The Best Aryan Quotes

[Peter Schibetta walks into the repair room, and sees Vernon Schillinger, James Robson, and another Aryan]
Peter: Hey! You got the toaster done?
Aryan: Hold your Calvins, Bocce boy! I'm in the middle of something!
Peter: Yeah well, I got lunch coming so these jokers can wait.
Vernon: We don't wait for wops.
Peter: Someone's gonna teach you manners Vernon.
Vernon: Yeah? Well, it ain't gonna be you prag.
[the Aryans laugh, and Schibetta turns... acting like he's going to leave... but then he pulls out a kitchen knife from the back of his pants, and runs at Schillinger and tries to stab him]
James: OH, LOOK OUT!
[the Aryans stop Schibetta, and punch him in the face several times. Then, Robson and the other Aryan drag him over to the pool table, and hold him down]
Vernon: You know, I always wondered... was Adebisi's dick bigger than mine?
[Schillinger puts his hand into a bucket of black grease, then turns and faces Schibetta]
Vernon: ...You be the judge.

Vern: [Robson's gums hurt] Not much of a meal there!
James: Yeah, nothing cold or crunchy
Aryan: Why, you on a diet?
James: Because it hurts Dipshit! Do I look fat to you? GOD DAMN IT, what is that, suddenly Ice Cream, croutons, its like getting your gums raked.
Aryan: There probably recessive, my old man had bad gums
Vern: When's the last time you get a cleaning?
James: I don't know, 5 or 6 years, I hate the fucking dentist!
Aryan: Don't fuck around with your gums, my old man didn't deal, his mouth ended up a train wreck!
Vern: If I were you, I'd go see Dr. Faraj, you don't wanna be slurping turkey milkshakes at middle age.
James: Faraj, I don't want some Sand Nigger's paws probing my mouth thank you!
Vern: They wear gloves now, you know, since AIDS came along
James: Oh
Vern: [Looking at Robson's mouth] Jesus, how long has it really been?