater good, I had to let him go. Don't lose a thousand lives just to save one.
Ahsoka: Maybe. But that doesn't mean that I can't try to save his life.