30 Best Vern Schillinger Quotes

[Zavitz is blackmailing Schillinger for protection from Keller]
Vernon: Jeez, I thought the Jews were supposed to be tough?
James: That's just the Israelis.
Vernon: [beat] Kill him!

Vernon: [about Beecher, Keller and O'Reily] Those are *not* the sort of people you should be hanging around with!
Andrew: As compared to *whom*? Those fine, upstanding individuals who make up *your* merry little band?

Jason: You know, all this time in Unit B together, you've never given two shits about me. Now that I'm boxing that Muslim, you're my best pal. Must have been kind of hard deciding who to root for, huh? Let's see, the fag or the nigger? But then again, you know a lot more about what it's like having your cock sucked than having an afro.
Vern: You better watch your mouth, Tinkerbell, or Khan's gonna win by default.

Augustus: [In Em City] Oz.
Tim: [In his office] Oz.
Tobias: [In the infirmary] Oz.
Vern: [In his Gen. Pop. cell] Oz.
Sister: [In the Gen. Pop. section] Oz.
Ryan: [In the guard booth of Em City] Oz.
Warden: [in front of fellow officers] Oz.
Miguel: [In Solitary] Oz.

Ryan: So where'd they put you?
Cyril: Uh, with them.
[points to Schillinger and the Aryans, who smile and laugh]
Vern: Don't worry. We gave him the *royal* welcome.
[Aryans continue to laugh]

Vernon: Hey, we gotta teach Clarence Seroy a lesson. He's claiming he buttfucked you.
James: He did.
Vernon: [stunned, confused] What? Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you stop him?
James: Retribution. It's all about retribution.
Vernon: You let a nigger take you in the ass? You know what this means.
James: I'm out of the Brotherhood?
Vernon: Yeah, that's right.
James: I don't care, Vern. I'm moving to F.
Vernon: The fag unit?
James: They're not all fags.
James: [Clarence walks by; Robson stops him]
James: Hey, Clarence. I've got some news for you.
Clarence: Oh, yeah, bitch? What's that?
James: I'm HIV-positive. If I were you, I'd start getting regular check-ups from now on.
Clarence: And you knew this all along?
James: Yep.
James: [Seroy punches Robson; his nose is bleeding, Robson touches it with his finger] Ooh, blood.
[Schillinger is up against the wall in horror as he looks at the blood; Robson laughs, amused]
James: Jeez, Vern. I've never seen you so scared.
[taunts Schillinger with his bloody fingers and leaves, laughing]

Andrew: Dad, my whole life you crammed into my head how superior we white folks are. I don't see the truth in that. I look around this room and I see white faces, black faces, every color in between. The only thing that I know for sure is that we're all shit. Shit don't come in degrees. White or black, shit is shit. So fuck everything you believe in, fuck everything you stand for, and fuck you!
Vernon: [knocks Andrew down] Don't you DARE talk to me like that!
Andrew: Old man, you hit me way too many times like that when we were growing UP!
[Attacks Vern, resulting in a brawl until the COs separates them]
Lopresti: WHO started this?
Vernon: HE DID!
Andrew: [as he is being dragged away] You fucking LIAR! Fuck you, you FUCKING ASSHOLE! FUCK YOU! You're an ASSHOLE!

[Keller got stabbed multiple times in a storage room]
Vern: I guess Mr. Keller's got himself about *three or four* assholes now.
[the other Aryans laugh]

[after being beaten severly by Said]
#97R492: That spade motherfucker! That cock motherfuck, motherfucking NIGGER!
[cut to Muslims]
Zahir: The Aryans must be punished. We will no longer tolerate their actions! From now on, every single one of us is on point.
[cut to Aryans]
Vernon: So Said's nigger ass is in the hole. It looks like Arif's in charge. These fuckers are more pissed off than ever. I want you guys to watch each other's backs. Carry weapons whenever you can. This shit's coming down and it's coming down hard!

Vernon: Adam Guenzel has become a liability.
Prisoner: You think he'll blab to the nun?
[Schillinger nods]
Vernon: [to Guenzel] Hey, prag! Get over here!
Adam: Yes, sir.
Vernon: It's your lucky day. Tonight, we're going to help you escape.

Vernon: Hi, Petey. Nice ass.

[after Sippel, a child molester, is moved to Unit B]
Vernon: How do you live with yourself?
#88S510: How do you?
Vernon: Whatever I've done. I've done for righteous reasons. Any laws I've broken don't deserve to *be* laws. But you... you...
[grabs Sippel and throws him against the cell bars]
Vernon: [shouts] Fucking *baby raper*! You should be *dead*!
Officer: Back in your cage, Schillinger. Don't make me use this.
[shows her baton]
Officer: You wouldn't want me to enjoy myself, would you?
[Schillinger leaves]
#88S510: Thank you, officer.
Officer: [disgusted] Hey. Just doing my job, pal. For once I agree with that Nazi fuck.

[Schillinger thinks he's going to kill Beecher]
Vernon: You're a dead man, sweet pea.
Vernon: [Realizes he's been set up by Keller and is going to die himself] That cocksucker.
Kenaniah: THAT motherfucker's *DEAD*!
[all the prisoners in the audience cheer]

James: I hear Pancamo picked up a bug in the infirmary, could be fatal.
Vern: Good. But if it's not, when he gets out, we'll *make it fatal*.
James: Schibetta's in the psych ward, Urbano's in the hole. Hell, the Sicilians don't even run the cafeteria anymore. Seems like The Wiseguys ain't lookin' too *wise*.

James: Vern, you gotta help me.
Vern: Keep walking.
James: After all I've done for the Brotherhood, *you owe me*!
Franklin: You heard the man, keep walking!
James: Watch your mouth, prag.
[goes for Winthrop but the other Aryans restrain him]
Franklin: I'm not a prag anymore, pal! As for watching my *mouth*, YOU'RE the one with the *nigger gums*!
[taps his cheek]
Franklin: Bye bye.
[Robson get kicked away by the Aryans]

[Peter Schibetta walks into the repair room, and sees Vernon Schillinger, James Robson, and another Aryan]
Peter: Hey! You got the toaster done?
Aryan: Hold your Calvins, Bocce boy! I'm in the middle of something!
Peter: Yeah well, I got lunch coming so these jokers can wait.
Vernon: We don't wait for wops.
Peter: Someone's gonna teach you manners Vernon.
Vernon: Yeah? Well, it ain't gonna be you prag.
[the Aryans laugh, and Schibetta turns... acting like he's going to leave... but then he pulls out a kitchen knife from the back of his pants, and runs at Schillinger and tries to stab him]
James: OH, LOOK OUT!
[the Aryans stop Schibetta, and punch him in the face several times. Then, Robson and the other Aryan drag him over to the pool table, and hold him down]
Vernon: You know, I always wondered... was Adebisi's dick bigger than mine?
[Schillinger puts his hand into a bucket of black grease, then turns and faces Schibetta]
Vernon: ...You be the judge.

Vernon: [Keller just broke Beecher's arms, and Schillinger is about to break his legs] My turn now. Sieg Heil, baby! SIEG FUCKING HEIL!

[CO tries to intervene after a scuffle in the infirmary]
#97R492: You can't punish us. We're *recovering*.
Vern: Yeah. Health care's a bitch, isn't it.
[CO leaves unhappily]

Tobias: [about Schillinger's son, Andy] I haven't fucked him. At least not yet. You see, because I was there for him. You know. Holding him, comforting him. I think he's getting a little bit of a crush on me. And I have been tempted to, you know, deep-tongue him a couple of times. But I knew it'd make you mad so I haven't. Even though, he wants me to stick my dick up his ass. And I'm afraid one of these nights, he and I alone, in our pod, well. I may not be able to control myself.
Vernon: You'll be dead before you get the chance!
Tobias: [as Schillinger walks away] Well, you better hurry. Because Keller's getting horny. And I heard O'Reily's been talking about a three-way with Cyril and Andy.

Vern: [Robson's gums hurt] Not much of a meal there!
James: Yeah, nothing cold or crunchy
Aryan: Why, you on a diet?
James: Because it hurts Dipshit! Do I look fat to you? GOD DAMN IT, what is that, suddenly Ice Cream, croutons, its like getting your gums raked.
Aryan: There probably recessive, my old man had bad gums
Vern: When's the last time you get a cleaning?
James: I don't know, 5 or 6 years, I hate the fucking dentist!
Aryan: Don't fuck around with your gums, my old man didn't deal, his mouth ended up a train wreck!
Vern: If I were you, I'd go see Dr. Faraj, you don't wanna be slurping turkey milkshakes at middle age.
James: Faraj, I don't want some Sand Nigger's paws probing my mouth thank you!
Vern: They wear gloves now, you know, since AIDS came along
James: Oh
Vern: [Looking at Robson's mouth] Jesus, how long has it really been?

[repeated line]
Vern: Niggers are up to something

[Beecher confronts Schillinger after Hank got away with killing Beecher's son]
Tobias: I'm going to kill you, motherfucker!
Vernon: [after the COs pull them apart] Well, I guess you heard the good news about Hank.
Sister: Take him back to Em City!
Tobias: [while being hauled away] COCKSUCKER! You fucking cocksucker! You wait! YOU FUCKING WAIT!
Vernon: [after Beecher is gone] Whew. Got quite a temper on him, doesn't he?

[to Chucky Pancamo]
Vernon: Hey you! You fucking dago. You killed my son.

Vern: The niggers are up to something.
Chris: The niggers are always up to something. So are you.

[Vern's sister visits him for the first time in over 20 years]
Vernon: Greta. What I did, shutting you out after your wedding. I had to.
Greta: And I despised you for decades. Now all I can say is shalom. Shalom, Vern.

[in his will, Cutler left everything to Miguel Alvarez]
Vern: I'm gonna suggest this now, Alvarez. Or I'll find a way to make it happen later. You sign over all of Cutler's stuff to his widow.
Miguel: I already thought about that.
James: Don't think, spic! DO!
Miguel: You know, maybe I should just sign all his assets over to *you*, Roby. Seeing as how you already gave him *yo' ass*.
[Miguel walks away]
James: Cunt!

[Schillinger blows up because Beecher is coming up for parole]
Sister: [to CO] This session's over!
Officer: Let's go, Schillinjur.
Vernon: [shouts] Schillinger! God DAMN IT! Schillinger! I've been here NINE FUCKING YEARS! You'd think you'd know how to say my goddamn name!

Vernon: [alternating between him in his cell and Andrew in the hole] A man does everything he can for his kids. Comforts them, loves them. Sacrifices everything for their happiness. But when your own flesh and blood renounces you, you have no choice but to renounce them. My son, Andrew, is dead to me. My son is dead.
[cut to Andrew dead in the hole from a heroin overdose]

[a severed hand coms through the X-ray machine in the mail room]
#97R492: Holy Shit. Vern, you'd better come over here.
Vernon: What is it?
#97R492: Package for Tobias Beecher.
Vernon: Shit. Officer Howell! You'd better get over here!
Officer: What the fuck is that?
Vernon: A child's hand.
[cut to Beecher bawling loudly in his pod]

#97R492: Beecher hasn't been out of his pod in two solid days. He just lies there in his bunk, sobbing like a wuss.
[mocks crying]
Vernon: Good. That's the brilliant part of this plan. Physically we don't touch Beecher, but the damage done is far more hideous.