The Best Ben Landry Quotes

President: [During a Cabinet meeting] gentlemen, ladies, please take your seats. For those of you who haven't had a chance to finish your briefing packets, please keep reading. As we've all just learned, this day is not over: our national security is still being threatened and we are here to consider our options. Mr. Woods?
Tim: Your briefing materials include FBI intelligence about a "cash" of biological weapons on Starkwood's main compound in Northern Virginia
Tim: [after pointing to a monitor as part of his presentation] this is a recent satellite view of the compound: over three square miles, 259 structures. The weapons could be hidden anywhere on the facility
Admiral: What kind of bio weapons are we talking about?
Tim: [Gesturing to him] this is Ben Landry from the CDC, his here to answer any questions you "may" have in regards to the pathogen, Ben?
Ben: I've just received a preliminary report from our agents in the field: they've identified the pathogen as a prion variant indigenous to the East Congo, it's a form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: attacks the brain, the nervous system, causes dementia, physical deterioration, and ultimately death. The standard CJD kills within several months but this strain kills more quickly
Admiral: How long?
Ben: A day, maybe two: there's no treatment for this disease, there's no cure. If spread over a populated area, the result would be catastrophic
President: But it goes without saying, we cannot allow a private military force, these killers, to posses weapons of mass destruction. We need to find these weapons, and arrest those bastards at Starkwood who's responsible for bringing them here
General: Madam President, given the size of the compound, it would take a "considerable" force to locate these weapons, not to mention the fact that there are fifteen hundred highly trained mercenaries on that base. God forbid they decide to resist: we could have a small war on our own backyard
Admiral: I share those concerns madam President. We also have to consider the possibility that Starkwood might use these biological weapons against our own forces
President: What about an airstrike?
Admiral: A facility that large would require multiple bombing runs: we'd be looking at massive casualties of the Starkwood base with no guarantee of destruction of the bio weapons. For all we know, they've been buried underground or in fortified facilities. There's a risk of hitting these weapons with insufficient force and release the bio agent into the atmosphere
Attorney: We can't just ignore the law here, all these "scenarios" would be in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act. I mean we can't deploy military personnel in law enforcement capacity, not without Congressional approval
President: What I'm hearing, there are no "good" options. I don't accept that. Until we find a way to contain this threat, we are risking another attack on this country and that is an option I won't consider

President: [Through teleconference] good evening gentlemen
Tim: Madam President, Brian Hastings over at CTU has brought us up to speed and we're ready to review some "specifics" with you
President: Good, I'm listening
Tim: If you would refer to your monitor: it's a diagram of Midtown Manhattan. According to CTU, the stolen nuclear rods have a maximum explosive yield of three hundred pounds: that's enough radiological material to contaminate approximately one square mile. If the device were detonated in a more density populated area of Manhattan, we could be looking at casualties in the tens of thousands. Doctor Landry?
Ben: Most of the deaths would be from severe radiation poisoning: the remainder of the victims would "expire" from radiation induced illness, primarily leukemia and other cancers
Admiral: We also have to consider the infected area would be rendered uninhabitable for approximately forty years
Rob: [Sitting next to Taylor] obviously a citywide evacuation is out of the question?
Tim: That's right, there are millions of people on this island with a few points of egress: it would take days to get them out, not to mention that going public with this information would cause mass panic
President: [Nods] I agree we need to keep this threat from the public for now, focus on our efforts this attack never happens
Tim: CTU still believes the nuclear rods are outside the city, so their fortifying radiation detection efforts at the bridges and tunnels. We are also "hardening" high value targets, such as the financial district, landmarks, and subways
Rob: We can't ignore the the UN may also be a target. Given the danger I think we should evacuate the entire building, we can resume the conference from a safe location
President: [after thinking it over, concluding the briefing] alright, inform the delegates of the situation, thank you gentlemen