Top 20 Quotes From Aldous Snow

Aldous: [Lars Ulrich enters scene] Oh, Enter Sandman.

Aaron: I think I just got raped.
Aldous: [handing him a joint] Only one thing to do.
Aaron: [taking a hit] Uh, guys? What is this stuff? My heart's going really fast.
Aldous: Oh, it's a bit of this, a bit of that. It's called a Jeffrey. It's mostly weed, with a bit of opium as well... ground-up E's... heroin... Clorox...
Aaron: I think I'm having a heart attack.

Aldous: We're gonna fuck these two girls.
Aaron: I just got out of a relationship.
Aldous: Was your ex a blonde or brunette?
Aaron: Brunette.
Aldous: Blonde it is.

Aldous: Doesn't it make sense that we should stay here and possibly have the time of your life?

Aaron: [as Sergio is chasing after them in a hotel lobby] This is the longest hallway of all time!
Aldous: It's Kubrickian!

Aldous: When the world slips you a Jeffrey, stroke the furry wall.

Aldous: This is it, Aaron. This is rock n' roll. Did you enjoy the party?

Jonathan: I'm responsible for your talent, son. I wrote all your songs off the tip of my cock.
Aldous: Yeah, I just don't get how talent can be contained in one's spunk.

Aldous: I was watching the news one day and I saw footage about, uh, war, and I think it was Darfur, or Zimbabwe, or Rwanda, or one of 'em, and I thought, 'this isn't right, is it?' And I made some phone calls and it turns out, it isn't.

Aldous: This is not an appropriate time to say "namaste".

Aldous: How's the weather down there?
Jackie: Wet.

Aldous: [urging Aaron to put drugs up his rectum] Come on, mate, we ain't got all day. It's not recreational, it's not meant to be a hobby, just get it up there. Close the door behind ya.

Aldous: Now I'm just worried about drugs. Your life's to-do list must be a baffling document. You're worried about so many things Aaron. You're worried about will we get to the show, will I perform well, will you get the credit you deserve. Mine has on it but one word. Do you know what that word is?

Aldous: Your brain is full of lollipops, rainbows, and cheese.

Aldous: [as he is watching TV] Didn't I have sex with her once?
[Aldous sees Sarah Marshall on TV]
Aldous: Yeah, I did.

Aldous: I labored under the myth of monogamy for sever years with Jackie and it was pointless.
Aaron: So you only slept with Jackie?
Aldous: No, I slept with other people but I always told her about it. Monogamy.

Aldous: Let's get out of this bourgeois shit hole.

Jackie: The old Aldous, would've you know, had his way with you he would have bent you over that pretty little chair and had his way and now we'd be having a three way you'd be coming over for a cognac later I'll tell you that sweetie. You bet that's not happening anymore.
Aldous: Do you want me to start drinking again? Is that what you'd like? You want me to return to that?
Jackie: Maybe you should. Maybe you should.
Aldous: I'll do lines off her forehead while I'm in her up to my nuts. Is that what you want?
Jackie: I'm just saying.

Aldous: Aaron, look at what you're wearing. Do you think that now you live in Seattle, you're grunge or something? You look like a lesbian.
Aaron: Play the song, man.

Aldous: What you did was very spiteful, but it was also very brave and very honest and I respect you for doing that. But the content of what you said has made me hate you. So there's a layer of respect, admittedly, for your truthfulness, but it's peppered with hate. Hateful respect.