The Best Agent Diane Reed Quotes

Agent: Magic. DNA for you, and DNA for the defense.
Lieutenant: If it matches our victim.
Agent: All right.
[going about the process]
Agent: This is the DNA profile for your victim. This is the unknown sample. Odds that two people have the same profile are about one in a billion.
[seeing the results]
Agent: The blood is a match.
Lieutenant: Arnold Hollings murdered Amy Bowers, open and shut.

Agent: Used to be we needed a blood sample the size of a quarter to run DNA. Now it's the equivalent of a few skin cells.
Lieutenant: Progress marches on, huh?

Lieutenant: Thank you for doing this, Agent Reed. If we don't find a way to stretch this DNA, an innocent man is gonna go to jail.
Agent: Couldn't have caught that serial bomber without your expertise, Detective. It's the least I could do.
Lieutenant: I put a reference sample from our victim in here, too.
Agent: But first step is to multiply the DNA.